
    Unlimited data, Galaxy Note 7, and a merch store

    enAugust 19, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Telecom companies changing data plans and business practicesAT&T eliminates overage fees, Verizon charges for safety mode and app promotion, impacts on user experience and wallets

      Telecommunications companies, including AT&T and Verizon, are making changes to their data plans and business practices. AT&T recently announced that they will no longer charge overage fees when customers exceed their data plans, instead throttling their speeds. Verizon, on the other hand, charges a monthly fee for safety mode, which also throttles speeds when data limits are reached. Additionally, there have been reports that Verizon is charging app developers to be featured prominently on their network. These changes may impact users' experiences and wallets, so it's important to stay informed about these developments. The VergeCast hosts, Paul Miller and Dieter Bone, shared their thoughts on these topics, along with some light-hearted moments, such as Paul's struggle with being mistaken for a different name at Chick-fil-A.

    • Mobile phone companies shifting to data plans and device financingConsumers face confusing pricing structures and unexpected costs as mobile phone companies move away from subsidized phones and two-year contracts, towards data plans and device financing.

      Technology companies and telecommunication providers continue to find new ways to monetize their services, often through data tracking and hidden fees. In the case of mobile phone companies, they are shifting their business models away from subsidized phones and two-year contracts towards data plans and device financing. This can result in confusing pricing structures and unexpected costs for consumers. For instance, AT&T raised prices on its lower data plans while lowering prices on higher ones, leading to higher costs for some customers. Additionally, some companies, like AOL and Yahoo, have attempted to monetize through pre-installed apps and data tracking, but have faced backlash and lack of adoption. The complexities of data plans and the constant changes in pricing and offerings can make it difficult for consumers to understand and navigate, leading to frustration and a feeling of being taken advantage of.

    • Decreasing Cost of Cellular Data vs. Continued Data MeteringDespite decreasing costs of delivering data, many companies continue to meter data usage, leading to confusion for consumers and the need for transparency and fair pricing.

      The cost of delivering data to consumers through cellular networks is decreasing over time, yet many companies continue to charge consumers based on data usage. This practice, which was once justified as a way to manage network resources, no longer holds up as data usage patterns have changed. The cost of running these networks is primarily upfront, and as more subscribers join, the cost per subscriber decreases. However, many consumers continue to struggle with understanding their data plans and end up with bad deals or outdated equipment. The percentage of people who heavily use mobile data is small, but the perception that everyone is doing so drives companies to continue metering data usage. It's essential for consumers to be informed about their data plans and to advocate for fair and transparent pricing.

    • Data caps and penalties: A penalty for using dataISPs impose data caps and penalties to encourage usage and generate revenue, leading to complex pricing structures and higher costs for heavy data users

      Internet service providers, such as AT&T, implement data caps and penalties, like the 21st gigabyte, to encourage increased usage and generate revenue. This practice, often referred to as the tragedy of the digital commons, is a penalty for using data rather than a fee for purchasing it. T-Mobile's recent announcement of eliminating tiered plans and introducing unlimited data plans with restrictions and additional costs is a sneaky form of zero rating. The pricing structure is complex and can lead to higher costs for customers, especially for those who use data heavily or require high-quality video streaming. The overall effect is a shift towards multiple line contracts and more expensive data plans, which can make starting a new line with a provider more costly.

    • Net Neutrality and Zero-Rating Systems: Balancing Corporate Interests and Market CompetitionNet Neutrality debate raises concerns about potential disadvantages to new businesses and limits to innovation with universal adoption of zero-rating systems. Market dominance and spectrum scarcity challenge true competition.

      The debate over net neutrality and zero-rating systems in wireless plans raises important questions about the role of corporations and the impact on potential competition and free speech in the market. T-Mobile's zero-rating system, while beneficial for some, could potentially disadvantage new streaming businesses and limit innovation if it becomes a universal standard. The scarcity of wireless spectrum and the market dominance of a few large companies make true competition a challenge. Companies' efforts to increase revenue from existing subscribers through more expensive plans with restrictions also raise concerns. Ultimately, the issue highlights the need for continued dialogue and regulation to ensure a fair and open market for all.

    • Exploring new business models in the wireless industryWireless carriers adapt to changing landscape by creating ad networks, content offerings, and monetizing networks to maximize profits, while maintaining market position and staying competitive.

