
    We Must Get Away From Them (Ep 1825)

    enAugust 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Senate Passes Tax Hike Bill with Potential Data RisksDemocrats led Senate passed a tax hike bill, Inflation Reduction Act, which may lead to inflation and consumer data risks via Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. Urge reps to oppose.

      The Senate, led by Democrats Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema, passed a massive tax hike bill this weekend, which is expected to lead to more inflation and potentially put consumer data at greater risk through the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. Dan Bongino, the host, expressed concern that these actions are intentional and not accidental, and urged listeners to contact their representatives to oppose these bills. Additionally, Bongino emphasized that most Republicans in Congress act like Democrats, while no Democrats act like Republicans. The Inflation Production Act, which includes a massive tax hike, corporate welfare, and an expanded IRS budget, is another concern, with Democrats reportedly trying to rush its passage before people can fully understand its contents.

    • Democrats rush to pass Inflation Reduction Act without transparencyDemocrats abandoned COVID-19 protocols to rush IRS expansion bill, misrepresenting its impact on middle-class Americans

      During the recent voting process on the Inflation Reduction Act in the Senate, Democrats abandoned their COVID-19 protocols to rush the bill through, despite potential positive cases among senators. They did this to prevent any delays or roadblocks to passing the bill before its contents became publicly known. A major component of the bill, which Democrats are downplaying, is a significant expansion of the IRS's budget and power to audit taxpayers. Contrary to Ben Cardin's claims, most audits are directed towards individuals with lower incomes, as wealthy individuals can afford legal representation and often win these audits. The Democrats' rush to pass the bill without transparency and their misrepresentation of its contents raises concerns about potential negative impacts on middle-class Americans.

    • Politicians Misleadingly Claim Tax Bill Favors High-Income IndividualsThe tax bill primarily targets low- and middle-income taxpayers for audits and allocates more funds for criminal investigations than taxpayer services, contradicting claims of improved customer service. The bill's name as the Inflation Reduction Act lacks substantial evidence to support the claim.

      Politicians, in this case, Richard Blumenthal, have been making misleading statements about the recent tax bill, claiming it only targets high-income individuals for audits when in reality, the majority of audits affect those earning $200,000 or less. The bill also allocates significantly more funds for criminal investigations than for taxpayer services, contradicting claims of improved customer service. Despite being called the Inflation Reduction Act, there is no substantial evidence that the bill will effectively reduce inflation. It's crucial to fact-check and hold elected officials accountable for their words.

    • Senator Sanders' Criticism of Inflation Reduction Act's Impact on InflationDespite CBO's assessment, the Inflation Reduction Act is a tax hike for most income levels, and Sanders' criticism may be driven by political motivations rather than genuine concern for inflation.

      The CBO's assessment of the Inflation Reduction Act's impact on inflation, as stated by Senator Bernie Sanders, should be viewed with skepticism. Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist, criticized the bill for its minimal impact on inflation based on CBO reports. However, the speaker argues that the CBO's left-leaning bias and Sanders' desire for higher taxes are the real reasons for his criticism. The Joint Committee on Taxation also confirmed that the Inflation Reduction Act is a tax hike for nearly all income levels, contradicting Sanders' pledge to reduce inflation through taxation. The speaker emphasizes that both the CBO and Sanders have questionable motivations and credibility in this debate.

    • Middle Class Americans Face Tax Increases Despite Biden's PromiseDespite Biden's promise, the Inflation Reduction Act contains tax hikes affecting many Americans in lower income brackets, increasing the average tax rate and raising $16.7 billion in taxes for those earning less than $200,000 in 2023.

      Despite Joe Biden's pledge not to raise taxes for those earning $400,000 or less, the Inflation Reduction Act contains tax hikes that will affect many Americans in lower income brackets. The Joint Committee on Taxation has acknowledged this, and even an amendment proposed by Senator Crapo to protect those earning $400,000 or less from audits was voted down by Democrats. This means that not only are middle and upper-middle class Americans more likely to be audited, but they will also see an increase in their taxes. The average tax rate for nearly every income bracket would increase, with $16.7 billion in taxes rising in 2023 for Americans earning less than $200,000 a year. This goes against Biden's promise and highlights the potential negative impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on the middle class.

    • Price controls could lead to higher prices for certain goods and services due to cost shiftingPrice controls can result in unintended consequences such as higher prices, rationing, or shortages.

      Price controls in the Inflation Reduction Act, as proposed by the Democrats, could lead to higher prices for certain goods and services, such as drugs, due to cost shifting. This is because the government cannot unilaterally determine the price of goods and services, as they are scarce resources. If the government sets an artificially low price for a good or service, suppliers may make up for their losses by raising prices for other customers or reducing the quantity supplied. This can lead to rationing or shortages. It's important to consider the potential unintended consequences of price controls when evaluating legislation.

    • Red and Blue States: Time for a Radical SeparationThe current political climate calls for a separation of red and blue states to experiment with unique policies and understand their consequences, leading to a smaller federal government and less interference in state affairs.

