
    About this Episode

    #006 - What Is An Emergency Fund? And Why Do You Need One?

    • In today's episode, I answer the question: What is an emergency fund? And why do you need one? 
    • I’m going to explain what an emergency fund is and cover three reasons why you need one.
    • And then I’m going to offer you a free resource that will help you build your Emergency Fund quickly, so that you can protect ourselves from the unknowns of life. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:
    Igniting Financial Freedom Podcast

    To download your free resource, the 3 Ways To Build Your Emergency Fund Fast, go here:

    3 Ways To Build Your Emergency Fund Fast

    Recent Episodes from Igniting Financial Freedom

    Financial Independence through Investment Real Estate with "Tightwad" Todd Miller

    Financial Independence through Investment Real Estate with "Tightwad" Todd Miller

    #033 How To Change Your Financial Trajectory with "Tightwad" Todd Miller from 

    Check out Todd's website HERE: Cash In On Change

    Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

    - How Todd was able to reach Financial Independence by age 35!

    - How to sacrifice today to build wealth for tomorrow. 

    - How Todd escaped the Rat Race by buying assets to pay himself more than his expenses every month.

    - Why discipline and delaying gratification are key to financial success. 

     - Todd also gives listeners access to a chart that changed his financial future: HERE
    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    How To Change Your Financial Trajectory with Maria Casillas from Cash In On Change

    How To Change Your Financial Trajectory with Maria Casillas from Cash In On Change

    #032 How To Change Your Financial Trajectory with Maria Casillas from Cash In On Change

    Check out Maria's website HERE: Cash In On Change

    Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

    - What apathy spending is and how it is more common than we think. 

    - How we can identify 'F-it' spending within our budget.

    - How to rewrite your thoughts to better serve you in pursuit of your financial goals

    - How to view your spending from a completely different perspective by sorting your expenses by their different intention. 

     - Maria also gives away a free resource for our listeners HERE -  Chat With MC Strategy Call
    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    How To Use Credit To Create Wealth with Andrew Clarke from Expanding Wallet

    How To Use Credit To Create Wealth with Andrew Clarke from Expanding Wallet

    #031 How To Use Credit To Create Wealth with Andrew Clarke from Expanding Wallet

    Andrew helps you transform your mind so you can expand your wallet. Check out his website: HERE: Expanding Wallet

    Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

    - How reading Rich Dad Poor Dad at a young age completely changed both our outlooks on life.

    - Chasing the money only gets you so far, you must find fulfillment along the way.

    - How to use credit and other people's money to create wealth.

    - How Andrew bought his first investment property at the young age of 24!

     - Andrew also gives away a free resource for our listeners, the 5 Steps to Success https://expandingwallet.com/success/

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

     Books mentioned on the show:

     - Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
    - Emigrant Edge by Brian Buffinni

    Are You Pursuing Multiple Streams Of Income? Why Not?

    Are You Pursuing Multiple Streams Of Income? Why Not?

    #030 Are You Pursuing Multiple Streams Of Income? Why Not?

    I had the opportunity to have Jeremy Nicolaides with Golden Octopillar as a guest.

    He helps business owners get to the next level of success. Check out his website HERE - Golden Octopillar 

    Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

    - The misconception about working 40+ hours per week.

    - How the old model of working as an employee for 30+ years is dead!

    - Jeremy's story of hitting rock bottom as a business owner

    - Why passive income is critical to financial freedom. 

    - How business ownership is less risky than working for an employer. 

    Jeremy also gives away a free video for listeners of the podcast:
    - Do You Feel Shackled To Your Business, Burnt Out And Exhausted, And Just Want Some Of Your Life Back, Then Watch Jeremy's Video Here: Including what he learned from the last 18 months through the Covid-19 pandemic. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Do You Have Bad Money Habits? How Do You Change Them?

    Do You Have Bad Money Habits? How Do You Change Them?

    #029 Do You Have Bad Money Habits? How Do You Change Them?

    I had the opportunity to have Ilana Jankowitz with Mindful Money Coaching as a guest.

    She is originally from South Africa and now lives in Zurich, Switzerland. She is a money mindset coach & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) professional. 

    Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

    - How we inherited our parents habits with money, good AND bad!

    - How our own thoughts about money can help or hurt us.

    - How we introduce Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) to change our mental wiring and change our habits.

    - Are you complacent with your current state or willing to get uncomfortable to make a change in your life?

    - Identifying our beliefs that don't serve us and how to change them.

    Visit www.mindfulmoneycoaching.online to take her Archetype quiz to find out which of the 8 archetypes you align with.

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Should You Sell Investments To Pay Off Debt?

    Should You Sell Investments To Pay Off Debt?

    #028 - Should You Sell Investments To Pay Off Debt?

    • In today’s episode I’m going to answer the question: Should you sell investments to pay off debt? 
    • I’m going to give you a few things to consider before you make this decision.
    • And then I’m going to offer you a resource that will help you along the way. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Resources mentioned on the show: 

    What Are The Best Ways To Reduce Your Spending?

    What Are The Best Ways To Reduce Your Spending?

    #027 - What Are The Best Ways To Reduce Your Spending? ? 

    • In today’s episode I’m going to answer the question: What are the best ways to reduce your spending? 
    • I’m going to give you 6 ways to reduce your spending TODAY
    • And then I’m going to offer you a resource that will help you along the way. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Resources mentioned on the show: 

    • You Need A Budget (YNAB) - An amazing budgeting tool to help you track and reduce your spending. Track your spending trends, net worth and savings goals all in one place. 

    What Are The 5 Factors That Impact Your Credit Score?

    What Are The 5 Factors That Impact Your Credit Score?

    #026 - Where Are The 5 Factors That Impact Your Credit Score? 

    • In today’s episode I’m going to answer the question: What are the 5 factors that impact your credit score? 
    • I’m going to give you a few things to consider as you monitor & improve your credit score.
    • And then I’m going to offer you a resource that will help you along the way. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Resources mentioned on the show: 

    • Credit Karma- Free access to your credit score & resources to help improve your score. 

    Where Else Can You Invest?

    Where Else Can You Invest?

    #025 - Where Else Can You Invest? 

    • In today’s episode I’m going to answer the question: Where else can you invest your money? 
    • I’m going to give you a few things to consider as you expand your investments
    • And then I’m going to offer you a resource that will help you along the way. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Resources mentioned on the show: 

    • Bigger Pockets - Forum, Podcasts & Books covering all the various types of real estate investing. 

    What is a 401(k)? Should You Invest In One?

    What is a 401(k)? Should You Invest In One?

    #024- What is a 401(k)? Should You Invest In One? 

    • In today’s episode I’m going to answer the question: What is a 401(k)? Should You Invest In One? 
    • I’m going to give you a few things to consider as you start investing.
    • And then I’m going to offer you a free resource that will help you along the way. 

    Don't miss any future episodes, subscribe now!

    To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

    Are you trying to figure out to navigate your overall financial plan?
    Let me help you. 

    Free resource, the Financial Coach & Financial Advisor Comparison Guide:

    Resources mentioned on the show: