
    WebRTC and Peer-to-Peer Video Calling with Ian Ramzy

    enJune 10, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Waterloo: More Theory Than PracticeWaterloo focuses on theoretical learning, students learn practical skills outside of the classroom through hackathons and co-op placements

      Waterloo, a prestigious computer science school in Canada, focuses more on theoretical learning than practical coding skills. Ian, a 19-year-old student at Waterloo, shared his experience, mentioning that while he's learning low-level programming and hardware in his second year, he spent his first term learning Doctor Racket, a functional programming language based on Scheme. Prior to that, he learned C and C++. Although he's had two co-op placements, which helped him gain practical skills, he admitted that he spends very little time coding at school. Instead, he learns most of his coding skills outside of the classroom through hackathons and working with friends. Despite the limited coding education at Waterloo, Ian has managed to gain experience at companies like Deloitte. The podcast also featured a discussion about Sentry and Stackbit, the sponsors of the episode.

    • Building a simple video calling app during the pandemicDetermination and technical skills led to creating a functional web app for easy video calls, addressing a common need during the pandemic.

      The speaker built a peer-to-peer video calling application named Zipcall.io, inspired by the frustration of using multiple platforms for video calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The application was designed to be simple and browser-based, aiming to pass the "grandma test" - easy enough for an 80-year-old to use. The speaker started the project to address their own needs, but it grew into a more complex project involving video quality adjustments, auto scaling, and echo reduction. Despite the challenges, the speaker successfully built the application and won a bet with their roommate. The experience showcases the speaker's determination to solve a common problem and their ability to develop a functional web application.

    • Peer-to-Peer Video Calling with WebRTCZipCall's video call tech uses a peer-to-peer model for cost-effective, performant calls, contrasting traditional SFU/MCU solutions' expensive central servers.

      ZipCall's video call technology is built on a peer-to-peer model using WebRTC, which allows for direct connections between users without the need for a central server. This approach is more cost-effective and performant compared to traditional video conferencing solutions that use Selective Forwarding Units (SFUs) or Multi-Point Control Units (MCUs), which act as expensive central servers. The process of connecting users involves NAT traversal and the use of STUN and TURN servers as backup when direct connections fail due to firewalls or other network restrictions. Overall, this peer-to-peer approach allows for more efficient and cost-effective video conferencing solutions.

    • WebRTC signaling and ICE processWebRTC's ICE process involves exchanging candidates for potential communication paths and can be simplified by reducing signaling steps. An open-source codebase demonstrates this with vanilla JavaScript and browser APIs.

      WebRTC signaling, specifically the Internet Connection Establishment (ICE) process, can be quite complex but is essential for establishing a successful peer-to-peer connection. ICE involves exchanging candidates, which represent potential communication paths, between users, and a signaling server is needed to facilitate this exchange. The process can be improved by simplifying the signaling and reducing the number of steps required to initiate a call. The codebase for an open-source WebRTC application discussed in the podcast is a testament to this simplicity, being mostly written in vanilla JavaScript and relying on browser APIs, making it accessible for anyone interested in understanding its inner workings. The codebase, while a bit messy, is well-commented and relatively small, making it a valuable resource for those looking to learn about WebRTC signaling and ICE.

    • Finding Efficiency in Unconventional SolutionsCreating simple solutions with less popular tools can be more valuable than optimized ones. WebRTC offers faster data transfer between peers, and WebTorrent enables peer-to-peer streaming and data transfer, reducing bandwidth usage.

      Sometimes, getting things done quickly and efficiently, even if it means not adhering to best practices or using less popular tools, can be more valuable than creating a perfectly optimized solution. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of creating a chat application using simple JavaScript and jQuery, which worked well for the project's needs despite having some limitations. They also discussed the use of WebRTC for sending data between peers, which can be used for more than just video and audio, and can lead to faster and more efficient data transfer. The speaker also mentioned their experience with WebTorrent, a JavaScript-based torrent client that allows for streaming video as it's being downloaded, and the potential for utilizing peer-to-peer data transfer to reduce bandwidth usage. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding the right balance between efficiency, functionality, and best practices, and the potential benefits of exploring unconventional solutions.

    • Managing inline editing and previewing changes on Jamstack websites with Stackbit and popular CMS platformsStreamline editing process, test and share changes easily before they go live with Stackbit and popular CMS platforms. Peer-to-peer connections, like WebTorrent and Zip calls, facilitate real-time communication and collaboration. Long-term success on popular platforms depends on consistent growth rate and effective promotion.

