
    About this Episode

    We reached out to London School of Economics and Durham University for their response to some of the topics raised in this episode.

    A Durham University spokesperson said:

    “During her time at Durham University we worked with Amelia, both as a student, and in her role as a Sabbatical Officer for Durham Students’ Union, to understand and seek to address concerns that she raised. 

    Whilst respecting the experiences that Amelia has discussed, we are resolute that inclusivity is at the heart of our University and we are proud of the progress we have made. 

    We are deeply committed to ensuring that all our students have the best possible experience during their time at Durham and believe our high student retention rate, including those with disabilities, demonstrates this.

    Nearly 20 per cent of our student body disclose a disability and staff across the University work hard to help ensure that adjustments are put in place to facilitate their engagement with academic studies and the wider student experience. 

    We have made, and continue to make, significant investments in our estate to improve access for all students, adopting high accessibility standards when designing both new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings. 

    We established an Access Review Team which incorporates students, disability support staff and estates staff who review and identify local infrastructure projects that make our campus more accessible for disabled students, staff and visitors. 

    Our dedicated Disability Support service provides information, advice and guidance to support prospective and current students with a wide range of disabilities, and to staff working with disabled students.

    Most recently they have launched an interactive toolkit to help those with autism make a confident start at University and joined forces with a range of partners to establish a number of fully funded internships, with tailored support, for students and graduates with autism. 

    We have also made funding available to help students secure full diagnostic assessments for Dyslexia or Dyspraxia.”

    More information on Durham University’s Disability Support service can be found at www.dur.ac.uk/disability.support

    An LSE spokesperson said:

    “We are grateful to Cassie for sharing her experiences. Clearly there is more for the School to do in terms of accessibility and support for our disabled students, which we will raise with our colleagues. We are heartened to hear what has worked well over the past year and will seek to build on this as we learn from our handling of the pandemic.” 

    Follow Disabled Students UK on Twitter: @ChangeDisabled

    Visit Disabled Students UK's website: https://disabledstudents.co.uk/

    Read the Disabled Students UK Covid-19 report: https://disabledstudents.co.uk/DSUK_Report_Update.pdf

    Follow Cassie on Twitter and Instagram: @soapsub

    Visit the Leonard Cheshire website: https://www.leonardcheshire.org/ 

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter and Instagram: @LeonardCheshire 

    Get in touch with us: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org


    Recent Episodes from The Disability Download

    Taboo Tales Love, Sex, and Disability

    Taboo Tales Love, Sex, and Disability

    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter or Instagram @LeonardCheshire. Find out more at leonardcheshire.org  

    Find Zarifa on: 

    www.itsanidealworld.com, or @ZarifaRoberson on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Snapchat.

    Or you can directly e-mail her on: zroberson@itsanidealworld.com

    Find Paige and Taylor on: 



    Welcome to Wrexham: Access All Areas. With Kerry Evans.

    Welcome to Wrexham: Access All Areas. With Kerry Evans.

    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter or Instagram @LeonardCheshire. Find out more at leonardcheshire.org  

    Follow Wrexham

    You can find out more about accessibility at Wrexham and follow Kerry’s work.
    on Twitter via @OfficalDLOWAFC.

    Follow Wrexham AFC: @Wrexham_AFC (Twitter) and  @wrexham_AFC (Instagram) 

    Follow Welcome to Wrexham: @WrexhamFX (Twitter) and @wrexhamfx

    Disability Download 2023: Our Highlights

    Disability Download 2023: Our Highlights

    In this episode, we feature:

    • Steve Tyler, Director of Assistive Technology and Transformation at Leonard Cheshire 
    • Jane, Priest, Poet, and creative artist
    • Alice Christina-Corrigan, actor and theatre maker
    • Sapphire Beamish, United Response
    • Fats Timbo, creator, comedian, author and educator 
    • Dr. Hannah Barham-Brown, GP and activist

    Black History Month with Fats Timbo and Cassie Lovelock - History, Hate Crime and Having an Impact

    Black History Month with Fats Timbo and Cassie Lovelock - History, Hate Crime and Having an Impact

    Follow our guests on Social media: 

    Fats: @fatstimbo - Instagram, @fats_timbo on x.com

    Cassandra: @soapsub - Instagram and x.com

    You can check out Cassie’s work here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/cassandra-lovelock

    Visit Leonard Cheshire's website: https://leonardcheshire.org/

    Follow Leonard Cheshire on social: @LeonardCheshire

    Get in touch and let us know what you think of the episode: disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org

    Uniting Against Disability Hate Crime with Leonard Cheshire, United Response and Victim Support

    Uniting Against Disability Hate Crime with Leonard Cheshire, United Response and Victim Support

    This episode explores the topic of disability hate crime – what it is and how people can be allies to disabled people. 

    UK disability charities Leonard Cheshire and United Response are set to launch key research on disability hate crime with the latest figures in all four UK nations. 

    You can get support from the organisations below.


    Leonard Cheshire – We support disabled people across the UK. Check out the Leonard Cheshire disability hate crime page (latest updates will be live in October 2023).


    United Response – UK charity supporting disabled people. Check out the United Response disability hate crime page.


    Hate Crime Advocacy Service – Project supporting people in Northern Ireland who have experienced hate crime. This involves Leonard Cheshire, Victim Support, Migrant Centre NI and the Rainbow Trust)


    External Organisations


    Citizens Advice Bureau – an independent organisation that provides free and confidential information to people about different problems, including debt, housing, finance, and legal issues. 

    Website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ law-and-courts/discrimination/hate-crime/ 


    Crimestoppers – a national charity with a free helpline for reporting crime anonymously. 

    Website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/ 

    Phone: 0800 555 111 


    Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) – a free Helpline to give information and guidance on discrimination and human rights for people living in England, Scotland, and Wales. 

    Website: https://www.equalityadvisoryservice. com/ 

    Email: adviceline@equalityadvisoryservice.com 

    Phone: 0808 800 0082 


    Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) – the independent non-departmental public body responsible for the promotion of equality and non-discrimination laws in England and Wales. 

    Website: https://equalityhumanrights.com/en 

    Email: correspondence@equalityhumanrights. com 

    Phone: 020 7832 7800 (London) / 02920 447710 (Cardiff) 


    GALOP – the UK’s largest anti-abuse charity for LGBTQ+ people, supporting LGBTQ+ victims and survivors of domestic violence and hate crime. 

    Website: http://www.galop.org.uk/ 

    Email: hatecrime@galop.org.uk 

    Phone: 020 7704 2040 


    Stop Hate UK – a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by hate crime. 

    Website: https://www.stophateuk.org/ 

    Email: info@stophate.org 

    Phone: 0113 293 5100 


    Tell MAMA – national initiative that seeks to tackle anti-Muslim attitudes whilst supporting victims and survivors with confidential advice. 

    Website: https://tellmamauk.org/ 

    Email: info@tellmamauk.org 

    Phone: 0800 456 1226 

    True Vision – a national police scheme to help victims report hate crimes online. 

    Website: https://www.report-it.org.uk/ 

    Phone: 0208 016 5678 

    Victim Support – an independent charity operating in England and Wales that provides advice, information, and support to victims of abuse, hate crime, and other traumatic incidents. 

    Website: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/ 

    Email: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/ help-and-support/get-help/supportline/email-supportline/


    The Disability Download
    enSeptember 30, 2023

    Disability Pride with Dr Hannah Barham-Brown

    Disability Pride with Dr Hannah Barham-Brown

    You can follow Dr Hannah Barham-Brown on:





    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter or Instagram @LeonardCheshire. Find out more at leonardcheshire.org

    Get in touch by emailing disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    Living with an Invisible Disability: A Conversation with Mili

    Living with an Invisible Disability: A Conversation with Mili

    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter or Instagram @LeonardCheshire. Find out more at leonardcheshire.org

    Get in touch by emailing disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org 

    More information: 

    Mili mentions DecodeME – a large scientific study of people with M.E. launched in September 2022. You can read media coverage from the launch.


    Where there's a will, there's a way: Disability and possibility with Yahye Siyad

    Where there's a will, there's a way: Disability and possibility with Yahye Siyad

    You can follow Leonard Cheshire on Twitter or Instagram @LeonardCheshire. Find out more at leonardcheshire.org

    Follow Cyber-Duck on Twitter: @cyberduck_uk or visit their website: cyber-duck.co.uk

    Yahye's autobiography "Unshakeable Will" is available here.

    Get in touch by emailing disabilitydownload@leonardcheshire.org