
    Victor Davis Hanson | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 106

    enNovember 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Concerns over 2020 election integrityEfforts to extend voting deadlines and inaccurate polling data may have discouraged some voters, potentially influencing the election outcome. Maintaining a fair and transparent voting process is crucial for upholding the foundation of citizenship.

      The 2020 election has raised significant concerns about the integrity of the voting process in the United States. Doctor Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, believes that efforts to extend voting deadlines and the inaccurate polling data may have discouraged voters in certain states from participating, potentially influencing the outcome of the election. The narrative of a landslide victory for Joe Biden may have also demotivated supporters of Donald Trump, leading to a closer race than anticipated. Hanson emphasizes the importance of maintaining the foundation of citizenship, which includes a fair and transparent voting process.

    • Surprising election results challenge Democratic dominanceDespite media narrative, American people rejected 'woke radicalism' of Dems, maintaining GOP Senate majority and losing House seats. Election outcome raises concerns about presidency legitimacy, with potential lawsuits and investigations.

      Despite the perceived dominance of the Democratic Party and the media narrative leading up to the election, the American people have shown resilience and rejected much of the "woke radicalism" of the Democratic Party. This was evident in the surprising results, including Republicans maintaining their Senate majority and Democrats losing seats in the House. The election outcome also raises concerns about the legitimacy of the presidency, with potential lawsuits and investigations on the horizon. Overall, the election results provide a sense of optimism for Republicans, as they have defied expectations and shown that they can overcome various obstacles. However, there is also disappointment among Trump supporters who believed that they could not be stopped. The electoral college system, which compartmentalizes the vote, makes it difficult to steal an entire election, but it remains to be seen how this election will unfold in the coming days.

    • Reevaluating the Republican ApproachThe GOP needs to address China, immigration, and present a fighter candidate to win back voters in swing states.

      The Republican Party needs to reevaluate its approach to issues such as China, immigration, and foreign policy if they want to win back voters in key swing states. The Trump presidency exposed the need for a tougher stance on China and a more secure border, particularly in communities heavily impacted by illegal immigration. Additionally, the GOP must present a candidate who is willing to fight and not lose nobly, as voters have grown disillusioned with the party's traditional protocols and perceived lack of concern for their lives. The events of the 2020 election are not likely to result in a smooth transition for the Republican Party, and attempts to write off Trump's legacy or view his loss as a relief could lead to significant anger and backlash from voters.

    • The Future of the GOP: Culture Wars Over EconomicsTrump's influence and opposition to elitism, not specific policies, may define the future of the Republican Party. Data privacy is important, and using a VPN can help protect it. Trump's potential 2024 run underscores his ongoing significance.

      The future of the Republican Party may not lie in economic populism, but rather in resisting the culture wars being embraced by the Democrats. Trump's appeal may not be rooted in specific policies, but in his attitude towards losing and his opposition to the perceived elitism of traditional Republican figures. Additionally, the issue of data privacy is important, and using a reliable VPN like ExpressVPN can help protect your information. Trump's potential return to politics in 2024, despite the outcome of the current election, also highlights the ongoing significance of his influence within the party.

    • Challenging conventional wisdom and revealing true dynamicsTrump's unapologetic approach led to significant changes, resonating with the overlooked population, but requires careful handling to avoid divisiveness and isolationism.

      Former President Trump challenged conventional wisdom and long-held beliefs in various political and economic arenas. He broke through the empty talk and pretense, revealing the true dynamics of issues like the Middle East peace process, China's economic hegemony, and NATO's role. Trump's unapologetic and uncompromising approach led to significant changes, such as moving the embassy to Jerusalem, renegotiating trade deals, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. This bold stance resonated with a large segment of the population, who felt overlooked and ignored by the political and economic elites. The challenge now is for leaders to harness this energy and channel it towards productive change while avoiding the dangers of divisiveness and isolationism.