      Stackbit is a valuable tool for managing inline editing and previewing changes on Jamstack websites, connecting it with popular CMS platforms like Contentful, Sanity, Datto, Netlify, Forestry, and Gatsby. This streamlines the editing process and allows for easy testing and sharing of changes before they go live. Another intriguing takeaway from the discussion is the power of peer-to-peer connections, as demonstrated by WebTorrent and applications like Zip calls. These connections can facilitate real-time communication and collaboration, even on less powerful servers, and can reach a large user base through platforms like Reddit and GitHub. The key to success lies not only in the quality of the project but also in effective promotion and leveraging trends to gain visibility. Acceleration, rather than velocity or user numbers, plays a crucial role in reaching the front pages of popular platforms like GitHub. This means that gaining a large number of users quickly is not the only factor; maintaining a consistent growth rate and attracting the right attention can lead to long-term success.

    • Sudden surge in users leads to increased engagement and growthPreparing for growth and using event-driven architectures can efficiently handle high traffic situations and enable quick response times.

      A significant increase in user engagement can lead to a positive feedback loop, driving more traffic and growth. This was exemplified in a video call application that experienced a sudden surge in users, leading to increased visibility on GitHub and Reddit. The server, which served static files and acted as a signaling server for WebRTC connections, managed to handle the influx relatively well due to its event-driven architecture in Node.js. This allowed for efficient handling of multiple connections and quick response times. Additionally, the application's design enabled connected users to disconnect from the server once connected, reducing the load on the server. The browser handles some aspects of the call, such as echo cancellation, while other features like auto-scaling video are implemented through WebRTC. Overall, the success of the application highlights the importance of being prepared for growth and the power of event-driven architectures in handling high traffic situations.

    • Creating a functional video chat app with WebRTCA novice developer can create a high-quality video chat app using advanced libraries like WebRTC, with features like echo cancellation and noise background elimination.

      Even a novice developer with limited experience and resources can create a functional video chat application using advanced libraries like WebRTC. The speaker, a 19-year-old who started coding in high school, was surprised by the application's built-in features like echo cancellation and noise background elimination. He spent a week experimenting with various parameters but found that the defaults were sensible. The ease of use and audio quality rivaled established platforms like Zoom and FaceTime. The speaker's journey illustrates the power of modern libraries and the accessibility of coding for anyone with determination and a good Google search skill. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of persistence in learning to code. He initially struggled in an introductory programming class but eventually understood the concepts and went on to create games using Flash and Python. He didn't claim to be a genius or an incredible developer but emphasized the importance of being clever and persistent. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone considering a career in technology or coding, demonstrating that with dedication and the right resources, one can overcome challenges and create innovative solutions.

    • Exploring various programming languages and technologiesGaining experience with diverse languages and technologies is crucial for success in computer science and software development, showcased through the speaker's journey with Java, Racket, C++, Python, JavaScript, AWS, React, and blockchain.

      The speaker's journey in computer science and software development involved learning various programming languages, including Java, Racket, C++, Python, and JavaScript, as well as technologies like AWS, React, and blockchain. They gained practical experience through work terms at Deloitte, Accenture, and in their own projects. The speaker was particularly impressed by the ease of implementing screen sharing in web applications using WebRTC and a library called adapter.js, despite the challenges of cross-browser compatibility. They also discussed Apple's restrictions on WebRTC in browsers other than Safari on iOS. Overall, the speaker's experiences illustrate the importance of a diverse and evolving skill set in the field of computer science and software development.

    • Apple's restrictive approach to WebRTC video callsApple limits video calls on Safari due to security concerns and prioritizes user privacy, but offers workarounds for real-time captions using text-to-speech and peer-to-peer data channels.

      Apple's implementation of video calls through WebRTC on Safari is intentionally more restrictive compared to Google Chrome due to potential security concerns and a desire to prioritize user privacy. The speaker also shared a workaround for displaying real-time captions during video calls, which involves using the text-to-speech feature on the caller's end and sending the transcribed text data over the peer-to-peer data channel. Despite the limitations, the speaker was impressed by the number of features available in the codebase, which includes speech synthesis and real-time translation. The speaker also shared that they created the loading animation for the application by removing the background from a GIF they found online. Overall, the discussion highlighted the unique challenges and possibilities of developing video call functionality across different browsers and platforms.

