
    Video Game Chemistry, Coaching Lessons and Bye Week Tales

    enOctober 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Netflix roast of Tom Brady and New Heights show successThe Netflix roast of Tom Brady and the New Heights show's regained number one spot on Apple and Spotify are major events in the entertainment and podcast worlds.

      The roast of Tom Brady, a Netflix live event hosted by Kevin Hart on May 5th, promises to be an unforgettable night filled with jokes and roasts from famous friends and frenemies. Meanwhile, the New Heights show, presented by Wave Sports and Entertainment, regained the number one spot in the sports podcast world on Apple and Spotify. The hosts, Travis and Jason Kelsey, shared their excitement about the achievement and even received a shout-out from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. In a lighter moment, they also discussed their experience with Burger King's "small hands" ad campaign and the importance of having strong hands for football players. Overall, the conversation highlighted the upcoming roast event and the success of the New Heights show.

    • Discussing Unconventional Punching Techniques and Football PositionsProper punching techniques are essential to avoid injuries. Being agile and quick-witted are beneficial in football positions. The duo encourages their listeners to suggest a name for their fans.

      Our bodies adapt to changes, even if it means using different parts of our bodies in unconventional ways. Jason and Travis discussed the importance of proper punching techniques to avoid injuries. Jason shared his experience of having to use his hands differently for a few years and how he eventually got used to it. They also talked about the benefits of being agile and quick-witted, especially when it comes to football positions. Another topic they touched on was the search for a name for their fans. They joked around with different ideas but couldn't settle on one. They encouraged their listeners to come up with suggestions and promised to choose the best one. In a lighter moment, they discussed hypothetical situations, such as switching football positions, and how each of them would fare in different roles. Jason believed he could hold his own as a guard due to his agility and trickiness, while Travis acknowledged that he would struggle in that position due to his size and strength. Overall, the conversation showcased the duo's playful banter and their ability to engage with their audience. They demonstrated their adaptability and creativity, both in their everyday lives and in their football careers.

    • Travis Kelce's High School DareTravis Kelce shared a funny story about getting into trouble for jumping into a trash can in high school while wearing a swimsuit and sweatpants, and discussed the challenges of facing different NFL defenses without Tyreke Hill.

      Travis Kelce, during the discussion, revealed an amusing incident from his high school days involving a dare to jump into a trash can while wearing swimsuit and sweatpants. Despite it not being a naked act, he got into trouble for it. The conversation also touched upon the NFL game and the variety of defenses they've faced this season with Tyreke Hill's absence. Additionally, Travis shared a light-hearted moment about being asked to sign a baby, but expressed his hesitation due to potential health concerns. Overall, the conversation showcased Travis Kelce's approachable and humorous personality, as well as some insight into his experiences both on and off the field.

    • Exploring new experiences and taking calculated risks in high schoolHigh school students should balance following rules with trying new experiences, as seen in NFL's record-breaking Week 7 games, featuring Patrick Mahomes and Kareem Hunt's stellar performances. Try Raycon earbuds for podcasts and Babbel for language learning.

      Pushing boundaries and trying new experiences, even if they seem trivial, is a normal part of growing up. High school students should aim to find a balance between following the rules and taking calculated risks. The NFL's Week 7 games saw some record-breaking offensive performances, with the Chiefs and 49ers putting on a show. Jason and Travis discussed their favorite offensive games, including the Chiefs versus Browns match in 2018, where Patrick Mahomes and Kareem Hunt shined. Additionally, Travis endorsed Raycon wireless earbuds for optimal podcast listening experience and Babbel language learning app for those interested in learning a new language.

    • Impact of Effective Coaching on Team PerformanceEffective coaching with clear communication, game plans, motivation, and mental preparation can significantly improve team performance

      Effective leadership and clear communication from coaches can significantly impact a team's performance. The speaker emphasized the impact of coaches like Reid and Heckman, who brought energy, clear game plans, and a personal touch to their teams. These coaches tweaked defensive strategies, taught effectively, and motivated their players to perform at their best. The night before the game, Coach Heckman's words of encouragement to take it personally and focus on each play resonated with the team, leading to increased energy, communication, and dominance on the field. The power of visualization and positive thinking before a game was also highlighted as a crucial factor in success. Overall, the combination of strong leadership, clear communication, and mental preparation can make all the difference in a team's performance.

    • The importance of strategies, visualization, and teamworkEffective strategies, visualization, teamwork, and communication are crucial for success in both football and video games.

      Having a deep understanding of strategies and the ability to adapt and visualize plays is crucial for success, whether it's on the football field or in a video game. Juju Smith-Schuster emphasized the importance of diagrams and visualization in football, while the Marines' adaptability and resilience were highlighted as key factors in their success. Off the field, playing video games like Call of Duty together helped build camaraderie and teamwork among players. The ability to communicate effectively and work together, even in a virtual environment, can translate to improved performance on the field. The Marines' adaptability and the teamwork and communication skills developed through gaming were instrumental in their success.

    • Nintendo 64 games fostered team bondingCollege hockey team used N64 games for bonding, turning hockey game into a drinking game, creating high-scoring matches and team camaraderie

      The Nintendo 64 console and its games, particularly Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey 98, played a significant role in building team chemistry and fostering social experiences for a college hockey team. The game was turned into a drinking game, leading to high-scoring matches and the consumption of a large quantity of beer within a short time frame. Other popular N64 games like Mario Kart 64 and Halo also provided entertainment and bonding opportunities. The conversation also touched upon the current success of Tyreek Hill in the National Football League and the resurfacing of an old Instagram comment about him from Keenan Allen. Despite the potential trash talk, it's important to remember that the comment's context and intent are unknown. Overall, these shared experiences and games served as essential bonding moments for the team and continue to bring nostalgia and enjoyment to those involved.

    • Chiefs' Offense Thrives with Mahomes' Leadership and InnovationThe Chiefs' offense is succeeding this season through Mahomes' exceptional play, new strategies, and the addition of Juju Smith-Schuster and Travis Kelce's continued dominance.

      The Chiefs' offense has evolved in new and exciting ways following Tyreke Hill's departure, with Patrick Mahomes playing a pivotal role in the team's success. Fan RG3 believes that the offense keeps evolving into Mahomes' strengths, and coach Reid is implementing new strategies that defenses haven't caught on to yet. The addition of Juju Smith-Schuster and Travis Kelce's continued dominance in the middle of the field have provided new ways to manufacture big plays. Mahomes' exceptional play this season, as evidenced by his top QB1 percentage, is a significant factor in the team's success. Mahomes' competitive nature and his tendency to take notes on film study fuel his determination to prove doubters wrong. In summary, the Chiefs' offense is thriving this season due to a combination of new pieces, Mahomes' exceptional play, and the team's ability to adapt and innovate.

    • Mahomes' unique leadership and football skillsMahomes' instincts, creativity, meticulous note-taking, and film study give him a competitive edge in understanding defenses and situational football, making him a top-tier quarterback in high-pressure situations

      Patrick Mahomes is a unique leader and quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is known for his instinctual play and creativity on the field, but also his meticulous note-taking and film study off the field. This combination allows him to understand defenses and situational football to a high level, giving him a step ahead of the game. Mahomes' passion and love for football further enhance his instincts and make him one of the best in the business, particularly in high-pressure situations. His ability to balance precision and intuition sets him apart from other players and makes him an invaluable asset to the Chiefs.

    • NFL Players Prioritize Team Success Over Individual AchievementsDespite personal setbacks, NFL players remain focused on their team's success and emphasize the importance of physicality in the sport.

