
    About this Episode

    Navigating menopause is tough with no one at the helm. There are so many gaps in our healthcare and the information we need to really thrive during this time. It can be so frustrating and lonely made worse by not feeling like we have someone who has our back.
    When we found out that there was such a thing as a 'Menopause Practitioner' we almost fell over! What? Someone to finally help guide us through this challenging phase full of questions, symptoms and sleepless nights?

    Carolyn Whiskin, RPh, BScPhm, NCMP is a ‘Certified Menopause Practitioner’, and we feel like we’ve just met a real-life unicorn! Carolyn is with Brant Arts IDA Pharmacy and is one of a few practitioners across Canada. We are so excited to have her join us in this episode. We know you’re going to be relieved and excited to know these practitioners actually do exist!
    So tune in!

    Recent Episodes from SHE2.0

    Seasonal Affective Disorder - what you should know

    Seasonal Affective Disorder - what you should know

    As winter settles in, so does Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the workplace. As the days grow shorter and the workload longer, we find ourselves battling not just deadlines, but the urge to hibernate under our desks until spring. It's like everyone suddenly morphs into human-sized houseplants, craving sunlight, and chlorophyll in equal measure. Whether you, yourself suffer from SAD or you know someone who does, it’s important to understand what it is and to find treatable solutions to allow us to cope or help others who might need support. 

    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Ariel Dalfen, MD, FRCPC and co-founder of BRIA, a virtual clinic developed by leading MD psychiatrists with decades of experience in women’s mental health care. Ariel explains what SAD is, how it impacts us in our personal and professional life and tips to help treat it.

    If you know someone who might be suffering, this would be a great episode to share with them. Tune in!

    Are you too old to wear this?

    Are you too old to wear this?

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    I click away from articles that talk about how to dress ‘for your age. or how to style your hair ‘for your age’. Time to throw away those old, ageist attitudes and find our fashion flair.

    To tell us how to seek out our style is personal wardrobe stylist, Scarlett De Bease. Scarlett shows women how to create fabulous, customized outfits, regardless of size or age, so they can show up to anything on their calendar with absolute confidence!

    Tune in!

    Ready to ring in 2024 with some good, clean fun?

    Ready to ring in 2024 with some good, clean fun?

    If anyone loves their wine, it’s me! I don’t drink liquor or beer, but I am a huge sucker for a Californian Cab Sav. I love the flavour and I love the warm feeling I get in my belly after a few sips. It makes me feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Even when I don’t want a glass, I am easily swayed when others around me are enjoying a glass and I inevitably give in and succumb to a full-bodied, jammy glass of heaven.  

    I’m also post-menopausal and still suffer from hot flashes and weight gain. Alcohol is not my friend. However, we’ve all been so conditioned to drinking – just looking at old movies and tv shows. Booze is all around us. It makes it hard to cut it out when we feel so immersed. It has become a social lubricant and a reward at the end of a hard or challenging day.

    Sarah Kate, the ‘mocktologist’ behind Some Good Clean Fun dishes up the details on the benefits of going alcohol free and some great substitutes. Spoiler Alert: remember when non-alcoholic wines used to suck? Not anymore! Sarah also brings up some interesting facts that we should all know about cocktails and calories.

    All of this is just to provide you with a new perspective on our alcohol habits. It’s down to personal choice though. Some of us might want to cut back, some may want to cut it out all together and others are fine with things the way they are. I’m good with any and all decisions. I just want to provide you with all possible options. So tune in and let me know what you think!

    What you need to know about Intermittent Fasting

    What you need to know about Intermittent Fasting

    For many years I’ve struggled to find the best fitness routine, the best food choices, the best way to feel better. This journey began before I even realized I was in perimenopause. 

    As I entered post-menopause, I started to see what people were talking about. Things were changing. More to the point – things were getting tighter. Snug. Ugh. 

    I’ve explored so many ways to feel better and lose this stubborn weight but it’s still a challenge. I tried intermittent fasting, and it did work. However, I started to hear conflicting reports on whether it is healthy for women in peri/post menopause to try it. I was confused. 

    Intermittent Fasting as incorrectly been referred to as a diet. This isn’t accurate. Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. During the fasting periods, individuals abstain from food intake for a specific duration, promoting various health benefits such as weight loss and improved metabolic health.

    In this episode we cover so many questions on the topic.

    What steps can you take to feel empowered about your health over age 50?

    How can we combat our expectation that we will only get sicker, heavier, and foggier forever?

    What is the root cause of most people’s challenges with their weight loss and health?

    What are your top 3 tips on how to get started with intermittent fasting TODAY?

    Does intermittent fasting wreck your metabolism or is it bad for women's hormones?

    I think you’ll want to hear the answers as well so tune in!

    Can mushrooms help with menopause?

    Can mushrooms help with menopause?

    It’s the final podcast of the season and what better way to end the season than a conversation about …. MUSHROOMS! Hold your horses though – we’re not talking about the woo-woo kind.

    I am talking to the founder of Micropause - Functional mushrooms, plant powered adaptogen perimenopause symptom relief gummies for all stages of your evolving midlife journey.

    Emily Wagner is a longtime authority in the health and wellness space - 30 years as a trainer, 15 years as Editor-in-Chief of Groomed LA, and a stint as Managing Editor of The Chalkboard Mag with a beat on the pulse of cutting-edge wellness trends. She has literally experimented with every supplement, powder, and potion on the market.

