
    When facts cause friction: Tim Harford joins us for a special This is Money podcast on fake news and why statistics can be emotive

    enDecember 29, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on correcting false statistics during political campaigns may not effectively inform the publicInstead of solely correcting false statistics, it's crucial to shift the focus towards a balanced and nuanced discussion of the facts during political debates.

      The relentless focus on correcting false statistics during political campaigns, such as Boris Johnson's claim about the UK's contribution to the EU, may not effectively inform the public. Instead, it can drown out important discussions about the benefits and costs of the issue at hand. In the case of Brexit, the debate over the UK's financial contribution to the EU overshadowed a more productive conversation about the value of EU membership. Tim Harford, the undercover economist, emphasizes the need to shift the focus towards a more nuanced and balanced discussion of the facts.

    • The power of misleading statistics in political debatesMisleading statistics can create emotional responses and shift focus from real issues, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and context in journalism.

      The use of misleading statistics in political debates can create emotional responses and divert attention from the actual issues. The discussion revolves around the controversial £350 million figure used during the Brexit campaign, which was later found to be inaccurate. Despite its inaccuracy, the figure was effective in stirring emotions and becoming the focus of the debate. This raises questions about the role of fact-checking in journalism and the importance of context. The charity Economy, which focuses on economic issues, was surprised to see the emotive power of numbers in the context of the Brexit debate. Scientists dealing with tobacco, climate change, and vaccines have long observed this phenomenon. It's a reminder that facts alone may not be enough to persuade people, and understanding the emotional context of a debate is crucial.

    • Identity and FactsPeople's identities and beliefs can make fact-checking challenging, as facts can become entangled in ideological debates. It's crucial to keep facts out of the political and tribal arena and strive for logical reasoning and factual accuracy.

      Facts can be deeply intertwined with people's identities and beliefs, turning them into tribal matters. This can make fact-checking a significant challenge, as people become adept at finding reasons to disbelieve information that contradicts their beliefs. It's crucial to keep facts out of the political and tribal arena as much as possible to prevent them from becoming entangled in ideological debates. Our brains are wired to think tribally, but we can take steps to mitigate our biases and strive for logical reasoning and factual accuracy. Understanding the role of identity in the perception of facts is essential for promoting informed and truthful discourse.

    • Social media influences our emotional responses to factsSocial media exposes us to a range of viewpoints but can also reinforce biases. Be aware of emotional responses and strive for critical evaluation and diverse perspectives.

      Our emotional responses to factual claims, especially those we encounter on social media, can be misleading. These responses can be influenced by the source of the information and our social connections. While social media can be a source of misinformation, it also exposes us to a broader range of viewpoints than traditional news sources. However, algorithms used by social media platforms can potentially reinforce our existing beliefs and biases by prioritizing content that aligns with our interests. It's essential to be aware of these influences and strive to critically evaluate the information we consume. The study of how social media affects our perception and processing of facts is a rapidly evolving topic, and it's crucial to remain open-minded and informed about the latest research. Ultimately, being mindful of our emotional responses and actively seeking out diverse perspectives can help us navigate the complex media landscape and make informed decisions.

    • Social Media's Role in Disseminating Information During CrisesSocial media algorithms influence but don't solely determine content. People and communities we follow have a greater impact on the info we consume. Accurate and timely reporting is crucial during crises, and misinformation can spread rapidly.

      While social media algorithms can influence what content we see, the people and communities we follow have a greater impact on the information we consume. The Grenfell Tower tragedy serves as an example of the public's desire for instant information and the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly. However, it's essential to recognize that social media platforms do not solely rely on algorithms to determine content and that users' actions and connections play a significant role. The discussion also highlights the importance of accurate and timely reporting during crisis situations and the potential consequences when that information is delayed or incomplete.

    • The Spread of Fake News on the InternetPoliticians spreading false information intentionally is a bigger concern than the amount of fake news people are exposed to. We should also consider the importance of everyday life signals in understanding economic issues.

      While the internet and social media provide quick access to information, they also make it easy for false information, or "fake news," to spread rapidly. This can be done for various reasons, including political manipulation, espionage, or financial gain. However, a study by economists Hunt Allcott and Matthew Jensco found that people are not exposed to as much fake news as one might think, and that most news, even on social media, has a basis in fact. Instead, the speaker is more concerned about politicians in positions of power spreading distrust and false information intentionally, which can pollute the communication environment. The speaker also questions whether we are too reliant on statistics and numbers in understanding economic issues and suggests that we should pay more attention to the signals of everyday life.

    • Making economics more relatable and accessibleUnderstanding everyday economic questions and the impact of economic data on our lives is crucial. Integrating psychology and creativity can make economics more engaging and inclusive for a broader audience.

      While economic statistics like GDP and inflation are crucial for decision-makers and understanding the broader economic landscape, they may not hold the same level of interest or relevance for the average citizen. Economics, at its core, is about everyday questions and observations that influence our lives, such as the pricing of goods and services. These questions often go unanswered by focusing solely on economic data. However, it's essential to stay informed about these numbers and their interpretations since they impact our lives in various ways. The ongoing challenge is to make economic discussions more accessible and engaging to a wider audience. Additionally, the integration of psychology and creativity into economics, as demonstrated by the work of Nobel laureates Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler, is a promising step towards making economics more relatable and inclusive for everyone.

    • Exploring the intersection of psychology and economicsBehavioral economics offers valuable insights into human behavior in economics, but it's just one piece of the puzzle and not a silver bullet for answering all economic questions.

      Understanding human behavior is essential in economics, and behavioral economics, which combines insights from psychology and economics, offers valuable perspectives. However, it's important to remember that it's just one piece of the puzzle and not a silver bullet for answering all economic questions. Tim Harford, a renowned economist and author, explores this intersection of psychology and economics in his latest book, "50 Things That Made the Modern Economy." The book delves into the stories behind 50 inventions, ideas, and concepts that have shaped the modern world, from ancient inventions like the plow to recent innovations like public key cryptography and seller feedback mechanisms. Harford's fascination lies in tracing the unintended consequences of these inventions, making the book a fascinating exploration of creativity, innovation, and their impact on society.

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