
    “Where Is the Hope of His Coming?” (Revisited) - Part 1

    en-usMarch 27, 2023
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    About this Episode

    In a past series of messages under the title of “Lucifer’s Illusive Gospel,” I addressed the counterfeiting of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ through such false teachings as the Social Gospel, Hyper-Grace theology, Universalism, and the replacement of man’s desperate need of the Blood Atonement Sacrifice of our glorious Savior, with the “Golden Rule” – meaning that man can do enough good works on his own to merit the reward of Heaven.

    As another indication of this evidenced apostasy, we are going to address the sorrowful reality that the majority of what is known as the Church of Jesus Christ no longer longs for His Coming, and in fact to a great extent doesn’t expect Him to return at all – or at least not for a very long time – and not in the way His Word strongly confirms He will.

    As we look to the Holy Spirit, and His correct and inerrant interpretation of God’s Word, we will find that the hope for a Rapture of the Lord’s True Church is a valid one and that there truly is a great probability that we will be the generation to witness it’s gloriously promised fulfillment.

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    Recent Episodes from Love’s Last Call

    “The Time IS at Hand!” - Part 2 (AI & the Worship of the Beast)

    “The Time IS at Hand!” - Part 2 (AI & the Worship of the Beast)

    In 2015, Anthony Levandowski, a former Google and Uber engineer, drafted the bylaws for a new church called “Way of the Future.” According to its website, “Way of the Future” or WOTF is about “creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + ‘machines. WOTF Church activities will focus on the worship of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” EQ

    As technology advances, many believe AI will surpass human intelligence. But God’s Prophetic Word of Truth makes certain that it is the Lord God Almighty Who alone is Lord over all, and He has everything in control. He alone is All Knowing and Perfect in all His ways. He alone is God!

    He is, however, allowing the enemy to have his day for a short period of time, as all things fall right into place according to God’s Prophetic Calendar which was verified and sealed by the Holy Spirit before the earth was formed.

    In this Podcast, we focus on AI which will most likely be one of the primary tools of the enemy that will give his Antichrist the global control God’s Word reveals he will wield over all people of earth for the seven-year Tribulation Period, with Love’s invitation for those who have “ears to hear” to run into Salvation’s Safety Net while there is yet time! 

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    “The Time IS at Hand!” - Part 1 (The Prophetic Convergence)

    “The Time IS at Hand!” - Part 1 (The Prophetic Convergence)

    In 2 Peter 3:3-4, under the unction of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle wrote these “pay attention” verses with “be aware of the time” revelation: “Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning.”

    And surely, that “mocking spirit” is thriving today, and becoming more prophetically prevalent.

    In the “mockers” spiritual blindness, they do not see that not only are things not as they have always been, but they are in fact so desperately worse that the air is practically electrified with evil as antichrist persuasions deceive and seduce in preparation for Lucifer’s Man of Lawlessness to appear on the face of earth.

    The Holy Spirit is sounding the alarm through His Watchmen – Will you listen – will you hear?

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    “Chrislam, Rome, & The Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 2 (The Narrow versus the Wide Way)

    “Chrislam, Rome, & The Harlot of Revelation 17” - Part 2 (The Narrow versus the Wide Way)

    God’s unadulterated Word of Truth makes certain that while His invitation of Salvation is offered to all – For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only 

    Begotten Son so that none would perish, but have Eternal Life (John 3:16) - His Word also makes certain that not ALL will be Saved. 

    That certainty is confirmed in many places and by many Scriptures with the scarlet thread of uncompromised belief in the genuine Messiah of God, and the “new birth” miracle of regeneration within the deadened spirit of fallen man, being mandatory to that Salvation Promise. 

    This reality in Truth produces division and separation, not unity. And in this Podcast, we look to the Word of God where His Sword of Truth marks - with calibrating division - the defining line between the Narrow Way that leads to Eternal Life, and the Wide way that leads to eternal death.

