
    What should we expect from the presidential debate?

    enJune 26, 2024
    What percentage of the country plans to watch the debate?
    How might the debates affect the election outcome?
    What topics might be emphasized during the debates?
    Why do incumbent presidents often struggle in initial debates?
    How many presidential debates are scheduled for this election?

    Podcast Summary

    • Presidential Debate ShiftThe upcoming presidential debate marks a significant shift in political attention, despite the unusual circumstances surrounding it, including early scheduling and collaboration with news media.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden marks the beginning of the real campaign season, despite it happening before the conventions and with an unusual schedule. With 60% of the country planning to watch, the debate signifies a significant shift in political attention. The unusual circumstances surrounding the debates, including the candidates' collaboration with news media to bypass the traditional system, contribute to the early start and the small number of widely separated debates. Although the election is still four and a half months away, this debate represents a pivotal moment in the race for the presidency.

    • Presidential debate conductThe presidential debate might not reveal significant new information on policy positions but could provide insights into the candidates' personal styles and abilities to lead.

      Both President Biden and former President Trump are expected to put their unique spins on the first presidential debate, continuing trends set during their respective administrations. While Biden may focus on issues related to American democracy and the ongoing disputes over the last election, Trump is likely to discuss the economy and lingering dissatisfaction with the post-COVID recovery. However, the way the two men conduct themselves might be the most intriguing aspect of the debate, as their actions could provide insight into their mental and physical capabilities, which have been subjects of debate. Ultimately, the debate may not yield significant new information on policy positions but could reveal important insights into the candidates' personal styles and abilities to lead.

    • Presidential debates' impactThe upcoming debates might provide memorable moments but their impact on the election outcome could be limited due to short-term memory and overshadowing by new events.

      The upcoming presidential debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump may focus more on their mental and character fitness for the job, rather than deep policy discussions. People might be more interested in the theatrical moments and memorable quotes, as these tend to have a longer-lasting impact in politics. The debates' effects might only last for a week or two before new political events overshadow them. The research suggests that political ads' impact is mostly gone within three days, and similar trends may apply to debates. Therefore, while the debates might provide some memorable moments, their impact on the election outcome could be limited.

    • Presidential debates' impactThe first debate usually garners the most interest, incumbents typically perform better in the second, and the third is often forgotten unless unusual. With only two debates scheduled, it's uncertain if more would sway many votes.

      The number of presidential debates may have diminishing returns, with the first debate typically receiving the most interest and the sitting president often struggling in the initial debate due to their focus on running the country. Historically, the second debate tends to be better for the incumbent. The third debate is often forgotten unless something unusual happens. Given the current situation with only two scheduled debates, it's possible that this is all the country wants to see. Additionally, it's unlikely that many people's votes will be significantly swayed by the debates.

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