
    About this Episode

    In Truther Talk Special, Vaccine Choice and Health Freedom!!! April and Virstyne re-play Episode 44: Back 2 School 2013! In an effort to remind folks about the on-going battle for health freedoms. In the first segment they discuss the anti-health freedom, pro-big pharma bill California AB2109 with vaccine truth activist, Dawn Winkler. Dawn gets into what the vaccine laws presently are in California and what it may look like in the future. For more information on this bill and Dawn's work with the NVIC / National Vaccine Information Center go to: -NVIC: http://www.nvic.org/ and -Californian's Against AB2109: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393039350720224/ In the next segment die hard truth activist from NYC, Sallie Elkordy, takes a break from her busy activism schedule to discuss the latest in New York on the anti-parental rights, vaccine bill, A00497. Please join Sallie's campaign to ban all vaccines at: http://billiontoddlermarchforsurvival.blogspot.com/ Support her run for NYC Public Advocate on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sallie-O-Elkordy-for-NYC-Public-Advocate/587347554614900 And listen to her radio show at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow More on this in NEW upcoming Truther Talk episodes in 2014!!! Until next time.. Peace, truth & love... And don't forget to Educate before you vaccinate... TrutherTalk: http://truthertalk.com/

    Recent Episodes from Truther Talk's Podcast

    Vaccine Choice and Health Freedom!!!

    Vaccine Choice and Health Freedom!!!
    In Truther Talk Special, Vaccine Choice and Health Freedom!!! April and Virstyne re-play Episode 44: Back 2 School 2013! In an effort to remind folks about the on-going battle for health freedoms. In the first segment they discuss the anti-health freedom, pro-big pharma bill California AB2109 with vaccine truth activist, Dawn Winkler. Dawn gets into what the vaccine laws presently are in California and what it may look like in the future. For more information on this bill and Dawn's work with the NVIC / National Vaccine Information Center go to: -NVIC: http://www.nvic.org/ and -Californian's Against AB2109: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393039350720224/ In the next segment die hard truth activist from NYC, Sallie Elkordy, takes a break from her busy activism schedule to discuss the latest in New York on the anti-parental rights, vaccine bill, A00497. Please join Sallie's campaign to ban all vaccines at: http://billiontoddlermarchforsurvival.blogspot.com/ Support her run for NYC Public Advocate on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sallie-O-Elkordy-for-NYC-Public-Advocate/587347554614900 And listen to her radio show at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow More on this in NEW upcoming Truther Talk episodes in 2014!!! Until next time.. Peace, truth & love... And don't forget to Educate before you vaccinate... TrutherTalk: http://truthertalk.com/

    Back 2 School... Again and Again!!!!!

    Back 2 School... Again and Again!!!!!
    While April and Virstyne are on a winter break, they re-play Back 2 School, Part 2 to remind everyone about the on going battle for vaccine choice and health freedom. Starting off with a post-show letter from last week's guest, youtube sensation, Erica Goldson. Show originally heard on 8/22/12: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truthertalk/2012/08/22/truther-talk-episode-14-back2school Continuing, they welcome Patricia Finn, New York lawyer who provides legal services regarding immunization exemptions and cases involving vaccine injuries. Recently she has been the object of harassment as a result of her efforts. You can find more about Patricia at http://www.patriciafinnattorney.com and http://pfinnblog.weebly.com/. Finally they welcome guest, Dawn Winkler. Dawn has been extremely active in the Vaccine Truth movement and was working to stop California bill AB2109 intended to change current vaccine exemption laws in California. Her facebook group CA against AB2109 can be found at http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/393039350720224/. For more information about the bill and vaccine exemptions rights go to: http://www.calivaxchoice.com/ Californians for vaccine choice. And NVIC / National Vaccine Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/ Peace, truth and love, TrutherTalk http://truthertalk.com/

    Truther Talk Episode 59: MerryChristmasHanukkahKwanzaa!

    Truther Talk Episode 59: MerryChristmasHanukkahKwanzaa!
    In Truther Talk Episode 59: MerryChristmasHanukkahKwanzaa! April and Virstyne are all about truth as usual when they discuss the 3 major holidays celebrated in the U.S. during the month December! First segment gets into the origins of the big granddaddy holiday known as Christmas. Is it really a worship of the SunGod? Was Santa created by Coca Cola? Tune in to find out... Audio excerpt for the Christmas segment can be found here: The Real Story of Christmas: http://www.simpletoremember.com/media/a/Real-Story-of-X-mas-and-New-Years-b/ In the next segment, the original Conspiracy Realist himself, Liam Scheff joins the ladies to discuss growing up slightly Jewish in a not so Jewish household. Talk goes from Hanukkah's history and origin and then vers off into the new religion of science and the practice voodoo medicine. Find more about Liam and his work at: http://liamscheff.com/ Audio excerpt for the Hanukkah segment can be found here: MOTB - The Maccabees: Revolution And Redemption: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJWIgVBDkfo And lastly the ladies close out the show with a brief discussion of the baby of the holidays, Kwanzaa. Audio excerpt for the Kwanzaa segment can be found here: History of Kwanzaa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KCJeIx12Dw TrutherTalk would like to extend a warm expression of gratitude to the fans, friends and guests that have made this an outstanding 2013. Until next time... Peace, truth & love... See y'all next year.... http://truthertalk.com/ Additional references for information discussed on this show can be found as follows: Christmas Unwrapped: The History of Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtMnAfoSv6E#t=36 Pharmacratic Inquisition: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/the-pharmacratic-inquisition/the-pharmacratic-inquisition-with-subtitles-translated/ Rastafari & Maccabee Bible: War of Beta Israel (Black Jews): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=661zIhUlXJs

    Catch Up Revisited!!

    Catch Up Revisited!!
    Catch Up Revisited is a re-play of Truther Talk Episode 8, Catch Up, where April and Virstye first discuss California Vaccine bill AB2109 which has since passed and will go into law January 2014. Actor, comedian Rob Schneider is gushed over by the ladies for calling out douche bag, Dr. Richard Pan, assemblyman and author of the bill. Virstyne who was living overseas in Taiwan at the time, also gets into her experiences, travels and prospective as an American living in a foreign country. After the break April and Virstyne question the human status of the Monsanto Corporation and major a**hole Donald Rumsfeld.. Is he a reptile? To get involved and learn more about AB2109, check out the facebook group, Californians against AB 2109: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/393039350720224/ Until next time.. Peace, truth & love, Truther Talk http://truthertalk.com/

    Truther Talk Episode 58: Autism Moms, Homeschooling and Biomed!!!

    Truther Talk Episode 58: Autism Moms, Homeschooling and Biomed!!!
    In Truther Talk Episode 58: Autism Moms, Homeschooling and Biomed!!! April and Virstyne talk to two autism moms about their experience with homeschooling, vaccination and healing through bio-medical interventions. In the first segment Prudence Vantilburg about her experience watching her daughter Scarlett regress into autism. She has had great success reversing some of the damage through the use of non-conventional bio-medical interventions. Her on-going fundraiser is to help her family continue these necessary treatments which average around $1000 monthly out of pocket expenses. You can find more information and her fundraiser at: Go Fund Me / Scarlett's Recovery: http://www.gofundme.com/4qk788 In the next segment Meadow Davidson, autism mom and blogger join the ladies to discuss her years of experience as a mother raising a child with autism, her success with bio-medical interventions and her recent decision to home school her children. Her excellent writing and fascinating observations can be found at her blogs: Autism and Health: Tristen Leading the Way: http://autismhealth.blogspot.com/ The Green Bean Girl: http://greenbeangirl34.blogspot.com/ Meadow is also accepting donations to help fund her son's bio-medical interventions. This holiday season we at Truther Talk ask that you consider helping these families with your generous donations. These funds will help directly, unlike most non-profits in the market. Until next time... Peace,truth & love, http://truthertalk.com/

    Back 2 School... Again!!!

    Back 2 School... Again!!!
    As Winter Break comes to a close many people are heading back to school and for this special, April Boden and Virstyne Henry will do an encore presentation of TT Episode 14: Back2School. Previous guest, Sara Sotomayor comes back to give her perspective on the day's topics and discuss her new blog, http://sarashealingjourney.wordpress.com/ about her Gardasil vaccine injury and subsequent healing journey. Vaccine mom, expert, researcher, activist and former DAN (Defeat Autism Now) practioner, Marcella Piper-Terry joins April and Virstyne to share her expertise and experience on vaccination. Marcella is also the co-founder of non-profit Vaxtruth.org that provides excellent articles and information. Please check out http://vaxtruth.org/ and make a donation for offering an invaluable service by putting up their famous billboards, "No Shots, No School, Not True!" Erica Goldson whose viral youtube video of her valedictorian speech joins Truther Talk to close out the show and give her take on the public school system. You won't want to miss this lively conversation. To view Erica's video and read some of her essays, check out her blog at americaviaerica@blogspot.com. Also view her speech, Expanding Horizons of Education: Erica Goldson at TEDxBeloHorizonte at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgui64Kr0Go. She can be contacted at ericagoldson@gmail.com. Until next time.. Peace, Truth & Love, Truther Talk http://truthertalk.com/