      Wireless carriers like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T are constantly changing their data plans and monetizing their networks in various ways to maximize profits. They are exploring different business models, such as creating ad networks and content offerings, to maintain their market position and stay competitive. The discussion also touched upon the issue of compatibility and equal treatment on networks due to band limitations. The ever-evolving nature of these companies' strategies reflects the ongoing efforts to adapt to the changing landscape of the telecommunications industry and consumer demands. While some argue that these actions are antithetical to the idea of the internet as a utility, others see it as a necessary response to the financial pressures faced by these businesses. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex dynamics at play in the wireless industry and the continuous innovation and competition driving it forward.

    • Advancements in technology lead to impressive devicesTechnology progress paves way for sleek, powerful gadgets like the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, offering improved design, speed, and camera capabilities, while raising privacy concerns

      The wireless world is becoming increasingly connected, with corporations aiming to monetize user data both online and offline. Despite concerns over privacy and nefarious purposes, advancements in technology have led to impressive devices like the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which boasts a stunning design, fast processor, and top-of-the-line camera. The Note 7's efficient use of space, with a narrower body and large screen, sets it apart from competitors like the iPhone 6s. Ultimately, the wireless world presents both challenges and opportunities, with advancements in technology leading to innovative devices and potential privacy concerns.

    • Samsung Note 7: A Stunning Device with LimitationsThe Samsung Note 7 is a beautiful phone with a curved screen, but its software modifications to Android and carrier exclusivity remain issues. Keep an eye on upcoming iPhones, Nexus phones, and Google's Fuchsia OS.

      While the Samsung Note 7 is a beautiful phone, it's not without its issues. Samsung's software modifications to Android are still not as elegant as the original, and the carrier exclusivity continues to be a problem. However, the curved screen makes the phone narrower and virtually bezel-less. The most beautiful phone on the market right now might be the Note 7, but it's worth waiting to see what the upcoming iPhones and Nexus phones have to offer. The leak of Google's Fuchsia OS, which looks like an HTC A9 with identical specs for the big and small versions, is also worth keeping an eye on. Overall, the Samsung Note 7 is a stunning device, but it's important to consider its software limitations and the uncertainty of the future tech market.

    • Anticipation and speculation surrounding Google's Pixel and Apple's iPhoneGoogle's new Pixel may face design criticisms due to past Nexus phones. Apple focuses on camera and potential removal of headphone jack for upcoming iPhone. Improvements in battery life and charging speed expected for iPhone.

      Google's new Pixel phone, rumored to be manufactured by HTC without the HTC branding, may not live up to expectations in terms of design based on past Nexus phones' reception. Apple, on the other hand, is expected to focus heavily on the camera for its upcoming iPhone release, as Samsung has surpassed Apple in smartphone camera quality in recent years. Another point discussed was the potential removal of the headphone jack in the new iPhone, which some listeners expressed concern over. Additionally, battery life and charging speed were mentioned as potential improvements for the new iPhone. Overall, the conversation revolved around the anticipation and speculation surrounding the upcoming releases of Google's Pixel and Apple's iPhone.

    • Google's New Operating System FuchsiaGoogle is creating a new operating system, Fuchsia, based on a microkernel, designed for multiple devices, and using Dart language for app development, potentially bringing new design concepts.

      Google is developing a new operating system called Fuchsia, which could potentially bring new ideas to the table as our current operating systems are based on old concepts. Fuchsia is based on a tiny microkernel and designed to run on various devices, including desktops, phones, and even low-end hardware like cars and Google Glass. Google is also working on enabling the development of apps for Fuchsia using their Dart programming language, which could run on both iOS and Android with minimal modifications. The creators of Fuchsia have a history of working on other operating systems, but it remains to be seen how successful this new project will be. Material design, which was invented by one of the creators, has become the dominant design language in the industry, and Fuchsia may bring similar design concepts to the forefront.

    • Creativity, Technology, and Personal GrowthExploring new places and experiences, whether through technology or relocation, can fuel creativity and innovation. Apple technology and convenience, such as Android Pay, enhance daily life. Personal growth often involves new purchases and interactions at retail locations.

