
    Video Exposes The Cabal Pushing The Woke Agenda (Ep 2021)

    enMay 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Powerful elites coordinating to suppress speech, religion, and family bondsElites and organizations, including NGOs and governments, are working together to suppress speech, weaken family bonds, and suppress religion, using advanced technology and communication tools.

      There is a powerful network of elites and organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, corporations, and intelligence communities, coordinating to subjugate society in a real and dangerous way. This cabal, as some call it, wants to censor speech, suppress religion, and weaken family bonds. They have the technology and communication tools to do so more effectively than ever before. For evidence, consider a 2019 video of Beth Brooke Marciniac explaining how Soros-funded NGOs pressure governments. While some may dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, the evidence speaks for itself. We must remain vigilant and support organizations like Folds of Honor, which helps military families cope with the sacrifices of service.

    • Collaboration between WEF and PGLE for LGBTQIA+ rights and inclusionCompanies are encouraged to adopt LGBTQIA+ initiatives to avoid boycotts and score well, while the Biden administration discusses their agenda. However, concerns arise over free speech and pressure tactics imbalance between the right and left, and potential bias in disinformation index funding.

      There is a collaboration between the World Economic Forum and the PGLE (Partnership for Global LGBTIQ Equality) to push for LGBTQIA+ rights and inclusion in various industries. Companies are encouraged to adopt these initiatives to score well and avoid being boycotted, which can impact their capital. The Biden administration has also met with these groups to discuss their agenda. However, it was pointed out during the discussion that there is a lack of equivalency in terms of free speech and pressure tactics between the right and left. The right defends individual rights, while the left uses pressure tactics to influence companies' policies. Additionally, the Biden administration was criticized for funding a disinformation index that has been linked to the blacklisting of conservative sites, which further highlights the perceived imbalance in these issues.

    • Suppressing conservative voices and promoting agendasMoney and influence are used to silence dissenting voices, pressuring businesses to comply with certain agendas. Individuals and organizations must stand up for their beliefs, even if it means facing short-term challenges for long-term benefits.

      Money and influence are being used to suppress conservative voices and promote certain agendas, including the LGBTQ+ and BIOPC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) agenda. This is being done through a combination of NGOs, government organizations, and corporations, all working together to pressure businesses to comply. The Biden administration, through grants to organizations like the Global Disinformation Index, is contributing to this silencing of dissenting voices. Companies that refuse to comply risk losing capital and public support, making it a difficult decision for many. It's important for individuals and organizations to stand up for their beliefs and values, even if it means facing short-term challenges. The long-term benefits of taking a stand can outweigh the initial costs. It's crucial to be aware of the power dynamics at play and to encourage open and honest dialogue to counteract the silencing of certain voices.

    • Standing firm in beliefs despite controversyStay true to your values and don't cave in to pressure, even during times of controversy or backlash. Your actions can have negative consequences for the cause and for others if you waver.

      Consistency and conviction are key in standing up for what you believe in, especially during times of controversy or backlash. The example given was of baseball player Anthony Bass, who initially showed support for a cause but later retracted his statement with an apology video. This action was criticized as damaging to the movement and harmful to those who had initially stood firm. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying true to one's values and not caving in to pressure, as it can have negative consequences for the cause and for others who may be inspired by one's actions. The speaker also praised other players, like Blake Treinen, for their courage and consistency in standing up for their beliefs. Overall, the message was to have the courage to stand up for what is right and to not back down when faced with opposition or criticism.

    • Courageously Standing Up for BeliefsSpeak out for your beliefs, even in the face of criticism and backlash. Sleep well to have the energy to stand firm.

      Standing up for your beliefs, especially in the face of criticism and backlash, requires courage and conviction. The discussion highlighted the actions of Blake, Trevor, and Clayton, who spoke out against a controversial situation and refused to back down. Their unwavering commitment to their faith and principles serves as an inspiration. Additionally, the importance of a good night's sleep was emphasized, with Helix mattresses being recommended for their comfort and quality. The overall message encourages individuals to stay true to themselves and not be intimidated by external pressures.

    • Deeply entrenched cabal pushing agendas in govt and corp AmericaCabal infiltrated institutions, eroding rights and democratic processes, ignoring rule of law, opportunity for change in next 4 years to restore integrity

      The current state of affairs in government and corporate America involves a deeply entrenched cabal pushing agendas like wokeism, CRT, speech suppression, and censorship. This cabal has infiltrated various institutions, including regulatory bodies, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. The consequences of this include the erosion of individual rights and the undermining of democratic processes. The example of former FBI Director Jim Comey, who ignored regular procedures during the investigation into Donald Trump, exemplifies the disregard for the rule of law and accountability within these institutions. The next four years present an opportunity to address this issue and remove those who have sold out the country. The public momentum is there to make significant changes and restore integrity to these institutions.

    • Alleged Interconnections and Manipulation of Public OpinionFormer FBI Director Comey's connections to Clinton and NGOs, along with alleged manipulation of public opinion by the left through social media and AI, have fueled political tensions and accusations of collusion.