      The speaker believes that the current political climate necessitates a radical separation between red and blue states due to the inability of the Democratic party to effectively address key issues like drug prices, inflation, and energy production. The speaker argues that this separation will allow each state to experiment with its unique policies and face the consequences of those decisions, ultimately leading to a clearer understanding of which approaches are successful. The speaker also expresses a desire for a smaller federal government and less interference in state affairs. Additionally, the speaker expresses a belief that liberals do not want conservatives in their states any more than conservatives want liberals in theirs. The speaker argues that this separation is necessary to prevent harm to children and to allow each state to thrive based on its unique policies.

    • Questions about the basis for mask mandates in schoolsSome individuals advocating for mask mandates in schools have admitted to not having read relevant research, raising concerns about their decision-making and the potential for legal challenges

      Some individuals, even those in positions of authority like health officials, may not be well-informed on the research surrounding mask effectiveness in schools. Despite advocating for mask mandates, some of these individuals have admitted to not having read relevant studies on the topic. This raises questions about the basis for their recommendations and the importance of being informed before making decisions that impact others. Conservatives are taking legal action against mask mandates, and the process itself may serve as a form of punishment and deterrent for those pushing for such measures.

    • Manipulation of Information for Personal AgendasDuring the discussion, some individuals displayed a mentality of coming to a conclusion first and finding data to support it later, even if it's not there. This behavior is problematic and highlights the importance of critically evaluating information and not being swayed by biased perspectives.

      During the discussion, it became clear that some individuals hold strong opinions and may manipulate information to support their agendas. This was evident in the conversation about the effectiveness of masks and the Inflation Production Act. The speakers displayed a mentality of coming to a conclusion first and finding data to support it later, even if it's not there. This behavior was compared to the David Dinkins effect, where the media blames a person rather than liberalism for its failures. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of critically evaluating information and not being swayed by biased perspectives.

    • Allegations of Biden-China energy executive meetings raise eyebrowsReports of Biden's past meetings with Chinese energy executives and subsequent favors for Hunter Biden's business have resurfaced, fueling concerns about potential blackmail and worsening U.S.-China tensions.

      There have been multiple reports indicating potential questionable dealings between President Joe Biden and Chinese energy executives, with some suggesting the possibility of a blackmail file. These reports come after the Inflation Reduction Act, which some believe will worsen U.S.-China tensions. Vice President Biden reportedly met with these executives in 2014, and shortly after, they offered to service Hunter Biden's luxury electric vehicle. The timing of these reports, which were previously downplayed by some media outlets, has raised eyebrows. Brian Stelter, a media commentator who previously dismissed the Hunter Biden story as a manufactured scandal, has since changed his tune. The Biden administration has not commented on these allegations, but they could potentially impact Biden's reelection prospects.

    • Biden DOJ Pushes for Guilty Plea in Hunter Biden Case, Mayor Adams Blames Abbott for Illegal ImmigrantsThe Biden administration faces pressure to resolve the Hunter Biden case quickly, while Mayor Adams accuses Governor Abbott of sending illegal immigrants to NYC, but the administration builds a border wall in Arizona.

      The Biden Justice Department, including Merrick Garland, is reportedly pushing for a guilty plea in the Hunter Biden case to make it go away, as they face pressure from the left-wing media and potential Republican investigations. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a known radical leftist, is blaming Republican Governor Greg Abbott for sending illegal immigrants to New York City instead of addressing the root cause of the issue – the open border policy under President Biden. Despite Adams' complaints, Biden's administration is also building a border wall in Arizona to address the mess left behind by the previous administration. The inconsistencies and hypocrisy in these situations highlight the political gamesmanship and the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions.

    • Understanding Hidden Symbolism in Extremist GroupsBe aware of hidden symbolism used by extremist groups and avoid unintentionally promoting their messages to avoid negative consequences.

      The use of specific dates, numbers, and language can hold significant meaning to certain groups, including those with extremist beliefs. During a recent broadcast, the host discussed how the date August 8th (8-8) is perceived as a symbol of white supremacy due to the eighth letter of the alphabet representing "H" and the association with Adolf Hitler. This ignorance of such symbolism can lead to unintended consequences, such as being labeled a racist or Nazi. It's crucial to understand the adversary's thought process and the language they use to effectively counter their messages. Additionally, the host humorously encouraged listeners not to mention the date 8-8 to avoid potential backlash.

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    Biden's Costly, Intrusive Plan for the IRS

    President Joe Biden wants to hire 86,852 new IRS agents, which would more than double the agency’s workforce.

    Even Obama-era IRS chief John Koskinen – a longtime advocate of increasing the IRS budget – thinks President Joe Biden’s proposal to increase IRS funding by $80 billion is too much.

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    Numerous watchdog reports have found that the agency’s inability to do its job is due to incompetence, not lack of funding.

    The last thing the IRS needs is more power and responsibility. In fact, it is likely that new responsibilities will become overwhelming for the IRS, leading to these new scandals and new cases of taxpayer abuse.

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