
    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    en-usMay 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Directing The Office with Lee KirkLee Kirk, Jenna Fischer's husband, unexpectedly directed 'Vandalism' in season 9 after Ron Howard dropped out. He cherishes the experience and compares it to playing golf with a pro.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The Office Ladies podcast is the behind-the-scenes story of how Lee Kirk came on board to direct season 9, episode 14, "Vandalism," after Ron Howard had to drop out. Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey share their excitement about having Lee, who is also Jenna's husband, direct this episode. Lee talks about his experience of being handed the opportunity to direct an episode of The Office, comparing it to playing golf at a challenging course with the help of an experienced caddy. He shares how the director's role was a unique and rewarding experience for him, and he cherishes the memories from that week on set.

    • The importance of a strong teamA skilled team can lead to exceptional results, even in uncertain situations. Trust and clear communication are key to making the most of their talents.

      Having a strong team around you can significantly enhance your performance and lead to exceptional results. The speaker shared an experience of playing golf with a skilled coach who guided him through each shot, resulting in his best round ever. Similarly, in a film production setting, having a talented crew and cast can help bring a director's vision to life seamlessly, even when there are challenges or uncertainties. The director in question discussed how, despite having directed indie films before, the experience of working on a larger production like "The Office" required him to adapt and trust his team to execute the scenes flawlessly. By having a clear vision and maintaining a positive attitude, he was able to make the most of the situation and learn valuable insights.

    • Behind the Scenes of 'The Office': Cut Scenes and ChallengesDespite successful episodes, many ideas and scenes didn't make it to 'The Office'. Collaboration between actors led to memorable moments, but cast and crew laughter caused challenges during filming.

      Even during the production of a successful TV show like "The Office," there were many ideas and scenes that didn't make it to the final cut due to time constraints and creative decisions. For instance, the speaker had an idea to include a "quiet shot" reminiscent of old office documentaries, but the director assured them it wouldn't make it into the episode. Similarly, a whole driving sequence with Toby and a runner with Toby trying to impress Nellie were cut from the episode. However, the speaker fondly recalled the collaboration between Pam and Dwight, especially the scenes where they spied on the warehouse. During the filming of Jim and Daryl's apartment scenes, the cast and crew had a great time, but their laughter and goofing off often led to difficulties completing takes. Overall, the production process involved a lot of creativity, fun, and tough decisions.

    • Unique challenges in independent filmmakingFlexibility and teamwork are crucial in handling unscripted moments, uncooperative actors, and complex scenes in independent filmmaking.

      Independent filmmaking comes with unique challenges. During a shoot, Jenna had an unscripted and funny moment with her co-stars that resulted in a memorable scene. However, another scene involving a baby was more challenging as they only managed to get one take due to the baby's uncooperative behavior. Additionally, there were other scenes with complex choreography and unexpected setups that required careful planning and adaptability. Overall, the production experience showcased the importance of flexibility and teamwork in bringing the project to life.

    • Experimenting with different shooting techniques for maximum impactShooting a scene as a walk and talk vs. a traditional setup can alter tension and emotion. 'The Office' used a spy shot to reveal a long-debated mystery, showcasing the importance of trying new approaches.

      The decision to shoot a scene as a walk and talk instead of a more traditional setup can significantly impact the tension and emotion of the scene. In the case of "The Office," a scene between Lee and Brian required a change in approach, leading to the innovative use of a spy shot and the eventual reveal of the mystery behind a long-debated door. This experience taught the team the importance of experimenting with different techniques to achieve the desired effect. Additionally, Lee expressed his enjoyment of directing television and regretted missing the opportunity to continue in that field after his stint on "The Office."

    • The Dunder Mifflin employees help Daryl with his secret scheme involving a bear named BerylIn this episode, the Dunder Mifflin employees assist Daryl in a covert operation, using creative tactics like a falling bear and a hidden strap guard.

      The Dunder Mifflin employees engage in a secret scheme to help Daryl with his second job, involving a bear named Beryl and various sneaky tactics. During the filming of this scene, the crew used a filament wire to make it appear as if Beryl was falling off the chair. A fan question was answered about a detail in the cold open, where it was revealed that a blue strap guard for Daryl's shoulder bag, not painter's tape, was visible on his jacket in the super secret stairwell. The writer of the episode, Owen Ellickson, shared his amusement at the use of the term "sneaky sneaks" and contributed to the episode. The call sheet reveals that the episode was filmed in December 2012, and a quote of the day from the digital clutter involves a humorous exchange between Oscar Nunez and Jenna Fischer about their movie roles.

    • Last-minute adjustments during Pam's mural scene filmingTo fix an unexpected issue, the production team altered the sequence of events and introduced a new character.

      The production team had to make last-minute adjustments during the filming of a scene involving Pam's mural in "The Office." Originally, Pam was supposed to discover the vandalism of her mural after finishing a talking head segment. However, they realized that she would have seen it as soon as she entered the warehouse. To solve this issue, they decided to film the talking head scene while Pam was moving towards the mural, allowing her to discover the graffiti at the end of her segment. The team faced challenges with timing and ensuring the graffiti was not too realistic, as per Standards and Practices guidelines. The scene evolved from having crude drawings and messages to more explicit graffiti, including cartoony butts. The decision to vandalize the mural was made to create an intense situation for Pam and to further the storyline with Brian. The team also had to consider who would be responsible for the vandalism without causing harm to other characters, leading to the introduction of the character Frank.

    • Unexpected events and surprises in the office and at a partyUnexpected eclipses, departures, and guests added depth to characters and kept audience engaged.

      The characters in this scene experience unexpected events and surprises, whether it be a partial solar eclipse or unexpected guests at a party. For instance, a coworker was excited to share a video of the eclipse, even though he wasn't in the path of totality. Meanwhile, another character announced her unexpected departure from work. Additionally, a party was announced with unexpected guests, including a coworker's political rival. The scene also showcased the unique dynamics between roommates Jim and Daryl, with Jim expressing his enjoyment of living the single life while Daryl kept a clean apartment. These unexpected events and dynamics added depth to the characters and kept the audience engaged.

    • Noticing Jim's underwear change in 'The Office'Fans engage deeply with 'The Office' by noticing small details, leading to humorous discussions and rewatch value.

      Even the smallest details in "The Office" can be noticed and appreciated by fans. During a discussion about Jim and Daryl's rooming situation, an observation was made about Jim's change in underwear preference. While this may seem insignificant, it shows the depth of fan engagement with the show. The observation led to a funny exchange about Jim's switch from boxers to tighty whities. Additionally, the episode contained other humorous moments, such as Pam's demand for justice over vandalized artwork and Brian's intrusion as a documentary film crew member. These moments, whether intentional or not, add to the richness of the show and create opportunities for fan engagement and discussion. The show's comforting and rewatchable nature allows fans to discover new details with each viewing.

    • Clear communication and respect for boundariesEffective communication and respecting colleagues' personal boundaries are crucial for a harmonious work environment.

      The dynamic between Daryl and Jim in the office highlights the importance of clear communication and respect for personal boundaries. While Daryl may come across as fussy, his labeling and organization are a response to Jim's carelessness. Similarly, in the conference room, Pam's vandalized mural leads to a humorous exchange between employees, showcasing the classic Office dynamic of interruptions and off-topic conversations. However, the lack of concern or support from some office workers towards Pam's feelings after years of working together raises valid questions about office culture and communication. The absence of Val's response to the situation further emphasizes this issue. Overall, this episode highlights the importance of addressing conflicts and showing empathy towards colleagues.

    • Pam's struggle to showcase her art and Angela's preoccupationsDespite trying to shine, Pam faces apathy. Angela deals with her own issues and an unexpected connection emerges.

      Despite Pam's efforts to showcase her art, she continues to face apathy and lack of support from her colleagues. Meanwhile, Angela is preoccupied with her own issues, including planning a party and trying to get Dwight's attention. An unexpected connection is made to a previous episode when Dwight mentions beet runoff as a potential road salt alternative. The scene originally included an extended flirtatious interaction between Angela and Dwight, which was cut. Dwight's true intentions are revealed when he devises a plan to identify the vandal of the office mural. The scene includes a blooper where Mark Brooks, who plays Nate, delivers an improvised confession that Frank was the culprit. The episode showcases the characters' quirks and their attempts to deal with office politics and personal issues.

    • Large portraits of oneself: An unexpected source of humorReceiving and displaying large portraits of oneself can bring unexpected humor and quirkiness

      The discussion revolved around the quirky habit of some people, including the speaker, of having large portraits of themselves displayed in their homes. This was illustrated through an anecdote from the set of "The Office," where Angela had a large painting of herself looking stern, which she received as a gift. The speaker also mentioned receiving similar gifts for herself during photo shoots and projects. The humor in this situation came from the absurdity of the situation and the contrast between the size of the portraits and the modest nature of the individuals. The speaker also shared that Zach Woods, who directed a project she was in, gave her a photo of herself as a gift, which she hung in her podcast closet. The conversation also touched upon Frank's apology strategy towards Pam during a scene from "The Office." In summary, the discussion highlighted the unexpected humor and quirkiness that can arise from receiving and displaying large portraits of oneself.

    • Toby's Desperate Attempt to Impress Nellie and Office EspionageDeleted scenes reveal Toby's unusual behavior to impress Nellie and the fun office dynamics during a mole stakeout.

      Toby's role in the office dynamics was explored in a deleted scene where he tried to impress Nellie by confronting Frank in an HR issue. This scene showcased Toby's desperation to make an impression and his unusual behavior, which was entertaining and confusing for his colleagues. The scene also hinted at potential romantic interests for Nellie and Toby. Additionally, when Pam failed to get Frank fired, she turned to Dwight for help, leading them to send Clark to the warehouse as a mole. This stakeout scene was a favorite for the cast and crew, showcasing the unique dynamics of the office relationships and the fun elements of espionage. Overall, these deleted scenes provide insight into the characters' motivations and add depth to the office dynamics.

    • Dwight's influence causes strong reactionsDwight's persuasive abilities can lead others to act against their normal behavior, while seemingly insignificant moments can reveal deeper feelings.

      Dwight's influence can quickly change the normal reasoning of those around him, even leading Pam, usually a level-headed individual, to seek vengeance. Meanwhile, in a lighter moment, Angela's disdain for Oscar was showcased in a deleted scene where she remained oblivious to a marinara sauce spill on an ottoman while watching him entertain donors. On a different note, the discussion also touched upon a potential deep dive into the best past appetizers at a party, but was put on hold due to strong feelings regarding the definition and desirability of certain appetizers.

    • Speakers share their favorite food items and discuss show plot pointsAngela loves rice nuggets, Kevin enjoys puff pastries, and speakers analyze potential show developments including Robert's motivations and Jim and Daryl's conflict

      The discussion revolved around various food items and the speakers' preferences, with rice nuggets, flatbread, and puff pastries being mentioned as favorites. The speakers also shared their thoughts on other items, such as endives, canapes, and mac and cheese balls. A notable moment was when one speaker, Angela, expressed her excitement over rice nuggets, describing the experience as enjoying a hot, sticky goo. Another speaker, Kevin, expressed his fondness for anything in a puff pastry. The conversation also touched upon a potential plot point in the show, where it was suggested that Robert invited Oscar to pander the Latino vote. Additionally, there was a scene discussed where Jim and Daryl's conflict seemed to be coming to a resolution, but Jim discovered that Daryl had deleted some of his Tavis Smiley episodes, leading to tension. The speakers also shared observations about the characters' eating habits, such as Jim's preference for baby carrots and Daryl's need for a large amount of flour. Overall, the conversation was a lively exchange of food preferences and show analysis.

    • Prank War Between Jim, Dwight, and FrankDespite subtle hints, Brian's attraction to Pam led to his termination in a chaotic prank war scene

      In the discussed episode of "The Office," Jim, Dwight, and Pam engage in a prank war against Frank, leading to a chaotic scene where Pam defends Brian, their crew member, from Frank's anger. The prank involves painting graffiti on Frank's truck, which includes a drawing of a figure with exaggerated body parts. Standards and Practices required that the body parts not appear lifelike. The scene where Frank attacks Pam and Brian is fully choreographed, and although it looks realistic, Brian ultimately gets fired. The audience has not been given clear indications that Brian has stepped out of bounds, but there are subtle hints, such as a flirtatious smile and a gentle head pat, that suggest a possible attraction between him and Pam. The writers initially intended to cast a less attractive actor for the role of Brian to avoid romantic subplots, but ended up casting Chris Diamatopoulos, who was considered too handsome for the role.

    • The audience's reaction to unexpected plot twists in 'The Office' is influenced by their perception of the characters involved.Perception of characters and their relationships can significantly impact audience reaction to plot twists. Casting and character bonding moments are crucial in shaping these perceptions.

      The audience's reaction to unexpected plot twists in television shows can be strongly influenced by their perception of the characters involved. In the case of "The Office," the tease of Pam being attracted to a "schlubby" Brian was met with skepticism due to his similarities to Jim and the audience's belief that Pam would not be attracted to someone so reminiscent of her previous love interest. However, Brian's physical attractiveness and the writers' decision to reveal his impressive physique at inopportune moments added to the confusion and humor of the situation. The audience's reaction also highlights the importance of casting and how it can impact the audience's perception of a character and their relationships. Additionally, the bonding moments between characters, such as Kevin standing up for Angela and the trio's shared frustration over math mistakes, are valuable in building relationships and creating memorable scenes.

    • Contractual obligations impact documentary contentAdhering to contractual agreements is crucial to include intended content in a documentary, even if it means sacrificing potentially impactful moments.

      During the shooting of an episode in the documentary series "Office Ladies," there was a planned ending featuring Brian Whittle, the former boom mic operator, expressing his support for Pam after being fired. However, due to contractual agreements, Brian's comments were left out of the final edit. This incident highlights the importance of adhering to contractual obligations, even if it means sacrificing potentially impactful content. Additionally, the episode featured interviews with husband Lee Kirk, writer Owen Ellickson, and a discussion about the chocolate milk-themed project "Saint Denis Medical." The episode was produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, and their team, with music by Creed Bratton.

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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