
    Unlocking the Power of Data with VenCap’s David Clark | E1906

    en-usFebruary 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding when to hold and sell top-performing investmentsSuccessful VCs recognize the magic in top 1% companies and let them run while knowing when to take profits to maximize returns. Missing these opportunities can be costly.

      Successful venture capitalists understand when to hold onto top-performing investments and when to sell. The best managers recognize the magic within their top 1% companies and have the confidence to let them run, while also knowing when to take profits. Missing out on these opportunities can be a bigger mistake than not investing in them in the first place. David Clark, the chief investment officer at VenCAB, emphasizes the importance of hitting the upper quartile returns in venture capital, which is similar to the overall pooled return. With over 500 fund investments and a focus on 12 to 15 top-performing managers, VenCAB constantly trains on these groups to maximize returns. The challenge in venture is that it's difficult to consistently hit the upper quartile, but it's the goal for any venture capitalist.

    • Focusing on top 1% companies for returnsInvesting in consistently successful managers increases chances of capturing upper quartile returns, as they access top 1% companies driving industry value, despite losses and failures in their portfolios.

      In the venture industry, consistently achieving upper quartile returns is a challenging feat. Most managers generate median returns, and only a few can consistently produce funds in the top quartile. These successful managers do not necessarily have lower loss ratios than the rest of the market. Instead, they focus on accessing the top 1% of companies that drive the majority of the industry's value. The power law dynamic in venture capital applies, with about 30 exits per year accounting for more than half of the total exit value produced by all venture-backed companies globally. By optimizing for these consistently successful managers, investors can increase their chances of capturing upper quartile returns. However, it's important to note that even these top managers still experience losses and failures, with about half of their investments returning zero or less capital.

    • The 1% of venture capital investments that generate exceptional returnsOnly 1% of venture capital investments return enough capital to repay the entire fund, while 80.3% returned less or lost money. Diversification and understanding risk are crucial in venture capital.

      In venture capital, only 1% of investments, known as "phone returners," generate enough returns to fully repay the entire fund. These companies often return multiple times the invested capital. The size of the exit, the size of the fund, and the percentage of ownership at the time of exit are key factors in achieving these exceptional returns. The vast majority (80.3%) of investments, however, return less than the original investment or even lose money. This dynamic underscores the importance of a well-diversified portfolio and the inherent risk in venture capital. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the use of Gusto for small business management, offering three months free to Twist listeners.

    • Recommended investments and ownership for venture capital fundsEarly-stage funds aim for 30 companies, 10-15% ownership, and $5M-$20M checks. Larger funds may concentrate on top companies with significant ownership.

      The appropriate number of investments for a venture capital fund and the desired ownership percentage depend on the fund's stage. For early-stage funds, a portfolio of around 30 companies with 10-15% ownership at exit is recommended. This requires writing checks between $5 million and $20 million per investment. Larger funds may reserve a significant portion, such as 15-20%, for their best companies. The "all in one" strategy, where a fund invests heavily in a single company, is bold but risky and should be balanced with a diverse portfolio for effective risk management.

    • Long-term investing and reassessing potentialInvesting over time provides valuable insights and the opportunity to reevaluate companies' potential. Seed funds can be challenging to evaluate due to high competition and the need to separate signal from noise.

      Investing in a company over time allows for a more informed decision-making process and the ability to reassess the company's potential at various stages. This was highlighted by the speaker's experience with his first fund, where he missed out on investing more in companies that ultimately became successful. When it comes to seed funds, the speaker's firm does not have any standalone seed managers, but some call managers run multiple strategies, including seed. Evaluating these seed-specific funds can be challenging due to the large number of applicants and the difficulty in separating the signal from the noise. The speaker also mentioned the ease of starting a business now compared to the past, thanks to services like Northwest Registered Agent, which can help launch a business in just 10 minutes and 10 clicks.

    • Focusing on competitive advantage in seed investingSuccessful LPs prioritize investing in top-performing managers, recognizing that seed investments may not be sustainable during market downturns. Strategic secondary sales can benefit LPs, LPs must proactively address potential tension with founders, and market landscape shifts require close monitoring of LPs' seed managers.