      Creativity and innovation can lead individuals to explore new places and experiences, whether it's in the world of design or in real life. During a discussion on The VergeCast, Nicola Fuma shared her upcoming relocation from New York to Los Angeles, reflecting on the trend of creative migration between cities. The conversation also touched upon the convenience of using technology, such as Android Pay, to make everyday transactions. In the midst of these topics, Nicola shared her recent purchase of a MacBook and her experience at an Apple Store in Minneapolis. Overall, the conversation highlighted the interconnectedness of creativity, technology, and personal growth.

    • Apple Store employee encourages customer to buy newer iPhone modelApple prioritizes selling newer, more expensive devices, potentially losing sales from those who prefer older models or have budget constraints.

      Apple's sales strategy may prioritize selling more expensive devices over older models, even if it means potentially losing a sale. This was exemplified in a conversation where an Apple Store employee discouraged a customer from buying an iPhone SE, instead encouraging her to purchase the newer iPhone 6S. The employee's reasoning was that the newer model was bigger, faster, and had a better camera, despite the customer expressing interest in the SE. This approach may build trust with customers looking for newer devices, but it could also alienate those who are content with older models or have limited budgets. Additionally, the conversation touched on the recent rebranding of Apple stores, which are no longer referred to as "Apple Store" with a capital S, but rather named after their specific locations.

    • Revitalization of merchandise culture in music industryArtists collaborate with designers, creating unique merchandise, spreading to mainstream retailers, losing exclusivity

      We're witnessing a revitalization of merchandise culture, particularly in the music industry. Artists like Kanye, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez are no longer just selling basic screen-printed t-shirts at concerts. Instead, they're collaborating with designers and artists to create unique, limited-edition merchandise. This trend started as a way to offer fans exclusive, rare items, but it's quickly spreading to mainstream retailers like Urban Outfitters and Forever 21. As a result, wearing merchandise from a specific artist or tour no longer carries the same exclusivity or luxury appeal. This shift in the merchandise industry is an interesting development in the world of retail and fashion. It's a future retail concept where technology, fashion, and music intersect, allowing fans to connect with their favorite artists in a new and unique way. However, the downside is that this trend may lose its exclusivity and appeal as it becomes more mainstream.

    • The significance of moments and itemsCherish moments, upgrade to advanced Wi-Fi systems like Eero, and value items for their meaning

      Moments in life, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can hold deep meaning. I shared my story of acquiring a special knockoff tour merch t-shirt, which holds significance to me due to the moment I obtained it. Another important takeaway is the need for advanced home Wi-Fi systems, like Eero, in today's high-bandwidth world. Traditional routers are no longer sufficient, and Eero offers an enterprise-grade Wi-Fi system that's quick, easy to install, and manage. With features like automatic updates, guest networks, and parental controls, Eero ensures security and optimal performance. Lastly, the Apple Watch holds a special place in my history, and its latest version is currently out of stock everywhere. Despite this, the watch holds significance as a symbol of our friendship and shared experiences. So, in summary, cherish the moments in life that hold meaning to you, invest in advanced technology to improve your home Wi-Fi experience, and remember that sometimes, the most seemingly insignificant items can hold the greatest value.

    • Apple Watch: A Basic Fitness Tracker and Notification DeviceDespite high expectations, many users view Apple Watch as a basic fitness tracker and notification device, justifying its high price with its convenience.

      The initial high expectations surrounding the Apple Watch have not been met, and many users, including the speaker, have come to view it as a basic fitness tracker rather than a revolutionary device. The speaker has found joy in using the Apple Watch as a fitness tracker and for notifications, despite its high price and limited functionality compared to a $100 fitness tracker. The Apple Watch's popularity seems to be growing, but users primarily use it for basic features like notifications and fitness tracking. The speaker is considering buying a new Apple Watch if it has an always-on screen, but is otherwise content with the current model. The speaker also shared their thoughts on iOS 10, expressing excitement for the new features and improvements. Overall, the Apple Watch has not lived up to the hype for many users, but it still serves a purpose as a basic fitness tracker and notification device.

    • Interviewee shares frustration with latest iOS update and fond memories of an earlier versionThe interviewee expressed dissatisfaction with the inconsistent notifications on the latest iOS update and reminisced about an earlier version's excitement for phone capabilities. They also shared their preference for Instagram stories over Snapchat.

