
    US-Iran deal, Stellantis to meet with UAW, Russell Brand allegations

    enSeptember 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Rest: Sleep Number's Smart Bed and DiplomacySleep Number's smart bed prioritizes individual sleep needs, ranking #1 in customer satisfaction, while diplomacy emphasizes essential needs through uncertain negotiations.

      Quality sleep is a priority, and the Sleep Number smart bed is designed to meet individual evolving sleep needs, earning it the number 1 ranking in customer satisfaction from JD Power. Meanwhile, international news brings the imminent release of five American prisoners from Iran in exchange for humanitarian funds and the release of five Iranians from US prisons. The complex deal is expected to unfold soon, but the outcome remains uncertain. While we wait, it's a reminder of the importance of prioritizing rest and ensuring that essential needs are met, whether it's through a high-quality sleep solution or diplomatic negotiations.

    • American Businessman Siamak Namazi Pleads for Help from President Biden during CNN Interview from Evin Prison in IranAmerican businessman Siamak Namazi, detained in Iran for nearly 8 years, appealed for Biden's help during a CNN interview. Negotiations for the release of five American hostages involve transferring $6B Iranian funds to an escrow account, with the US insisting it's for humanitarian purposes, but Iran's president expresses uncertainty.

      Siamak Namazi, an American businessman and environmentalist, took an unprecedented risk by calling into CNN from Evin Prison in Iran, pleading for President Biden's help in securing his release after spending nearly 8 years as a hostage. The interview raised questions about why Namazi was left behind in previous prisoner swaps under the Obama and Trump administrations. The interview also shed light on the ongoing negotiations for the release of five American hostages, which included the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian funds to an escrow account. The United States insists that the funds will only be used for humanitarian purposes, while Iran's president has expressed uncertainty about the deal. The release of the hostages is crucial, as they have been detained for an extended period. This situation highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics between the United States and Iran and the challenges of securing the release of wrongfully detained citizens.

    • UAW Strike and Potential Canadian Union Strike in the Automobile IndustryThe UAW strike against major automakers continues, with less than 9% of union members involved. Negotiations are ongoing but far apart on wages. A potential Canadian Union strike could impact over 5,000 Ford workers. In Washington, a government shutdown is a real possibility due to opposition to a short-term spending bill.

      The United Auto Workers Union's strike against the three major automakers, involving less than 9% of union members, is ongoing as negotiations continue. The sides are far apart on key issues like wages, and the UAW president does not want administration involvement. Additionally, there's a possibility of a strike by the Canadian Union representing over 5,000 Ford workers. Across the border, demands are along the same lines as the UAW, but specifics are not yet known. Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., there's no deal in sight for a potential government shutdown, as rumblings of a house republican agreement have died down. Speaker Kevin McCarthy is trying to pass a short-term spending bill, but it faces heavy opposition from within his own party, making a government shutdown a real possibility.

    • Trump's Ambiguity on Abortion Raises Questions for GOP UnityFormer President Trump's vague stance on abortion during an interview complicates efforts to unite the GOP and avoid a government shutdown, with some members showing little fear of the consequences.

      Former President Trump's stance on abortion during his interview on Meet the Press raised questions about his ability to unite the Republican Party on contentious issues. Trump criticized his fellow Republicans for their handling of the issue but did not take a clear stance himself. This ambiguity, combined with the fact that such a position would be a deal-breaker for many primary voters in other contexts, highlights the challenges facing both Trump and current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in finding a path forward to avoid a government shutdown. The lack of fear of a shutdown among some Republican members further complicates the situation, as there seems to be little motivation for them to come to the negotiating table if they are not afraid of the consequences.

    • Trump's stance on abortion fueled by past SCOTUS appointmentsDespite past appointments enabling him to oppose abortion, Trump distances himself from the issue due to shifting political landscape, with even conservative states supporting abortion rights.

      Former President Trump's ability to take a stance against abortion rights now stems from his past appointments of Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade. This ironic situation allows him to speak against abortion while also fulfilling the desires of evangelical voters. However, the political landscape has shifted, and even conservative states have shown support for abortion rights. Trump's comments about impeachment and his lack of communication with House Republicans on the issue may be an attempt to distance himself from the issue and present it as non-political. A current issue in Congress is a potential short-term spending bill, but its likelihood of passing is low due to disagreements between Main Street Republicans and conservative hardliners. Overall, the political landscape is complex, and the outcomes of various issues remain uncertain.