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    "Chrislam, Rome, & The Harlot of Revelation 17" - Part 1

    "Chrislam, Rome, & The Harlot of Revelation 17" - Part 1

    The essential concept of Chrislam – which is more popular that most people recognize - is that Christianity and Islam are compatible, and that one can be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time.

    While Chrislam is not an actual religion of its own, it is most definitely a blurring of the differences and distinctions between Christianity and Islam. And a vehicle that will play a vital part in the “One World Religion” of the Antichrist. 

    Advocates of Chrislam point to facts such as Jesus being mentioned 25 times in the Quran, or Christianity and Islam having similar teachings on morals and ethics.

    Additionally, Chrislam is viewed by some as the solution for the ongoing conflict between the Western world, which is predominantly Christian, and the Middle East, which is predominantly Muslim.

    This persuasion is not being touted by these two bed fellows alone – it is in fact the thread that is woven into the tapestry of the Ecumenical agenda that is drawing all faiths together as “one” under the mantle of the love of good, love of neighbor, and peace for a turbulent world. 

    And perhaps the most frightening part is that some of the most notable people who are joining the “Chrislam” ranks, are recognized as Christian leaders within the Church of Jesus Christ!

    Now is the time to be aware! And to be girded with the Armor of God under the covering of His unadulterated Word of Truth!

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    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 5 (Universalism’s Connection to Rome)

    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 5 (Universalism’s Connection to Rome)

    In Matthew 7:13-15, we read: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

    And in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to me “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.

    Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord” did we not prophesy in Your Name, and in Your Name cast out demons, and in Your Name perform many miracles?”

    And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

    These are only two of many more Holy Scriptures that put a death knell to the demonic lie of “Universalism.” However, many people – even within mainstream Christianity - are becoming seduced by the lore of this deadly falsehood.

    In this Podcast, we combat the deadly and lying persuasions of “Universalism” while pointing the WAY unto Eternal Life in JESUS CHRIST THE LORD!

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    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 4 (A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing)

    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 4 (A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing)

    God’s Prophetic Word of Truth has established that it is Lucifer – the god of this world - who is behind every agent of darkness that has been raised up in the formation of a “One World Government” and the global “Economic” component that will aid the Antichrist in the complete control over all people on earth which he will wield with tyrannical rule.

    But it is the “One World Religion” that that will be the most deceptive and dangerous; for it is through this portal of devious deception, and lying persuasions that Lucifer will – at least temporarily – gain the worship of all people on earth that he has lusted for.  And it has everything to do with Rome – and the Pontiff who sits on the seat of power within her - wielding not only religious authority – but great governmental influence as well.

    As we look to Revelation 17, and the description of the Harlot who sits upon the Beast – as well as the many other Scriptures that point to the Global Empire of the Antichrist, such as the Book of Daniel – it becomes difficult to find a better candidate for the Harlot of Mystery Babylon the Great, than Roman Catholicism also known as the “Holy Mother Church” by her followers; or a more suitable contender for the False Prophet than the Pontiff who rules over her. 

    No one fits the description of a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” more perfectly than the current Pope Francis who has taken the ecumenical reigns with great passion and dedication. And in this Podcast, we offer credible evidence that supports this prophetic reality.

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    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 3 (The Revived Roman Empire cont.)

    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 3 (The Revived Roman Empire cont.)

    With Israel currently in the midst of a violent war that has those with discernment anticipating the even greater wars yet to come, and which Scripture has alerted us will bring all nations against Israel with the threat of earth’s annihilation, every other prophetic precursor that Scripture has given us is converging together with this reality, making it even more urgent for God’s people to pay stricter attention; for the time is ripe for the Antichrist to make his appearance and to sign a false 

    peace treaty with Israel – which will mark the beginning of the Seven-Year Tribulation.

    This is what the enemy has been hungerly anticipating for millennia as he has orchestrated every demonic scheme, false way, and occultic deception that comprises his darkened kingdom. And when his Man of Lawlessness – possessed by Lucifer himself - enters the Holy of Holies and proclaims that he is God, it will

    appear to be Lucifer’s dream come true. In his mind, he will have finally overtaken Elohim’s rightful throne and His Kingdom of Righteousness and replaced it with his own Antichrist kingdom. 