      The interviewee expressed frustration with the notifications and user experience of the latest iOS update, specifically the inconsistency between the lock screen and notification panel. They also shared their fond memories of an earlier iOS version and the excitement it brought about the capabilities of a phone. Additionally, they mentioned their confusion over the popularity of Snapchat versus Instagram stories and their personal preference for the latter. Lastly, they shared an anecdote about their experience in Madison, Wisconsin, where a major software company has significantly impacted the town's culture and economy.

    • New e-reader from Cobo challenges Amazon's KindleCobo's new e-reader boasts a big screen, adjustable color temperature, waterproof design, and high resolution, offering an alternative to Amazon's Kindle for those seeking better features or specific formats.

      There's a new e-reader coming from Cobo, and it's generating excitement due to its impressive features like a big screen, adjustable color temperature, waterproof design, and high resolution. This e-reader, made by Kobo, offers an alternative to Amazon's Kindle, especially for those who prefer to read non-Kindle books or use specific formats like Project Gutenberg e-pubs or PDFs. However, some users have criticized the confusing interface and recommendation system on Kindle, leading them to explore other options. Cobo's new e-reader is making waves by offering desirable features and challenging Amazon's dominance in the e-reader market.

    • Sharing experiences of waterproofing tech gadgetsListeners shared their creative attempts to protect tech devices from water damage and discovered new podcasts along the way.

      A listener shared their experience of waterproofing various tech gadgets, including a Fitbit Blaze, an iPod shuffle, a Kindle Paper White, and even attempting to waterproof an Apple watch. They encouraged following The Verge on various social media platforms and shared details about other podcasts, including "What's Tech" and Paul's new "Rogue podcast." The listener also discussed the challenge of describing pictures from the internet and the unexpected positive feedback they received for their podcast idea, which was initially thought of as a "dumb idea." Overall, the conversation highlighted the creativity and community aspect of tech and podcasting.

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    The Vergecast
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    Why Microsoft bet on Surface

    Why Microsoft bet on Surface
    Today on the flagship podcast of open smart home standards:  03:25 - Microsoft’s Pavan Davuluri, leader for Windows and Devices, joins the show to discuss the future of the AI PC and what’s next for Microsoft’s hardware Microsoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Microsoft’s big bet on building a new type of AI computer  Microsoft Build 2024: everything announced 30:25 - The Verge’s Jen Tuohy and David Pierce discuss the latest updates in the smart home world in a segment called “Does Matter matter yet?” The Dyson WashG1 is the company’s first dedicated mop Amazon’s Matter Casting is shaping up so nicely, I want to use it everywhere Matter 1.3 arrives with new device type and features Smart lighting company Brilliant is looking for a buyer Google launches new Home APIs and turns Google TVs into smart home hubs  01:13:20 - David answers a question from the Vergecast Hotline about AI-powered search engines.  Google is redesigning its search engine — and it's AI all the way down  Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    • “Eat lunch, don’t be a jerk.”

    Tune in to the episode below to hear the inspiration behind these mantras and how they’re going to motivate us in 2020. We also talk about our excitement for the future of Open Space Radio, some new things we have in store and the ways we want to better connect with you (for starters, come say hi and follow us on Instagram)!

    Thank you so much for your continued support of the show, and Happy New Year!

    #202 - Dr. MacGillicuddy's Shark Milk Schnapps (A-Team S1E12)

    #202 - Dr. MacGillicuddy's Shark Milk Schnapps (A-Team S1E12)
    Bill joins us again this week to discuss an episode involving the wedding of the century! Not really though, but Murdock looked really pretty! Listen in as we discuss shark milk, tears of the kingdom, telephone repairmen and so much more!

    Episode Title: Till Death Do Us Part
    Original Airdate: April 19th, 1983

    Find more info about Bill and his podcasts here: https://www.carnivalofgleecreations.com/
    Find/Purchase D20 or Die here!

    Find The Airwolf Years from Episodes 96 - 189
    Find The Knight Rider Years from Episodes 1 - 95


    The 80’s Years Opening & Closing Theme by: Steve Corning, http://thinkfishtank.com
    The 80’s Years Logo Design by: Luke Larsson, http://www.meaningfullymaed.com
    Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ciampaklein
    Instagram: @the80syears
    Twitter: @EightiesYears
    TikTok: @the80syears
    Email us: letusblowyourmind@gmail.com
    Call our Hotline: (207) 835-1954
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