
    What's the Best Way To Get Into Real Estate Investing?

    en-usAugust 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing giving, debt repayment, and emergency fund buildingGive generously while managing debt and building an emergency fund, find a balance and avoid overgiving.

      Giving is an essential part of personal finance and character development, but it's crucial to balance giving with paying off debt and building an emergency fund. Abby and her husband, who are on track to be debt-free, were concerned they were "overgiving" by donating 20% of their income. However, the experts reassured them that giving is a habit to be practiced, and they should continue to do so while focusing on debt repayment and emergency fund building. Once these financial milestones are achieved, they can give more generously. The key is to find a balance and not feel compelled to give beyond their means. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of giving as a means to build wealth and strengthen relationships while managing debt and maintaining financial security.

    • Budgeting for Financial FreedomEffectively budgeting with tools like EveryDollar helps make your money work for you, enabling greater giving and financial freedom.

      Effective budgeting and getting out of debt are crucial steps towards financial freedom and enabling greater giving. The use of tools like EveryDollar can make the budgeting process clearer and more automated. Rachel Cruz, a financial expert, is hosting a free webinar on budgeting at everydollar.com/budgeting where she will provide valuable insights and guidance on making the most of your money. By understanding where your money goes and having a plan for it, you can stretch your dollars and make your financial journey more efficient. Rachel's webinar is an excellent opportunity to learn these skills and start your path to financial freedom.

    • Considering the Impact on Health and Work Performance Before Making Major Financial DecisionsCouple's financial progress notwithstanding, it's crucial to assess potential impact on health and work before making significant financial decisions.

      The couple has made significant financial progress, including paying off a large portion of their debts, buying a new home, and having a profitable side business. However, they are feeling stretched due to the demands of their day jobs and their side hustle. The husband is considering buying another tech company but was asked by the advisor not to do so as they are already financially stable and close to being able to move fully into the husband's current gig. The advisor suggested that the husband may be only six months away from making the move, and it's important for him to consider the potential impact on his health and work performance.

    • Considering Finances Before Making Career MoveCarefully consider finances, pay off debts, and stay financially stable before making a major career move.

      Jimmy should carefully consider his financial situation and projected income before deciding to leave his day job and focus full-time on his side hustle. Rachel suggested Jimmy sell his duplex, pay off his debts, and then use the profit to invest in real estate while continuing to work his day job. She also advised him not to rush into going full-time until he has paid off his truck loan. Jimmy expressed his love for renovating houses and solution selling, and Rachel believed he had the potential to double or even triple his client base. However, she warned him against taking on debt in his new venture and advised him to stay financially stable before making the transition. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of careful financial planning and consideration before making a major career move.

    • Communication and Teamwork in Relationships and MoneyOpen communication and respecting each other's financial perspectives are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and navigating financial situations together.

      When it comes to relationships and money, communication and being on the same page are key. Rachel and Ken discussed a listener's question about a long-term boyfriend who is just starting his financial journey while his partner is further ahead. While some may think it's time to move on, Rachel suggested giving him some grace and having a conversation about values and working together as a team. The experts emphasized that everyone's financial situation and approach to money is different, and it's essential to find a balance and respect each other's perspectives. Neighborly, a hub for home services, was mentioned as a helpful resource for those who need assistance with home repairs and improvements. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and teamwork in navigating financial situations in relationships.

    • Sell current car, buy less expensive replacement to reduce debtSelling current car and taking a loan for a less expensive one temporarily can help reduce overall debt and improve financial freedom, despite potential challenges.

      Effective financial planning involves making tough decisions and prioritizing debt repayment. During a conversation about an upcoming money and marriage event, it was suggested that a couple, who are only a few steps away from being debt-free, sell their current car and take out a loan for the difference to buy a less expensive replacement. Although this may mean temporarily living with only one functional vehicle, it is a wise move to reduce overall debt and improve financial freedom. Despite potential challenges, such as pay cuts or difficulty obtaining certain loans, it is essential to stay focused on long-term financial goals.

    • Evaluating financial decisions objectivelyTo make informed financial decisions, focus on the core elements and remove external factors. Use a budget and financial plan to weigh pros and cons and align with goals and values.

