
    Unlocking the Earning Power of Email Marketing

    en-usOctober 24, 2023

    About this Episode

    Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your service-based business. Are you ignoring it?

    For many of us, we believe that “no one” opens emails so why should we send them.

    But email marketing has one of the best ROI potentials for any digital marketing method out there. In fact, email marketing has the potential to drive an impressive $36 for every dollar you spend.

    When you’re ignoring emails in your business, you’re leaving money on the table.

    So how can you as a service-based business unlock the earning potential of email marketing in your own business?

    We’ll cover:

    • The power of email marketing
    • What you need to send emails
    • How to get people on your list
    • And how to keep them connected

    Episode 45 - Grow Your Email List with a Lead Capture People Actually Want to Download

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    Recent Episodes from The Captain Coder Podcast

    Solidifying Your Entrepreneurial Vision with Liz Wolfe

    Solidifying Your Entrepreneurial Vision with Liz Wolfe

    Have you been asking yourself whether or not you’re cut out for entrepreneurship? Fun fact - everyone is cut out for it - if they want to be.

    I know that choosing to run your own business is not the easiest decision. Honestly, I think being a small business owner is one of the hardest things any of us could choose to do. But if you have a solid vision for your business and what entrepreneurship will look like to you, it becomes a whole lot easier.

    In this episode, Liz Wolfe and I are unpacking everything you need to keep in mind when you’re running your new business.

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    • What most new entrepreneurs get wrong
    • The four entrepreneur personality types
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    • Liz’s system for new entrepreneurs 
    • Why visioning works
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    Liz’s CEO Personality Quiz - https://lizwolfecoaching.com/resources/quiz/

    Brendon Burchard The Millionaire Messenger - https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Messenger-Difference-Fortune-Sharing/dp/1451665997/

    Mrs. Space Cadet video - https://www.tiktok.com/@mrs.space.cadet/video/7339671823715503406 

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usMarch 06, 2024

    6x the Impact: Repurpose Your B2B Blog for Multi-Channel Marketing

    6x the Impact: Repurpose Your B2B Blog for Multi-Channel Marketing

    Having a blog for your business is a great way to bring targeted traffic to your website. However, the average blog (without AI assistance) takes about 5-6 hours to write and get on your website. 

    Want to get the most out of that investment? It’s time to repurpose your blog articles.

    Repurposing, or transforming your blog content into other formats like social media snippets, infographics, or videos, allows you to extend its reach, engage diverse audiences across different channels, and maximize the value you get from your initial investment. 

    How do you break up a long blog post and make it palatable for these other platforms so you get reach?

    Let’s take a look at six ways we can do just that, including:

    • Turning into audio
    • Making a video
    • How to make it multiple social posts
    • Using it for an email
    • Creating downloadable resources
    • And transforming it into a visual asset




    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usFebruary 28, 2024

    Harness the SEO Magic of Regular Blogging

    Harness the SEO Magic of Regular Blogging

    The first result on Google gets 39.8% of the clicks, but that can feel like an impossible task in 2024. There’s so much competition.

    But there’s one thing you might be overlooking because it feels like “no one reads them” anymore - blogging.

    Blogging has long been and still is one of the most effective ways to improve your SEO and climb the Google rankings.

    Let’s talk about how you can make blogging an effective tool in your SEO belt.

    In this episode, we’re breaking down:
    The magic of SEO
    How blogging supercharges SEO
    5 steps to writing blogs that rank
    And a freebie to get you started

    Episode 79 - SEO Secrets that Generate Revenue
    AHrefs free Keyword Generator

    FREE RESOURCE: Write blogs that rank checklist

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usFebruary 21, 2024

    Scale Your Business Through Delegation with Cathy Baillargeon

    Scale Your Business Through Delegation with Cathy Baillargeon

    On a scale of one to “Why did I start a business,” how burned out are you right now?

    You started your business because you were GREAT at what you do. But you didn’t start it because you wanted to do all the admin work of running your business.

    Many entrepreneurs and business owners are convinced that even though they hate it, no one can do things in their business quite like they can. 

    Want to love your business AND scale it? It’s time to delegate the things that are sucking the life out of you.

    Cathy Baillargeon and I are opening up your mind to the many possibilities that you have in getting help in your business.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The signs it’s time to delegate
    • Common excuses to not
    • How a VA differs from employees
    • Common delegation misunderstandings (and why they’re wrong)
    • How to make delegation easier
    • The hidden value of delegation
    • What you can get help with
    • And the real results of asking for help


    Virtual Cathy

    Virtual Cathy on Instagram

    Virtual Cathy on Facebook

    Virtual Cathy YouTube

    The E-Myth Revisited

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usFebruary 14, 2024

    Do I Need a Website for My Business?

    Do I Need a Website for My Business?

    Unless you have a monopoly in what you do or you never want to grow your business beyond where you are right now, you need a website.

    Even if you’re rocking sales with DMs and simple landing pages, you need a website that builds trust in your business.

    Don’t believe me? I get it. I talk to people all day long who think they don’t need a website anymore.

    But let me tell you - without one, you’re putting your business at risk.