      Successful limited partners (LPs) focus on areas where they have a competitive advantage and can consistently access top-performing managers, rather than spreading resources thinly across multiple managers in the seed space. While seed managers may outperform during bull markets, their performance may not be sustainable during market downturns, particularly for those who have not reserved their positions or taken advantage of secondary opportunities. The best managers distinguish themselves by recognizing when to sell and when to let their investments run, ultimately leading to fund-returning outcomes. The ability to make strategic secondary sales can be a challenge due to potential tension with founders, but proactively addressing this issue can lead to significant benefits. The market landscape is shifting, with terms becoming more onerous and pay-to-play rounds and recaps becoming more common. As such, it will be crucial for LPs to closely monitor the performance of their seed managers over the entire investment cycle.

    • The Importance of Timing and Long-Term Perspective in Startup InvestingTiming is crucial in startup investing, selling too early could result in missing out on significant growth, AI tools like Wizard can help maximize product velocity while minimizing costs, and maintaining a long-term perspective is essential for success.

      Timing is crucial in investing, especially in startups. Selling too early could result in missing out on significant growth, which might be a bigger mistake than not investing at all. Managers who fail to identify key value drivers and play the long game risk losing out on compounded value. Instances of companies going public and subsequently crashing are more common than private companies going to zero after early liquidity. Currently, startups need to maximize product velocity while minimizing costs. AI tools like Wizard can help in this regard, allowing for quick generation and iteration of designs, saving valuable time. By balancing the need to sell a portion of investments to meet LP demands with the importance of holding on for long-term growth, seed funds can strike a successful balance. Investors must be cautious and disciplined, considering all factors before selling, and maintaining a long-term perspective is essential for success. The use of AI tools like Wizard can help streamline the product development process, enabling startups to beat incumbents and ultimately achieve growth.

    • Understanding GP motivations and succession planningMaintain relationships with GPs for proper succession planning and balance between experienced veterans and emerging leaders.

      The venture capital industry involves complex dynamics, including the buying and selling of limited partner stakes and the potential impact of personal wealth on fund managers' psychology. Some GPs may retire after achieving significant success, while others remain passionate and competitive, continuing to invest until they can no longer do so. It's crucial for organizations to maintain relationships with their GPs to understand their motivations and ensure proper succession planning, allowing new talent to emerge and contribute to the firm's growth. The industry's success relies on the balance between experienced veterans and emerging leaders.

    • LPs focus on performance and net returnsLPs prioritize strong performance and net returns over fees and carry structures, seeking transparency and alignment of interests with managers.

      The performance and net returns of a venture capital firm are the most important factors for Limited Partners (LPs) when considering fees and carry structures. The discussion highlighted the examples of Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital, with the latter taking a longer time for transitions and maintaining high carry levels due to their strong performance. However, the focus should be on the net returns to LPs rather than just the fees and carry structures. The LP in the conversation expressed a desire for transparency and honest feedback on his strategy and fees. The industry trend of increasing fund sizes is also a challenge. Ultimately, the alignment of interests between the manager and the LP, with both benefiting from strong performance, is preferred.

    • The right size of a venture capital fund matters for strong returnsSmaller funds lead to more ownership, focus on venture investing, and better returns due to increased competition and capital efficiency

      The right size of a venture capital fund is crucial for delivering strong returns to Limited Partners (LPs). Smaller funds allow for more ownership percentage and a better focus on venture investing, rather than just capital allocation. The J-curve, a common trend in venture capital where investments underperform for several years before outperforming, has re-emerged in recent years, indicating fewer funds and increased competition for the best companies. This trend leads to more capital efficiency for companies, better talent recruitment, and ultimately, better returns for LPs. Constrained resources and deadlines can lead to great art, as seen in the venture capital industry.

    • Constraints drive creativity and focusConstraints in various industries have led to innovative solutions and focused efforts, from Bob Dylan's music to filmmaking to startups, where limited funding pushes founders to create better products.

