
    WE SURVIVED A PLANE CRASH! -You Should Know Podcast-

    enJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Hosts' experiencesThe hosts shared stories of their grit and determination during challenging experiences, as well as their ability to find humor in everyday situations during their tour

      The You Should Know podcast hosts had an amazing experience performing in Boulder, Colorado, and are looking forward to their next stop in Washington D.C. Cam shared a story from his college basketball days where he demonstrated grit and determination during a toughness drill, despite the challenges and criticism he faced. The hosts also shared their amusing experiences with Uber drivers in Boulder and a harrowing flight experience. Overall, the episode showcases the hosts' enthusiasm for their tour and their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • Unexpected incidents on planesUnexpected incidents on planes can cause anxiety and unease, but having control over certain aspects like comfortable clothing can help alleviate fear. Adaptation and coping skills are necessary for dealing with the unexpected.

      Experiencing unexpected incidents, such as a piece of a plane's roof coming off mid-flight or witnessing a sex scene on a plane, can cause significant anxiety and unease, even for those who typically don't get scared easily. These situations can make individuals question their safety and even contemplate the worst-case scenarios. However, having control over certain aspects of our lives, like choosing when to experience discomfort, can help alleviate some fear. For instance, having reliable and comfortable clothing, like Mac Weldon, can make travel more enjoyable. Despite these challenges, it's essential to remember that not everything is within our control, and we must learn to adapt and find ways to cope with the unexpected.

    • Awkward moments in sharing private experiencesPeople experience discomfort in sharing private memories or experiences with others, often leading to awkward moments in everyday situations such as watching sex scenes in movies or shopping for personal products.

      People find certain situations awkward due to the fear of sharing private memories or experiences with others. This was evident in the conversation about watching sex scenes in movies, especially with family members present. The speaker shared anecdotes about avoiding specific movie scenes and even trying on mouthwash in a store to mask bad breath. These awkward moments are often unavoidable, but the discomfort comes from the potential embarrassment of being caught or sharing the experience with others. The speaker also mentioned the difference in how men and women approach shopping and product usage, adding to the overall awkwardness of everyday situations.

    • Social constructs of clappingClapping for accomplishments and birthdays is a social construct that brings people together and acknowledges significant moments in life, despite being uncomfortable for some individuals.

      While clapping may seem instinctual due to babies doing it, the act of clapping for accomplishments or happy birthdays is a social construct. The creation of these types of claps likely began as a way to celebrate and acknowledge achievements or milestones. However, for some individuals, the experience of receiving a happy birthday song or being expected to engage in the social norm can be awkward and uncomfortable. Some people even have scripts they follow when wishing someone a happy birthday to make the interaction smoother. Ultimately, while these social conventions may not be instinctual, they serve an important role in bringing people together and acknowledging significant moments in life.

    • Unwanted SubscriptionsMany people unknowingly pay for multiple subscriptions each month, totaling up to a significant sum. Rocket Money helps users cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills, potentially saving up to $740 annually.

      Many people unknowingly pay for multiple subscriptions each month, amounting to a significant sum. This issue was highlighted in a podcast episode by a friend who discovered several forgotten subscriptions through the personal finance app, Rocket Money. Rocket Money helps users cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills, saving members up to $740 annually. The podcast host shared his own experiences of trying to save money by dissuading customers from purchasing expensive memberships during his retail jobs. However, he admitted feeling awkward in social situations, particularly during roll call in school, which triggered anxiety. This discussion touched on the importance of being mindful of unnecessary expenses and the potential impact of past experiences on our behavior.

    • Childhood experiencesDespite unconventional childhood filled with challenges, the speaker views it as formative and believes it shaped who they are today, including questioning their identity and dealing with violence and drugs in school

      The speaker's childhood was filled with unusual experiences, from an Elvis impersonator teacher to fights at school, and even a principal using the n-word during a fight. Despite the challenges, the speaker looks back on their childhood as formative and believes it helped shape who they are today. Another theme that emerged was the speaker's existential crisis, which began as a child when they questioned their identity and name. They explored different names and even considered changing it, but ultimately accepted that their name, Peyton, suited them. The conversation also touched on the speaker's experiences with drugs and violence in school, which led to firings and suspensions for some teachers. Overall, the conversation painted a vivid picture of a unique and unconventional childhood.