    As she was experiencing the distressing and often demoralizing symptoms of perimenopause, Emily was discouraged by the limited natural relief available beyond traditional hormone replacement therapy. Emily started researching the benefits of her beloved superfoods - functional mushrooms, apoptogenic roots, plants, and herbs – and was amazed to discover their potential to bolster overall well-being during the perimenopause and menopausal stage of life.

    And then ‘voila’! Emily found the relief she was looking for when she combined various supplements into her daily routine and couldn’t wait to share her discovery. But she knew that when it came to the delivery system, it was imperative to offer a simple, perfectly dosed, delicious alternative to yet another pill to swallow.

    Want to know more? You’ll have to tune in!

    Can a lifestyle change make a difference in menopause?

    Can a lifestyle change make a difference in menopause?

    Dr. Daniela Steyn, M.D. joins me in this episode of the She2.0 podcast to talk about improving our quality of life through menopause. From weight loss sleep, Dr. Steyn covered so much ground and leaves us with solutions to budging those stubborn pounds, better sleep and happiness all around!  Speaking of happiness – did you know that 90% of our happy hormone is made in our gut? Tune in to find out more about that and so much more and while you’re there, you’ll want to pick up a copy of her new book, Thrive Through Menopause

    MenoHealth 101 is specifically designed to provide us with the knowledge and tools we need to face menopause confidently. This condensed course covers everything from the basics of what menopause is to the latest treatment options available. It takes a whole-body approach by delving into topics like stress management, getting better sleep, and having a healthy sex life so you can Thrive Through Menopause!

    Tune in!

    The culprit behind those stubborn pounds

    The culprit behind those stubborn pounds

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    As the founder of the 3M System to Rev Your Over 40 Metabolism, Moni specializes in healing and priming the body (and mind) first before asking it to shape, at the same time working on limiting beliefs, stuck emotions, and mean girl self-talk that keeps women from lasting results.

    It turns out that if you want to move that needle on the scale, it's going to take more than diet and exercise - your mind has a big part in this too! How? Tune in!


    Girl Power - a good thing or a toxic thing?

    Girl Power - a good thing or a toxic thing?

    The other week I scrolled through one of my favourite newsletters and came across an image of Kate and Meghan. I am so over the royal family and their war.  And just as I was about to carry on, the headline hit me. “The ugly truth about girl power’. Wow.  I always thought girl power was a good thing.

    So how does this relate to aging and menopause? As I read quite a few articles online about menopause and how the author/journalist felt about the experience, I expected to read words of support and encouragement in the comments section. You know – girl ‘power’. Not so. In fact, not at all!  

    I reached out to Monica, the author of the newsletter that caught my eye, and I wanted her take. Why do women do this to each other? Is it our fault or have we been positioned like this by society and the patriarch? This is a time when we should be supporting each other so what gives?

    MONICA CORCORAN HAREL is a journalist, screenwriter, and the founder of PRETTY RIPE,  If you haven’t heard of it, you’ll want to subscribe right away like I did. Pretty Ripe is a multi-media platform for women (proudly) over 40. Monica is a self-described I “midlife midwife,” easing women over 40 into middle age. As a journalist who’s written for The New York Times for over 20 years, Monice brings research and reporting to all her content.


    She has been profiled in WWD and quoted in Time and InStyle. She also writes about beauty, fashion, midlife and the culture of modern women for The New York Times, New York Magazine, and The Hollywood Reporter. She has moderated programming for South by Southwest (SXSW), The Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Soho House—and created award-winning content for companies like Estee Lauder and Morgan Stanley.


    Monica’s first feature film about two middle-aged women who swap bodies with Gen Z influencers is set up at Netflix with Eva Longoria attached to star and direct. She is currently adapting her magazine essay “My Mom Has No Friends” into a sitcom for 20th Television and Mandy Moore. She lives in L.A. with her family and really loves being an “older woman.”

    Is there help for thinning and aging hair? You bet!

    Is there help for thinning and aging hair? You bet!

    Isn’t it amazing how a little loss of estrogen can cause a ton of fuss in our bodies? If you’re like me, you’ve probably noticed your hair is thinning, becoming a bit coarser and/or frizzy all the damn time?

    Ena Bentzen, CEO of Bioscal Canada joins me to talk about how our hair changes as we age and the science behind Bioscal which keep the scalp clean, clean out the clogs and prevent buildup. And the best part is, it stimulates hair growth. I can say that because I’ve tried it and I see little baby hairs growing back for the first time in years!

    Finding your fitness groove after 40

    Finding your fitness groove after 40

    Today I’m learning more about fitness over 40 AND 50 during my chat with Samantha Montpetit Huynh.

    Sam has been a certified personal trainer for over 2 decades and is the founder of Sam Core Trainer where she coaches women 40+ with the most comprehensive online health management program for women in menopause and midlife.

    She is also a serial entrepreneur, media expert, speaker, teacher, mentor, course creator and author. You can catch her fitness segments on The Marilyn Denis Show and most recently on CBC’s The National.

    For those of you who might be new to the She2.0 podcast, I’m Jacquie Court and I’ve been spending the past couple of years diving into the world of perimenopause and beyond to learn more about what’s happening, where to turn to with questions and to explore treatments, solutions, and information to help guide us through. 

    I guess you can say I’m your tour guide on this journey. While it’s my mission to present you with all the options and resources available to you - what you choose is up to you. There is no one-size-fits-all. She2.0 is treatment agnostic. It’s not my job to judge or critique – I’m here to learn and to decipher this next stage so that I can share this knowledge with you to help you take charge of your menopause.

    Why? Because it doesn’t have to suck.  

    And now back to Sam….