      Constraints can drive creativity and focus. Bob Dylan discussed how the pressure to deliver an album to avoid legal issues led him to create some of his most iconic work. In the film industry, the constraint of limited film stock forced filmmakers to be more focused and efficient, leading to a renaissance of sorts. Similarly, in the startup world, the constraint of limited funding can push founders to focus and create better products. Additionally, the notion that only a select few companies will reach billion-dollar valuations is not new, with numerous examples of companies achieving such returns. However, the number of unicorns that will not reach those valuations again may be high, and loss ratios suggest that a significant percentage of companies may not return capital to their investors. Overall, constraints can drive innovation and focus, and the startup world may see a period of intense creativity as a result.

    • Navigating the Emotional Challenges of Venture CapitalInvesting in startups involves emotional challenges and tough conversations. It's crucial to approach these situations with care, respect, and compassion for founders' efforts.

      Venture capital involves tough conversations and not every investor is prepared for the emotional challenges that come with supporting startups through their ups and downs. The speaker shares his experience of having to shut down multiple startups and the importance of handling the process with care and respect for the founders' efforts. He also expresses concern about the recent influx of new investors who may not be prepared for the difficult conversations that come with funding startups, particularly during market downturns. The speaker emphasizes that venture capital is an extreme pursuit for founders, GPs, and LPs alike, and not everyone is built for the emotional and financial risks involved. Ultimately, he encourages a compassionate and supportive approach to venture capital, recognizing the importance of being there for founders through thick and thin.

    • Effective Portfolio Management in VC: Investing in Top PerformersSuccessful VC investing requires investing in top performers for better overall returns and continuous learning for better decision making.

      Effective portfolio management in venture capital involves making informed decisions about allocating resources to companies based on their potential performance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investing in top performers, who are more likely to return significant multiples, rather than sinking more capital into underperforming companies. This approach, known as triage, may be uncomfortable but can lead to better overall returns. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning for venture capital managers, using the analogy of reviewing game tape to improve performance. The bottom line is that successful venture capital investing requires a deep understanding of portfolio management and a willingness to make tough decisions.

    • Supporting Founders Through Honesty and CollaborationInvestors and founders should communicate openly about company performance and potential exits, and founders can learn from each other through collaborative meetups like Founder Fridays.

      As an investor, it's important to communicate honestly and clearly with founders about the performance of their company and the potential need for an exit, even if it's difficult. Investors and founders both have high expectations for success, but it's crucial to remember that a founder's time is finite and they may be better off focusing on a new venture if their current one isn't working out. Additionally, founders can learn a lot from each other by getting together and sharing experiences and solutions to common problems. The new Founder Fridays meetup program, hosted by founders for founders, provides an opportunity for this kind of collaboration and learning. Investors can support this effort by encouraging founders to host meetups in their cities and connecting them with resources to make it happen. Ultimately, the goal is to help founders succeed by fostering a supportive community where they can learn from each other and grow together.

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    DevSquad. Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.


    Todays show:

    David Weisburd hosts Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis to discuss VCs not raising new funds (3:04), Cisco's $1 billion AI fund (31:36), and more!



    (0:00) David Weisburd intros Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis

    (3:04) VCs not raising new funds, market impact, and the current state of venture capital

    (5:32) Challenges for new fund managers, power laws, and investment strategies

    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (12:01) Capital deployment, returns, and portfolio assessment

    (17:28) Emerging managers and market trends

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (31:36) Cisco's $1 billion AI fund

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (41:21) AI applications and business models

    (50:27) Investment strategies for M&A vs. IPO

    (53:19) Lightning round on latest investments


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    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

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    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show!

    (2:11) Ai generated memes.

    (7:36) The butler experiences.

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (11:52) The Texan stock exchange.

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:14) Circle’s pending IPO.

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (31:46) Alex breaks down some amazing details around stable-coins like Tether and crypto companies like CoinBase and Circle.


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    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

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    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


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    Great TWIST interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

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    Lemon.io. Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen (9:02), Jason’s recent Donald Trump interview (14:49), JCal becoming a meme (36:34), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:38) Club 33 at Disney.

    (9:02) The most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen.

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (14:49) A look at the Donald Trump interview on All In.

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (36:34) JCal became a meme!

