
    About this Episode

    How many times have you heard someone, including Argotec, talking of satellites? But… what are they exactly? How many types do exist and what is their job? The answer? In 4 minutes of podcast! Let’s go.

    Recent Episodes from Argotec Podcast English Version

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    Satellite’s optics
    As you already know, one type of satellite that is used in orbit is the one dedicated to Earth and Deep space observation. To perform these observations, they must include some optics that will take the pictures that will be sent on ground, as their mission requires.
    Have you ever wondered what kind of cameras are used? Can we compare them to the ones we use on Earth or that are installed on your smartphone? Take your time and get comfortable; I will tell you everything in 4 minutes of podcast…let’s start!

    5 things you (probably) didn’t know about the Moon!

    5 things you (probably) didn’t know about the Moon!
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