    • Using premade templates for landing pages and tools for error handlingThe speaker emphasized the importance of using tools like Sentry for error handling and creating GitHub issues directly from the Sentry dashboard, and shared his fascination with the potential of web applications to replace desktop apps.

      While the speaker designed the UI for the chat feature on his project from scratch, he used premade templates for the landing pages. He emphasized the importance of using tools like Sentry for error handling, which allows him to create GitHub issues directly from the Sentry dashboard, assign them to team members, and track their resolution. The speaker also expressed his fascination with the potential of web applications, mentioning the possibility of creating browser-based screen recorders like Figma or even replacing desktop apps with web applications. Despite the limitations of time, he encouraged collaboration and invited others to contribute to the project. Overall, the conversation highlighted the benefits of using tools for error handling and the potential of web applications to replace traditional desktop apps.

    • Learning to code and build projectsAnyone can learn to code and build successful projects with dedication, curiosity, and the right resources. Utilize search engines, find good online courses, and start small projects to get started.

      Anyone can learn to code and build successful projects with dedication, curiosity, and the right resources. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using search engines like Google, finding good online courses, and starting small projects. He also highlights the role of luck and timing in his own success story with ZipCall, but stresses that anyone can achieve similar results with hard work and determination. The speaker encourages people to not be intimidated by the perceived complexity of software engineering or computer science and to view it as an accessible and rewarding field. He believes that more people should explore this path as it can bring significant benefits to themselves and the world.

    • The Power of Dedication and Effective ToolsDedication and hard work lead to success, while effective tools like Notion can help streamline tasks and boost productivity.

      Dedication and hard work are the keys to success, even if it doesn't seem special at first. The speaker shared his experience of seeing people grow and excel after putting in the effort, and he highlighted Notion as a tool that helps him stay organized and productive. Notion is a popular note-taking and organizational app valued at $2 billion, which allows users to type, format, and embed various content in the cloud. The speaker uses it extensively for this podcast and finds its design and functionality elegant. He also shared an affordable hack for making household items smart using WiFi modules and apps like Ewelink or Google Home. While discussing this, he jokingly suggested using it to prank family members by controlling garage doors remotely. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of hard work and the use of effective tools to streamline tasks and achieve goals.

    • Exploring the World of Video Game SpeedrunningDiscover the intricacies of glitches and programming in video games through Summoning Salt's long-form documentaries, gaining insights from a developer's perspective.

      The YouTube channel Summoning Salt offers a fascinating exploration of the world of video game speedrunning, showcasing the intricacies of glitches and programming within games that can lead to significant time savings and new world records. Despite not being a gamer himself, the speaker found the channel's long-form documentary-style videos to be incredibly entertaining and educational, especially from a developer's perspective. Summoning Salt covers various games, with recent videos on Ninja Gaiden and Punch Out being particularly noteworthy. For those interested in decentralized browsing, the speaker also mentioned Zipcall.io, a fast and privacy-focused browser option. To learn more about the speaker and his projects, visit ianramsey.com.

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    #3 Authenticity effect. Be authentic, gain trust. You find your true self among those you trust.

    #4 Accountability effect. Accountability is the world’s most powerful force.

    #5 The Multiplier Effect. The right group of people compound your efforts and have a synergistic effect. Your net worth is your network.

    #6 The Influence Effect. What may be the most important lesson of them all, as Tony Robbins says- you are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with. Implement these 6 lessons in your life and business, and it will radically improve in under 90 days.

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    𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁?

    1. [13:53] Consistency. It is a scheduled, sacred time, that does not get moved (weekly, monthly, or quarterly)

    2. Goal-oriented. Actively in pursuit of a goal.

    3. Accountability. Show up, be seen, hold yourself and others to a standard. If you get off track (spoiler alert—we all do) get back on track faster and have the courage to call out your team when they are off track. There is no perfect execution, you aren’t German engineering, just consistent execution.

    4. Vulnerability. The Mastermind must be honest about both the joy of achievement and the pain of growth. Because there is pain.

    5. No dog in the fight. No one is directly influenced by your decisions (different than a pure networking group), so they can give unadulterated advice. Where else in life do we get that?

    If you are reaching for that next level of success, don’t do it alone. And don’t do it just with your default peer group. Love them, but seek out those that will educate and elevate you to levels you didn’t think possible.

    To learn what makes Masterminds so successful, or if you’d like to know more about the PivotMe Masterminds we run each Wednesday, reach out to us info@pivot-me.com. Masterminds give you the power of expertise, connection, vulnerability, and – perhaps most important- accountability!

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