    Let’s break down the 4 big reasons you still need a website, including:

    • It’s your home online - that you own
    • How it builds trust - even with referrals
    • How it can bring people to you
    • And act as your silent salesperson


    Captain Coder Podcast - Ep 079

    Captain Coder Podcast - Ep 081

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usFebruary 07, 2024

    Create a High-Converting Sales Page

    Create a High-Converting Sales Page

    Are people buying from your website? Selling online - even when you’re selling services - requires high-converting sales pages.

    Unlike many of the pages on your website, a sales page attempts to convert someone from a mere visitor to actual revenue.

    How do you take someone from voyeur to willing to hand over some of their cold-hard cash? You have to take them through a process that ends with them signing up to be your client.

    That also means your sales pages need to convert and generate revenue.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The key elements to a sales page
    • How to dial in your messaging
    • How to have your other clients sell for you
    • How to make purchasing seamless
    • How to use design to your advantage
    • How bonuses give you a boost
    • And real-world statistics of what’s possible


    AHRefs Keyword Generator

    FREE Canva Template - Dream Client Persona

    Leads Growth Strategy Workshop

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usJanuary 31, 2024

    The Roadmap to Sustainable Growth Online

    The Roadmap to Sustainable Growth Online

    How do you keep growing and achieve sustainable growth online? How do those big gurus making a million plus keep their business growing, getting in front of more and more people?

    You need to follow the same best practices they do.

    If you want your business to grow online, it’s not about the tactics. It’s about the underlying choices of “why” you choose to do what you do.

    The online world changes so fast that something that worked last week might not work tomorrow. But if you have a roadmap that tells you how to think, you’ll be able to make those shifts with confidence.

    Want to know what you need to do? Let’s unpack the basic roadmap to sustainable growth online.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

    • Get your ideal customer’s attention
    • Express your unique value
    • Show off the transformations you achieve
    • Build trust
    • And connect on a human level 

    Your Leads Growth Strategy Roadmap

    Episode 78 - 5 Powerful Tactics to Attract Your Dream Clients

    Free Buyer Persona Canva Template

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usJanuary 24, 2024

    The SEO Secrets that Earn You Revenue

    The SEO Secrets that Earn You Revenue

    Have you been putting SEO on the back burner because it feels like it’s too hard to mess with?

    Let me tell you the secret about SEO - it’s one of the easiest things you can do for your business. It just takes a little bit of time but that’s well worth the investment.

    Generating consistent revenue in your business is possible when you’re investing a bit of time and energy into your SEO.

    In this episode, SEO expert Lauren Gaggioli and I are unpacking everything you need to know to start SEO with your business and the small, next best steps you need to take to make this all a reality.

    You’ll learn:

    • Lauren’s background in SEO
    • How Google drives revenue through SEO
    • The biggest misunderstandings
    • The time it will take for SEO to work
    • How you can implement SEO in your business
    • How to choose keywords
    • The competition you need to understand
    • How to link everything internally
    • And the foundation you need

    Find Lauren Gaggioli online
    Lauren’s DIY Website Audit
    AHrefs Keyword Generator Tool
    Google Search Console
    Bing Webmaster Tools

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usJanuary 17, 2024

    5 Powerful Tactics to Attract Your Dream Clients

    5 Powerful Tactics to Attract Your Dream Clients

    Do you often find yourself working with clients that just aren’t the best fit for you but you take them because revenue is important? What if I told you that you could attract your dream clients instead?

    I know that might sound fanciful if you’ve been building your business for a while, but it doesn’t have to be a fantasy.

    You can attract the right leads and your dream clients to your business.

    In this episode, we’re going to discuss:

    • How to get clear on who you’re helping
    • The best way to get their attention
    • Getting them to take the next step
    • Meeting them in their space online
    • And shortcutting the Know, Like, and Trust factor

    Let’s dive into five powerful tactics that will transform your business.


    Episode 77: How to Cut Through the Noise in 2024

    Buyer Persona Canva Template

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usJanuary 10, 2024

    How to Cut Through the Noise in 2024

    How to Cut Through the Noise in 2024

    I can’t tell you how much doom and gloom I’ve seen about the state of marketing in 2024. With the shifts from AI, changes to Google’s algorithm, and the continued push to privacy (which means losing some data), I see a lot of experts claim that it’s going to become impossible to market effectively.

    What are they all forgetting?

    There are real, actual human beings on the other side of your marketing efforts.

    Online marketing has never been about trying to scam Google’s algorithm or have a video go viral. It’s always been about talking to your dream clients and getting them to pay attention to you so they’ll buy from you.

    Rant aside, there is a real issue of needing to cut through all of the noise in the world and get their attention.

    How do you do that?

    In this episode, we’re going to cover:

    • The process to follow to get their attention
    • How to keep it
    • How to build trust
    • Be more memorable
    • And how to get in front of new audiences


    Episode 58: One Key Traffic Tactic You’re Missing

    Episode 67: Unlocking the Earning Power of Email Marketing

    FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

    Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

    The Captain Coder Podcast
    en-usJanuary 03, 2024