
    When The Last Time- John LoBuglio

    enAugust 12, 2021
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    About this Episode

    When’s the last time you brought someone to Jesus?


    I sat there just trying to think of the answer then the guilt sank in as I said “never”. 


    Good Church goer, faithful in my serving, giving. I could read more and pray more, but I seem to neglect the Great Commission or the call on all of our lives. 


    No condemnation we all miss the mark, thats why we are thankful and need Jesus… 


    Then the excuses ran through my head…. I am busy with work, No one will listen to me, I am not comfortable…. 


    How many of us know we can come up with a million reasons we can’t do something, but we have the ultimate Trump card….. Jesus!


    We got to stop keeping that card up our sleeve and play it more often… 


    The world is going crazy out there… heck its going crazy in here sometimes! When we deal with people we get all that goes along with it. 


    But this is why we need to stop coming to church, but be the church. Thats the way we reach people is by meeting them where they are at. 


    On your job, at the grocery store, the DRs office, where ever you are at Jesus is also there. Will you allow Him to move through you? 


    All of this is going to take intentionality and being on purpose for Him. Will you allow Him to use you? 


    As a believer what do you have to lose? Nothing, 


    but the hurt, the lost, the broken they have everything to lose and they need us to step into the gap for them and bring them to the cross. 


    More times than not, folks first experience with Jesus is with us, His followers! 

    As we unpack this tonight there are 3 words to remember

    • Information
    • Revelation
    • Transformation 


    Think about it as your journey with Jesus starts as information. Someone shared with about Jesus and this thing called the Bible. 


    Time in the word and in prayer that information becomes revelation. 


    Although not the only way God reveals things, it has been the way I experience it. Some may have a road to Damascus experience.


    With revelation comes transformation of you and your spirit life. 


    Often times we flip these around.. We try an modify our behaviors before we feel good enough to be in His presence. 


    This is just not right…. If we spend time with Him, He will give us revelation. Truth that just runs so deep. With the revelation it will transform you. It will change you from the inside out. 


    So lets stop trying to change from the Outside in.. Let Him change you from the inside out! 


    Let me use a personal example to share this thought.. I have been a follower of Jesus since my early 20s, but it wasn’t until I turned 28 that I had a revelation of God as provider. 


    I remember having the information of tithing, the 10%, He will meet your needs, how much more does He love us than the Lillies and the birds ? 


    For years this was all information… Because it was just that, the information can change and my opinion or view point could change. I remember my last church I was 1 Sunday from pulling my family from the church due to the talk of tithe. I was snagged up.


    I remember asking God to give me a sign to pull my family. Instead of that He gave me a revelation of God as provider, God as my source. Tithing stopped being a legal obligation and became a joyful thing. Amanda and I stopped fighting about money or not having enough. 


    Because that revelation caused transformation. I no longer worried about not having enough, because God always made sure we had enough. It may not always of been surplus, but it was a enough. The funny thing about the pursuit of money is it never ends. 


    Unless you get a revelation that Jesus is enough. You can be broke, but live like you have it all, because you do, you have Him inside of you. 


    There are still things that I am leaning in on. Right so healing, I believe He is a healer, but I don’t have that revelation yet. But I will tell you what when I do aint nobody going to take it away from you. 


    One day I will be like Wendy and get that revelation and with it the No More Motrin mindset! 


    Information can be changed, Revelation does not! 


    So if you don’t know where to start, start with the information in your Bibles, because that will become revelation keep pressing and keep seeking God for it. He will give it to you.. 


    Ok, back to our Calling… Reaching others! Lets take a look at


    Matthew 28:18-20 NLT 

    “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 


    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 


    and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


    This was just information to me, until that day the question I was asked When was the last time?


    In that moment no longer words on a page, but a call and purpose for the words and actions. No longer to live for ourselves but for Him


    My prayer is that you will spend time with these words and seek the revelation. 


    What I am talking about is not always easy, we will be ridiculed, we will get stung by those closest to us. 


    Make the daily choices on what you know and not what you feel.


    Revelation stays with you and pushes you through it….. But are not alone in this! 


    Lets take a look at 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NLT

    “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 


    It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. 


    What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. 


    And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.”


    I love this we are in this together, but in the end it is God who makes it grow. We do not need to force it, we simple sow a seed, sow a seed, sow a seed.


    I think sometimes we can become paralyzed with inactivity because we are overwhelmed. But it is not all on you, we all have a part to play, but Gods is always bigger! 



    God gives us the opportunities He puts people in our path and in our lives on purpose. 


    That co-worker? That boss? That soccer mom, the other drivers on the road…. We have opportunities. 


    How will you answer those calls? 


    Step up to those opportunities? 


    Meet people with where they are at? 


    Not be afraid to Share Jesus


    It starts tonight as we walk out these doors.


    Church lets choose a life that outlives us. 


    Generations can be impacted by answering the call


    Last thing and then lets pray… Become a pencil in the hand of God and help Him write a new chapter.


    I know we don’t normally do this on a Wednesday, but tonight we will. If you don’t know Jesus as Lord we want to give you an opportunity 


    Lord Jesus 

    come into my life and make me new

    From this day forward

    Jesus is my Lord

    Heaven is my home

    And I will never be the same

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