
    Podcast Summary

    • U.S.-Iran conflict not likely to end with latest missile attackThe U.S.-Iran conflict may continue as Iran's provocative actions are seen as the beginning, not the end, of further conflict, and Michael Flynn and Mitch McConnell's handling of impeachment efforts remain controversial.

      The recent escalation between the U.S. and Iran is not likely to end with the latest missile attack. Dan Bongino, the host of the Dan Bongino Show, expressed this viewpoint during his appearance on Hannity. He believes that the Iranians' provocative actions are not a sign of the end, but rather the beginning of further conflict. Additionally, Bongino highlighted the ongoing controversy surrounding Michael Flynn and Mitch McConnell's handling of the Democrats' impeachment efforts. In other news, Bongino also discussed the importance of feeding dogs with high-quality, human-grade food, such as what is offered by Ali. The show was brought to you by Ali, and they are currently offering a 60% discount and a free bag of treats for new customers who use the promo code TRYBONGINO.

    • Iran's Missile Attack: A Head Fake or Escalation?Iran's recent missile attack on U.S. bases was likely a deescalation tactic, but the regime's radical leaders have a history of violent behavior and won't back down from their conflict with the U.S. A realistic approach is needed.

      The recent Iranian missile attack on U.S. bases in Iraq was not likely a face-saving measure, but rather a head fake intended to deescalate tensions without causing significant harm to U.S. personnel. The speaker argues that the Iranian regime, which is currently run by radical extremists, has a history of savage behavior and has no intention of backing down from their generational conflict with the United States. The speaker also references a psychological concept, the Skinner box, to emphasize that trying to reason with bullies and cavemen is unrealistic and that we must acknowledge and respond to the world as it is, not as we want it to be. Overall, the speaker is urging caution and a realistic approach to dealing with Iran's provocations.

    • Iran's use of violence for powerThe Iranian regime's actions towards the US and other countries are not for peace, but a long-term commitment to asymmetric warfare, using violence as currency.

      The Iranian regime, specifically the mullahs, only understand the language of death and destruction. Their actions towards the United States and other countries are not for face-saving measures, but part of their long-term commitment to asymmetric warfare. The recent attack on U.S. military bases in Iraq was not a one-time event, but a head fake to lull the U.S. into a false sense of security before continuing their aggressive actions. This is based on historical patterns observed when dealing with tyrannical regimes. The Iranian regime's actions are not a desire for peace, but a continuation of their use of death as currency. This is a serious matter that involves real lives and requires a thoughtful and strategic response.

    • Iran's shift from proxy wars to direct confrontation with USTrump's actions mark a shift in US policy towards holding Iran accountable for attacks, ending the pretense of deniability, and potentially leading to further escalation.

      Iran has been engaging in asymmetric warfare against the United States for decades, using proxies and terror attacks due to the understanding that they cannot win a traditional war against the US with conventional weapons. Trump's recent actions, including the killing of Iranian military leader Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Mohandas, mark a shift in US policy by holding Iran accountable for these attacks and ending the pretense that they are not officially sanctioned. This move signals a change in the geopolitical landscape and could lead to further escalation.

    • Exposing Iran's reliance on proxy terror attacksThe US killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani revealed Iran's increased willingness to openly engage in global terror attacks, leading to heightened tensions and potential conflict between the US and Iran.

      The United States' targeted killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani was not a face-saving gesture, but a deliberate move to expose Iran's reliance on proxy terror attacks. Smith argues that Iran, feeling liberated from the need to hide its involvement in these attacks, will likely continue to engage in them around the world. The Iranian military, while no match for the United States in a direct confrontation, can still cause significant damage through these proxy attacks. Trump's response to the killing shows that he is not backing down from this stance, and the United States will no longer turn a blind eye to Iranian-backed terrorism. This is a significant shift in U.S. policy towards Iran, and it is likely to result in increased tensions and potential conflict between the two countries.

    • Conflicting reports and propaganda surrounding U.S.-Iran tensionsIt's crucial to fact-check and verify information before spreading it, as seen with unconfirmed reports of U.S. soldier deaths and misleading statements from politicians.

      There have been conflicting reports and propaganda surrounding the recent U.S.-Iran tensions, with some media outlets airing unverified information without fact-checking. For instance, MSNBC aired Iranian propaganda claiming that 30 U.S. soldiers had been killed in the attacks, which has not been confirmed. Additionally, Congressman Ro Khanna made questionable statements suggesting that there were no embassy attacks or deaths of American contractors during the Obama administration, which is factually incorrect. These incidents highlight the importance of fact-checking and verifying information before broadcasting it to the public.

    • The treatment of Michael Flynn turns into an international disgraceDespite fighting back against new evidence, Flynn faces potential prison time, highlighting the lengths some officials go to undermine dissenters. Try Omax Health's new CBD sport recovery cream for instant pain relief with a 20% discount and free shipping using code Bongino.

