
    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 3

    en-usFebruary 23, 2013

    About this Episode

    We're heeeeeeeere! We're back for Episode 3! We cover some recent wiccan and pagan induced "issues" in Kathy's personal life, (that ironically mirror something we ALL deal with at one point or the other coming out of the "broom closet"), and paganism and wicca in the news! John gets attacked by Liza and Kathy continuously throughout and Liza makes a joke about the spelling of "dictator". It's a bit of a hodge podge of topics, but you'll enjoy it because we're insane... which is what makes it all good. Excelsior!

    Recent Episodes from What's With Witches? Podcast

    What's With Witches - Cicada Song - Litha Gift

    What's With Witches - Cicada Song - Litha Gift
    In lieu of us not being able to record a podcast this period, I, (John), wanted to provide our listeners with a super-special gift for upcoming Litha! I went out, (yes, this recording was done by *me*), found a nice spot down the street from the lake where we live, and I recorded a soothing hour of the 17-year cicada song that we've been blessed to have around us for the past few weeks. You'll also hear birds, wind, and beautiful running water the entire time. I believe this would go well as background sound for meditation, as I'm going to try. When these cicadas are gone, they won't be around, in this magnitude, until 2030! I'll be 57!!! Yikes! In any event, enjoy. This was recorded in Eastern PA, for those who don't already know our basic locale. It's just beautiful. This is our gift to you, our listeners, for Litha. Blessed be, brothers and sisters, and we'll be back soon!

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 9

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 9
    It's a bit early this week, but it had to be! We all have work to do over the coming weekend, so the better-the-day, the better-the-deed! This particular podcast gets quite deep, so please put on some sedating, non-caffeinated tea... or take a valium or something... we get deeper here than we've ever gotten on any podcast. Filled with speculation and conjecture, (in our own demented way that you've come to love!), we start talking about the Discovery Channel's mermaid special and end up covering theories of creationism from the perspective of a witch. No, really! So, send your e-mails, complaints, compliments, bad caricatures, and turkish delight candies to whatswithwitches@gmail.com Blessed Be, brothers and sisters, and don't say I didn't warn you!

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 8

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 8
    We're back with another awesome interview with a witch we greatly respect and love; Mamma Creepy of http://www.mamacreepy.com ! Mama Creepy has run her own website for 13 years selling the finest pagan and wiccan wares, and also puts out a wonderful newsletter filled with spells, information, and a plethora of other useful information. So it's clear, we are not getting paid to endorse Mama Creepy... this comes from our heart! We love her shop, we love her literature, and we can't say how happy we are to have had the opportunity to interview this incredible icon in the pagan community! Yes, we trail off and have our normal back-and-forth, but this is one killer interview our listeners will instantly love. Oh, and all our listeners, please tell Chris to share her apple! LOL! (See, now you have to listen to find out what I'm talking about!)

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 7

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 7
    This is an important podcast for all faiths under the pagan umbrella to listen to, hands down. John, Liza, and Christina, (Kathy has the flu!), interview Kyrja and Randy Withers for our longest-yet podcast! Kyrja the author of Rupert's Tales pagan children's books, and the unfortunate recent victims of hate crimes against wiccans in Florida. We have our usual fun banter and trailing off, but this podcast contains a lot of what is wrong with religious (in)tolerance these days in our country. Please listen, and send feedback to "whatswithwitches@gmail.com". We must support each other and stand fast along side our pagan brothers and sisters! Blessed be!

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 6

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 6
    This podcast definitely is a milestone! We start out with our normal banter, as we've become known for, then get down to some Chakra meditation business and describing exactly why it's important to have an insight into fine-tuning your energy conduits! It sounds slightly perverse, but I can assure you it's a perfectly proper show. Relatively. In the main meat of the podcast, we were honored to have it dedicated to interviewing talented author Mr. Darren Storer about his current book, "A Key to the Storm", his upcoming projects, and privy to a little bit of his history. We *do* delve off-topic once or twice! ;) This podcast is not to be missed!

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 5

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 5
    Ok, so, everybody gets one... this is it for us. This podcast is totally unorganized, all-over-the-place, and damned enjoyable for those who love listening to us be clowns. The girls gang up on John more than once, and Kathy's overworked. John is simply spacey, and Liza... well, insert dry humor and wit here. In this particular podcast we discuss the benefits of eggs, a bit of post-Mercurial Retrograde nonsense, and Margi, mineral expert, joins us to talk about minerology and the Pagan culture and usage of these. Don't expect coherency folks, you're not catching us at our best. Our regular fans and listeners will understand... ;)

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 3

    What's With Witches - Season 2 - Episode 3
    We're heeeeeeeere! We're back for Episode 3! We cover some recent wiccan and pagan induced "issues" in Kathy's personal life, (that ironically mirror something we ALL deal with at one point or the other coming out of the "broom closet"), and paganism and wicca in the news! John gets attacked by Liza and Kathy continuously throughout and Liza makes a joke about the spelling of "dictator". It's a bit of a hodge podge of topics, but you'll enjoy it because we're insane... which is what makes it all good. Excelsior!