    (37:15) The gentleman’s RIF and the status of remote workers. (48:26) New air taxi plan from Archer.


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    Mentioned on the show:

    Check out the Donald Trump interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqIZGXWUpU

    Check out Disney’s Club 33: http://www.disneylandclub33.com/#google_vignette

    Check out Archer: https://news.archer.com/archer-san-francisco-air-mobility-network-connecting-five-locations-across-bay-area-kilroy-oyster-point

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/

    Check out Dell article: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1dl16s2/nearly_half_of_dell_workers_opt_for_fulltime/

    Check out Athena: https://www.athenago.com/


    Follow Alex:

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    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

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    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    AssemblyAI - Get maximum value from voice data with AssemblyAI. Build powerful products and features for your end users on the industry’s leading speech-to-text models. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist



    (0:00) Dan Senor joins guest host Mark Suster.

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


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    Check out Dan’s podcast “Call Me Back”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/call-me-back-with-dan-senor/id1539292794

    Check out Start-Up Nation Central: https://startupnationcentral.org/


    Follow Dan:

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    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Coda. Coda empowers your startup by bringing words, tables, and teams together. Strategize, plan, and track goals effectively with all your valuable data in one place. Go to https://www.coda.io/twist to get started for FREE and get 6 free months of the Team plan.

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex leads us into two great talks from Liquidity Summit 2024. First we have Sky Dayton’s “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight” (3:28), followed by Mike Jones’ with “Lessons in Brand Building” (24:14)



    (0:00) Teaser of both speakers.

    (1:33) Alex kicks off the show.

    (3:28) Sky Dayton’s talk “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight”.

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (24:14) Mike Jones’ talk “Lessons in Brand Building”

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (44:30) Wrap up with Alex.


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    Check out Science Inc.: https://www.science-inc.com/

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/


    Follow Sky:

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    Follow Mike:

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    Follow Alex:

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    Follow Jason:

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

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    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam Session with JCal” contest, coming soon! To apply and get more details go to https://jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company (2:34), the GLP-1 phenomenon (11:50), the FTC suing Adobe (34:21), new TWIST500 companies (47:09), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:34) Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company

    (10:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (11:50) Eli Lilly and the GLP-1 Phenomenon

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (25:08) Telehealth and its future

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (34:21) FTC sues Adobe

    (47:09) New TWIST500 Companies

    (1:18:22) Would Amazon buy TikTok?


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    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:















    New TWIST500 companies:









    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Mercury. With Mercury, you can simplify your financial operations with banking and software that power your critical financial workflows, all within the one thing every business needs, a bank account. And with new bill pay and accounting integrations, you can pay bills faster and stay in control of company spend. Apply in minutes at ⁠https://www.Mercury.com


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss woke Google Maps (1:57), Bilt & Wells Fargo dynamics (16:20), AI progress in China and Japan (32:00), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:57) Woke Google Maps

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (16:20) Bilt and Wells Fargo fintech dynamics

    (17:00) CNBC interview with Bilt founder Ankur Jain

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:00) AI progress in China and Japan

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com

    (45:09) Defining AGI and its implications

    (49:06) McDonald's AI ordering systems and their challenges

    (1:04:37) Audience question on EU's AI Act and its impact on startups


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:




    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist.

    LinkedIn Ads - To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Todays show:

    Will Guidara joins Jason to discuss the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups (3:44), Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY (14:32), how the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - which then led to his involvement with future seasons (36:19), and more!



    (0:00) Will Guidara of Unreasonable Hospitality joins Jason.

    (3:44) Important premises from the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups.

    (6:26) Will explains how it felt to see parts from his book appear on the hit show The Bear.

    (8:13) Iconic examples of hospitality and how it can turn customers into advocates for your brand.

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (11:08) Powerful examples of going above and beyond for your customer.

    (14:32) Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (22:13) Jason shares an anecdote of how he helps others.

    (24:17) Will and Jason riff on interesting examples of unreasonable hospitality, including one that should exist for airplane passengers.

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:12) A perspective shift that changes the value of call centers.

    (36:03) How the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - leading to his involvement for future seasons.

