
    Vision Creates Profit & Business Value| part 6 | Dr. Pero Micic #Mission #Vision

    enMay 09, 2019

    About this Episode

    Read here in 18 points why and how your mission and vision can become your most profitable investment:

    LESS COMPARABILITY – MORE UNIQUE POSITIONING AND MARGIN PROBLEM Why are you satisfied with less than what is possible in your business? You have always wanted to create something big and special with your heart in mind, but with your current company you have not yet been able to achieve this goal? Do you hate to be put in the same category by customers and non-customers as some of your competitors? You could achieve higher prices and a higher margin if your company positioned itself clearly and credibly as a unique supplier? SOLUTION Everyone knows about the enormous value of positive differentiation from the customer's point of view, that is also difficult to copy. There is no better opportunity to develop the unique positioning of your company than at the time when you define your mission and vision for the future. You will find arguments for the unique-ness of your company in many places, starting with your founding history. Take advantage of the disruption strategies used by startups today. Select and design a set of differentiating elements that support each other and are very useful in their combination for customers, as well as unique and hard to copy in the market.. NO STAGNATION – MORE USE OF POTENTIAL AND REVENUE PROBLEM Are you dissatisfied with how your company is seizing the sales potential available on the market? You are upset that your team is not more ambitious? You feel or know that there is an enormous sales potential in your markets, but you don't see exactly what ambition you should set for your future market position? SOLUTION There is no reason to give a team and company a vision that is clearly below the potential and possibilities. With your vision, set a standard for your future that is within sight but still out of reach. Your vision should not be achievable with today's capabilities, but starting from them. Set your vision so challenging that it hits the exact point with which you activate your team as strongly as possible, neither demanding too little nor too much from them. LOWER COSTS –HIGHER EARNINGS PROBLEM Why don't you make more profit? Lack of clarity, conflicts and disputes about the strategic direction cause enormous hidden costs? Several projects run in different directions, so that a large part of them are futile and far too expensive? You know that the diversity and complexity of your business results in enormous complexity costs, but you're not sure what exactly to eliminate and what to keep?? SOLUTION Put your mission, positioning and vision like a stencil over your current business. You recognize what is superfluous and what is missing. Clarify with your focused mission, positioning and vision which skills, systems and resources you really need for your future. Use your strategic focus to determine what is important and what is not. This gives you confidence in your decision to stop, eliminate and scrap the unimportant and unnecessary. FEWER FINANCIAL WORRIES –MAXIMIZED COMPANY VALUE PROBLEM You know companies in a similar business as yours that are valued at a multiple of the value of your company? Potential investors don't recognize the value in your company that you have in mind? You are occasionally disappointed about how little your years of hard work are reflected in the value of your company? SOLUTION Companies like TESLA have always been valued many times higher on the stock exchange than the hard facts and figures would justify. The main reason for this is that customers, employees and investors see a bright future for the company and consider it credible. Even the ice-cold financial investors achieve an immense increase in value for a company by developing a convincing picture of the company's future and by communicating it credibly. Answer the question: What could I or what could anyone, in the best case scenario, make of our company?

    Recent Episodes from Dr. Pero Mićić - BRIGHT FUTURE BUSINESS

    The solution to labor shortage? (all facts) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    The solution to labor shortage? (all facts) | Dr. Pero Mićić

    FJoin the "BRIGHT FUTURE LEADERS" for free and future-proof your business: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com...

    Humanoid robots will reshape the world, says the Chinese government in a guideline for their entire economy. China wants to become the world market leader in humanoid robots by 2027. That's in three years! Is this just science fiction or should we take it seriously? If you produce, transport, sell or manage something physical in your industry, this is an existential question! The answer, you'll find out in this episode. Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com Article: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com...

    On this channel, I advise you in making yourself and your business more future-proof. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the future, innovation, strategy, and leadership in the comments.

    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    How Dangerous is Mercedes' Future Strategy?

    How Dangerous is Mercedes' Future Strategy?

    Free Video Crash Course THE FUTURE OF MY BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/knowledge/crash-course/

    How Dangerous is Mercedes' Future Strategy?

    Mercedes has unveiled a new strategy that could dramatically change not just Germany's economy, but Europe's as a whole. After all, the automotive industry is the key economic sector. Mercedes is largely pulling out of the lower segments of small and cheaper cars to refocus on the luxury market. This decision was made last year. But will this strategy turn out to be successful? And what does it mean for you? What can you learn from it? Let's dig into these questions together and find the answers.

    On this channel, I advise you in making yourself and your business more future-proof. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the future, innovation, strategy, and leadership in the comments.

    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    How long will the battery in an electric car last? Just junk after 100.000 km?

    How long will the battery in an electric car last? Just junk after 100.000 km?

    Free Video Crash Course THE FUTURE OF MY BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/knowledge/crash-course/

    How long does an electric car's battery last? Some say several hundred thousand kilometers, while others claim that after barely 100,000 kilometers, the battery is junk and must be disposed of as hazardous waste. So, what's the truth?

