
    Up for debate? Trump and Biden prepare to spar again

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Presidential DebateThe 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump could significantly impact the election due to both candidates' vulnerabilities and the absence of a yelling audience and unblinking camera gaze.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2024 could be a game-changer due to both candidates' vulnerabilities. With no yelling audience and the camera's unblinking gaze, the stakes are high for both to prove their fitness for the job. Biden needs to dispel the perception of being too old, while Trump must counteract being seen as an unlikable madman. A good performance from Biden could reset the race and quell Democratic panic, while a bad one could lead to a major panic within the party. Conversely, a strong showing from Trump could solidify his position and potentially sway undecided voters. Overall, this debate could significantly impact the outcome of the election.

    • Presidential Debate RisksBoth Biden and Trump face risks in the upcoming debate, with small missteps potentially swaying voter opinions. Biden aims to dominate exchanges and establish a clear motive, while Trump looks to keep his job.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump carries significant risk for both candidates, as even small missteps could define their performances and potentially sway voter opinions. The State of the Union address served as a reset for Biden within the Democratic Party, but recent polling shows continued concerns, particularly in key swing states. The debate presents another opportunity for both candidates to reframe their campaigns and reach a larger audience. While expectations are high for Biden due to Trump's unconventional behavior, the standard for Trump is relatively low, as voters often focus on whether they want to keep or fire the incumbent. Biden's advisors are urging him to dominate the exchanges and establish a clear motive, as voters feel they already know what they're getting with Trump. The debate format, with muted mics, adds a new element, as candidates will need to adapt to the situation and effectively communicate their messages despite potential mic issues.

    • Presidential debate communication strategyEffective communication of policies and contrasting visions is crucial for both candidates in the upcoming presidential debate, while Trump's campaign focuses on visual aspects and audience interaction.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump could heavily depend on each candidate's ability to effectively communicate their message and contrasting visions for the future. While Biden aims to focus on the differences between himself and Trump, the Trump campaign is more concerned with the visual aspect of the debate, such as the candidates' entrance and the presence of an audience. Trump's campaign believes that these elements will help Trump, who thrives on audience interaction and the ability to bully his opponents. However, if Biden is prepared and can effectively communicate his policies and contrast them with Trump's, he may be able to make progress and appeal to voters. Ultimately, the debate could turn into a psychological battle between the two candidates, with each trying to provoke the other and appeal to their respective bases.

    • Presidential debate unexpected momentsUnexpected moments, such as hidden microphones or past gaffes, could impact the upcoming presidential debate between Biden and Trump. Both campaigns plan to use each other's words against them, but voter reactions and effective communication will likely determine the outcome.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump could be influenced by unexpected moments, such as a hidden microphone capturing a damaging conversation during a handshake. Trump's past gaffes and legal issues have been a focus for both campaigns, with Biden's team planning to use Trump's own words against him. However, Trump's supporters may not view these issues as disqualifying. Trump is expected to play the role of the prosecutor, focusing on his ability to run the economy and repeating his message of change. The debate could become heated, with Trump potentially reacting defensively to accusations, creating an entertaining but unpredictable event. Ultimately, the outcome of the debate may depend on which candidate can effectively connect with voters and present a compelling vision for their future.

    • Leadership and PersonalityThe upcoming presidential debate may not focus on policy details but on who can convey a sense of control and leadership to the American people, potentially devolving into a battle of personalities.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump may not focus solely on policy details, but rather on who can convey a sense of control and leadership to the American people. The debate could potentially devolve into a battle of personalities and the ability to connect with voters. While Biden is expected to emphasize his experience and connection to the middle class, Trump may face aggressive questioning from journalists. If Biden stumbles or appears weak, there has been speculation about the possibility of a replacement, but the Democratic Party may not have a clear alternative ready. Ultimately, the debate could come down to which candidate can effectively communicate their vision for the future and connect with voters.

