

    enJune 13, 2023

    About this Episode

    Help support my podcast and blogs by buying me a coffee:  http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge

    If you would like to have a confidential business consultation with me, schedule online at:  http://www.lodge-co.com

    Do you have a business question?  Send it to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com


    I was going through my twitter feeds this morning in preparing for this podcast and found that we as a nation are really controlled by the political and corporate elite in Washington DC.  They are trying to control everything that we do, they tell us men are now women, they can become pragnant, the DOJ and FBI have created a police state and are not long protecting the rule of law, and we can go on and on.  We see lie after lie, and no member of congress or the senate are protecting us from these lies and abuses.  And we have a corrupt president and nothing happens to hold him accountable.

    However, you and I are trying to survive every single day.  We are double checking our food costs, trying to pay our rents, our car payments, gas, utilities.  We are covering the basics of life for our families.  Inflation will be here for quite some time.  You and I will survive, even though how hard it will get.  We have stamina to get through anything.  Keep focused.  Keep your family safe.  Build new businesses.  Keep focused on your spirituality.   

    San Francisco Fall Goes Into Default:  https://fortune.com/2023/06/12/san-francisco-commercial-real-estate-apocalypse-westfield-center/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=lodgeco%2Fmagazine%2FMichael+Lodge+-+The+Business+Advisor

    Purchase my book - The Business Advisor on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Ethically-Thinking-Its-That-Hard/dp/1790660149/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OX926EZQH6FT&keywords=Ethically+Thinking%2C+It%27s+Not+That+Hard&qid=1686568500&sprefix=ethically+thinking%2C+it%27s+not+that+hard%2Caps%2C392&sr=8-1

    Recent Episodes from The Business Advisor

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    New Speaker Of The House, New Demanding Responsibility To Reduce Spending and Debt

    Money, Personal Finance, Government Debt and War

    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    I just got back from Houston Texas where I spent three days driving around the city, trying to get to know it.  I am at the cross roads of making a business decision on moving out of Greenville, SC to a busier community.  I love living in South Carolina but trying to start a new business in a small community is not easy, unless you are part of the good old boy network.  My clients are all over the United States, but zero in South Carolina because of restrictions in what I do.  I want to get back to that one on one meetings with clients.  That stimulates me more by working with clients face to face.  Zoom is great for business, but that one on one experience is so important in dealing with clients.  So I am at the decission process of making a move.  If you live in Houston, let me know how you like it and your business experience there.

    Send me an email to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com

    If you would like to have a confidential business advisory / coaching / mediation session, you can schedule online at:  http://www.lodge-co.com


    Inflation Continues, Economy Responds to Israel / Hamas War