    • Childhood experiencesChildhood experiences, including roughhousing and exploring limits with friends, shape identity and teach resilience and the importance of friendship

      The speaker's childhood experiences, particularly those involving roughhousing and exploring limits with friends, were formative and shaped his sense of identity. Despite initial apprehensions and fears, he ultimately embraced these experiences and learned to navigate social dynamics. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate the importance of friendship, resilience, and the willingness to take risks in growing up. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the shared experiences of childhood mischief and the role of popular culture, such as WWE and music, in shaping childhood friendships.

    • Life experiencesLife experiences, good or bad, shape us and teach valuable lessons. Embrace new experiences, even if they're awkward or painful, for personal growth.

      Life experiences, both good and bad, shape us into who we become. Some experiences may seem insignificant at the time, but they can teach us valuable lessons and even lead to growth. For instance, collecting items as a child may have seemed strange to others, but it fueled a sense of curiosity and determination for the speaker. Similarly, trying to impress girls by inviting them to a baptism resulted in an embarrassing situation, but it showed the speaker's commitment and creativity. These experiences, though sometimes painful or awkward, ultimately contributed to the speaker's personal development. Additionally, the importance of taking risks and stepping out of comfort zones was highlighted in the story of the speaker's desire for a solo part in a school musical. The determination to land a solo role and perform a daring stunt led to a memorable moment and showcased the speaker's confidence and talent. Overall, the speaker's stories illustrate the value of embracing new experiences, even if they don't always go as planned, and the power of learning from them.

    • Train in tunnel, Lily padsUnderstanding context is crucial when applying mathematical rules, as similar numbers can lead to confusion. Persistence is necessary to find the correct answer.

      The rules of mathematics can be applied differently in various contexts, and sometimes the answers may not be as straightforward as we expect. During a discussion, the speakers were trying to determine how long it takes for a 300-foot train to travel through a 300-foot tunnel. They encountered some confusion due to the use of similar numbers and the importance of understanding the context. Similarly, they discussed a patch of lily pads on a lake that doubles in size every day, and they debated how long it would take for the patch to cover half the lake. Despite some missteps and misunderstandings, they eventually arrived at the answer, which was 6 days. This experience highlights the importance of paying close attention to the problem at hand, understanding the context, and being persistent in finding the solution.

    • Effective CommunicationEffective communication saves time and energy by avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring all parties involved are on the same page, especially when dealing with complex problems

      Communication and clarity are crucial when solving complex problems. The conversation between the participants in the text illustrates the importance of understanding each other's perspectives and asking clarifying questions to avoid misunderstandings. The discussion revolves around a mathematical problem, and the participants' failure to clearly communicate the concept led to confusion and frustration. By working backwards and clarifying the initial assumptions, they were able to arrive at the correct answer. However, the process could have been simplified if they had asked for clarification earlier and ensured they were on the same page. Effective communication and clarity save time and energy, especially when dealing with intricate issues.

    • Revenge tacticsFlirting with exes, disappearing, and revealing new relationships aren't healthy ways to deal with a breakup, causing more harm than good. Focus on healing and moving forward instead.

      Revenge is not a healthy or productive solution to a broken relationship. However, the speaker in this discussion shares a detailed and rather extreme strategy for making ex-partners regret their decisions. According to her, one should flirt with both exes, give them full energy during conversations until the climax, then suddenly disappear. She also suggests posting Instagram stories with new partners to provoke jealousy and ultimately setting up a group meeting with both exes to reveal the new relationship. This approach is not only toxic but also likely to cause more harm than good. Instead, focusing on healing and moving forward is a healthier and more constructive way to deal with a breakup.