    • Controversial Decisions and Allegations in the World of Rock and RollJohn Winter's exclusion of women and black artists from his rock and roll book and Russell Brand's response to sexual assault allegations highlight the importance of acknowledging and addressing biases and power imbalances, and the need for accountability in the face of accusations.

      Both John Winter's book and Russell Brand's response to sexual assault allegations have sparked controversy and raised important issues about representation and accountability. Winter's decision to exclude women and black artists from his book on rock and roll masters was met with criticism, with many pointing out the historical significance and articulateness of these musicians. Meanwhile, Russell Brand's response to sexual assault allegations, which spanned over a decade, was described as disingenuous and offensive by some, particularly given his past admissions of promiscuity and substance abuse. The allegations against Brand are serious, and it's crucial that due diligence is taken to determine their validity. Ultimately, both cases serve as reminders of the importance of acknowledging and addressing biases and power imbalances, and the need for accountability in the face of accusations.

    • The Harmful Effects of Power and ControlPower misused can cause harm and chaos, but communities can provide support and hope during crises.

      Power and control, especially in a harmful context, can cause significant harm and chaos in people's lives. This was highlighted in the discussion about Russell Brand's alleged actions towards a woman, as well as in the news stories about criminals taking advantage of situations to inflict harm. Another takeaway is the importance of community and support during times of crisis, as seen in the aftermath of the floods in Libya. Despite the difficult circumstances, people are coming together to help each other and find hope amidst the devastation.

    • Libya's Crisis: Thousands Dead, Families HeartbrokenThousands of lives lost in Libya, families unable to give loved ones proper burial, unprecedented challenge for rescue teams

      The ongoing crisis in Libya continues to claim thousands of lives, with remains of the victims scattered in hard-to-reach areas, making it difficult for international teams to recover them due to health hazards and lack of resources. Meanwhile, families of the deceased are left heartbroken, unable to give their loved ones a proper burial. This devastating situation is unprecedented for rescue teams who have dealt with migrant boat accidents before but have never faced a scale as large as this. In other news, Iran is set to release five American prisoners, and a jet is on standby to bring them back to the United States. Additionally, the NFL season has seen some exciting starts, with the Cowboys dominating their opponents and the Giants staging a comeback. However, Saquon Barkley of the Giants may be dealing with an injury. In politics, there have been arrests, suspensions, and protests following the death of George Floyd, with universities trying to balance the need for student activism and education.

    • US and Iran reach deal for prisoner exchange and release of fundsThe Biden administration brokered a deal with Iran to free American detainees and release $6B in Iranian funds, sparking controversy as some view it as a ransom payment. The UAW is currently on strike against US automakers for better wages and benefits, despite record profits.

      The Biden administration has reached a deal with Iran to release five American citizens detained in Iran in exchange for the release of five Iranian prisoners in the US, and the unfrozen release of $6 billion in Iranian funds. This deal, which is being facilitated by Qatar, has been met with criticism from Republicans who view it as a ransom payment. Meanwhile, the United Auto Workers Union is in the fourth day of a strike against the top US automakers, demanding better wages and benefits. The union is making these demands despite the companies reporting record profits. Negotiations are ongoing, and both sides are still far apart on key issues.

    • UAW Strike at Ford and Potential Strike in Canada, Deputy Murder in Los AngelesNegotiations continue for UAW strike resolution at Ford, potential strike in Canada. Deputy murder investigation ongoing in Los Angeles. Former President Trump criticizes GOP on abortion issue.

      The ongoing UAW strike at Ford factories in the US and potential strike in Canada, as well as the unsolved murder of a sheriff's deputy in Los Angeles, are adding complexity to already dynamic situations. Regarding the strike, negotiations are ongoing, with the union and automakers aiming for wage increase compromises. Acting labor secretary Julie Su and senior White House adviser Jean Sperling are expected to intervene to move negotiations forward. Across the border, the union in Canada may strike tonight if a deal isn't reached. In Los Angeles, a sheriff's deputy was murdered in his patrol car, and authorities believe it could have been an intentional targeting. The community is grieving, and resources are being used to find the perpetrator. Former President Trump, who paved the way for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, criticized Republicans for their handling of the abortion issue and refused to take a clear stance on restrictions.

    • Abortion Debate Heats Up in Iowa GOPThe abortion debate is dividing the Republican party, with some advocating for a federal ban and others supporting state-level decisions. Trump's past comments on election results and legal advice are also raising concerns about his fitness for office.

      The debate over abortion legislation is heating up in the Republican party, particularly in Iowa where former President Donald Trump is expected to visit and where a 6-week abortion ban is being challenged in court. Trump has previously expressed that he believes abortion is a losing issue for the GOP, but the issue is dividing the party with some candidates advocating for a federal ban and others supporting state-level decisions. Meanwhile, Trump's comments about his past efforts to overturn election results and ignore legal advice from his administration continue to raise concerns about his fitness for office and potential impact on the 2024 election. The abortion debate, along with Trump's legal issues, will likely continue to be major topics in the final months leading up to the Iowa caucuses.

    • Tension in Trump's 2024 Campaign: Legal Battles and Downplaying Role in Capitol AttacksTrump's campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination faces tension due to his ongoing legal battles and attempts to downplay his role in the Capitol attacks. Self-incrimination from interviews and policy debates may not be enough to overcome concerns about his past actions and the breakdown of law and order in politics.

      Former President Donald Trump's efforts to downplay his role in the January 6th Capitol attacks and his ongoing legal battles are creating tension in his campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination. Trump's desire to engage with the public through interviews can lead to self-incrimination and setbacks for his legal cases. Meanwhile, other candidates are focusing on policy debates, but the unfitness and attempts to overturn the republic are major concerns for many voters. Additionally, the recent acquittal of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after an impeachment vote highlights a breakdown of law and order and hyperpartisanship in politics. These issues, along with Trump's past actions, may not be easily overcome by policy debates at this stage of the campaign.

    • US and Iran Agree to Release 5 American Prisoners for $6 Billion in FundsThe US and Iran have agreed to exchange 5 American prisoners for $6 billion in Iranian funds, but critics question if the money will be used solely for humanitarian purposes.

      The United States and Iran have reached an agreement to release five American prisoners from Iran in exchange for the release of $6 billion in Iranian funds, which will be used for humanitarian purposes. The prisoners are currently being transported from Iran to a US military base, likely Andrews Air Force Base. The Iranian economy is in a dire state, making the funds significant to them. However, the money will be severely restricted and can only be used for humanitarian purposes, according to the US. Critics argue that the money will be fungible and the Iranian government may use it for other purposes. Despite this deal, there has been no clear movement towards improving US-Iranian relations, as the Iranians have recently barred a third of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from their nuclear facilities. The prisoners, who have been in detention for up to eight years, are eager to return home and reunite with their families.

    • US Aid to Ukraine and Iran: Deep Political DivisionsPolitical disagreements persist over US aid to Ukraine and the deal with Iran, with concerns about potential misuse of funds and prioritizing national security and democracy

      The ongoing debates in Congress regarding providing additional aid to Ukraine and the recent release of frozen funds to Iran have highlighted deep divisions within the political landscape. While some argue that the US should continue supporting its allies in Ukraine, others have criticized the administration's deal with Iran as a ransom payment. The US Treasury Department is monitoring the expenditures from the Iranian account in Doha, but concerns remain about the potential misuse of the funds. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington seeking support from lawmakers. In the midst of these complex issues, it is crucial for leaders to come together and prioritize America's commitment to freedom, democracy, and national security.

    • Call for increased oversight and accountability towards Iran, immigration reform, and workers' rightsPolitical polarization hinders progress on Iran oversight, immigration reform, and workers' rights, leading to strikes and income inequality

      There is a call for increased oversight and accountability towards the Iranian regime due to broken promises and good faith. In addition, there is a pressing need for action on immigration reform, declared as a national emergency, and expanding Temporary Protected Status to allow people to work. The lack of progress on these issues highlights the polarization in politics. The ongoing strikes by various workers, including auto workers and Hollywood writers, reflect decades of wage stagnation and income inequality. The tight labor market gives workers leverage, but unions have not yet returned to their historical levels. Overall, there is a need for practical and thoughtful solutions to address these issues and protect workers' rights and well-being.

