
    Vivek Ramaswamy - on Trump 2024 Election and Border Crisis

    enFebruary 14, 2024
    What is the main focus of the Stay Free podcast?
    Who is the host of the Stay Free podcast?
    What movement does Russell Brown support?
    How does Brown view military intervention in foreign affairs?
    What challenge do independent candidates face in today's media landscape?

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from the Stay Free podcast with Russell BrownRussell Brown's podcast provides daily truths and in-depth conversations, focusing on media honesty, America First movement, and overlooked topics.

      The Stay Free podcast, hosted by Russell Brown, aims to provide daily insights and in-depth conversations with influential guests on topics overlooked by mainstream media. Brown, a former campaigner, now focuses on speaking truths and restoring media honesty, with a passion for carrying forward the America First movement. He plans to continue addressing issues like media dishonesty, the border debate, and the origin of COVID-19. Brown's ability to communicate effectively and present cogent arguments has made him a significant figure in social media politics. He aspires to contribute to the future of the America First movement, whether inside or outside the government.

    • The influence of legacy media persists despite the rise of independent sourcesThe human need for authority and legitimization makes it a gradual process for individuals to fully rely on independent media, even as its influence grows.

      While the trend is towards bypassing corporate media and relying on independent sources, it's a gradual process and legacy media still holds significant influence. The human desire for authority and legitimization filters through even when individuals seek independent information. The success of independent candidates like Russell Ramsland Jr. depends not only on their use of social media but also on their ability to have and share independent thoughts. Most traditional politicians may not possess this ability, and it's not a simple matter of them adopting a new strategy. The shift towards independent media is a complex evolution that will take time.

    • Politics and Media: The Assembly Line of Dependent ThoughtsThe complex relationship between politics and media stifles independent political voices, encouraging a disincentive for politicians to engage in new media, and empowering anti-establishment candidates who can navigate the loose, long-form spaces.

      The political landscape in many developed countries, including the United States, is becoming an assembly line for producing politicians, stripping them of their independent thoughts and discouraging them from sharing unfiltered views with the public. This system, fueled by both legacy media and politics, creates a disincentive for politicians to engage in new media, as they risk having their words distorted and taken out of context, increasing the risk and price they have to pay. This complex game between legacy and new media ultimately hinders the natural progression towards decentralized media and empowers anti-establishment candidates who can navigate the looser, long-form spaces, where their audience recognizes and tolerates their jokes and references. The recent poll in the UK showing Vladimir Putin as the preferred leader highlights the growing distrust towards the establishment and the appeal of unfiltered communication.

    • Legacy media's power to sow doubt and create need for external legitimizationIn the digital age, legacy media maintains influence by manipulating and propagandizing, fueling individuals' desire for external validation and meaning in a post-truth world.

      Legacy media, despite its declining influence in the digital age, continues to exert significant power by sowing doubt and creating a need for external legitimization among consumers. This is achieved through manipulation and propaganda, as seen in the examples of Barack Obama's comments on social media and the handling of various controversial topics. This dynamic is not just a top-down problem of governments and private actors colluding to suppress speech, but also a bottom-up issue of individuals seeking validation and meaning in a post-truth world. By acknowledging this human desire for external legitimization and understanding its roots, we can begin to challenge the power of legacy media and promote a more independent, self-reliant society.

    • Acknowledging the human tendency to gravitate towards authorityRecognizing our natural tendency to follow authority can help us begin the path towards independent thinking and self-awareness, reducing political polarization.

      The issue of political polarization in society is not just a top-down problem that can be solved through political leadership. It's also a cultural issue that requires a bottom-up revival of independent thinking and self-awareness. People's allegiances to different viewpoints can sometimes feel like a default setting, with those who challenge the establishment seen as the alternative. However, this perception may be a projection of our own human tendency to gravitate towards authority, even when we consider ourselves independent thinkers. By acknowledging this aspect of ourselves, we can begin the path towards liberation and true autonomy. It's essential to recognize that this tendency exists in all of us, including those we may perceive as opposing figures, and that it's a natural part of being human.

    • Building a successful alternative media institutionCreate a decentralized, 'inside out' model for unfiltered content while maintaining organization, and remember the true audience is those who consume media distillations of debates.

      Consciousness leads to liberation, but it can also lead to a "tug of war" where people point fingers at each other instead of recognizing their own biases. To build a successful alternative media institution, we need to create a decentralized, "inside out" model where individuals are uncapped and unfiltered, but there's still a hub for organization. This model will provide the sense of security and permanence people crave while offering truly unfiltered content. However, we're not there yet, as the equilibrium will only settle when people see all media as equals on an even playing field. Additionally, it's important to remember that the true audience of debates is not the voters, but those who consume media distillations of the debates.

