
    About this Episode

    This week, we welcome Joe Wood back to the podcast to discuss some lesser-known, or at least somewhat unrecognized, paleontologists. As always, remember to rate and review...and maybe go dig out your old dinosaur books from childhood.

    Recent Episodes from An Hour of Our Time

    Brotherhood of the Wolf (An Hour of Our Time...goes to the movies)

    Brotherhood of the Wolf (An Hour of Our Time...goes to the movies)
    Surprise...new episode! This week, we're trying something new - discussing a movie that is relevant to one of our past episodes. In this case, we're discussing Brotherhood of the Wolf, which focuses on the story of the Beast of Gévaudan (covered in our 2021 Werewolves episode).

    As mentioned, we are launching a Patreon soon, and this is an example of the bonus content we are planning to offer.