    • Decrease in US Strikes and International Prisoner ExchangeUnion strikes in the US have decreased, while international news features an imminent prisoner exchange between the US and Iran

      The number of strikes in the US has significantly decreased since the 1970s and 1980s, with union membership also on a steady decline. Currently, there are fewer strikes happening, but their impact remains uncertain, particularly in the context of the ongoing UAW strike. Meanwhile, international news includes the imminent release of five American prisoners from Iran in exchange for five Iranians detained in the US, as part of a complex deal involving the transfer of funds. This deal is moving forward, with the detainees reportedly on their way to Qatar, although the transfer of funds has already been completed.

    • Stories of wrongful detention and escapeRaising awareness and advocacy can bring about change for those unjustly detained or overlooked, as seen in the cases of Siamak Namazi and the Pennsylvania teen escapees.

      The discussion centered around two distinct yet interconnected stories. The first was about Siamak Namazi, a man wrongfully imprisoned in Iran, who reached out to CNN in desperation, leading to increased attention on his plight and potential negotiations for his release. The second story involved nine teenagers who escaped from a juvenile detention center in Pennsylvania, only to be quickly recaptured. Despite the differences in nature and scale, both stories underscored the importance of raising awareness and advocating for those who are unjustly detained or overlooked. The CNN interview with Siamak Namazi brought his situation into the spotlight, potentially influencing negotiations and eventual release. Similarly, the swift capture of the escaped teens in Pennsylvania demonstrated the power of quick action and community involvement in resolving such situations. These stories serve as reminders of the human element behind seemingly insurmountable challenges and the importance of shedding light on these situations to effect change.

    • Hunter Biden sues IRS over leaked tax info, White House addresses Biden's ageHunter Biden filed a lawsuit against the IRS for unlawful disclosure of confidential tax info. White House faces concerns over Biden's age, with only 34% of voters believing he'll make it through a second term. Democrats defend Biden-Harris ticket as a record of accomplishment.

      Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit against the IRS, alleging that two special agents, who became whistleblowers, disclosed confidential information about his tax returns during the investigation. The lawsuit seeks damages for every unlawful disclosure. The White House is facing concerns about President Biden's age, with only 34% of voters believing he would make it through a second term if reelected. Some top Democrats have come out in support of a Biden-Harris ticket, following criticism of Harris. The Republicans had been attacking Harris as a potential vice president, and the Democrats are now pushing back. The age issue for President Biden is not going away, and the White House is trying to mitigate it by highlighting his accomplishments. The Biden Harris ticket is a record of accomplishment, according to some Democrats, and they are proud of it.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Uncertain OutcomeThe 2024 Republican Primary is uncertain with Trump leading but potential challengers like Haley posing a threat. Historical precedent and primary rules favor Trump, but opportunities exist for others through RNC actions.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is far from over, despite the strong support for Donald Trump. The age issue may be a concern for some voters, but Democrats can counter this by reminding people that Trump is also elderly. Potential challengers like Nikki Haley could pose a threat if they can appeal to younger generations and win in key states like New Hampshire and South Carolina. Historical precedent shows that it's possible for a candidate to gain momentum late in the primary process. The rules of the primary process, particularly the winner-take-all system in some states, favor Trump. However, the RNC's handling of the debates and delegate selection could create opportunities for other candidates. Ultimately, the outcome of the primary is uncertain, and the future is still unwritten.

    • UAW Strike Amidst Biden's Electric Vehicle Push Causes Anxiety Among WorkersRepublicans see the UAW strike as an opportunity to gain support in Michigan, while Democrats, like Bernie Sanders, argue for worker benefits from new technology. Legacy costs, worker shortages, and the UAW's history with Democrats are complicating factors.

      The UAW strike against General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis is causing anxiety among workers due to the Biden administration's push for electric vehicles, which is seen as a threat to jobs and traditional workweeks. While both Democrats and Republicans support the UAW, their reasons differ. Republicans see this as an opportunity to gain support in Michigan, a purple state with a strong UAW presence. The UAW's demand for a 32-hour workweek is met with resistance from the companies, but Senator Bernie Sanders argues that workers should benefit from new technology and productivity gains. The legacy costs and worker shortage are also factors in this complex situation. The UAW's history of endorsing Democratic candidates may change, as some Republicans, like Mike Pence, are aligning with the workers' concerns. Trump's stance against NAFTA and his delivery of a bipartisan approach could be a precedent for future Republican-UAW alliances.

    • Government Shutdown Looms as House Republicans Pass Bill with Republican VotesCalifornia targets oil companies with new carbon disclosure law and legal actions, while House Republicans prepare for a government shutdown by passing bills with only their votes.

      Former Congressman Fred Upton, a McCarthy supporter, believes the government shutdown is imminent, as House Republicans may pass a bill with only Republican votes and then negotiate with the Senate. Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom is taking legal action against oil companies for their role in the climate crisis and for deceiving the public about it. A new law would require companies making over $1 billion a year to disclose their carbon emissions or be excluded from California's economic market. Apple, a company supporting this bill, is making efforts to become carbon neutral. Big oil companies are opposing the bill, arguing it's too complicated and costly. The oil industry is also facing multiple lawsuits from various jurisdictions for their alleged deceptive practices regarding their products' hazardous effects on health and the environment.

    • The End of the Oil Era and a New Beginning for Renewable EnergyFormer Ohio State football player Harry Miller's advocacy for mental health services for student athletes is helping destigmatize discussions and inspire change.

      We are at a pivotal moment in history where the shift towards renewable energy sources like solar and batteries is becoming the norm, signaling the end of the oil era and the beginning of something new. This transition is not without its challenges and resistance. Meanwhile, in the world of sports, Harry Miller, a former Ohio State football player, is making a difference by opening up about his own struggles with mental health and advocating for increased access to mental health services for student athletes. Harry's courage to speak out has helped destigmatize mental health discussions and inspired change within his team and beyond. As a father and advocate, Harry's story is critically important in addressing the mental health crisis that has reached epidemic proportions. His personal journey and impact on federal legislation for mental health demonstrate the power of one person to create change.

    • Mental health focus drives administration's efforts to free detained AmericansThe current administration is prioritizing the release of wrongfully detained Americans abroad, driven by personal experiences and a humanitarian concern, despite potential political blowback and geopolitical complexities.

      The focus on mental health, stemming from personal experiences, has significantly impacted the current administration's approach to dealing with wrongfully detained Americans abroad. This was exemplified in the recent release of five Americans from Iranian custody. The administration's more proactive stance, despite the political blowback, aims to prevent further detentions and secure the release of those currently held. This humanitarian effort, while not necessarily resulting in political gains, comes amidst increasing tensions with countries like Iran and Russia, where the situation for political dissidents and wrongfully detained Americans continues to deteriorate. The release of Brittney Griner from Russia is another example of this administration's efforts. Despite the complexities and potential risks involved, these negotiations should be viewed as separate from broader geopolitical issues.

    • Qatar facilitates US detainees release and Iranian funds transferQatar helped expedite US detainees release and Iranian funds transfer, with funds closely monitored for humanitarian use

      Qatar played a pivotal role in facilitating the release of US detainees from Iran and the transfer of Iranian funds, now restricted to humanitarian use. The negotiations for this deal, which started with nuclear talks, accelerated in recent months and resulted in the exchange of prisoners and the release of frozen funds. The US and the Biden administration argue that the funds will be closely monitored by Qatar and the US Treasury Department to ensure they are only used for humanitarian purposes. Despite criticism from Republican lawmakers that this amounts to a ransom payment, the administration maintains that it is providing access to previously frozen Iranian funds and securing the release of American prisoners. Christian Fraser, who has covered the story extensively, believes that the detainees' public pleas for help from the administration may have played a role in bringing the issue to the forefront.

    • U.S.-Russia and U.S.-Iran Tensions EscalateThe release of Brittney Griner in a prisoner swap marks renewed U.S. focus on international issues, but the lack of engagement between Biden and Raisi underscores deepening rifts and challenges in resolving larger conflicts.

      The ongoing tensions between the United States and both Russia and Iran have reached a new level, with no signs of diplomatic engagement between the leaders of these countries at the UN General Assembly. This comes after the release of the WNBA player, Brittney Griner, in a prisoner swap between the U.S. and Russia. Christiana Marques and Rex Sidler discussed the significance of this development, noting that it demonstrates a renewed focus by the U.S. administration on these international issues. However, they also pointed out that the lack of interaction between President Biden and President Raisi of Iran highlights the deepening rift between the two nations and the challenges that lie ahead in resolving larger geopolitical conflicts. As tensions remain high, CNN will continue to provide updates on these developing stories. In other news, Sleep Number is offering discounts on their smart beds, designed to cater to individual sleep preferences, with JD Power ranking them number 1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses purchased in store.

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    China's share of Ghana's $55 billion public debt is quite small at just $1.7 billion or 3% of the total, but Beijing nonetheless plays a critical role in Accra's efforts to revive its economy. The Ghanaian government needs China's support in order to secure an emergency financial package from the International Monetary Fund.

    While that may sound straightforward, it's not.

    Zambia is up against a similar challenge and its debt restructuring process has stalled, largely because of a stand-off between China and multilateral creditors over who should take losses on their loans.

    Isaac Kofi Agyei, a research and data analyst at Joy News -- one of Ghana's leading broadcasters and news outlets -- is closely following all of the developments in this story and joins Eric from Accra to discuss China's role in Ghana's unfolding economic crisis.


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    U.S., European Tech Competition With China in Africa

    U.S., European Tech Competition With China in Africa

    Challenging China's dominance in Africa's tech sector was one of the key takeaways from this month's Europe-Africa summit and a key component of the EU's Global Gateway infrastructure agenda. But it's not going to be easy given the enormous breadth of Chinese technology engagement in Africa that goes back decades.

    Western governments are going to find it even more difficult to compete in this market given the rapid expansion of Chinese corporate activity in Africa's digital sector. University of Tampere researcher Motolani Agbebi mapped out the scope of that challenge in a new paper published in February on the Council on Foreign Relations website that details Africa's role in China's Digital Silk Road agenda.

    She joins Eric & Cobus to discuss her findings and explain what she thinks African stakeholders need to do to best take advantage of the brewing geopolitical tech rivalry.


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    Motolani's Paper: China’s Digital Silk Road and Africa’s Technological Future -- https://on.cfr.org/36FJvoU


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    The Bondholders' View of the African Debt Crisis

    The Bondholders' View of the African Debt Crisis

    The ongoing debt crisis in Zambia and several other African countries is proving to be much more difficult to resolve than in previous years because of the expanded role of both Chinese lenders and bondholders. Both of these creditors have starkly different approaches in how they're handling the situation when countries find themselves unable to meet their obligations.

    In Zambia, in particular, critics accuse the Chinese of not being forthcoming about the size and nature of their loan portfolio in the country. Similarly, private creditors face equal scorn for appearing to be inflexible.

    But private creditors, for their part, say those critiques are not fair as they don't take into the legal obligations that asset managers, hedge funds, and other investors face as part of their fiduciary responsibility. Furthermore, given that many of the institutions that manage Eurobond holdings in Africa represent hundreds, even thousands of individual investors, getting them all to agree to a debt relief package would be difficult if not impossible.

    The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA), a U.S.-based non-profit industry group, represents many of those institutional investors that own Zambian debt. EMIA Research Analyst Ken Colangelo joins Eric & Cobus from New York to discuss the perspective of investors in the ongoing debt crisis in Zambia and elsewhere on the continent.


    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChinaAfricaProject

    Twitter: @eolander | @stadenesque | @emi_alliance

    Register for EMIA's webinar on Debt, Sustainability & Governance Forum on Zambia that will take place on December 16th.


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    BRICS Summit Preview

    BRICS Summit Preview

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed President Xi Jinping will travel to South Africa to attend the upcoming BRICS summit, the first time he'll visit Africa since 2018. Xi will be joined by three other of the group's leaders along with Russian President Vladimir Putin who will attend remotely.

    The two main priorities at this year's gathering will be expanding the bloc's membership to include any of the two dozen countries that have applied to join and the creation of a new BRICS currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.

    Emmanuel Matambo, research director at the University of Johannesburg's Africa-China Studies Centre, joins Eric & Cobus to discuss the upcoming summit and whether anything substantive will emerge from the discussions.


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