
    Podcast Summary

    • AI Nationalism: A New Form of GeopoliticsIan Hogarth believes rapid progress in machine learning will lead to AI nationalism, causing disruptions to the international order and potentially speeding up AGI development, but could also result in instability and job losses. The goal is for the international community to transition to global cooperation.

      Learning from the discussion on the AI Breakdown podcast is that Ian Hogarth, the newly appointed chairman of the UK Foundation Model Task Force, believes that rapid progress in machine learning will lead to a new form of geopolitics he's calling "AI nationalism." This trend, driven by the economic and military implications of AI, will make AI policy the most important area of government policy and potentially speed up the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). However, this path could be dangerous as it may disrupt the international order and norms. Hogarth, who comes from a tech and entrepreneurial background, has been advocating for this perspective for several years and sees the potential for an accelerated arms race between key countries, increased protectionist state actions, and the attraction of talent. While this could lead to faster AI development, it could also result in instability due to the commercial applications of machine learning and the destruction of millions of jobs. The ultimate goal, according to Hogarth, is for the international community to transition from a period of AI nationalism to one of global cooperation where AI is treated as a global public good.

    • The global race to develop AI technology and its geopolitical implicationsNation-states and tech companies are competing to lead in AI development, potentially leading to military and economic supremacy. China is currently leading, but impacts will vary based on industry mix, labor cost, and demographics.

      The global race to invest in and develop artificial intelligence (AI) technology is intensifying, with significant implications for geopolitical power and economic supremacy. This technology, which can impact almost every area of national policy, could lead to military supremacy in the most extreme cases, such as the development of autonomous and semi-autonomous weaponry. Moreover, the first country to achieve a major breakthrough in AI, like the creation of a viable fusion reactor, could potentially gain Wakandan-like technological supremacy. The competition in this field is not limited to nation-states, as powerful non-state actors, including technology companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, are also investing heavily in AI. The blurring line between public and private sectors creates tensions when the interests of these companies and states are not aligned. China is currently leading the way in developing a national strategy for AI, thanks in part to its protectionist policies over the past few decades. The race to dominate AI is reminiscent of the nuclear arms race of the last century, with geopolitical tensions and alliances forming around this technology. While the impacts of AI will have some common threads throughout the world, the specific impacts will vary based on factors like industry mix, labor cost, and demographics.

    • Ian sees AI as a global public good but recognizes challenges in achieving this goalIan calls for a nonprofit global organization to address challenges in making AI a global public good, acknowledging potential AI nationalism and the need for countries to protect their economic interests while shaping its future.

      Ian sees AI as a potential global public good but recognizes the challenges in achieving this goal due to various vested interests and misaligned incentives. He suggests a nonprofit global organization with governance mechanisms reflecting diverse interests as a potential solution. However, he also acknowledges the likelihood of AI nationalism before global cooperation. Ian advocates for countries, like the UK, to protect their economic interests and play a role in shaping the future of AI. In a 2018 podcast, he discussed the need for a more expansive national AI strategy. In April 2023, Ian wrote in the Financial Times about the urgency to slow down the race to develop Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), emphasizing the potential historical significance of this development and the importance of considering its implications and ethical considerations.

    • Race towards godlike AI: Danger and ProgressThe rapid advancement towards AGI brings significant risks for humanity, but progress continues unabated. Democratic oversight is crucial to ensure alignment with human interests.

      We are currently witnessing a rapid advancement towards the creation of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), or "godlike AI," by leading tech companies. This development, which could bring significant risks for the future of the human race, is not a universal view, with estimates ranging from a decade to over half a century. The AI researcher in question acknowledged the potential danger but seemed pulled along by the pace of progress. The consequences of this technology, which could transform the world autonomously and without human supervision, are enormous and difficult to predict. The current era has been defined by competition between companies like DeepMind and OpenAI, with a focus on applications in areas like gaming and chatbots that may have shielded the public from the more serious implications. However, the founders of these companies were aware of the risks from the outset. It is crucial that democratic oversight is established to ensure that the development and deployment of AGI align with the best interests of humanity.

    • Race to Create Godlike AI Brings Risks and Lack of CoordinationDespite the potential benefits of godlike AI, the lack of collaboration and coordination among organizations developing it, coupled with under-resourced AI alignment efforts, poses significant risks and calls for increased government involvement and public awareness.

      While the development of godlike AI holds great promise for humanity, it also comes with significant risks, including potential extinction. Driven by the belief in its positive impact and the desire for control and posterity, major organizations are racing to create such AI, leading to a massive influx of capital and talent. However, the lack of collaboration and coordination among these organizations, coupled with the under-resourced and under-researched area of AI alignment, poses a serious concern. With the number of people working on AI alignment being vanishingly small and resources primarily focused on making AI more capable, we have made little progress in ensuring the safety of these advanced systems. The geopolitical dimension of this race adds another layer of complexity. To address these challenges, more involvement from governments and increased public awareness and advocacy are needed. As of last Monday, Ian Goodfellow, one of the leading voices in this conversation, has taken on a new role as the chair of the UK's AI Foundation model task force, which could help drive this important dialogue forward.

    • UK government commits £100,000,000 to AI safety researchThe UK government has allocated significant funding to AI safety research, recognizing the importance of addressing potential risks as AI technologies become more prevalent.

      The conversation around AI safety has gained significant momentum in recent months, with prominent figures in the field raising concerns about the risks of unregulated advancements in AI. This shift in perception has led to increased funding for AI safety research, with the UK government committing £100,000,000 to the cause. The importance of addressing these risks has become increasingly apparent as more people become exposed to AI technologies and begin to understand their potential dangers. Ian Goodfellow, a leading figure in the field, has been appointed to lead the UK's efforts in AI safety and is seen as an excellent choice due to his ability to bridge the gap between industry, policy, and academia. The challenge now is to translate this newfound awareness into concrete actions and solutions to ensure that AI development remains safe and beneficial for all.

    • Join Soundboy's Foundation Model Task ForceSoundboy invites individuals to contribute to advanced AI model development through his Foundation Model Task Force. Find application info on his Twitter.

      Soundboy, an influential figure in the AI community, is inviting individuals to join the Foundation Model Task Force. Interested parties can find more information and application forms on his Twitter profile, pinned to his page. This is a valuable opportunity for those wanting to contribute to the development and understanding of advanced AI models. If you're enjoying Soundboy's content, consider engaging by liking, subscribing, and sharing. You can also explore his YouTube channel or podcast for more insights. Stay informed and get involved in the exciting world of AI!

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    The FT News Briefing is produced by Persis Love, Josh Gabert-Doyon and Edwin Lane. Additional help by Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Manuela Saragosa is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music. 

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Today’s Guest:

    • Dario Amodei is the chief executive of Anthropic, a safety-focused A.I. start-up

    Additional Reading:

    • Kevin spent several weeks at Anthropic’s San Francisco headquarters. Read about his experience here.
    • Claude is Anthropic’s safety-focused chatbot.