
    What Distractible Stands For

    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Car troubles and unusual game conceptsMarkiplier's car has a broken seat bolt, Bob's car is in the shop for a seat replacement, Wade doesn't have a car, and they're excited for an upcoming episode where reputations and points are at stake, with the winner receiving a new set of testicles, while promoting Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans

      The hosts of Distractable are discussing their various life struggles, including car troubles and unusual game concepts, while also promoting Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans. The hosts, Markiplier, Bob, and Wade, share their current predicaments and reminisce about past experiences. Markiplier's car issue involves a broken seat bolt, while Bob's car is in the shop for a seat replacement. Wade still doesn't have a car. The conversation then shifts to an upcoming episode where reputations and points are at stake in a game. The winner will be rewarded with a new set of testicles, symbolizing freedom from the episode's events. The hosts express their excitement and apprehension about the upcoming episode. They also encourage listeners to check out Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans, which include unlimited talk, text, and data for $15 a month.

    • Creative problem-solving with unexpected solutionsUnexpected solutions can lead to effective and safer alternatives. Attachment to objects can fade over time, but safety features should never be overlooked.

      Creativity and resourcefulness can lead to effective solutions, even in unexpected circumstances. The speaker shared an experience of repairing a broken driver's seat bracket with milk crates, which turned out to be a safer alternative than the standard one. He also discussed the importance of safety features, like adding extra crumple zones in vehicles, and compared it to the Cybertruck's design. Another topic touched upon was the attachment to objects, such as cars, and the idea that they can be forgotten over time. The conversation also included a few light-hearted moments, like waiting for a bite of food or discussing foam mounting techniques. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of practical problem-solving, humor, and introspective thoughts.

    • Moral Dilemma of Torture in a Game Show DebateThe morality of torture was debated, with arguments for and against, highlighting the complexity of ethical dilemmas and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

      During a discussion about a hypothetical game show, the participants debated the morality of torture. Wade argued for the use of torture under certain circumstances, such as for obtaining information quickly and the potential enjoyment for both parties. Bob countered against torture, citing the blindness of justice and the potential for causing unnecessary harm. The debate concluded with no clear winner, as the game show format ensured that both sides would have equal opportunities to make their cases. The conversation also touched on the idea that sometimes, difficult decisions must be made, even if they involve moral gray areas. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the complexity of ethical dilemmas and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

    • Torture: Effective or Harmful?The debate raised questions about the effectiveness and morality of torture, with arguments against it based on inaccurate information and harm to the subject.

      The definition and perception of torture can be subjective, and while it may be effective in extracting information, it may not necessarily yield accurate or reliable information. Wade argued that torture is not an effective or valuable method if one values truth and humanity, as it often results in inaccurate and unverifiable information due to the subject's focus on ending the pain. Bob, on the other hand, maintained that torture is inherently harmful and negative, and that it is scientifically proven to yield inaccurate information. The debate also touched on the idea that what constitutes torture can be subjective, as some people may find pleasure in pain, while others find it unbearable. The debate ended with a lighthearted moment when Mark spun a wheel to determine their positions on various topics, including time travel and Hitler, and declared that they would both be pro-science. The episode was sponsored by Mint Mobile, a wireless service provider offering affordable plans with unlimited talk, text, and data.

    • Mint Mobile deal and eBay Motors partsMint Mobile offers $15/month for 3 months, eBay Motors provides car parts for enthusiasts. The debate on living forever concludes potential benefits outweigh downsides, but resource depletion and loved ones passing away are concerns.

      Mint Mobile is currently offering new customers a deal of $15 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data for a 3-month period, bringing the total cost to $50. Meanwhile, eBay Motors provides a vast selection of parts for car enthusiasts to keep their vehicles in top shape. Regarding the philosophical debate on living forever, it was concluded that the potential benefits of infinite opportunity and experiences outweigh the downsides, such as watching loved ones pass away. However, the possibility of spiritual existence or reincarnation was also raised as a counterpoint. Despite the argument for living forever having compelling points, some still find the idea daunting due to the potential for resource depletion and the thought of outliving loved ones.

    • The debate on living forever and sex robotsSome see immortality as a path to godhood, while others prefer the natural cycle of life and death. Sex robots offer meaningless sex for some, but full human experiences for others.

      The debate on living forever and the potential use of sex robots raises intriguing philosophical and practical questions. While some argue that the prospect of immortality could lead to godhood and eternal happiness, others find the idea of living forever daunting and prefer the natural cycle of life and death. Regarding sex robots, opponents argue that they offer only meaningless sex and require maintenance, while proponents see them as a necessary development in a future where humans can be uploaded into robotic bodies and seek full human experiences. The debate highlights the complexities of these issues and the importance of considering various perspectives.

