
    What can be done to stop fentanyl from coming over the border?

    enJune 04, 2024
    What role does fentanyl play in the Texas border crisis?
    How is President Biden addressing the fentanyl supply issue?
    What percentage of vehicles are currently scanned for drugs?
    Which cartels are primarily associated with fentanyl trafficking?
    What resources are being allocated to combat fentanyl overdoses?

    Podcast Summary

    • Border crisis drugsDespite efforts to stop it, the supply of drugs, especially fentanyl, from Mexico continues to be a constant issue in the border crisis. The White House is addressing it with more resources, including border patrol agents, customs border protection officers, and drug detection scanners.

      The border crisis in Texas is not just about people crossing the border, but also about the massive amounts of drugs, particularly fentanyl, coming in from Mexico. Despite efforts from local police, Border Patrol, and the federal government to stop it, the supply continues to be a constant issue. The supply is being addressed through the White House's new program, which includes securing the border with more resources such as border patrol agents, customs border protection officers, and drug detection scanners. This is a priority for President Biden as part of his unity agenda to tackle major issues. The seizures of drugs both at the border and domestically are increasing, but the fight against this issue continues.

    • HIDTA funding$276 million in new funding for HIDTA program to disrupt drug trafficking, reduce violent crimes, and dismantle illicit financial operations, with a focus on interdicting drugs at the border and expanding treatment and recovery resources

      The administration is announcing $276 million in new funding for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program to enhance cooperation among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. This funding aims to not only disrupt drug trafficking, but also reduce associated violent crimes and dismantle illicit financial operations. The focus is on interdicting drugs at the border and preventing their entry into communities. Additionally, the administration is investing in expanding treatment and recovery resources as part of a holistic approach to address both public health and public safety issues. Some border states, including Texas, will receive significant funding for these efforts.

    • Fentanyl supply and demandDisrupting financial networks of Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels, interdicting drugs at the border, and expanding treatment access are crucial in addressing fentanyl issue. Biden administration allocated $160B to expand treatment and access to Naloxone/Narcan.

      Addressing the issue of fentanyl coming into the country from the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels requires a multi-faceted approach. On the supply side, efforts should be made to disrupt and destroy their financial networks, targeting individuals and companies in China that provide the necessary chemicals. Additionally, interdicting and seizing drugs at the border is crucial. On the demand side, increasing access to treatment and resources, such as telehealth and Naloxone or Narcan, is essential. The Biden administration has allocated over $160 billion over four years to expand treatment and make these resources available to every community. It's important for individuals to carry Naloxone or Narcan to save lives in case of an overdose.

    • Fentanyl vehicle scannersOnly 5% of vehicles are currently scanned for illicit substances like fentanyl at legal entry points. President Biden is asking for funding to acquire over 100 more scanners to increase the percentage of scanned vehicles and intercept fentanyl, disrupting cartels and ensuring community safety.

      Only 5% of vehicles are currently getting scanned for illicit substances like fentanyl at our legal points of entry, despite 90% of this deadly drug coming through these channels. To address this issue, President Biden is asking Congress for funding to acquire over 100 more scanners to increase the percentage of scanned vehicles. These scanners work by using real-time technology to inspect vehicles as they pass through, similar to an X-ray machine, but surrounding the vehicle instead. This technology is crucial in intercepting fentanyl and disrupting the activities of cartels and other harmful actors. It's an essential step towards ensuring the safety of American communities.

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