    On this channel, I advise you in making yourself and your business more future-proof. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the future, innovation, strategy, and leadership in the comments.


    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    How fast will AI develop? When will we have super-intelligence?

    How fast will AI develop? When will we have super-intelligence?

    Many people make fun of what ChatGPT & Co. cannot do. How quickly will AI improve? You'll get my answer to this question in this episode. Here, I'm only looking at performance. We'll consider ethics, dangers, and consequences of AI in other episodes.

    On this channel, I guide you on how to future-proof yourself and your business. Feel free to ask your questions on strategies for the future in the comments.


    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    How intelligent will AI become? What should we expect?

    How intelligent will AI become? What should we expect?

    ChatGPT scored a '2' (or B) in the Bavarian high school diploma. Which is considered to be the hardest in Germany. Just three months ago, it had failed. How good will AI become in the foreseeable future? You'll get my assessment here. On this channel, I advise you on how to future-proof yourself and your business. Feel free to ask your questions on strategies for the future in the comments.

    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    To Mars? Seriously? The mission of SpaceX

    To Mars? Seriously? The mission of SpaceX

    Making humanity a multiplanetary species. That is SpaceX's mission. Is it just a giant waste of money and resources? And ultra-rich men who don’t know what to do with all their money? Or is it an investment in the survival of humanity? Here is my answer. This is the right channel for you if you want to future-proof yourself and your business.

    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    How to future-proof your business! The 8 Features of a "Bright Future Business"

    How to future-proof your business! The 8 Features of a "Bright Future Business"

    How future-proof is your company or job? Millions of experts and books tell you what you need to do to become successful. But what exactly does a successful company look like? How can you tell that a company is more future-proof than others? Consultants and authors are surprisingly silent about that. In my latest book, I describe the eight features of a future-proof company. I refer to such companies as a Bright Future Business. Here I give you a summary of the eight characteristics. Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com This video does not contain any paid advertising of affiliate links. Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).



    Make your business future-proof. Make it a "Bright Future Business" with us. These are the 8 features of a future-proof business which you can achieve with our program.

    ✔️ You sustainably improve the quality of life for many people.

    ✔️ You are working on great viable future opportunities.

    ✔️ Many customers like to buy a lot and at profitable prices.

    ✔️ Excellent employees like to come, stay and like to perform.

    ✔️ Your productivity is at the top of the industry.

    ✔️ Your competitors have a hard time copying you.

    ✔️ You are hedged against technological and strategic disruption.

    ✔️ Your company is a joy to shareholders.


    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/

    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS

    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/

    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/



    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87

    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/

    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/

    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic

    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372

    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/



    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238

    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ

    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x

    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/

    Russia-Ukraine: Too much history - too little future (how to resolve?)

    Russia-Ukraine: Too much history - too little future (how to resolve?)

    How does someone like me and my team, who are working intensively on the future and on strategies for the future, deal with the Russia-Ukraine war? How can there still be a good future? That's what we've been asked frequently in recent days. I don't want to pretend to have the whole picture. Nobody does. Not even the intelligence agencies. Nevertheless, we can learn a few things for dealing with the future. 


    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).

    Make your business future-robust, for you and your successors. Together with FutureManagementGroup you will easier achieve the following goals:
    ✔️ SUCCESS IN FUTURE MARKETS: Profit from trends and technologies of the future. Recognize future opportunities early on.
    ✔️ ROBUST BUSINESS MODEL: Securing companies against surprises from disruptive competitors.
    ✔️ INTELLIGENT FUTURE STRATEGY: Building competitive advantage with a clear mission, unique positioning and motivating vision.
    ✔️ EASIER, MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP: Leading teams with a motivating vision of the future and attracting the best employees.
    ✔️ FOCUSED ACTION IN THE HERE AND NOW: Investing resources more effectively with a joint strategy for the future – spirit, time and money. https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/leaders-strategy-program_01/

    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/
    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/
    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/



    METAVERSE for business! This is what you need to know and do | Dr. Pero Mićić

    METAVERSE for business! This is what you need to know and do | Dr. Pero Mićić

    Suddenly everyone is talking about the metaverse. It is supposed to be nothing less than the next big thing. What threats and what opportunities does the metaverse bring for you professionally and for your business? Hear my answers to these questions now.

    Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com Article on the video: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/metaverse-for-business-this-is-what-you-need-to-know-and-do/

    This podcast does not contain any paid advertising of affiliate links.

    Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić is the founder (1991) and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG and is professor for foresight and strategy at Steinbeis University (part time).