    • Donald Trump's impact on the political landscapeTrump's unique celebrity status and bold actions resonated with a large number of people, shaping the political landscape and potentially leading to a more celebrity-driven culture within the Republican Party

      The political landscape has been shaped significantly by the presence of Donald Trump, with his unique celebrity status and ability to cut through the BS on various policy issues. His impact is such that it may lead to a more celebrity-driven culture within the Republican Party. Despite his divisive nature and lack of political or military experience, Trump's outsider status and bold actions resonated with a large number of people. However, finding another Republican candidate with similar charisma and celebrity status who can captivate a large crowd remains a challenge. The media's ability to paint a competing picture of an unknown candidate makes it difficult for them to compete with Trump's established image. Trump's legacy may lie in his ability to bring about change, even if it's seen as repugnant or unnecessary at the time.

    • Donald Trump's unconventional attitude resonates with votersTrump's ability to brush off scandals and not be deterred by criticism appeals to many voters, contrasting with traditional politicians. His unique abilities as a candidate have allowed him to make progress on issues important to his base, but his tweets and personal attacks are distasteful to some.

      Donald Trump's unconventional attitude and recklessness have resonated with a significant portion of the American electorate. His ability to brush off scandals and not be deterred by criticism, even if it's personal, has made him an appealing figure to many voters. This contrasts with traditional politicians who, due to their long careers in politics and compromises they've made, may not be able to adopt such an attitude. While some argue that Trump is a ceiling for the Republican party, others believe he's a floor, and that his unique abilities as a candidate have allowed him to make progress in addressing issues that matter to his base. The public's reaction to Trump is complex, with some finding his tweets and personal attacks distasteful but also recognizing the achievements of his administration. The evolving perception of Trump is a dilemma for many, as they grapple with the good and the bad aspects of his presidency. In the context of demographics, understanding the appeal of Trump's attitude and approach is crucial for both political strategists and those seeking to engage with the electorate.

    • Barack Obama's divisive campaign vs Trump's focus on class and authenticityTrump's focus on economic issues and authenticity helped him break the Democratic demographic stranglehold by appealing to working-class individuals, regardless of race.

      The 2012 election marked a significant shift in American politics, with Barack Obama openly campaigning to divide Americans by class, race, and sexual preference to build a coalition. However, Donald Trump defied expectations and made inroads into traditionally Democratic demographics by focusing on economic issues and appealing to the dignity of working-class individuals, regardless of race. Trump's authenticity and ability to connect with people, particularly minorities, who felt disconnected from the wealthy, liberal elite, resonated strongly. Trump's willingness to challenge the condescending manner of these elites and make fun of them also appealed to many voters. Ultimately, Trump's success in breaking the Democratic demographic stranglehold can be attributed to his focus on class, authenticity, and his ability to connect with and appeal to voters who felt overlooked by the political establishment.

    • Authenticity and attitude matter to minority votersPolitical candidates' authenticity and attitude resonate with minority voters, even if their policies don't align with traditional expectations

      Authenticity and attitude matter greatly to many minority voters, particularly when it comes to their perception of political candidates. This was evident in the 2016 election, where Donald Trump's unconventional approach and anti-establishment image resonated with a significant number of Hispanic and black voters, despite conventional wisdom suggesting that Republicans needed to make major concessions on immigration or address issues of racial inequality to win their support. Trump's stance on immigration, including his promise to build a wall and deport criminals, aligned with the attitudes and concerns of some minority voters, demonstrating that policies may not always be the deciding factor in electoral success. It's essential for political parties and candidates to engage with diverse communities and understand their perspectives beyond stereotypes and assumptions.

    • Recognizing diversity and addressing institutional issuesThe Republican Party can represent the middle class and minorities, while addressing institutional issues like biased media and universities through cost-cutting measures and academic rigor, while conservatives can fight back against ideology infiltration in industries.

      It's important to recognize the humanity and diversity within all communities, including minorities. Condescending or elitist attitudes towards certain groups can lead to misunderstanding and division. The Republican Party has an opportunity to recalibrate and represent the middle class and minorities, while the Democratic Party is often perceived as representing the very wealthy and very poor. Institutional issues, such as biased media and universities, can be addressed by removing government's moral hazard on student loans and implementing a national exit exam for college graduates. These actions could lead to cost-cutting measures and a focus on academic rigor. Conservatives can also fight back against left-wing ideology infiltrating key industries by addressing the financial incentives that drive institutions to prioritize ideology over merit.

    • Reforming University EducationThe speaker advocates for accountability, affordability, and alternative paths in education reform, including changing tenure systems, investing in vocational training, and challenging dominant narratives in universities.

      There is a need for reform in the education system, particularly at the university level. The speaker believes that the indoctrination in schools, especially at the K-12 level, is a concern, and that the current system of requiring teaching credentials for public school teachers but not for community college or JC teachers is illogical. He suggests allowing graduates to choose between getting a teaching credential or a master's degree in their field before entering the workforce. Additionally, he advocates for changing the tenure system to make faculty more accountable and productive. He also suggests that conservatives invest in alternative educational institutions to challenge the dominant narrative in universities. The speaker also mentions the issue of student debt and the potential danger of disillusioned, indebted graduates turning to radical ideologies. He suggests emphasizing trade schools and vocational training as an alternative to higher education. In summary, the speaker calls for a multi-faceted approach to education reform, focusing on accountability, affordability, and alternative educational paths.

    • The Role of Education and Media in Society and Hiring PracticesThe education system and media significantly influence societal perceptions and hiring practices, but their effectiveness and impartiality are questionable. The speaker suggests implementing a fairer hiring process and regulating media as public utilities to hold them accountable for their impact.

      The education system and media play significant roles in shaping societal perceptions and hiring practices, but their effectiveness and impartiality are open to question. The speaker argues that the education system, particularly the Ivy League, functions as a sorting mechanism for employers, but a more direct and fair hiring process could be implemented. He also criticizes the media for their biased coverage and their monopolistic control over information, suggesting that they should be regulated as public utilities. The speaker believes that both institutions need to be held accountable for their impact on society and the economy. Additionally, he calls for a free market approach to technology companies, arguing that their monopolistic practices stifle innovation and competition.

    • Impact of Government Funding on Institutions and California's Societal IssuesGovernment funding changes can significantly impact institutions like PBS and NPR, and addressing societal issues like poor governance, high taxes, and immigrant integration is crucial for California's sustainability.

      The speaker believes that government attention and funding changes can significantly impact institutions like PBS and NPR, which he perceives as biased. He suggests cutting funding and replacing them with less controversial alternatives. The speaker also shares his concerns about the governance and societal issues in California, which he attributes to high taxes, poor infrastructure, and the failure to assimilate immigrants. He believes that millions of people have left California due to these issues, and the state's current path may not be sustainable. The speaker's perspective is that California's problems stem from poor governance, high taxes, and the failure to effectively integrate immigrants. He believes that significant changes, such as cutting funding for perceived biased media outlets and addressing societal issues, are necessary for improvement.

    • The divide between haves and have-nots in coastal areasThe concentration of wealth and elitism in coastal areas has led to a stark divide between affluent gated communities and areas with extreme poverty, crime, and poor education.

      The wealth and elitism concentrated in coastal areas, particularly in California, have led to a stark divide between the haves and have-nots. This division is exacerbated by the mass flight of the middle class, replacement by poor immigrants, and lack of assimilation. The result is a society with extreme poverty, crime, and poor education in certain areas, contrasted with affluent gated communities. Victor Davis Hanson, a classical historian, draws parallels to ancient civilizations, warning that America risks repeating historical patterns of societal decay. As for potential Republican successors to Donald Trump, Hanson mentions some names but encourages listeners to join The Daily Wire for the full conversation.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    enJune 23, 2024

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