    (40:21) Will feels that The Bear was able to craft and articulate his message spot on in one of their best episodes.

    (42:22) How to gain from the addictive personality traits in the restaurant business.

    (51:15) The “Chicken for Two” at the NoMad hotel.

    (53:31) Breaking down the state of tipping culture and how its removal from Eleven Madison Park was highly successful.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Unreasonable Hospitality: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/

    Sign up for Will’s newsletter: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/newsletter

    Check out “The Welcome Conference”: https://www.thewelcomeconference.com/

    Check out Will’s hospitality agency “Thank You”: https://www.thankyou.nyc/


    Follow Will:

    X: https://x.com/wguidara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willguidara/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    Zendesk. The best customer experiences are built with Zendesk. Qualifying startups can join their Startup program and get Zendesk products free, for six months! Visit http://www.zendesk.com/twist today to get started.

    CLA. Innovation takes balance. CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors can help you get from startup to where you want to end up. Get started now at ⁠https://www.claconnect.com/tech


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Waymo crash implications (3:53), Apple's AI announcements post-WWDC (17:17), inflation cooldown (27:21), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (3:53) How Waymo handled a crash and self-driving car standards

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (10:04) Car safety technology

    (17:17) Apple's AI announcements and stock impact

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at


    (27:21) Inflation update: Recent CPI data and its implications

    (33:34) High interest rate environment and venture capital

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech

    (42:12) 10 companies most likely to IPO


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:



















    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at http://www.zendesk.com/twist

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Jobs. A business is only as strong as its people, and every hire matters. Go to https://www.linkedin.com/twist to post your first job for free. Terms and conditions apply.

    The Equinix Startup program offers a hybrid infrastructure solution for startups, including up to $100K in credits and personalized consultations and guidance from the Equinix team. Go to https://www.equinixstartups.com to apply today.



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:50) Jumping into the keynote from Apple and whether or not it impressed.

    (5:24) “Apple Intelligence” has landed!

    (8:32) Reactions to the new Siri.

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (12:42) The importance of Apple’s addition of “on-screen awareness”.

    (16:30) Breakdown of Apple’s use of data with their AI.

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (23:53) ChatGPT’s integration with Siri.

    (26:32) Unpacking the “free” use of ChatGPT with Apple products.

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups

    (31:07) Discussing the relationships between OpenAI and Microsoft and now Apple.

    (34:44) More “ooohs” and “ahhhs” from Apple’s new Image Playground.

    (40:25) Jason breaks down other key announcements from WWDC 2024 including a password manager and Apple TV’s new “Insights”.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp



    Watch Apple’s WWDC 2024 Keynote: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/101/

    Article on Fearless Fund: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-06/the-fearless-fund-should-keep-fighting-racism-in-venture-capital


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 11, 2024

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    Guest: Chris Joyce, GUSHER.CO

    Episode Summary

    In this inspiring episode of The RebelRebel Podcast, Michael Dargie engages with Chris Joyce, the dynamic CEO of Gusher.co. Joyce, with a history of founding 24 companies, delves into his latest venture, Gusher – a revolutionary platform that enables the launch of companies without initial capital investment. He shares his unique business philosophy, emphasizing the significance of performance-based equity and talent over opportunity.

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    Cool things Chris says

    "I don't play small; that's definitely a thing we don't do."

    "The only way progress is made is by the few people that listen to that little voice."

    "Entrepreneurship is the roller coaster of awesomeness."

    "The only person that can stop the rollercoaster of awesomeness is you."

    Episode Highlights

    • Chris Joyce's journey from selling seeds at age six to founding Gusher
    • The philosophy behind Gusher and performance-based equity
    • Joyce's insights on the traits of successful founders
    • The influence of Joyce's childhood and his mother's entrepreneurial challenges
    • Discussion on AI and its role in business
    • The power of listening to your inner voice and following your passion
    • Advice for entrepreneurs on perseverance and innovation

    Links for this episode

    *When you buy a product using a link on this page, The RebelRebel Podcast receives a portion of the revenue from your qualifying purchases as part of the Amazon Associates Program. Thank you for your support.

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    2:20 Where is Wealthfront at currently?
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