    Understand the Metaverse:
    Essay Mathew Ball: https://www.matthewball.vc/all/themetaverse
    Guide Metaverse: https://youtu.be/TM00M-dRMBk
    Metaverse: https://youtu.be/odbqlASYv9E
    Metaverse Investment: https://youtu.be/I6UDbyp3FRg

    Microsoft: https://youtu.be/Qw6UCwCt4bE
    Microsoft: https://youtu.be/5DpJlRbbgGU https://youtu.be/t1PAGcP9lhc
    Nvidia: https://youtu.be/jhDiaUL_RaM
    Epic Games Fortnite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiM0moNk74o&ab_channel=ArianaGrande
    Daimler: https://www.daimler.com/innovation/produktinnovation/technologie/fahrsimulator.html
    Seoul: https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20211103002700315
    Seoul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnqC2zLtya0
    Horizon Workrooms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgj50IxRrKQ AltVR https://altvr.com/
    Meta zu "Work in the metaverse": https://youtu.be/uVEALvpoiMQ
    Lionking Trailer: https://youtu.be/7TavVZMewpY
    Mandalorian Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srAXcBP_u8w

    Smart Contracts: https://youtu.be/RsrGkhWMsKA
    Smart Contracts: https://youtu.be/pyaIppMhuic
    Teslasuit: https://youtu.be/rFcbVrQWJSU
    DAO: https://youtu.be/KHm0uUPqmVE
    Decentraland: https://decentraland.org/
    Real estate in Decentraland: https://market.decentraland.org/lands
    Start in Decentraland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5-QaCq9mh8
    DAO in Decentraland: https://dao.decentraland.org/en/

    Invest in the Metaverse:
    ETF: https://www.roundhillinvestments.com/etf/meta/
    ARKW: https://ark-funds.com/funds/arkw/

    Make your business future-robust, for you and your successors. Together with FutureManagementGroup you will easier achieve the following goals:
    ✔️ SUCCESS IN FUTURE MARKETS: Profit from trends and technologies of the future. Recognize future opportunities early on.
    ✔️ ROBUST BUSINESS MODEL: Securing companies against surprises from disruptive competitors.
    ✔️ INTELLIGENT FUTURE STRATEGY: Building competitive advantage with a clear mission, unique positioning and motivating vision.
    ✔️ EASIER, MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP: Leading teams with a motivating vision of the future and attracting the best employees.
    ✔️ FOCUSED ACTION IN THE HERE AND NOW: Investing resources more effectively with a joint strategy for the future – spirit, time and money. https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/leaders-strategy-program_01/

    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/
    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/
    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/

    ► Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-foresight-dr-pero-mi%C4%87i%C4%87/id1474339238
    ► Podcast on Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9sZWFkZXJzZm9yZXNpZ2h0LWVuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz&ved=0CBQQ27cFahcKEwjQr4nN5vTpAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBQ
    ► Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ix8nEl2Vd07NSlRF8gA6x
    ► Books: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/publications/books/  

    Why companies fail and how you future-proof your business (overlooked factor)

    Why companies fail and how you future-proof your business (overlooked factor)

    Nokia had the future assumption that customers want many different cell phone models and always with a keyboard. VW, Mercedes, BMW, General Motors and virtually all other traditional car manufacturers had the future assumption that electric powertrains would not be marketable for decades, if ever. An assumption that today even threatens their very existence. How can something like this happen even to the world market leaders? But also restaurant owners, retailers and gym operators had the future assumption that of course guests and customers could come to them at any time. A pandemic, as a surprise disruption of their future assumptions, was not on their radar. The issue sounds theoretical, but what could be more practical than the fundament of your economic existence? Yes, no one can predict the future. But there is an early warning system you can use to safeguard your company. This episode will show you how.

    Let's talk (free consulting session): https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/future-strategy-program/

    Free Video Crash Course THE FUTURE OF MY BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/crash-course/


    ► Website: www.FutureManagementGroup.com
    ► Article on the video: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/reasons-for-bankruptcy-this-is-why-your-business-will-most-likely-fail/

    THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
    Make your business future-robust, for you and your successors. Together with FutureManagementGroup you will easier achieve the following goals:
    ✔️ SUCCESS IN FUTURE MARKETS: Profit from trends and technologies of the future. Recognize future opportunities early on.
    ✔️ ROBUST BUSINESS MODEL: Securing companies against surprises from disruptive competitors.
    ✔️ INTELLIGENT FUTURE STRATEGY: Building competitive advantage with a clear mission, unique positioning and motivating vision.
    ✔️ EASIER, MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP: Leading teams with a motivating vision of the future and attracting the best employees.
    ✔️ FOCUSED ACTION IN THE HERE AND NOW: Investing resources more effectively with a joint strategy for the future – spirit, time and money. https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/leaders-strategy-program_01/
    ► Keynote by Dr. Pero Mićić at your event: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/speeches/dr-pero-micic-speaker-en/
    ► Free Video Crash Course: THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/crash-course/
    ► Find and develop NEW BUSINESS: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/new-business-program_01/
    ► Play BUSINESS WARGAMES: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/solutions/wargames/

    ► Wikipedia Pero Mićić: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_Mi%C4%87i%C4%87
    ► Website Pero Mićić and FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.futuremanagementgroup.com/en/
    ► Linkedin-Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peromicic/
    ► Facebook-Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pero.micic
    ► Linkedin FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1185372
    ► Facebook FutureManagementGroup AG: https://www.facebook.com/FutureManagementGroup/