      When considering a significant financial decision, it's essential to evaluate the offer objectively by removing external factors. In the case of Justin, he was offered a new job with a higher salary but was hesitant due to moving away from family and higher living costs. By removing these external factors, Justin realized the new job was a better fit for him based on his passions and career growth. Additionally, Rachel and Ken emphasized the importance of having a budget and financial plan to help make informed decisions. They encouraged listeners to download the Ramsey budgeting app and visit ramsysolutions.com to get started on their financial journey. When faced with uncertainty, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons of a situation while focusing on the core elements of the decision. By doing so, individuals can make confident decisions that align with their goals and values.

    • Considering a job change for financial benefitsJob change can lead to financial stability, faster debt repayment, and even upgraded living, but careful planning and consideration is necessary.

      Changing jobs can lead to financial stability and even afford a higher quality of life, despite initial concerns about instability or higher expenses. In this specific case, moving to a new job in Idaho with a higher salary could potentially allow the individual to pay off their mortgage faster and even upgrade to a nicer house. However, it's important to carefully consider the financial implications and potentially rent before buying to ensure a smooth transition. The numbers presented in the discussion were conservative and showed that the change could be a financially sound decision.

    • View rental properties as long-term equity playsConsider mindset, goals, financial situation, local market, and seek professional advice before investing in rental properties as a long-term equity play

      When it comes to investing in rental properties, it's important to view it as a long-term equity play rather than a quick way to make money. Rachel Cruz and Ken Coleman recommend saving enough money for a down payment, considering whether to set up an LLC or not, and looking for properties that can be held for decades or even passed on to future generations. Alan, who is looking to make his first rental property investment, was advised to consider his mindset and goals, as well as his current financial situation and the local real estate market. They also suggested doing thorough research and possibly seeking professional advice before making a decision. Overall, the key takeaway is that investing in rental properties requires careful planning, financial preparation, and a long-term perspective.

    • Buying real estate below market value for wealth buildingSecuring a good deal upfront in real estate can accelerate equity growth, but owning rental properties requires active management and adequate insurance protection.

      Buying real estate, especially as part of a wealth-building strategy, can be a smart move, especially if you can secure a good deal upfront. Buying below market value, whether through foreclosures or short sales, can help accelerate equity growth. However, owning rental properties is not a passive income source and requires active management, including tenant screening and maintenance. It's crucial to consider the potential hassles and time commitment before investing. Additionally, having adequate insurance, such as term life insurance, is essential to protect against financial hardship in the event of unexpected events.

    • Considering a new job with no paternity leave? Prioritize income over time off to pay off debt.When facing a major life change and significant debt, prioritize income to pay off debt quickly, even if it means taking a job with no paternity leave.

      When facing a major life change like the arrival of a new baby, it may be necessary to prioritize income over time off, especially if there is significant debt to pay off. Timothy, who is expecting his first child and currently makes $50,000 a year, is considering a new job that would pay him $10,000 to $15,000 more annually. However, the new job does not offer paternity leave, and Timothy would have to use vacation days instead. The financial experts in the discussion suggest that Timothy take the new job due to the substantial pay increase, but they also recommend that he and his wife focus on paying off their debt as quickly as possible, including credit cards, a car loan, and a mortgage. The experts suggest taking only a week or two off after the baby is born and continuing to work to pay off the debt. They emphasize that the ability to have more income will ultimately provide more financial security and flexibility in the long run.

    • Balancing family and careerBoth parents should prioritize career growth and financial stability while supporting their families. Encourage fathers to be present and provide financially, and acknowledge the need for working women to receive more benefits. Consider various options to manage expenses, such as seeking help from employers or waiting until having more funds available.

      While the importance of family is undeniable, it's crucial for both partners, particularly the father, to consider their career growth and financial stability when deciding on taking extended time off. The speaker emphasized that historical family units functioned with both parents working together, and the current situation should not discourage men from furthering their careers while supporting their families. The speaker also acknowledged the need for working women to receive more benefits but encouraged fathers to be present and provide financially. Carol's dilemma revolved around prioritizing emergency expenses versus saving for future financial goals. She was retired and relied on Social Security with limited income, making her decision even more challenging. The speakers suggested considering various options, such as seeking help from employers or waiting to address the expenses until having more funds available.

    • Exploring opportunities for home incomeCarol, despite health challenges and living off Social Security, can improve finances by earning income from home using a phone, aiming for $15k/yr, selling car, focusing on emergency fund, avoiding credit cards, and seeking employment opportunities.