      Even in the face of disappointment, such as having a touchdown called back, NFL players prioritize the team's success over their own individual achievements. Travis Kelce, for instance, expressed his disappointment when a touchdown was taken away from him, but quickly moved on and focused on getting the team a score. He also emphasized the importance of physicality in football and shared an anecdote about George Kittle's hype video during National Tight End Day. The discussion also touched upon the ease of adjusting to a new team's offense, with Travis expressing his belief that it would be relatively simple for a running back like Christian McCaffrey to do so. Overall, the conversation highlighted the team-oriented mindset and physical nature of the NFL.

    • NFL Players Value Mental Rest During Bye WeeksNFL players prioritize mental rejuvenation during bye weeks, contributing to improved focus and performance upon return.

      The bye week in the NFL is not just about physical rest for players, but also mental rejuvenation. NFL player Travis talks about how important it is to step away from the routine and football-focused mindset during the bye week. He emphasizes that this mental break contributes significantly to coming back feeling energized and ready to perform at their best. Travis also mentions how HelloFresh helps him save time and energy by delivering pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes right to his doorstep, allowing him to focus on his football career and personal life.

    • Philadelphia Athletes Collaborate on Christmas AlbumA group of Philadelphia athletes, including Jordan Mailata and Lane Johnson, have joined musical artists to create a heartfelt Christmas album. The diverse collaboration promises to bring unique holiday tunes.

      A group of individuals, including athletes Jordan Mailata and Lane Johnson, have come together to create a Philadelphia-based Christmas album. The project has been a collaborative effort, with Jordan Mailata and Lane Johnson joining musical artists such as Charlie Hall from Switchfoot, and the album promises to be a collection of honest and heartfelt music. Jordan Mailata shared his excitement about the experience, expressing how it brought him back to happy memories and times spent with family. Despite not being able to participate in the recording process, he expressed his support for the project and looked forward to its release. The album is expected to feature a diverse range of talent, from professional athletes to musicians, and promises to be a unique and cool addition to the holiday season.

    • An Unforgettable Baseball ExperienceThe speaker shares an amusing story about chugging a beer on the baseball field and expresses his unconventional views on everyday practices, making for an entertaining conversation.

      The speaker in this conversation had an unforgettable experience when he chugged a beer on the baseball field during a game, which made him feel like a true fan. He also expressed his disbelief in the necessity of certain practices like washing clothes or using toilet paper extensively. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's encounter with Rex Ryan, Miles Teller, and the Philadelphia Phanatic, making it a memorable week for him. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's unique perspective on life and his ability to make the most out of unexpected situations.

    • The power of passion and connectionPassion and connection can transcend perceived limitations, impacting experiences and performance through emotional connections and effective communication.

      The power of passion and connection can transcend perceived limitations, as demonstrated by the speaker's wife's deep love for the Philadelphia Phanatic mascot and the impact of coaches like Pete Carroll on athletes' careers. The Phanatic's iconic status in Philadelphia is a testament to the emotional connection people have with symbols and experiences. Similarly, coaching can significantly influence athletes' performance and development, with great coaches like Pete Carroll using their emotional intelligence and psychological understanding to connect with and bring out the best in their players. These examples illustrate the importance of genuine passion and effective communication in creating lasting impact.

    • Beyond tactics and strategy: Empowering players to be their best selvesGreat coaches empower individual players, allowing them to express their personalities and thrive within the team structure, leading to successful teams and happy players.

      Effective coaching in sports goes beyond tactics and strategy. It's about empowering individual players to be their best selves while maintaining the team's representation. Great coaches like Pete Carroll and Andy Reid have a unique ability to connect with their players, allowing them to express their personalities and thrive within the team structure. This approach leads to successful teams and happy players. From a player's perspective, the time commitment and responsibilities of being a coach in the NFL are immense, and not everyone has the ability to take on that role. Instead, players appreciate the dedication and hard work put in by their coaches to help them succeed.

    • Coaches who connect and inspireGreat coaches build strong bonds, instill confidence, and create a supportive team environment, shaping their players' lives with lasting impact.

      Great coaches possess both the ability to connect with their players on a personal level and the tactical expertise to lead them to success. The speaker recalls his father as the first coach he remembered due to their unique bond, but also highlights the importance of coaches who instill confidence and belief in their players during challenging times. These coaches, whether it be a father figure or a mentor, leave a lasting impact on their players' lives by fostering a family-oriented team atmosphere and inspiring them to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

    • The Impact of Coaches on Personal GrowthSeeking advice from coaches and mentors, whether in sports or life, can lead to significant growth and motivation. Strive for self-improvement and learn from unexpected sources.

      Meaningful relationships with coaches, whether in sports or in life, can significantly impact a person's growth and motivation. The speaker shared his personal experiences of being inspired by various coaches, including Bill Belichick, Pete Carroll, and Vince Lombardi. He also emphasized the importance of seeking advice and learning from unexpected sources. The speaker's father's words, "I'm not raising you to be like me. I'm raising you to be better than me," resonated with him and became a guiding principle in his life. Overall, the speaker's message highlights the importance of striving for self-improvement and seeking out valuable mentors and coaches to help us reach our goals.

    • Great teammates prioritize others' growthUnselfish teammates commit to others' improvement, like Ben Jones, and display toughness, grit, and determination, like Bella Rasmussen.

      Great teammates exhibit an unselfish mindset, prioritizing the growth and improvement of others over their own self-interest. Ben Jones, the Tennessee Titans center, is a prime example of this value. Despite battling through injuries during a game, Jones' unwavering commitment to his team was evident in his performance and his relationship with his coach. This selfless attitude, combined with toughness and grit, sets the standard for what football is about. Another inspiring figure is Bella Rasmussen, a high school football player breaking barriers for women in the sport. Her determination and passion for the game, demonstrated through her record-breaking performances, serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and equality.

    • Unexpected Encounter with Daughter and Love for SportsAn encounter with his daughter in an Easter bunny costume left the speaker's daughter traumatized, leading to an obsession with ghosts. The speaker admired the Steelers' defensive skills and fondly remembered Charles Barkley as his favorite basketball player growing up.

      The speaker had an unexpected encounter with his daughter while dressed as the Easter bunny, leading to a traumatic experience for her. This incident resulted in her developing an obsession with ghosts, and the speaker's wife bought him a piglet costume as a result. In the world of sports, the speaker discussed the upcoming Steelers-Eagles game, sharing that they were once the same team, the Stegals, but were not very successful. The Steelers have not won in Philadelphia since 1965, and the speaker expressed admiration for their defensive prowess. The speaker also shared his favorite basketball player growing up was Charles Barkley, who he found inspiring during the Michael Jordan era.

    • Misconceptions about name originsPeople can have incorrect beliefs about their names and may try to change them, but the truth can be revealed and it's important to embrace one's true identity

      People can have misconceptions about the origins of their names, and these misconceptions can persist even if they are not true. The speaker in this conversation discovered that he had been telling the neighborhood that his name was Charles, when in reality his mother had named him Travis after a character in the movie "Overboard." He had always felt embarrassed about the seemingly insignificant reason for his name, and when he moved to a new city, he saw an opportunity to change it. However, when he tried to do so, his mother called him out on his bluff. Despite this, the speaker expressed a desire to distance himself from the perceived insignificance of his name and embrace a new identity. The conversation also touched on the importance of education and the roles of teachers and coaches in shaping people's lives. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of perception and the importance of embracing one's true identity.

    Recent Episodes from New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce

    Jason Gets Heckled, Travis Golfs with The Great One and the Kelces London Era | Ep 96

    Jason Gets Heckled, Travis Golfs with The Great One and the Kelces London Era | Ep 96
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal.  In this episode, we are live from the Passyunk Avenue Bar in London, England! Before we get into what you all have been waiting for we have to tie up one last Beer Bowl loose end, Travis breaks down his weekend in Nashville golfing with Wayne Gretzky and attending Tight End U, and Jason how his charity golf outing almost got derailed by some Philly hecklers.  Then we gotta talk about it. Jason recaps his first night attending the Eras tour, explains why holding a beer with your teeth isn’t a big deal, and what meeting the Royal family was like.  And finally, because this is our London Special, the guys also take a “London Slang Quiz,” revive “Player’s As” with figures from the Revolutionary War, answer some No Dumb Questions about playing overseas, and sample some authentic British cuisine throughout the episode.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 . . . Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally. Submit a 92% who is taking your community to New Heights at newheightshow@gmail.com HELIX: Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://HelixSleep.com/NEWHEIGHTS. This is their best offer yet and it won’t last long!  UNCRUSTABLES: The 4th of July is next week – and Uncrustables are the perfect snack for on-the-go, holiday picnics, family time, etc. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com NUTRAFOL: For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners ten dollars off your first month’s subscription and free shipping when you go to https://Nutrafol.com and enter the promo code NEWHEIGHTS. AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights. BETTERHELP: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NEWHEIGHTS today to get 10% off your first month. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis’ New Ring, Father’s Day Traditions and Justin Jefferson Got Paid | Ep 95

    Travis’ New Ring, Father’s Day Traditions and Justin Jefferson Got Paid | Ep 95
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we look at a strange Father’s Day tradition that involves hanging with your bros in the woods, we attempt to settle some Beer Bowl II controversy, and Jason might have some dog racing in his future.  We also have Travis break down the Chiefs mini-camp, his “retirement pact” with Chris Jones, and how he feels about the Super Bowl ring typo.  The guys also react to the latest tampering punishments, discuss how Justin Jefferson changed the WR market, and debate where they’d go if they had a time machine.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 . . . Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally. Submit a 92% who is taking your community to New Heights at newheightshow@gmail.com ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Meijer, and Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://amazon.com! Grab your favorite flavors now! HELIX: Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://HelixSleep.com/NEWHEIGHTS. This is their best offer yet and it won’t last long!  SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Hitting Dingers, The One Play Jason Wants Back & Buying The Eagles | Ep 94

    Travis Hitting Dingers, The One Play Jason Wants Back & Buying The Eagles | Ep 94
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we’ve got Travis’ reaction to an incredible award nomination, our "official rankings" of Disney Channel Original movies, and we all might owe Jason an apology after the latest update in the great foot-washing debate of 2024.  We’ve also got a home run derby recap, a look at just how close Travis came to the majors, and an incredible story about his days on the mound at Heights High.  Finally, we’ve got an update from the Chiefs mini-camp, try and figure out if we’re too broke to buy the Eagles, and Jason breaks down the one play he wishes he could do over.  If you are a kid, please vote for Travis below. If you are not a kid, please disregard. https://www.nick.com/kids-choice-awards/vote/favorite-male-sports-star.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team video visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Follow New Heights on Social Media:  http://hoo.be/newheightshow Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights.  SIMPLISAFE: Right now, you can get 20% off on a new system with Fast Protect™ Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/newheights LIQUIDIV: Get 20% off your first order of Liquid I.V. when you go to HTTPS://LIQUIDIV.COM and use code NEWHEIGHTS at checkout ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Addresses the Nation, Jason Exposes ‘Big Soap’ and Kickoffs Are Officially Back | Ep 93

    Travis Addresses the Nation, Jason Exposes ‘Big Soap’ and Kickoffs Are Officially Back | Ep 93
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we’ve got an update on the 2nd annual Beer Bowl, we address the ‘diabolical lies’ we’ve all been told about washing our feet, and Philadelphia’s #1 movie critic weighs in on ‘Life is Beautiful.’ Travis also breaks down just how close he came to being tased at the White House, what it was like to be a part of a legendary SNL sketch, and Jason updates us on what it feels like to officially retire on paper.  There’s also a breakdown of the new NFL Kickoff rules, some teach tape about the only touchdown pass Travis ever threw, and we raise a glass to a 92%er that has taken their community to New Heights.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team video visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to: New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/KuTLmBUJIvM Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. BETTER HELP: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NEWHEIGHTS for 10% off your first month Give online therapy and get on your way to being your best self. ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    NFL Rookie Learning Curve Explained, Witnessing Playoff Luka and Adam Sandler's Oscar Snub | Ep 92

    NFL Rookie Learning Curve Explained, Witnessing Playoff Luka and Adam Sandler's Oscar Snub | Ep 92
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Subway. Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway today! In this episode, we are back to recap everything from some new accolades from the 92%ers, Jason’s attempt to bring Philly fans to a golf course, and even the 1999 Oscars. Folks, what other sports show is going to finally rehash an awards show from almost 25 years ago.  We’ve also got Jason and Travis’ thoughts on transitioning into the NFL as rookies, how hard they think it is to learn an NFL playbook, and a little lesson in a good old scramble drill There’s also a recap of Travis’ time in Dallas watching some NHL and NBA playoffs, a no dumb question about board games, and Jason shows off some gifts he received down at the shore.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to: New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Finally, if you want to help Jason give golfers the experience of playing in front of real Philly sports fans on June 19th, please reach out to the show on Twitter.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   SUBWAY: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com SIMPLISAFE: Right now, you can get 20% off on a new system with Fast Protect Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/newheights. Act fast to get this deal. SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. FACTOR: Head to https://factormeals.com/NEWHEIGHTS50 and use code NEWHEIGHTS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. And if you want to order from your house – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Chiefs OTAs Commence, Brand New Segments, and Jason Pushes it. Pushes it Real Good | Ep 91

    Chiefs OTAs Commence, Brand New Segments, and Jason Pushes it. Pushes it Real Good | Ep 91
    92%ers we are finally back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Subway. Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway today! In this episode, we’ve got some huge announcements, other than Travis is still Outta the House because everyone knows that by now, we are officially running back The Beer Bowl! To submit your team visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ We’ve also got Travis reacting to Jason’s Jeopardy appearance, a sad goodbye to the chain gang, and we find out how far Jason was willing to go to win a football game.  We also get Travis’ thoughts on everything happening in and out of Chiefs OTAs, the guys' opinion on the full NFL schedule, and a definitive ranking of the seasons.  Finally, we’re trying out a new segment so we can get back to watching football, we recap Kelce Jam II and the Eagles Autism Challenge, and finally, we send our thanks to Elaine who has been doing the thankless task of keeping track of the New Heights Swear Jar.  There is still time to nominate a 92% who has taken your community to New Heights, submit their name, a photo, and let us know how they’ve been giving back to our email at: newheightshow@gmail.com. Include their date of birth, social account, and mailing address! All nominees must be 21+ years old.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   SUBWAY: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS CONTAINER STORE: Use KELCE for 25% off Elfa online and at any location of The Container Store through June 23. Visit https://www.containerstore.com/ FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping! AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights. FACTOR: Head to https://factormeals.com/NEWHEIGHTS50 and use code NEWHEIGHTS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. And if you want to order from your house – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Kelce in Paris, NFL Schedule Reactions and Horse Beef | Ep 90

    A Kelce in Paris, NFL Schedule Reactions and Horse Beef | Ep 90
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, everyone is out of the house! We’ve got Jason coming to us from NYC and Travis from who knows where but that did not stop us from getting you another great episode.  We get into both guys heading to your TV screen with Travis giving us the inside scoop on his new role in a Ryan Murphy TV show and Jason explaining what he’s getting up to at ESPN. Most importantly we have a follow-up to the minor Twitter kerfuffle we started last week about the legacy of Secretariat.  The guys also react to what we know about the 2024 NFL schedule including the Chiefs kicking off the season against Lamar Jackson and the Ravens followed by a visit from Joe Burrow and the Bengals. We also find out how ready Jason is for the booth when we break down his first MNF assignment, and of course, we revisit the NFL vs NBA debate that tore the professional sports world apart.  Finally, Travis lets us know what he thought of his Eras Tour stop in Paris, we attempt to name the new Utah NHL team, and we’ve got a huge announcement from our friends at Crown Royal.  If you want to nominate a 92% who has taken your community to New Heights, submit their name, and a photo, and let us know how they’ve been giving back to our email at: newheightshow@gmail.com. Include their date of birth, social account, and mailing address! All nominees must be 21+ years old.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   BUFFALO WILD WINGS: For a limited time, you can get All You Can Eat Boneless Wings and Fries for only $19.99 when you dine-in at Buffalo Wild Wings on Mondays and Wednesdays!  PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/prizepicks-dfs-game/id1437843273 LIQUID I.V: Get 20% Off Your First Order of Liquid I.V. when you go to https://www.liquid-iv.com/ and use promo code NEWHEIGHTS SHADY RAYS: Go to https://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. If you want to order from your house, go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! UNCRUSTABLES: Make sure you get your hands on some Uncrustables this summer, 92%ers, they are perfect for all the best on-the-go activities. You can find Uncrustables in the freezer section of your local grocery store! Learn more at https://www.smuckersuncrustables.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Goes Racing, Brady Roast Reactions and Anniversary Swords | Ep 89

    Travis Goes Racing, Brady Roast Reactions and Anniversary Swords | Ep 89
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, we’ve got some updates on how you can attend the biggest party in Kansas City at this year's Kelce Jam 2.0 and where you can watch all of the videos recapping our incredible live show in Cincinnati.  But we’ve got some important business to get to in this episode including, responding to Ryan Reynolds’ and Rob McElhenney’s plan to get us to a Wrexham game overseas and Pat Mahomes’ claim that he can’t keep up with the Kelce boys.  We also have the reveal of Kylie’s anniversary sword, our reactions to the roast of Tom Brady, Travis gives us all the details on his time at the races in Kentucky and Miami, and Jason is maybe starting a feud with Secretariat. That horse could outrun the competition but not the asterisk we’re adding to the record books.  We finally check in on the NFL now that we’re 120 days until kickoff and break down what fans should take away from rookie mini-camps and react to all the guys maybe doing too much in their social media workouts.  Don't forget to check out all the videos from our live show in Cincinnati. The team did some amazing work on all of those, and who knows, maybe you will solve the mystery of Jason’s missing ring.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until May 12th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS. Let’s GO!  PARTY CITY: Get Mom a gift she will really love with Balloons from Party City. You can order them ahead of time, buy them online, pick them up in store or get them delivered. Visit https://www.partycity.com/ TOMMY JOHN: Go to https://www.tommyjohn.com/newheights and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 20% off your first order of the most comfortable underwear out there!  AG1: Go to https://drinkAG1.com/newheights to try AG1, and you’ll get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase. SHADY RAYS: Go to https://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses BETTERHELP: Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NewHeights today to get 10% off your first month.  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    NFL Draft Reactions, Travis’ New Contract and Joe Burrow on Aliens | Ep 88

    NFL Draft Reactions, Travis’ New Contract and Joe Burrow on Aliens | Ep 88
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, we finally have some real football news! We’ve got Travis’ reaction to his new Chiefs contract, Jason addressing the rumors he’s making a move to TV, and we’ve finally reveal the launch dates for our videos recapping the insanity that was our live show in Cincinnati.  We also have breakdown of Mother’s Day gifts, a No Dumb Question about swapping bodies with another athlete, and Travis recaps his weekend in Vegas raising money with Patty Mahomes.  The guys also breakdown the 2024 NFL Draft. We get into the first round that was dominated by offensive players, the Chiefs adding the fastest WR available, and the Eagles making some bold choices with skill position players. There’s also a lengthy discussion about NFL butts, thoughts on NFL scheduling rumors, and an incredible sneak peek at our interview with Joe Burrow. Joe breaks down his thoughts on aliens and his favorite trash talkers in the league.  Reminder that all of our exclusive Lombaby games content has already been dropping on our social channels all week, our full interviews will launch on YouTube this Friday (5/3) followed by a “Best of the Lombaby Games” on Tuesday (5/7) before next week’s episode.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   PRIZE PICKS: Download the app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100  BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until April 30th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS.  LA-Z-BOY: To score your very own custom recliner - enter the New Heights La-Z-Boy Giveaway — simply by following La-Z-Boy on Instagram and “liking” and commenting on one of their posts about the giveaway. And while you’re at it, check out https://www.la-z-boy.com/. Or stop into your local La-Z-Boy retailer to test one of these bad boys out.  FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping!  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW UNCRUSTABLES: This episode is sponsored by Uncrustables, the best part of the sandwich. Learn more at https://www.smuckersuncrustables.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Andrew Santino on Caleb Williams Draft, John Cena Down Under & Jason's Stand-Up Future | Ep 87

    Andrew Santino on Caleb Williams Draft, John Cena Down Under & Jason's Stand-Up Future | Ep 87
    92%ers we are back with another special guest episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar! In this episode, we welcome comedian, actor, fellow podcaster, and Bad Friend Andrew Santino.  The guys get into Andrew’s snowy first impression of Jason, the origin of his “Cheeto” nickname, how Bobby Lee ruined the Bad Friends tour bus, Andrew’s wild Vegas golf outing with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon, and the exotic cuisine he tried down under with John Cena.  We also get to Travis’ “Fall Out Boy” incident when he guested on Santino’s show, discuss which comedians could make it in the NFL, the time Andrew punk’d Taylor Swift and Drake, and because this is football show we do eventually discuss the upcoming NFL draft.  There are also great stories about Pat Mahomes and his love of Coors Lights, Rob McElhenney donating a golf club to the LA River, some confusion over George Washington’s hair color, and of course, everyone’s favorite conspiracy theories.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   PRIZE PICKS: Download the app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100  BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until April 30th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS.  TOMMY JOHN: If any of you 92%ers want to try Tommy John, go to https://www.tommyjohn.com/newheights and use code newheights for 20% off your first order. LA-Z-BOY: To score your very own custom recliner - enter the New Heights La-Z-Boy Giveaway — simply by following La-Z-Boy on Instagram and “liking” and commenting on one of their posts about the giveaway. And while you’re at it, check out https://www.la-z-boy.com/. Or stop into your local La-Z-Boy retailer to test one of these bad boys out.  SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping!  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    This episode is sponsored by MANSCAPED. Go to http://Manscaped.com and get 20% off of your order + free shipping by using promo code: BRAWL at checkout! #ManscapedPod

    This episode is also sponsored by DraftKings! Football is here and so is your shot at millions! Thanks to our partnership with DraftKings, all new players can play free for millions with your first deposit! Here’s how it works:

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    #13 Kentan Road 15/1  This could be the best "value" in the race that will give you lots of options in. I like the fact that a speed horse, drawn far outside, has no other immediate speed to her inside in this spot. Secondly, I like the fact that Sadler goes with a bug in here again as this filly has responded with the bug has signed on. On top of all of that, look at the only run on turf... it was the debut... 5f (todays distance), at Del Mar (todays track), a 3rd by 6 1/4 lengths and DREW THE RAIL!!!!! I think this one can take an ENORMOUS step forward today with speed, on the preferred grass, bug boy on board AND a track where she has had previous success. Look out!!!!


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    This episode is sponsored by MANSCAPED. Go to http://Manscaped.com and get 20% off of your order + free shipping by using promo code: BRAWL at checkout! #ManscapedPod

    This episode is also sponsored by DraftKings! Football is here and so is your shot at millions! Thanks to our partnership with DraftKings, all new players can play free for millions with your first deposit! Here’s how it works:

    1. Create your DraftKings DFS account and make a deposit.
    2. DraftKings will credit your account with free entry to these contests.
    3. Draft your lineup and go for the millions in top prizes!

    Just go to dkng.co/BrawlPod to play. Min. $5 deposit. Eligibility restrictions apply. See Draftkings.com for details.