    • The Shift in Political Debates: From Live Viewing to Alternative MediaPoliticians adapt to changing media consumption patterns, bypassing gatekeepers to reach their audience directly, leading to a more representative democracy.

      The way people consume and perceive political debates has shifted dramatically, with most people relying on descriptions and summaries rather than watching the debates live. This reality shapes how politicians communicate and who their actual audience is. Professional politicians have long understood this, often prioritizing appeasement of key demographics and institutions over engaging the broader public. The rise of alternative media and changing consumption patterns poses a threat to traditional power structures, enabling individuals and movements to bypass gatekeepers and harness the power of the population directly. This shift is evident in various contexts, such as the farming protests in Europe and Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin. The fear of populism and attempts to discredit the term are misplaced, as this evolution in media consumption could lead to a more direct representation of public sentiment and interests. Ultimately, alternative media must continue to adapt and level the playing field with legacy media institutions to effectively challenge the status quo.

    • Powerful figures control information for the greater good?Some in power believe they must filter and control information for the population's benefit, while others argue for trusting the people's judgement through populism.

      The discussion revolves around the idea that those in power may not view the general population as capable of self-governance and making informed decisions based on primary information. Instead, they believe it is their responsibility to filter and control the information that the public consumes, for their own good. This mindset can be seen in various contexts, such as geopolitical tensions, debates on truth and information, and even historical events like the American Revolution. The speakers question whether populism, which emphasizes the will of the people, should be trusted over the decisions of enlightened elites. However, the underlying intention of those in power is not necessarily malicious; they view themselves as acting in the best interest of the people, even if it means keeping certain truths from them. The interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson and the recent activism in Canada and Europe serve as examples of this ongoing debate.

    • Can the people be trusted to self-govern?The American Revolution marked a departure from the belief that societies cannot function with self-governance, making America a unique symbol of freedom. However, the loss of America's luster could lead to a reversion to the old norm.

      The ongoing debate revolves around the question of whether the people can be trusted to self-govern. Throughout history, the conventional wisdom has been that societies cannot function if individuals are given exclusive control over their government, as the whims of the people could lead to their own defeat or destruction. However, the American Revolution marked a departure from this norm, embracing the idea that the people are capable of self-governance. This belief is what makes America unique and a shining example of freedom for the rest of the world. However, when America's shining city on a hill begins to lose its luster, the rest of the free world follows suit, and we may see a reversion to the old norm. The Great Reset and the Davos World Economic Forum vision can be seen as a return to this historical norm, rather than a new threat.

    • Protecting American way of life through border controlFocusing on securing our borders and reinforcing national identity prevents unintended consequences of foreign interventions and maintains America's exceptional status

      Preserving the unique post-1776 American way of life requires active engagement and protection of our borders, rather than focusing on sealing others' borders through military intervention. This not only addresses practical concerns but also acknowledges the deeper philosophical connection between foreign wars, global instability, and immigration. By focusing on securing our own border and reinforcing our national identity, we can prevent the unintended consequences of foreign interventions and maintain the exceptional status of America in world history.

    • Establishment and Democrats conspiring to limit 2024 presidential options to Trump and HaleyThe establishment and Democrats are attempting to control both parties by promoting Nikki Haley's potential candidacy to limit anti-establishment options, but efforts to prevent Trump from running again may not be successful.

      Nikki Haley's potential candidacy for the presidency in 2024 is seen as an attempt by the establishment and Democrats to maintain control over both parties by eliminating anti-establishment candidates. This view was expressed by a recent guest on a podcast. The speaker believes that the establishment has been conspiring to limit the options to two candidates: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. However, he also thinks that the efforts to keep Trump from running again will not be successful, and the establishment may turn to the Democratic Party to find a more pliable puppet candidate. The speaker also addressed a question from a viewer about the possibility of emergencies being used to cancel elections or Trump being incarcerated. He believes that the system will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from returning to office and that the 2024 election may not be free and fair. Trump versus a Democratic candidate, such as Michelle Obama, is a real possibility in this scenario.

    • Exposing hidden motivations to protect freedomsUnderstanding incentives and staying vigilant can prevent potential negative outcomes. Vivek Ramaswamy encourages individual action to fight for the future of the nation.

      Understanding the collective incentives and connecting the dots of hidden motivations can help us predict and prevent potential future outcomes. Vivek Ramaswamy believes that naming the problem and exposing the incentives makes it harder for those with nefarious intentions to continue acting on them. He emphasizes the importance of vigilance and individual action to protect our freedoms and shut down illicit relationships between the deep state, managerial class, and private sector. Vivek's goal is to revive individual self-confidence and purpose, and he encourages everyone to do their part in fighting for the future of the nation. In essence, we must remain vigilant and active in preserving our freedoms, as it is not something that can be passively inherited.

    Recent Episodes from Stay Free with Russell Brand

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    HOLY SH*T! Pfizer Runs Clinical Trials On Prisoners In CHINESE CONCENTRATION CAMPS! - SF444

    Download Hallow for 3 months free at http://hallow.com/brand

    Order today at http://www.PAWSITIVE.com/BRAND - code BRAND to save 15% off your order.

    As Pfizer and Eli Lilly are accused of testing drugs on prisoners in Chinese concentration camps, and a new RSV vaccine is rolled out in the UK, while billions of taxpayer dollars are spent subsidizing these medications, are we all Big Pharma’s prisoners now?

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    Stay Free with Russell Brand
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    "ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE!" Elon FIGHTS Brazil's X Ban As Global Free Speech CRACKDOWN Continues - SF443

    "ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE!" Elon FIGHTS Brazil's X Ban As Global Free Speech CRACKDOWN Continues - SF443

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    As the public fight back, the world has taken a giant leap forward into totalitarianism as the Brazilian government blocked X, formerly Twitter, and threatened to fine its citizens $8,900 per day if they use it. Reaction to this, as well as Tulsi Gabbard taking down CNN’s Dana Bush, Joe Rogan SLAMMING MSNBC, and the mainstream media admitting to chemtrails!

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    Stay Free with Russell Brand
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    Kamala’s CAR CRASH CNN Interview BREAKDOWN! + Tony Robbins On The CHILD-TRAFFICKING EPIDEMIC - SF442

    Kamala’s CAR CRASH CNN Interview BREAKDOWN! + Tony Robbins On The CHILD-TRAFFICKING EPIDEMIC - SF442

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    As Kamala Harris is ripped to shreds for her 'word salad' answers in a softball CNN interview, I’ll be breaking down all the main talking points. Plus, Tony Robbins joins me to discuss new film City Of Dreams – about the child trafficking epidemic, and from Executive Producers of Sound of Freedom.

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    Stay Free with Russell Brand
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    “HE WASN’T ACTING ALONE!” - Dan Bongino DESTROYS SECRET SERVICE At Trump J13 Hearing - SF 441

    “HE WASN’T ACTING ALONE!” - Dan Bongino DESTROYS SECRET SERVICE At Trump J13 Hearing - SF 441

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Reaction to Dan Bongino GOING OFF at a J13 hearing and warning the Donald Trump assassination attempt wasn't the ‘last incident’, and that there may be another such attempt before the election. This, plus how the Dems are using yet MORE Lawfare to stop RFK Jr from removing his name from Michigan ballot, in order that it hurts Trump. Democracy, folks!

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    KAMALA'S CRAZY BORDER WALL FLIP-FLOP! + Elon Calls Zuckerberg's Deep State Censorship ILLEGAL!

    KAMALA'S CRAZY BORDER WALL FLIP-FLOP! + Elon Calls Zuckerberg's Deep State Censorship ILLEGAL!

    Check out that video at https://GutCleanseProtocol.com/Brand

    Go to http://fieldofgreens.com and use my code RUMBLE to save on EVERYTHING!

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    As Kamala Harris now embraces an immigration crackdown that would involve expanding the US southern border wall, which she once called “un-American” and “a medieval vanity project”, Elon Musk calls the Deep State’s censorship of Meta during the pandemic a “First Amendment violation”. Are the Big Tech titans starting to finally turning on the Dems?

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    "WE’RE BEING CHOKED!!" - COVID Lockdown Censorship Was JUST THE START! With Neil Oliver - SF 439

    "WE’RE BEING CHOKED!!" - COVID Lockdown Censorship Was JUST THE START! With Neil Oliver - SF 439

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    Order today at http://www.1775coffee.com/BRAND - code BRAND to save 15% off your order

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    As Mark Zuckerberg admits to regretting being pressured by the Biden administration to censor information during the pandemic, I’m joined by Neil Oliver as we discuss ongoing censorship and how Covid was used to introduce methods and laws that could silence dissent forever.

    Neil Oliver on X - https://x.com/thecoastguy

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    KAMALA IS F*CKED: Media in PANIC Over RFK Jr. & Trump’s UNITY PACT & Telegram CEO JAILED! - SF 438

    KAMALA IS F*CKED: Media in PANIC Over RFK Jr. & Trump’s UNITY PACT & Telegram CEO JAILED! - SF 438

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Tune in for all the reaction to the BIG news over the weekend, as Robert F Kennedy Jr suspends his campaign and backs Trump at a rally in Arizona, and the legacy media launch an all-out-attack on the pairing. Plus, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov ARRESTED – Elon Musk and Edward Snowden react. All this and MORE in today’s show.

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    “KAMALAGEDDON" - Kamala's Empty Promises DNC Finale Speech REACTION! With JOHN RICH - SF 437

    “KAMALAGEDDON" - Kamala's Empty Promises DNC Finale Speech REACTION! With JOHN RICH - SF 437

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Will Kamala ever discuss her actual policies? Or are we faced with more empty promises by the person who is already in the governmental position to begin enacting them? We’re told how to feel and think, from the DNC being repeatedly described as ‘electric’ by CBC and NBC, to Kamala Harris trying to rebrand herself as the one FIGHTING elder abuse.

    Joining me on the show today is the infamous John Rich! John is an American country music singer-songwriter. From 1992 to 1998, he was a member of the country band 'Lonestar', in which he played bass guitar and alternated with Richie McDonald as lead vocalist.

    We chat about Jordan Peterson’s faith, the reality of sin, God’s plan, and navigating Christianity in a dark world.

    For John Rich:

    On X https://x.com/johnrich

    “Revelation” on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/2d4WSrynmAtScmsuVvzffn

    “Revelation” on YouTube - https://youtu.be/Yk6YPFCUaqA?feature=shared

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    EXPOSING THE DNC: Fact-Checking EVERY LIE from Kamala, Clinton, Oprah, Biden and more! - SF 436

    EXPOSING THE DNC: Fact-Checking EVERY LIE from Kamala, Clinton, Oprah, Biden and more! - SF 436

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    Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/BRAND – code BRAND saves $30 + FREE shipping

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    On today’s show - The DNC has been so FULL of lies that even CNN is being forced to properly fact-check all the claims. In this episode we uncover, analyse, and discuss the lies being told as well as dissecting the contrived media FRENZY surrounding Michelle Obama’s speech, how Bill Clinton would be called ‘far-right’ today for how he discussed immigration in 1995, and Elon’s enthusiasm for serving in Trump’s administration. Remember to subscribe for more!

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand



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    Download the FREE Upside App at https://upside.app.link/russell to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas.

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    On today’s show - A DNC OBSESSED with Trump features speeches from The Obamas and Bernie Sanders, while RFK Jr’s running mate Nicole Shanahan says they are considering joining forces with Donald Trump's campaign! We’ve ALL the biggest stories from the DNC, plus Elon Musk’s reaction to the UK’s Orwellian reaction to the recent protests, and the incredible Shane Gillis at Kill Tony. Remember to subscribe!

    Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    This week, Robert and Dave switch gears back to the series focused on a few shows that bring meaning and potential benefit in the media. Specifically, television shows that possess themes crucial to wake us up from the dangers that we are facing, prejudices we have, and ideas that support survival on the planet. Highlighted today is The Americans. We cannot help but love the Russian family that is portrayed as spies planted in the United States in this show. Not only how the main characters love each other, but how they love their kids. These relationships humanize them in such a way as to melt the barrier between them and us watching in our living rooms. The upper echelons of the power of Putin are as corrupt as it gets, representing the most disturbed leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and the worst elements of Trump. These authoritarian influences guide us into black-and-white thinking that blocks many of us from seeing how similar all of our needs and desires are as people.

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    Read the transcription and listen to this episode on The Global Bridge Foundation website.

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    The Americans takes place during The Cold War, under the leadership of Gorbachev in Robert's eyes, more than any other leader in America or Russia, he spoke to world peace. Gorbachev declared an innocence and a common responsibility to negate nuclear war. The Americans, as a TV show, revealed common elements that allowed universal humanness and collective responsibility to be seen. The key is not to see each side as equal, but to be able to see the fragility and the massive contradictions on both sides. We need to teach our kids that we too have made our mistakes and that it is important for us to be humble as a country to try and create as much unity as possible when our country and world are so threatened.

    Read the transcription and listen to this episode on The Global Bridge Foundation website.

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