    He, of course, is the fool of all fools, for he has already been defeated by the Blood of the Lamb; and his destiny in the Lake of Fire is already determined and written in the sacred annals of time.

    But as things leading up to his final demise continue to unfold before us, the Prophetic Word of God is being fulfilled with dramatic confirmation to all the Holy Scriptures have confirmed will take place.

    And this brings us to “The Revived Roman Empire.”

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    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 2 (The Revived Roman Empire)

    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 2 (The Revived Roman Empire)

    Fifty years before Jesus was born, Rome took control of the world, and the Roman Empire maintained control until after His Resurrection. It was Roman rule that put Jesus on the Cross. It was the Imperialistic Romans who ruthlessly ruled during the days of the Early Church. They were always after Paul. They were always quelling the riots – and they were always trying to keep the peace for Rome, because of what was happening in the growth of the Church. Rome’s legions crushed all resistance with an iron heel!

    When Daniel prophesied 2,500 years ago that the Roman Empire would be on this earth when Jesus returned, he meant it. He accurately predicted the first Roman Empire approximately five hundred years before its founding. Now, signs of a Revived Roman Empire are emerging before our eyes.

    As we move through this Study, we will find another important jewel of Holy Spirit insight that offers concrete evidence that the prophetic precursors are converging in fulfillment of all the Lord God Almighty has promised would take place, making ready the soon Return of Jesus. 

    With these things gathering quickly – how much sooner must the Rapture be?

    It is time to be Ready! It is time to stand Strong in the Strength of our Savior! It is time to contend even more earnestly for the True Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints!  (Jude 1:3)

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    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 1 (The Club of Rome)

    “All Roads Lead to Rome!” - Part 1 (The Club of Rome)

    Since the Garden of Eden, when Lucifer disguised as a Serpent beguiled Adam and Eve causing them to disobey their Creator and relinquish their stewardship over the earth to him, he has been diligently working through the many counterfeits held within his demonic strategies and deceptions, with the prideful purpose to build his own kingdom in which he would gain the worship of all people on earth.

    Every darkened organization and secret society, and the agents of deception who operate within them – every occult belief system and the symbols that unleash their spells – every false religion and the wolves in sheep’s clothing that postulate their falsehoods…. EVERYTHING that is in complete opposition to the unadulterated Word of Truth, and the One Who Alone is the Truth – Yeshua Hamashiach – Jesus the Messiah – are the building blocks of Lucifer’s darkened kingdom.

    In this Study, we will unmask these agents of deception and their strategies, while proclaiming God’s unadulterated Word of Truth that alone leads to the One Who is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life – Lord Jesus the Christ! With emphasis on the Victory that the Savior has already won over His mutinous enemies.

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    “The Unseen Realm: Understanding Lucifer’s Agenda” - Part 8 (Agents of Darkness cont.)

    “The Unseen Realm: Understanding Lucifer’s Agenda” - Part 8 (Agents of Darkness cont.)

    Throughout time, God’s enemy has been doing everything within his power to rob, kill, and destroy – and to usurp the One True and Only God of all Creation. 

    And as ruler of the world’s systems, he accomplishes this dreadful feat by blinding the minds of those who do not believe so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God” as 2 Corinthians 4:4 reveals to us.

    Out of this pool of unbelievers, he raises up Agents of Darkness, who in their rejection of the Truth, are easily controlled by his lies and deceptions – and then they are groomed to spread those deceptions to the masses. With the final result 

    being the One World Global Empire of the Antichrist that Scripture has confirmed

    will manifest – and is even manifesting now.

    In our last segment, we covered one of these “Agents of Darkness” which is the

    “Bilderbergers” and how through their widespread influence which is wielded by participants who hold high positions in every realm of society, including governments, academia, science, education, politics, financial institutions, the media - and much more - are working diligently toward the Global Empire of the Antichrist.

    And today we will investigate the Skull & Bones Society which is also vital player in this Luciferian agenda.

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