      There is a perceived interconnectedness between certain individuals, NGOs, and corporations, with former FBI Director James Comey and Hillary Clinton being mentioned specifically. Comey allegedly wanted a job with Clinton, while she reportedly works with NGOs that pressure corporations, who in turn face government sanctions. This dynamic allowed for the "wokesters" to take over during Trump's presidency, leading to accusations of a collusion scandal that never happened. Comey, who is seen as having destroyed the reputation of the FBI, is also accused of withholding crucial documents related to potential Biden corruption. The left is believed to be fueling the political divide, using powerful tools like social media and AI to manipulate public opinion. The ERC Tax Credit, a refund for businesses that have already paid taxes, can help businesses recover up to $26,000 per employee and improve their operations.

    • Divide and silence conservative voicesWell-funded individuals and groups are using psychological manipulation and censorship to deny far-right groups access to the public sphere and silence their speech, requiring conservatives to remain united and vigilant against these threats to free speech.

      There are organized efforts to divide and silence conservative voices through psychological manipulation and censorship. These efforts are not new and are being carried out by well-funded individuals and groups, often disguised as conservatives. The goal is to deny far-right groups access to the public sphere and silence their speech, which is seen as more than just an exchange of ideas. It's important for conservatives to be aware of these tactics and to remain passionate and united in their support for their chosen candidates during the primary season. It's also crucial to be cautious of individuals who may not be who they claim to be and to always demand receipts before believing allegations. These threats to free speech are real and require a vigilant response.

    • The threat of fake accounts and divisiveness in cyberspaceMichael Saylor warns of worsening online conflict and the need for integrity in cyberspace, suggesting that a blockchain-oriented solution may be necessary to prevent the spread of fake accounts and protect authentic online interactions.

      The online world is becoming increasingly divisive and filled with fake accounts, which can create a false sense of conflict and hatred between individuals and groups. Michael Saylor, a tech expert, warns that this issue will only worsen with the next generation of technology, making it crucial to establish integrity in cyberspace. The implication is that we can no longer rely on self-regulation, and more stringent measures, such as a blockchain-oriented solution, may be necessary to prevent the proliferation of fake accounts and protect the authenticity of online interactions. Ultimately, it's essential to be vigilant and recognize that much of the online conflict may not be real, and our political energy should be focused on addressing the real targets, which are the ideological progressive leftist socialists.

    • Preparing for emergencies and understanding AI risksStay informed and prepared for crises like food shortages, while also being cautious of AI's potential to disrupt essential services and society, potentially due to malicious intent.

      The world is facing various crises, from food emergencies to potential extinction-level events due to artificial intelligence (AI). The speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for emergencies, such as food shortages, by purchasing an emergency food kit. He also warns about the dangers of AI, which is becoming increasingly influential in society and could lead to unintended consequences, such as disrupting water supplies or supply chains. The speaker expresses concern that those programming AI may have destructive intentions, as suggested by research linking left-wing extremism to psychopathy and narcissism. Therefore, it's crucial to stay informed and prepared for potential crises while also being aware of the potential risks associated with advanced technology.

    • Dark personalities attracted to activism for ego needsIndividuals with narcissistic, psychopathic traits use activism to seek fame, distinction, and high social status, manipulating and destroying others to achieve goals due to lack of marketable skills and perceived losses in life.

      Individuals with dark personalities, particularly those with narcissistic, psychopathic traits, are attracted to political and social activism as a means to satisfy their own ego needs rather than pursuing social justice and equality. These individuals, often labeled as "lefties" or "liberals," crave fame, distinction, and high social status, and will use manipulation and destruction of others to achieve their goals due to their lack of marketable skills and perceived losses in life. The study discussed highlights the dangerous nature of these individuals, who can't create value for themselves and instead seek to take it from others. It's important to be aware of this behavior and understand that not all activism is driven by genuine intentions.

    • Biden Administration Granted Override Authority for Pay-go RegulationsThe Biden administration can bypass pay-go regulations and implement new regulations without corresponding cuts, potentially leading to a significant increase in regulations.

      The Biden administration, through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and its director Shalonda Young, has been granted override authority for pay-go regulations. This means that for every new regulation the administration wants to implement, they can require the elimination of existing regulations or cuts elsewhere in the budget. Essentially, the GOP's pay-go rule, which mandates offsetting costs for new regulations, can be bypassed if the OMB director deems it necessary for the Biden agenda. This could lead to a significant increase in regulations without the need for corresponding cuts, which some critics are calling the "just kidding provision." Additionally, tensions between the US and China continue to escalate, with a Chinese plane reportedly buzzing a US surveillance plane in the South China Sea. The speaker expressed concern about the growing threat from China and urged viewers to stay informed. Lastly, Dan Bongino reminded viewers to follow his channel on various platforms and encouraged them to engage in the live chat daily at 11 a.m. Eastern time.

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