      The treatment of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who served as President Trump's national security advisor, has turned into an international disgrace. Flynn is now facing potential prison time for up to six months due to his decision to exercise his legal rights and fight back against prosecutors who discovered new information after his initial plea. This new information, which was uncovered by Flynn's lawyer Sidney Powell, has upset the Justice Department. The situation highlights the lengths to which some officials will go to undermine those who dare to challenge them. Meanwhile, we also discussed Omax Health's new product, the cryo-free CBD sport recovery cream, which offers instant cooling relief and moisture for larger areas of the body. It's a great addition to the roll-on pain relief product, providing an effective one-two punch for pain relief. Omax Health is offering a 20% discount and free shipping for this new product, as well as site-wide, using the promo code Bongino.

    • Lieutenant General Michael Flynn's case raises concerns about justice and political biasDecorated military officer and intelligence official Flynn faces prison time for allegedly lying to FBI about Russian ambassador conversations, while others have lied but not faced similar consequences, raising questions about motivations and political influence in the legal process.

      The case of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a decorated military officer and intelligence official, raises concerns about justice and political bias in the US legal system. Flynn, who was committed to reforming the intelligence community and opposing the Iran deal, is facing prison time for allegedly lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. However, others, including former Democratic officials, have admitted to lying to the FBI but have not faced similar consequences. The circumstances surrounding Flynn's interview and subsequent prosecution have raised questions about the motivations behind the charges and the role of politics in the legal process.

    • FBI may have used a head fake to target FlynnThe IG report suggests the FBI opened investigations into Trump associates with Michael Flynn as the real target, based on the timing and formatting of his name in a dossier.

      The IG report suggests that the FBI may have used a head fake to open investigations into Trump campaign associates, with the real target being Michael Flynn. The report states that cases were opened on Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort on August 10th, 2016. However, a case on Flynn wasn't opened until six days later on August 16th. The presence of Flynn's name in a dossier that the FBI received earlier, on September 19th, is intriguing as it is the only name in the document that is not capitalized. This lowercase formatting could indicate that Flynn's name was added later, potentially to justify the later opening of his case. Overall, this evidence raises questions about the FBI's motivations and the timing of their investigations during the 2016 election.

    • Last-minute addition of Flynn's name to dossierThe dossier, used to launch FBI probe, may have manipulated Flynn's inclusion for investigation purposes

      The dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, which was used as justification for the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016, appears to have been manipulated to include the name of former DIA director Michael Flynn at the last minute. The inconsistent formatting of Flynn's name, compared to other names in the document, suggests that it was added after the fact. The FBI was reportedly keen on targeting Flynn due to his opposition to the Iran deal and his interactions with Russians. Despite this, the investigation initially focused on Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopoulos, with little evidence against them. The inclusion of Flynn's name in the dossier may have been an attempt to bolster the case against him, even though there was no substantial evidence against him at the time.

    • Clear communication and understanding are crucialIf you can't explain a complex issue to a 6th grader, you might not fully grasp it yourself. Understanding the basics and asking questions is key.

      During the discussion, the importance of clear communication and understanding was emphasized. The speaker shared an analogy that if one cannot explain a complex issue to a sixth-grader, they may not fully grasp it themselves. In the context of the Flynn case, it was pointed out that certain details were overlooked initially but became clearer upon further examination. Regarding the impeachment process, the speaker highlighted the constitutional roles of the House and Senate and criticized Nancy Pelosi for trying to dictate trial terms. Mitch McConnell's response was seen as a rejection of Pelosi's attempts to manipulate the situation. Overall, the emphasis was on the importance of understanding the basics and not shying away from asking questions or seeking clarification.

    • New impeachment trial rules focus on political victoriesSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell changes impeachment trial process to win political battles, exposing Democrats' inconsistency on fair rules. Media outlets must be held accountable for spreading false information, as shown in the Covington Catholic student defamation lawsuit settlement.

      During this politically charged era, new rules are in effect, and the focus is on winning political battles rather than concerns about character. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has implemented these new rules by changing the impeachment trial process. He's using the Clinton-era rules, which the Democrats previously supported, to avoid the need for specific witness requirements. McConnell's move not only allows the Republicans to control the impeachment trial but also exposes the Democrats' inconsistency in their stance on fair rules. Meanwhile, in a recent development, CNN settled a defamation lawsuit brought by Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandman, who was falsely accused of harassing a Native American elder during a school trip to Washington D.C. This incident highlights the importance of holding media outlets accountable for spreading false information.

    • Historical pattern of using legal system against conservativesIndividuals falsely accused by media should use legal system for accountability, Dan Bongino encourages standing up against character assassination, The Dan Bongino Show is available on various podcast platforms.

      The left has historically used the legal system as a tool for punishment against conservatives. Tom Fenton, a guest on Dan Bongino's show, has emphasized this point. CNN's defamation of Nicholas Sandman was not an isolated incident, but rather a part of a larger pattern. Fenton encourages those who are falsely accused to use the legal system to defend themselves. The media's character assassination of individuals must be met with accountability. Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of standing up against such attacks and encouraged his audience to support his show and subscribe to his YouTube channel. The Dan Bongino Show is available on various podcast platforms, including Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, iHeartSoundCloud, and Spotify. The show can also be listened to for free on Bongino.com.

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    None! If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

    Show Notes & Links

    1. Check out the latest blog post from Marcy Wheeler, which sets out her take on Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and sets out the embedded legal documents.

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    -And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!

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