    • Investing in advanced robotic technology including sex robots for future applicationsDespite current limitations, investing in advanced robotic technology including sex robots holds potential for significant future benefits and should not be dismissed based on current perceptions.

      While the development of advanced robotic technology, including sex robots, may not hold immediate utility, it is crucial to invest in this field for potential future applications. However, it is essential to distinguish between the current state of sex robots as mere objects and the potential for more advanced, programmable, and human-like robots. The debate surrounding sex robots has been distorted by imagining them as unappealing, hard-edged metal monstrosities. Instead, we should focus on the historical significance and artisanal value of certain technological advancements, such as the Minolta Leica Cooperative lenses, which are irreplaceable and deserve preservation. Ultimately, the development of advanced robotic technology, including sex robots, holds the potential for significant future benefits and should not be dismissed based on current perceptions.

    • The Dangers of Wearing Contact Lenses During Sleep and the Importance of PerspectiveBe cautious about fixating on one perspective and losing sight of the bigger picture. Engage in various studies for knowledge's sake, even if seemingly unhealthy or unnecessary. Wine has educational and cultural value and potential health benefits in moderation, but the industry's focus on increasing prices should be critiqued.

      Contact lenses, while useful, can be harmful if worn during sleep. Meanwhile, the metaphorical use of "lenses" to represent different perspectives was discussed, with a caution against becoming too fixated on one perspective and losing sight of the bigger picture. Wade argued for the value of studying various things, even if they may seem unhealthy or unnecessary, as knowledge itself is always useful. The discussion then shifted to the topic of wine, with Wade expressing his pro-wine stance, emphasizing the educational and cultural aspects of wine, as well as the potential health benefits when consumed in moderation. Bob countered by criticizing the wine industry for its focus on increasing prices, and suggested that there are more valuable crops to study for agricultural knowledge. Overall, the conversation showcased a diverse range of topics and viewpoints.

    • Appreciation for Wine's Value and ComplexityThe panelists discussed the multifaceted reasons for wine's value, including taste, health, and social experiences, while acknowledging the potential negative impacts of capitalism.

      While the discussion revolved around the ethics of wine production and capitalism, the underlying appreciation for the enjoyment and benefits of wine remained a constant theme. Wade argued for the multifaceted reasons why wine is valuable, including taste, health, and the enhancement of social experiences. Bob focused on the financial aspects and the potential negative impacts of capitalism. Ultimately, the panelists acknowledged the complexity of the human experience and the importance of individual freedom, even if it involves unconventional desires like necrophilia, as long as it is consensual, safe, and respectful. The conversation highlighted the nuanced perspectives on various topics and the importance of considering multiple viewpoints.

    • Necrophilia debate: Respecting individual autonomy vs societal normsThe moral and ethical complexities of necrophilia were explored, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual autonomy while considering societal norms.

      During a debate on the moral implications of necrophilia, the discussion revolved around the establishment of social norms and individual comfort levels. While one participant argued that it's a matter of consent between consenting adults, the other dismissed the idea and focused on the emotional and societal discomfort associated with the act. Despite the compelling arguments made by both sides, no definitive stance was taken. Instead, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances surrounding the topic, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual autonomy and societal norms. Ultimately, the debate served as a reminder that moral and ethical dilemmas are not always clear-cut, and that nuanced discussions are necessary to fully understand the implications of various issues.

    • Exploring the complexities of societal structures and seeking fair solutionsTrue egalitarianism values actions and human worth, not gender or inherent traits, and understanding societal structures requires thoughtful and fair solutions

      While the issues of patriarchal society are clear, the solution may not be a complete matriarchy. The speaker believes that true egalitarianism, where people are valued based on their actions and human worth rather than their gender or other inherent traits, would be a better approach. The discussion also touched upon the potential benefits of a matriarchy, such as the nurturing qualities of a mother's love, but the importance of experiencing and evaluating it on a larger scale was emphasized. The debate highlighted the importance of understanding the complexities of societal structures and the need for thoughtful and fair solutions.

    • Saving Money with Rocket Money and the Debate on PolygamyRocket Money saves users $740 annually on average by helping them cancel unwanted subscriptions. The debate on polygamy acknowledged its complexity and potential benefits like financial stability, companionship, and sexual variety.

