
    About this Episode

    Fresh Eggs offers #Dragonsbread listeners a chance to crack the vault on years interviews exploring the magic and mystery of being human. Hear from researchers, warlocks, generals, contactees, artists, rock musicians, mediums, psychologists, shamans, film makers, paranormal investigators, and more. Exclusive to Patreon subscribers. Visit pateron.com/toowiart or toowiarts.com for info

    Recent Episodes from #Dragonsbread

    Update- Video Preview

    Update- Video Preview
    Update with info on how to watch a preview of the feature length videos being created for the new Youtube channel!
    Visit patreon.com/toowiarts for info and links to the preview. Visit toowiarts.com to listen to episodes & more!

    Us & Them - Part II

    Us & Them - Part II
    Two Airmen get confronted by U.S Airforce agents after encountering extraterrestrials on a camping trip.
    Part II - Airforce security agents descend on airmen Terry Lovelace. Terry's relationship with his friend and colleague Toby goes south and ends when he is sent to a duty station in Japan. Terry is pressured to take medication and undergo a regression by a strange specialist with high standing. Terry recalls everything...
    Visit toowiarts.com or patereon.com/toowiarts for more info