

    en-auAugust 30, 2021

    About this Episode

    Today I wanna talk about my heritage and the country where my parents come from and some of the issues that that country is facing and how people of my faith are being marginalised, so I will start by saying, I have always had this love-hate relationship with my heritage, on one side I loved my ancestry for things like food, culture, history and on the other side I hated the fact that people who had the same heritage or background as mine - not always, but often, at least in my personal experience, tend to be nosy, gossipy, materialistic and very set in their ways. 

    Therefore, very early on in my life I subconsciously developed pre-conceived notions about people who looked like me, but had an accent. When I think about it now retrospectively, as they say hindsight is 20/20, I think, for the longest time, I subconsciously refrained from getting too close to or befriend people from the sub-continent, of course my parents had Indian heritage but to me it was not their defining feature, they were just my parents who spoke with an accent and had materialistic tendencies. 

    However, lately, I have been reading up and researching the persecution faced by people like my parents and grandparents in their countries for simply being who they were and the faith they subscribed to. The persecution appears to continue even today. Every other day on twitter one sees videos from India, where a Muslim man is lynched or beaten for simply being Muslim. There are open calls being made in India on a regular basis by right wing nationalists for businesses owned by Muslims, Muslim tradesmen, Muslim craftsmen to be boycotted, needless to say this is heartbreaking.

    Amidst this sad reality of India, going from being the ‘world’s largest democracy’ to an oppressive state, there is a ray of hope – India’s Muslims on social media platforms. The current generation of Indian Muslims who have access to social media aren’t just educated but are also opinionated, articulate, tech savvy and in many ways have the skills to counter the Islamaphobia machinery that seeks to threaten their very existence. In the last couple of months, I have had the opportunity to interact with some of these people and I must admit I was a bit nervous at first to interact with them, because I did not necessarily have an in-depth understanding of Indian or for that matter Sub-Continent’s political landscape. It would be an understatement to say that these people were more than welcoming and gracious to me.

    I started my interactions with an open mind, I wanted to learn more about the people of a country that my parents came from, where my ancestors lived, I wanted to understand how these people feel and think about their current political climate where their peers from the majority community demonise them on a recurring basis. Through these interactions I learnt that these people want nothing more than to live in peace and harmony in their own country, they are not demanding or seeking anything that isn’t already granted to them by the Indian constitution in theory, all they want is that these rights which are guaranteed to them by their country’s constitution to translate into ground reality, whereby they can focus on real issues of education, jobs and careers rather than justify their existence every single day.

    One of the by-products of these interactions, is that I have more empathy for my folks now, now I understand why at times they might have come across as materialistic, now I appreciate the fact that they come from a country where they might have been subjected to these micro aggressions and when you have lived or live in a society where you have to substantiate your very existence on a regular basis – tangible, materialistic things become important to you, as these give you a sense of purpose, a sense of achievement. 

    Without going on a philosophical tangent, I would say this - the last two months have been an eye-opening&

    Recent Episodes from The Hyat Report



    I recently hosted a space where my guest speaker and I discussed Australian Immigration System, it was a generic discussion ranging from how Australian in the recent past treated refugees who attempted to seek asylum but had come by boats to how both parties Liberals and Labour despite promising reforms in Parent visas, did not deliver  substantive change in that aspect. 



    Hi Everyone, so Today, I wanna talk about Vania Shaikh, a female dental student, a Muslim in India who was allegedly sexually harassed by a Hindu man, according to some reports on social media, Vania in fact protested against this harassment, however, she was allegedly physically assaulted for protesting by her abuser. This then led to vania committing suicide at her university or college campus.


    Now, before we get into how the Indian authorities are responding or not responding to this case or how Indian media is covering or not covering this story, I just wanna call out that anytime Muslims are persecuted anywhere in the world, be it in the east or the west, the usual narrative that is pushed is “human rights” or “women’s rights” or “let’s save Muslim women from Muslim men”. We saw this when Afghanistan was invaded, we saw this when Iraq was invaded, we saw this when the occupation of both Afghanistan and Iraq  was justified.


    When it comes to India, Muslims have been facing persecution since Britain’s colonisation of the sub-continent, however, it became really intense pretty much since 1947, which is the year when India got its independence. Since 1947, Muslims in India have faced numerous massacres, pogroms and riots and in each of these scenarios Muslim women were specifically targeted by the perpetrators of violence. 


    In light of this, I’d like to argue that the reason Muslim women face these atrocities is because the oppressors who in my opinion are filled with Anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobia, want to humiliate Muslim men and this is not just applicable to India, but if you notice, this theory of mine can be applied to western liberal societies as well, where Muslim women are consistently demonised or in some cases even criminalised for their clothing. I think it’s very clear that these Anti-Muslim Islamophobes know that us Muslim men are very protective of our women and therefore, these people target our women to get to us or humiliate us.


    So let’s go back to India, where not long ago we saw how Muslim girls in the southern Indian state of Karnataka were targeted for wearing Hijab, they were barred from attending school, those girls then went to Karnataka High Court, which delivered a judgement barring Hijab, then they went to Supreme Court of India, which then delivered a split judgement meaning Hijab remains banned in those colleges of Karnataka even today. We also saw how recently convicted rapists of Bilkis Bano, a victim of Gujrat riots were released based on good behaviour. I mean…how can convicted rapists be released on good behaviour grounds? Not just this, but there is also consistent rhetoric from Hindu saints in India where they are riling up Hindu men to go after or target Muslim women. 


    In all of this, Muslims of India remain hopeful in the sense they still rely on their law enforcement agencies to potentially take action against these perpetrators, they still on their justice system to do the right thing. But in my opinion both Indian law enforcement and the justice system has failed Muslims of India not just once but over and over and over again. This then makes me that this is a system’s failure, that this is a systematic failure which the Indian Muslim leadership to a large extent still refuses to acknowledge. 


    Now coming back to Vania Shaikh, I think this crime stems from the fact that Hindu men in India are emboldened to go after and target Muslim women, because they know that they enjoy the immunity from the system that released rapists of Bilkis Bano on good behavioural grounds. So I absolutely think it is the liberal, secular system that is responsible for Muslim women being targeted without any consequences and I do not think that it is only one political party that is responsible for this, I think the silence from most other ‘secular’ parties in India on th



    In this episode I talk about why it's a simplistic and a very naive argument to say that if the current government of India loses next elections then everything will be hunky dory for Muslims of India.

    In this episode, I list various events, where Muslims were the victims and these events took place under various regimes.