
    What's The Best Diet When Dealing With Cancer?

    enDecember 13, 2023

    About this Episode

    Is there a “best” diet for preventing or healing from cancer? Or are there different diets that work for different people, genetics, and types of cancer?

    In this episode I explore all of your burning questions about nutrition and cancer, including what the current research shows!

    Recent Episodes from The Trust Your Gut Podcast

    Nutrition For Mental Health - With Dr. David Wiss

    Nutrition For Mental Health - With Dr. David Wiss

    Dr. David Wiss became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) in 2013 and founded Nutrition in Recovery, a group practice of RDNs specializing in treating eating and substance use disorders.

    He earned his Ph.D. in Public Health with a minor in Health Psychology from UCLA. Dr. Wiss is a scientific author with over 20 peer-reviewed publications, a nutrition and health consultant, functional medicine practitioner, recovery coach, and passionate educator.

    Learn more about the intersection of nutrition and mental health at Wise Mind Nutrition, where you can learn about his revolutionary mobile app, available for download today.





    7 Steps To Tackle Home Mold Issues

    7 Steps To Tackle Home Mold Issues

    It’s estimated that maybe 80-90% of houses have some kind of mold issue, which can really damage your health.

    Mold toxicity is one of the most common root causes that drives autoimmune issues and many other chronic diseases.

    Here’s 7 steps to take to protect your house against mold issues, which in turn will protect your own health.

    Standard Cholesterol Testing Is Useless! Do These Tests Instead!

    Standard Cholesterol Testing Is Useless! Do These Tests Instead!

    Standard cholesterol and lipid testing does NOT give you any real information about your health. And it definitely doesn’t give you enough data to determine whether you should go on lifelong cholesterol medications.

    In fact, roughly 50% of people who die from heart attacks either have normal cholesterol levels, or are taking anti-cholesterol medications!

    In this episode I discuss what an extensive lipid panel needs to include, what the results might mean, and what you should do about it!

    Does Your Child Have PANS?

    Does Your Child Have PANS?

    1 in 200 kids are estimated to have PANS/PANDAS – but that number is likely lower due to the lack of education surrounding PANS/PANDAS.

    PANS/PANDAS, which stands for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, is a condition that affects children's brains and behavior. It can be difficult to see your child experiencing sudden and sometimes severe symptoms that may disrupt their daily life. 

    ⭐In PANS/PANDAS, the immune system, which is meant to protect the body, starts to act in a confusing way. Instead of only fighting off germs, it mistakenly attacks the child's own brain cells. This inflammation in the brain can lead to various symptoms such as changes in behavior, mood, and cognitive abilities. It's important to remember that these symptoms are not your child's fault; they are a result of the immune system's response.

    It's essential to seek medical care, find understanding healthcare providers, and access support systems to help you navigate this journey. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you and your child cope with PANS/PANDAS. With proper diagnosis, treatment, and support, you can work towards managing the symptoms and improving your child's well-being.

    Don't Skip These Thyroid Tests!

    Don't Skip These Thyroid Tests!

    Most standard Thyroid panels do NOT test enough metrics to help you make the best decisions around your health.

    If you’ve only tested 1-3 metrics - usually TSH, T3, and T4 - then this isn’t enough information to decide to go on medications.

    You need a bigger picture, mainly because the vast majority of Thyroid issues are actually being caused by something else underlying anyway.

    In this episode I discuss the full Thyroid panel that you need tested, and what the results mean.

    Overwhelmed With Health? Watch This Video!

    Overwhelmed With Health? Watch This Video!

    I hear you - it’s overwhelming trying to be healthy! It feels like everything can kill you. And things that you thought were healthy are apparently bad for you!

    It’s so difficult to know what to do and easy just to throw up your hands and say who cares! 

    But I made this video to help you break it all down and give you a game plan to be able to build stronger health over time without the overwhelm and stress!

    WARNING: Listen To This Before Eating Eggs

    WARNING: Listen To This Before Eating Eggs

    Eggs truly are nature’s superfood, full of so many important micronutrients that we need to live a healthy life.

    However, not all eggs are created equal thanks to the living conditions of the laying chicken.

    When a chicken is able to live it’s natural lifestyle, foraging and scratching for bugs, outside in the sunlight and fresh air, while also not being injected with any hormones or antibiotics then their eggs will be amazing for your health.

    But a chicken that never sees sunlight and only eats a highly inflammatory diet of chicken feed made from corn and grains, then the eggs will not just be of lower quality, but might even be damaging to your health.

    So please be willing to invest a little more time and money into buying eggs that are of great quality so your entire family can reap the benefits!

    Most Important Lab Tests For Chronic Health Sufferers

    Most Important Lab Tests For Chronic Health Sufferers

    Anyone who is suffering from any kind of chronic health issue - from autoimmune problems to cancer, or just any lingering symptoms - needs to undergo some root cause testing if they really want to heal!

    What are the most common underlying root causes you should test for? Start with mold, Lyme disease and its coinfections, gut infections including candida, and heavy metals plus environmental toxins. 

    In this episode I share my favorite companies and tests so that you can be your own best doctor and get the tests you need to finally uncover the reasons for your poor health!