      Carol, despite her health challenges and living solely off Social Security, can improve her financial situation by exploring opportunities to earn income from home. Although she may not have the means to buy a computer, she could consider using her phone for work and aim to bring in at least $15,000 a year. Additionally, selling her car or finding a cheaper alternative could help alleviate her debt and focus on building her emergency fund. It's essential to avoid relying solely on credit cards and instead use cash as much as possible. Lastly, considering a second opinion on her current medical bills and seeking employment opportunities could further support her financial goals.

    • Managing Finances Effectively: Seek Help and BudgetBe proactive with finances, avoid debt from medical bills by seeking second opinions or community support, and budget to control spending and prioritize expenses.

      Managing your finances effectively involves being proactive and seeking help when needed. When it comes to medical bills, it's crucial to avoid accumulating more debt by cutting up credit cards and exploring alternative options like second opinions or community support. Budgeting is an essential tool for controlling spending and prioritizing expenses. And don't forget the power of community – reaching out to friends, family, or church groups for assistance can make a significant difference. So, remember, don't hesitate to ask for help and start budgeting today.

    • Balancing short-term needs and long-term goalsSet aside money for short-term needs while maintaining an emergency fund and paying off debt to prepare for long-term goals.

      Effective financial planning involves balancing short-term needs with long-term goals. A listener named Eric shared his dilemma of paying off his mortgage aggressively while also preparing for the eventual replacement of his old car. The financial expert on the show advised Eric to consider setting aside money each month towards the car purchase, while still maintaining an emergency fund. This approach allows Eric to be prepared for both short-term needs and long-term goals, without compromising his progress towards debt freedom. The expert emphasized the importance of being proactive and responsible in financial planning, while also acknowledging that unexpected expenses can arise. Therefore, having a well-thought-out budget and savings plan can help individuals navigate financial challenges and achieve their financial goals.

    • Enjoying life in the present vs long-term financial goalsFocus on reducing debt and increasing financial freedom as soon as possible to save on interest and overall payment amount.

      While it's important to be intentional with your finances and work towards paying off debts and saving for future goals, it's also crucial to enjoy life in the present. Rachel Cruz advised Eric to consider buying a car and taking a vacation, even if it means delaying the payoff of his house. Alan, with $225,000 in student loans, was considering whether to utilize a payee replacement plan or pay off the loan as fast as possible. The consensus was to pay off the loan as soon as possible to save on interest and reduce the overall amount paid over time. While it may be tempting to consider long-term plans and tax implications, the priority should be to reduce debt and increase financial freedom as soon as possible.

    • Pay off student loans aggressively for faster wealth-buildingPrioritize debt-freedom, live below means, and seek income opportunities to accelerate wealth-building

      If you're burdened by student loans, consider making aggressive payments to get rid of the debt as soon as possible. The speakers emphasized that your income potential as a lawyer is significant, and using it to pay off student loans can help accelerate your wealth-building process. They encouraged listeners to prioritize becoming debt-free and living below their means, even if it means temporarily adjusting their lifestyle. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of seeking out opportunities to increase income, such as freelance work or moving up the career ladder. The speakers also encouraged listeners to join a free student loan debt live stream event for more information and support.

    • Ramsysolutions.com August Deals and GiveawayRamsysolutions.com offers August deals, discounts, and a giveaway for chances to win cash prizes. Use these opportunities to save and potentially improve financial situations.

      During the month of August, Ramsysolutions.com is offering great deals and discounts, including the chance to win cash prizes, on their website. Visitors can enter the giveaway daily and also purchase items such as books, pre-orders, and conversation cards at discounted prices. Julie, a caller from Wisconsin, shared her personal story of getting a divorce and using the proceeds from her settlement to pay off debt and potentially buy a house or condo. The discussion also touched upon the excitement of hosting with Ken and the trivia fact about Oshkosh, Wisconsin being the birthplace of the Oshkosh clothing brand. Overall, the key takeaway is that Ramsysolutions.com is providing opportunities for savings and potential winnings during August, and individuals can make the most of these deals to improve their financial situations.

    • Divorce and Cashing Out a 401kDuring a divorce, one can consider cashing out a 401k without penalty, but seeking a financial advisor's advice is recommended. Evaluate budget to determine a monthly amount towards emergency fund.

      During a divorce, it may be possible to cash out a 401k without penalty. A woman named Julie shared her situation, having a pension and over $100,000 in a 401k. With an income of about $90,000, she was encouraged to seek a second opinion from a financial advisor about the best option for her retirement savings. The attitude and positive momentum Julie displayed throughout the process were also commended. Another caller, Ray, shared his struggle with feeling insecure about saving for Baby Step 1 and was advised to evaluate his budget and determine a good chunk of money to put towards his emergency fund each month based on his income and debt.