      Rocket Money, with over 5 million users, has helped save half a billion dollars in canceled subscriptions, providing an average annual savings of $740 per member. The app encourages users to stop wasting money on unwanted subscriptions. Meanwhile, during a debate on polygamy, both participants wagered points. Wade argued for the freedom and potential benefits of having multiple partners, whether married or not, including financial stability, companionship, and sexual variety. He also pointed to successful polygamous relationships as evidence. Bob countered that polygamy specifically refers to having multiple spouses, and that Wade's argument seemed to overlap with polyamory or polysexuality. Despite some disagreement, both acknowledged the complexity of the issue. The key takeaway is that personal freedom and commitment can coexist, and various relationship structures can bring different benefits.

    • Misunderstanding in Polygamy DebateBoth debaters made strong arguments, but there was a misunderstanding regarding the specificity of the topic. Polygamy and polyamory have overlapping benefits, but the debate was about polygamy specifically. Clarity and specificity are crucial in arguments.

      While Wade and Bob had strong arguments during their debate on polygamy, there was a misunderstanding regarding the specificity of the topic. Wade made valid points that applied to both polygamy and polyamory, but the debate was about polygamy specifically. Bob, on the other hand, focused on the technicality of the debate and the rules of the argument. Despite the confusion, both made compelling points. However, the biggest hosing in the show's history, according to Wade, was when he felt he was robbed of a chance to fully argue for polygamy. The debate ended with each debater getting an additional 30 seconds to make their final points. Wade emphasized the potential benefits of polygamy, such as a larger family, increased income, sexual variety, and the consummation of love through marriage. Bob, on the other hand, acknowledged the validity of Wade's points but reiterated his argument that the debate was about polygamy specifically. Ultimately, the debate showcased the importance of clarity and specificity in arguments.

    • Wade's victory in Distractible was controversial due to Bob's unusual concession speechWade persevered to earn a controversial victory in Distractible, leaving a dominating feeling for all involved, despite Bob's unconventional concession speech.

      Wade emerged as the clear winner in a controversial episode of Distractible, despite Bob's concession speech. Bob made a commitment not to give any more "loser speeches" and conceded all points to Wade, who had been wronged in the past and had persevered to earn the victory. The episode was about convincing Mark that they should be the ultimate winner, and Wade succeeded in doing so. However, the victory felt uneasy for some, as it came after Bob's unusual concession speech. The episode touched on various topics, including torture, living forever, sex robots, lenses, onology, necrophilia, and matriarchy, all under the theme of freedom. Despite the unusual circumstances, Wade was celebrated as the winner, leaving a dominating feeling for all involved.

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    Marion Wells is a Predictive Index certified talent specialist and the founder of Human Asset Management (HAM), whose expertise focuses on providing talent optimization services using predictive index science- based methodologies. HAM offers clients an incredible breadth and depth of experience using continuous improvement process tools to drive change and align their business strategies with their people strategies to achieve optimal business results. HAM’s strategies result in manufacturing clients building and strengthening their talent pipeline, their organization, and their customer relationships. She is a passionate speaker and presents at various manufacturing industry conferences on how to improve workforce culture.

    A forward-focused business leader, Marion established a successful career transforming strategies and vision into outstanding commercial results. With a profound understanding of business mechanics, she instinctively identifies opportunities and executes them with authentic entrepreneurial energy and flair. Recognized at the Board level for credible decision-making, partnership working, and talent development, she effectively drives organizations towards enhanced performance and profitability.

    She began her career in engineering with Arcelor Mittal Steel (formerly, Inland Steel Industries).  At Inland Steel where she spent 17 years and held over 10 different positions including production, quality, technical services, customer service, research and product development, account sales and new business development and marketing. Marion earned a BS from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with a focus on Metallurgical Engineering. She also has post graduate experience from Northwestern University.

    She joined West Michigan Tool and Die’s, located in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Board of Directors in March of 2019 and serves as Chair of WMTD’s Corporate Governance Committee and is a member of their Management Committee.  Marion was appointed to Mold Making Technology a Gardner publication to serve on their editorial board of advisory February 2019 and was appointed in 2021 to the board of SME’s (Society of Manufacturing Engineering) Education Foundation where she chairs the scholarship review committee. Marion served on the Board of Directors of Automotive Women Alliance Foundation (AWAF) and currently serves on the Executive Advisory Council. She is an Executive Advisory Board member of UW-Madison Material Science and Engineering Department. Marion was awarded the 2022 Distinguished Alumina of College of Engineering- Material Science and  Engineering Department.

    Marion lives in Flossmoor, Illinois and is married to Greg Wells and mother to 3 young adults.