    • 2024 Presidential Election Personality FactorsThe 2024 presidential election is expected to be decided by a small number of persuadable voters in key states, with personalities and perceived strength of candidates taking precedence over economic and foreign policy issues.

      The 2024 presidential election is expected to be a highly tribal affair, with a small number of persuadable voters deciding the outcome in key states. Trump's legal troubles and Biden's age are major factors, with Trump potentially running to undo his own legal issues and Biden considering stepping aside due to age concerns. The debates, though important politically, may not be a mass viewing event due to viewer fatigue and the polarized nature of the electorate. The economy and foreign policy will likely take a backseat to the personalities and perceived strength of the candidates. Biden must show some toughness to counter Trump's strongman persona and address local issues in important states with large minority communities. For broadcasters covering the debate, it may be more effective to focus on body language and comfort level rather than policy points. Ultimately, the election will be won or lost by appealing to a small number of undecided voters in key states.

    • Media impact on shaping public opinionMedia discussions and analyses after debates and elections can significantly influence public opinion, and understanding behind-the-scenes dynamics is crucial to comprehending electoral politics

      The outcome of debates and elections is not solely determined by the public's perception during the event itself, but also by the discussions and analyses that ensue in the following days. Mike Murphy, a veteran political strategist, emphasized the importance of understanding the behind-the-scenes dynamics and the impact of the media industry on shaping public opinion. He also highlighted that most elections are a referendum on the incumbent, and the challenger often needs to do less to win votes. The backroom dealings and the way candidates are dealt with during campaigns are fascinating insights that help us understand the complexities of electoral politics. Murphy's insights remind us of the importance of understanding the nuances of political campaigns and the impact of public perception on election outcomes.

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    GUESTS: Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at Department for Homeland Security

    HOSTS: Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter Sarah Smith, North America Editor Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni and Catherine Fusillo. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham

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    GUESTS: Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at Department for Homeland Security

    HOSTS: Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray and Catherine Fusillo. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    Up for debate? Trump and Biden prepare to spar again

    Up for debate? Trump and Biden prepare to spar again

    Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off next week in the first presidential debate of the 2024 U.S. election season. Questions are swirling about how prepared both candidates are before they meet each other at the podium once again.

    Sarah and Justin sit down with Mike Murphy, a veteran Republican strategist who has prepared many Republican candidates for debate, to break down what we can expect from the rematch. Can Biden calm concerns about the economy? Can Trump swat away attacks about his criminal conviction? What should Americasters be watching out for?

    The showdown could be the most momentous debate of both men’s political careers.

    HOSTS: • Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter • Sarah Smith, North America Editor

    GUEST: • Mike Murphy, Republican strategist & Co-Host of ‘Hacks on Tap’

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni with Rufus Gray and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    HOSTS: Sarah Smith, North America editor Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray. The technical producers were Mike Regaard and Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    HOSTS: - Sarah Smith, North America Editor - Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter

    GUEST: - Michael LaRosa, Former Press Secretary to Jill Biden

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni with Rufus Gray, Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    And we speak to Americaster Joanna, who wants to know whether Americans harbour desires for their own monarchy.


    - Sarah Smith, North America editor - Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray with Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    Also, what happened in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial which got underway in Delaware this week? It is the first trial for the son of a sitting US president. He is accused of lying about his drug use on a form when purchasing a firearm and ammunition. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

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    Marianna and Anthony tackle all these questions and more in this special edition of Americanswers!

    HOSTS: * Marianna Spring, Disinformation & Social Media Correspondent * Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Tim Walklate with Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Dafydd Evans. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 03, 2024

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    The man who beat Trump

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    Americast sits down with Chase Oliver, the man who beat both Trump and RFK Jr for his party’s 2024 nomination. But what does he and his party believe in? Could he make it all the way to the top? And will he give the BBC his first interview if he’s elected president.

    HOSTS: * Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter * Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GUEST: * Sumi Somaskanda, BBC Chief Presenter * Chase Oliver, 2024 Libertarian presidential candidate

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Tim Walklate with Rufus Gray, Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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