    • Building an emergency fund reduces debt relianceHaving a large emergency fund allows individuals to avoid debt during unexpected expenses and focus on debt repayment

      Having a large emergency fund can help individuals avoid relying on debt during unexpected financial situations. Most emergencies typically cost less than $1,000, and if an emergency does arise that requires more funds, individuals can pause their debt repayment plan, stay current on payments, and save up to cover the costs. Debt can act as a safety net, but it's important to remember that there are alternatives to using credit cards for emergencies. The intensity of focusing on paying off debt quickly can be a powerful motivator, and individuals who are determined to change their financial habits and get out of debt can do so in a relatively short timeframe by making extra payments and increasing their income.

    • Focusing on small wins for quick progress in paying off debtsTaking bold steps towards financial goals, no matter how small, can lead to significant progress.

      Accelerating the process of paying off debts and reaching financial goals by focusing on small wins and quick progress is more effective than dragging out the process. This was emphasized in the discussion between Rachel and Ray, where they encouraged Ray to sell his vehicle to quickly pay off one of his debts and move on to the next one. The idea is that momentum is crucial in building wealth, and each small success brings motivation for the next step. Additionally, finding ways to earn extra income or sell unwanted items can help speed up the process. As Rachel mentioned, "you need a big win in the next week." This mindset of taking action and not negotiating with oneself was reinforced by Tony Robbins' quote, "Just do it." Overall, the key takeaway is that taking bold steps towards financial goals, no matter how small, can lead to significant progress.

    • Judy's pension dilemma: Pay off debt or keep retirement savings?Consider keeping retirement savings intact and focus on paying off debt through current income while exploring additional income streams.

      Judy is considering using her pension to pay off her high-interest credit card debt, but she's unsure if it's the best financial decision. She's currently in a temp job and making around $580 a week, and the pension she's been living off of for the past 10 years provides her with $440 a month. She's also considering other ways to increase her income, such as pursuing higher-paying opportunities like an in-home nanny position. Ultimately, Judy's goal is to become debt-free and build up more retirement savings, but she recognizes that she'll need to continue working to make that a reality. Her advisor encourages her to keep her pension intact and focus on paying off her debt through her current job, while also exploring additional income streams.

    • Think Beyond Your Current Role in RetirementEncouraged to expand horizons, Judy learned her skills were valuable in various industries and roles, emphasizing the importance of increasing income for retirement and financial stability.

      It's important to not limit yourself and consider expanding your horizons when it comes to work and income, especially in retirement. Judy, a caller on The Ramsay Show, was encouraged to think outside the box and look beyond her current role as an admin assistant in the nonprofit sector. Her skills, including problem-solving and experience as a mom, were valued and could be applied in various industries and roles. The conversation emphasized the importance of increasing income to enjoy retirement and build financial margin. The show's hosts emphasized that Judy, at 65, was capable and worthy of more than a temporary job offering limited hours. Overall, the message was to not settle and to continue seeking opportunities for growth and financial stability.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

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    For Fox Sake is a personal finance podcast focused on helping you navigate late-stage capitalism through sustainable budgeting and realistic advice. We actively deconstruct money shame, share real and relatable finance stories, and discuss financial literacy that makes sense for a 2024 world.

    HOST BIO: 

    Vee Weir is an award-winning, anti-capitalist personal finance content creator and business owner. Her main focus and mission is to challenge common money myths, dismantle barriers preventing access to financial information and examine how capitalism negatively impacts the working class. 

    In the past 8 years, Vee has amassed a following of over 35k+ online and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC, and more. 

    When she’s not online she spends her time hiking with her husband and three dogs in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 



    • This show may contain affiliate links or links from advertisers where we earn a commission, direct payment or products.
    • Information shared on this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.
    • The views and opinions expressed by guests on this platform are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of the institutions with which they are affiliated. Any information provided by guests is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. It is important to note that individual perspectives may vary. 
    • The hosts and the platform do not endorse or validate the opinions expressed by guests regarding their respective institutions. Listeners are encouraged to independently verify any information provided and to form their own opinions based on a comprehensive consideration of various perspectives.
    • Opinions are our own.


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    Speak you mind! Leave us a review or send us an email at info@manageyourdamnmoney.com.