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:51 CAM JOINS! 5:07 Prerequisites LISP 6:05 What Kind Of Drunk Are You? 9:40 BOOKING.COM 10:52 Peyton Doesn’t Believe in Castles 13:09 The BATH Debate 14:06 Peyton’s Teeth Are Falling Out 15:53 We aren’t Close Anymore 21:10 FUM 22:49 TESTING OUR ZODIAC SIGNS 29:21 Not Brushing Teeth On Tour 32:38 KLEENEX 33:46 THE FISH GILL DEBATE 43:33 HELLO FRESH 45:15 Inventing a New Game! 49:05 Cam Has Swine Flu 50:25 Grandmas CRAZY LAST WORDS 52:21 Do Mosquitos Know Who They Are? 53:16 The HUNTING Debate 56:27 Playing With Taxidermy Mouths 58:15 The OATMEAL Debate 1:04:41 POP CULTURE (YOUR HONOR/MAVS) 1:13:16 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Booking.com: BOOK YOUR NEXT TRIP! https://www.booking.com KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! FUM: GET A FREE GIFT WITH YOUR JOURNEY PACK! GO TO TRYFUM.COM USE CODE YSK HelloFresh: GET FREE APPETIZERS FOR LIFE AT https://www.hellofresh.com/pages/podcast?c=YSKAPPS&mealsize=3-2&dm=meals&utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=podcastfafl&utm_content=act_podcast_podcastads&dm_custom=apps&discount_comm_id=69a00013-80db-4f6e-8cdb-87ca07973397&dis_channel=audio YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:45 MANSCAPED 3:28 CAM JOINS! 5:02 Called For Jury Duty! 6:17 Peyton’s Skin Infections 10:00 How many Times Have You Seen It? 11:45 MANDO 13:33 JOINING THE SECRET SERVICE 16:29 Cam Got in a Wreck! 19:00 PEYTON TAKES U.S. CITIZEN QUIZ 29:45 WILD Internet Games! 32:42 Sleeping With My Parents 33:49 CAMS INSANE AVATAR! 35:05 Cam was at January 6 36:10 CUTS 38:10 PEYTONS LISP RETURNS 41:02 $200/hr OR Drive Speed Limit 44:56 CEJAYS ROTTEN BREATH 48:25 SURVIVING IN ANIMAL KINGDOMS 52:16 HIPPOS VS EAGLES 54:29 WILD V*rginity Stories! 57:07 Do Birds Make Love? 1:01:52 OLD ENGLISH INSULTS 1:07:31 Stuttering On A Voicemail 1:11:18 DR.P (GOT HER PREGNANT) 1:16:43 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Manscaped - 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH Mando - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code YSK at shopmando.com! #mandopod Cuts - Refine your style with @cutsclothing and get 20% off with code YSK at https://www.cutsclothing.com/YSK #cutspartner YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    WE SURVIVED A PLANE CRASH! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcas... NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-S... NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids... TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS (Peyton’s Sick) 1:40 CAM JOINS 3:02 Embarrassing College Bball Story 4:40 College Live Show Recap 6:53 Our Plane Almost CRASHED 10:19 Mack Weldon 11:39 S*X Scenes on a Plane! 16:28 Trying Lipstick on in Public 17:55 Gender Deodorant Debate 19:56 Stealing From Stores 20:46 HARRYS 22:10 The Clapping Debate! 24:05 THE BIRTHDAY SCRIPT! 30:53 RocketMoney 32:22 Peyton Quit His First Job Story 34:29 Roll Call Panic Attacks! 37:45 Exposing Old TEACHERS! 42:07 Re-Naming Yourself 46:01 The Wh*te kids scare me 50:23 BOOKING.COM 51:36 Getting Jumped as a Kid! 54:14 Flirting at the Baptism 55:19 EMBARRASSING School Play Story! 58:16 BETTERHELP 59:47 SOLVING MATH RIDDLES 1:19:26 DR.P (Make Them Regret!) 1:23:21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Harry’s: https://www.harrys.com/lpg/us-podcast... Rocket money: https://app.rocketmoney.com/signup?_f... BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/get-starte... MackWeldon: https://mackweldon.com Booming.com: Book Your Next Trip With Booking.com ! https://www.booking.com YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg... JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 B.Simone Tour Tickets: https://www.officialbsimone.com NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 00:00 Tour Is Here! 01:33 MANSCAPED 03:00 CAM JOINS! 05:44 First Time Catching A$$ 7:51 Nelly Saved My Life 10:40 Went On A N*DE CRUISE SHIP 16:44 LECTRIC EBIKES 18:20 How Much Money Would It Take? 20:54 PARTNER WITH PARENTS NAME! 22:49 Baby Pockets are INSANE 26:05 Intimate Thr*w Up 28:01 THE OREOS DEBATE! 36:32 KLEENEX 37:30 THE “BETTER HOST” DEBATE 43:40 THE ROSS FOOD DEBATE 46:24 INSANE PRE-WORKOUT STORY 54:55 LIQUID IV 56:32 MAMA LIV JOINS 1:05:53 HILARIOUS ALPHABET GAME 1:11:49 Alphabet Game w/ Intern Pierce 1:14:30 B.SIMONE JOINS! Todays Sponsors: KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH LECTRIC E BIKES: https://lectricebikes.com/?g_acctid=790-567-9445&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=PerformanceMax.branded&g_campaignid=16467002383&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&nb_adtype=&nb_ap=&nb_fii=&nb_kwd=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_mi=&nb_mt=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_placement=&nb_ppi=&nb_ti=&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A16467002383%3A%3A&gad_source=1 LiquidIV: https://www.liquid-iv.com YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:38 CAM JOINS 4:10 NY Portal & Red Carpet is INSANE 8:03 The “ GREAT” Britain Debate 10:42 FÜM 12:08 Revealing Our Insecurities 14:15 Cam & Peyton Fight Zombies 19:23 HIMS 20:31 Peyton’s InGrown Secret 22:02 The Fitted Sheet Debate 23:45 Insensitive School Holidays! 26:51 Chased By Ted B*ndy Vs. Cops! 32:11 PDS DEBT 33:39 Peyton has a STALKER?! 37:30 WILDEST Kahoot Names! 40:34 Kids Dont take Safety Drills Serious 43:45 SPELLING BEE 57:12 The Lunchables Debate! 1:05:23 DR.P (Dating My Friends Fiancé) 1:10:03 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: FUM: https://tryfum.com HIMS: https://www.hims.com/consult-start-qn-mbg-dlp-holiday?utm_source=QCode&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=hims&utm_content=YSK&utm_product=zeus&utm_term=rsu PDS DEBT: https://pdsdebt.com/free-debt-assessment/?ref=ysk YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 Todays Sponsors: KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH Rocket money: https://app.rocketmoney.com/signup?_forward_params=1&_smtype=3&cl=on&utm_campaign=ysk&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=podcast&wpcid=ysk&wpcn=ysk&wpsnetn=podcast YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    HOOKING UP AT THE DENTIST! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:14 Manscaped 2:34 CAM JOINS! 4:16 Seven Minutes In Heaven 5:57 Cams a Peeping Tom! 7:29 Finding The Wild Magazines 9:39 DROWNING During CAMP ROCK 11:50 Wild Mothers Day Observation 12:53 Holiday Conspiracy Theory 14:25 Peyton Sleeps UNDER his Bed! 16:20 Waking Up With Ants! 17:37 HIMS 18:55 Peyton Dissected BUGS! 21:07 Cam Confronted SUPERMAN 23:52 Faking The BULDGE 25:58 BETTER HELP 27:12 CRAZY COLLEGE HALLOWEEN STORY 30:13 “FEELS LIKE” GUY?! 32:52 Worlds Strangest Jobs 35:06 Moaning At The Dentist 39:24 Blame It On The Fame 40:34 Homeless Calendar? 45:45 We Are CONTROLLED! 50:45 COLORS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS? 57:58 POP CULTURE Kendrick Vs. Drake 1:05:32 DR.P (2 GIRLFRIENDS!) 1:09:17 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?slug=ysk&utm_source=podcast&utm_campaign=2520&utm_term=ysk&promo_code=ysk&landing_page_img=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fkiaehr7.png&aff_channel=podcast&discount_rate=10&discount_period=P1M&date_interval=P1M&percentage_off=10&amount=1&amount_spelled_out=one&unit=month&gor=start-go HIMS: https://www.hims.com/consult-start-qn-mbg-dlp-holiday?utm_source=QCode&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=hims&utm_content=YSK&utm_product=zeus&utm_term=rsu Follow Blame It On The Fame: Milli Vanilli on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    SHARING HER HUSBAND? -You Should Know Podcast-

    SHARING HER HUSBAND? -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 Todays Sponsors: HARRYS: Get started with a $13 trial set for just $3 at https://www.harrys.com/lpg/us-podcast/?utm_source=You%20Should%20Know%20Podcast&utm_medium=new-podcast&utm_campaign=ft-lp-redeem&name=You%20Should%20Know%20Podcast%20listeners%21%20Your%20discount%20has%20been%20applied LECTRIC EBIKES: TELL THEM YSK SENT YOU https://lectricebikes.com LIQUIDIV: That’s 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code YSK. https://www.liquid-iv.com/YSK MACK WELDON: Get timeless looks with modern comfort from Mack Weldon. 20% off your first order! https://mackweldon.com/ysk KLEENEX: USE KLEENEX THIS ALLERGY SEASON! YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    WE ALMOST ENDED IT ALL! -You Should Know Podcast-

    WE ALMOST ENDED IT ALL! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS/MERCH OUT NOW 1:34 Cam Joins! 3:15 Strange Way To Dry Off 9:30 Peyton Wants a Prost*te Exam 12:46 Peyton Dated Zendaya?! 14:16 Rocket Money 15:56 Exposing Our Embarrassing Passions 18:19 Movie Theater Pet Peeves! 22:51 Exposing Cams Bottom Teeth 26:05 Our Famous Last Words 31:46 The Worst Way to Leave a Convo 33:54 How We Interact With Fans 39:13 Living in a van vs Camping 46:17 Hallucination Story! 47:11 Rolls In Our Intimate Relationship 49:44 Learning The Meaning of Words 52:37 Having Fake Friends! 53:28 What if We Weren’t Friends? 56:35 EMBARRASSING FAST FOOD STORY 59:20 PULLED OVER BY POLICE STORY 1:07:10 Peyton Is Scared Of Mascots? 1:08:33 Wild Recess Stories 1:14:14 Accidentally Stealing From Store 1:15:30 Pocket Placement Debate 1:20:19 TRIVIA COMPETITION 1:43:02 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Rocket Money: https://app.rocketmoney.com/signup?_forward_params=1&_smtype=3&cl=on&utm_campaign=ysk&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=podcast&wpcid=ysk&wpcn=ysk&wpsnetn=podcast YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    THE WORST THING YOU CAN SAY! -You Should Know Podcast-

    THE WORST THING YOU CAN SAY! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS/MERCH OUT NOW 1:30 MANSCAPED 2:44 CAM JOINS 4:34 Cams Music Taste Debate 6:34 Dubbed Movies Triggers Us! 10:39 TV’s Are Magical?! 14:03 Comparing our School Songs 17:12 Do you Subconsciously Drive? 19:09 KLEENEX 20:08 Can We Be Navy Seals? 21:16 WE HATE MAGICIANS?! 25:22 The Insane Barney Discovery! 27:42 Peyton’s WILD BIRTHDAY PARTY 31:23 SHOPIFY 33:00 Trapped in Mall with an Anaconda 38:54 Can You Play Drums to Save Your Life? 43:01 Revealing My Addiction! 45:57 MACK WELDON 47:22 Peyton’s Wild Sex-Ed Class! 51:45 Peyton’s Parents Made him Dumb 57:56 Giving Your Parents Puzzles 1:00:01 Fish Vs Insect Debate! 1:11:29 Do Fish Have Fun Debate! 1:19:13 FAILED FOOD CHALLENGE 1:22:56 Double Dipping Debate 1:28:17 Eating HotDogs in The Bathroom 1:29:39 THE SIZZLE DEBATE 1:34:25 DR.P (Falling in love w/ My Bestie) 1:42:51 ANNOUNCEMENTS/SHOUT OUT Todays Sponsors: Mack Weldon: Get timeless looks with modern comfort from Mack Weldon. Go to Mack Weldon dot com and get 20% off your first order with promo code YSK. Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=audio&utm_campaign=us-ytfirst-na-awareness-1q24-en&utm_term=ysk&utm_content=ysk KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices