
    Podcast Summary

    • The Dilemma of Loyalty vs HonestyWhen faced with conflicting moral values, it's important to consider the bigger picture and make decisions based on balanced values, rather than blindly following loyalty or honesty.

      When two core moral values, loyalty and honesty, are pitted against each other, people's opinions become divided and they quickly come to their conclusions. Darwin Roche's childhood experiences taught him the importance of doing the right thing, being a person of honesty and integrity, and respecting other people's property. However, when faced with a situation where he had to choose between loyalty and honesty at 16, he realized that blindly following loyalty can lead to negative consequences. It is important to balance our values and consider the bigger picture before making moral decisions.

    • The Complexity of Police Officer LoyaltyEmpathy and Caring are Key to Mutual Support

      Darwin Roche, a Black police officer in Detroit, experienced police brutality as a teenager, causing him to reflect on the loyalty and honesty dilemma faced by his fellow officers. He eventually became a police officer himself and formed close bonds with his scout partners, including a friend who mentored him and had a big brother role in his life. Roche's experience shows the complexity of law enforcement loyalty, but also highlights the importance of empathy and caring for fellow officers and community members.

    • A Detroit Police Officer's DilemmaAlways stand up for what is right, even if it means going against your friends.

      Darwin Roche, a Detroit police officer, had a strong bond with his fellow cops and valued the intangibles they taught him about being a patrol officer. But one night, a conversation took a dangerous turn when his friends proposed robbing a bookie for a one-time shot at a million dollars. While Darwin was initially shocked and thought it was a joke, his friends continued to draw plans for the heist, including dressing up as FBI agents and using a distraction to break in. The bookie was a crook, so they considered it righting a wrong, but Darwin ultimately made the decision not to partake in the illegal plan.

    • The Role of Moral Foundations in Creating Ethical DilemmasUnconscious moral foundations can create conflicts leading to ethical dilemmas. Understanding these foundations and promoting fairness and justice is crucial for navigating moral conflicts and promoting a more just society.

      Psychologists have discovered that people unconsciously draw on different moral foundations when determining what is right and wrong. This can create conflict when two of these foundations contradict each other, such as loyalty to a group versus standing up for fairness and justice. This conflict can lead to ethical dilemmas, like the one experienced by police officer Darwin Roche when his loyalty to his colleagues conflicted with the moral wrongness of their plan. Researchers like Adam Waytz are studying how this conflict manifests in society and why people often follow a code of loyalty that can lead to harmful actions. Understanding these moral foundations is crucial for navigating ethical dilemmas and promoting a more just society.

    • Balancing Loyalty and Justice in Moral Decision MakingOur moral decisions are influenced by various factors, including cultural norms and individual priorities. Whistle-blowing, a conflicting issue, can be viewed as both moral and disloyal, and crisis situations may impact social norms that weaken the act.

      Our moral compass is often pulled in different directions when deciding between loyalty and justice. Different situations can make us lean towards one or the other, and even social factors and context can alter how we feel about important moral decisions. Cultural influences also shape our prioritization of different moral foundations. Whistle-blowing can be seen as both the most moral thing to do and the ultimate betrayal, depending on how we view it. Our inner moral calculations are not static and can be tipped in one direction or another, as shown by a study that found people focused on fairness were more likely to report shoddy work. In times of crisis, countries may promote tighter social norms, which can weaken whistle-blowing.

    • The Paradox of Mission-Driven Organizations: Moral LicensingWorking for a mission-driven organization can lead to a belief that ethical behavior is already accumulated, leading to less ethical decision-making. It's important to understand this and promote accountability and transparency within organizations to avoid conflicts.

      Mission-driven organizations may experience moral licensing, where individuals believe that their work for the greater good justifies less ethical behavior. This can create conflict when faced with the decision to blow the whistle on wrongdoing. Research shows that organizations with a stronger sense of social purpose, such as police departments and the military, may be more likely to experience moral licensing. This phenomenon can occur when individuals feel they have already accrued enough moral currency by being a part of the mission-driven organization. Understanding moral licensing can help individuals better navigate ethical dilemmas and promote a culture of transparency and accountability within organizations.

    • The Importance of Listening to Our Moral CompassOur moral foundations guide our decisions and actions, but ignoring them can result in inner conflict. It's important to listen to our moral compass and do what's right, even in difficult situations, for a more fulfilling life.

      Our moral foundations play a fundamental role in shaping our decisions and actions, yet we often overlook them. This can result in moral stress, where we feel torn between conflicting moral values. Making a difficult decision that goes against our values can be debilitating and stressful, even if it seems like the easier choice. In situations with high stakes, loyalty to friends or colleagues can clash with values like honesty or justice, causing inner conflict. However, ultimately listening to our moral compass and doing what we know is right can lead to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

    • Darwin Roche: The Traumatic Experience of being an InformantMaking tough decisions in difficult situations despite emotional conflict and anxiety can lead to serving the community and preventing potential harm.

      Darwin Roche faced a difficult decision when he was asked to help catch his colleagues in a police corruption case. Despite emotional conflict and anxiety, he made the tough decision to participate. As an informant, he had to act as an enthusiastic participant in the criminal activity while also being hypervigilant and suffering from panic attacks. He realized the terrifying and traumatic experience of being an informant. In the end, his decision to participate led to the arrest of his colleagues, preventing them from walking away and potentially being found not guilty. Despite the emotional toll, Darwin's choice aligned with his belief systems to serve the community and citizens of Detroit.

    • Darwin Roche's Dilemma of Loyalty vs HonestyDoing what is morally right, even when it's difficult, sets a crucial example for society's change.

      Darwin Roche's decision to blow the whistle on police corruption put his life in danger and caused him a great deal of emotional trauma. He had to navigate between conflicting moral foundations of loyalty and honesty. Some saw him as a hero, while others saw him as a traitor. Even though he faced death threats and had his family targeted, he testified against his former colleagues in court and served as a model for good policing. His decision to do what was right caused pain and controversy, but he believes that standing up for what is just and morally right is necessary for societal change.

    • Reframing Loyalty for Better BehaviorLoyalty doesn't have to mean turning a blind eye to bad behavior. Loyalty to society and fellow humans means calling out bad behavior and promoting kindness and empathy.

      Psychologist Adam Waytz suggests that loyalty can be reframed as loyalty to the greater good, society, or fellow human beings, allowing individuals to call out bad behavior while still feeling a sense of loyalty. Calling out bad behavior can actually be the most loyal thing one can do for their organization. Organizations should communicate the message that calling out bad behavior is a part of being a good citizen. Loyalty is a part of human nature and can't be ignored, but it can be redirected. Additionally, acts of kindness and empathy can have a profound impact on individuals in need, as shown through the story of how strangers Kevin and Mary helped Vige Barrie when she fell on the sidewalk.

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    • Loyalty apps are re-evaluating the amount of engagement needed from guests to earn milestones and freebies

    • Brands like Netflix, Starbucks, Ritz Carlton, and Amazon find ways to personalize service each day

    • Create customer avatars or personae to understand your customer base and what matters to them

    • Train your team to recognize the various customer types and take action to serve them in a personalized and friendly ways



    It's time for the great service comeback!


    Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their amazing capacity for excellence.


    Tony Johnson Customer Service Expert | Author | Trainer | Speaker


    Check out my FREE Resources and Training Tools:

    Web: https://www.igniteyourservice.com/

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    Tik Tok:  https://vm.tiktok.com/owrTbL/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tonyjohnsoncx/


    Music: http://www.bensound.com

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    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio 

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi 

    Assistant Producer: Megan McElroy

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    “Imagine being her and not giving a f*ck.” 

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    Surviving His Own Personal Traumas and Becoming a Successful Trauma Surgeon with Dr. Craig Thayer

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    Introducing Craig Thayer, a trauma surgeon with a story that's both inspiring and heartwarming. From being adopted at birth to overcoming numerous health challenges, Craig has faced adversity with grace and determination. He's not only a skilled surgeon, but also a motivational speaker, radio show co-host, and author of the book "Saved." Craig's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of finding purpose in life. His experiences have shaped him into an empathetic and compassionate individual, making him a true inspiration for those pursuing a career in trauma surgery.


    “I'm here to serve and not be served. So my idea of abundance is making money to give away. I'm happy where I am.”


    “I think in general, it's just that there's always hope. There's going to be trials. Learn to embrace those trials.”


    Adversities Craig had to overcome:

    · Being adopted at birth

    · Having an alcoholic mother

    · Losing both parents

    · Getting through divorce

    · Health struggles

    Abundance Craig created:

    · Knowing your passion and doing it

    · The passing of his parents made him even stronger

    · Following your calling and passion despite of and in spite of life adversities


    Craig Thayer's Book "Saved"

    Writing and sharing one's life story can provide inspiration and support for others experiencing similar challenges, creating a sense of connection and understanding among individuals. Autobiographical works, such as memoirs, can serve as motivation for those navigating their own life journey. In the podcast, Craig Thayer discusses his book, "Saved," which delves into his life, including his upbringing, medical career, and the various adversities he overcame. By sharing his story, Thayer aims to inspire those who may be experiencing similar struggles and encourage them to remain steadfast in their pursuit of purpose and true connections.

    Books and Resources

    SAVED: One Trauma Surgeon's True Accounts of the Miracles in His Life

    Connect with Craig Thayer:

    WEBSITE: https://www.craigthayer.net/

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-thayer-b178b472/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/tank.thayer

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tankthayer/

    LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/craigthayer?fbclid=IwAR1uFgVuvaB9T_n6wH1Ah0XccggRR77Fh2pjZmkC-WPk-s5Iu0IH9jCyodY

    Haven Financial:



    Unlock the secrets to a transformative life with “From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring stories of Mental, Physical and Financial Transformation”. Buy your copy now and embark on a journey from challenges to triumphs!

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    Connect with Jamie

    BOOK: From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring Stories of Mental, Physical, and Financial Transformation

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-bateman-5359a811/

    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/batemanjames