
    Podcast Summary

    • The housing market's impact on millennials' dreamsThe housing market's high prices, rising rents, and limited availability make it a challenge for millennials, with developers contributing through luxury homes and short-term rentals, but this issue persists beyond the pandemic era.

      The housing market, fueled by factors such as high house prices, rising rents, and limited availability, has become a significant challenge for many, particularly millennials, resulting in the "murder" of their hopes and dreams for affordable housing. Developers are a prime suspect in this issue due to their role in contributing to the housing shortage through the construction of luxury homes and the investment in short-term rentals. However, the problem is not limited to the pandemic era, but has been a persistent issue for years. The science behind this complex issue will be explored further in the upcoming episode of Science Versus. It's important to note that this is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and no single entity can be held solely responsible.

    • Developers aren't the only cause of rising housing pricesDevelopers don't solely determine housing prices; desirability and market demand are significant factors.

      Real estate developers are not the sole cause of rising housing prices in neighborhoods. While new developments may lead to higher prices for new market rate units, they do not necessarily increase rents or prices for existing buildings. Instead, desirability and market demand are significant factors contributing to rising housing costs. People often blame developers for being greedy and raising prices, but the reality is more complex. Developers are not consistently making huge profits, and they often build in desirable areas where prices are already rising. Suspect number 2 in the affordable housing crisis is not the real estate developer but companies like Airbnb, which offer short-term rentals in private homes. These companies have drawn criticism for contributing to the affordable housing crisis, but their origin story began with founders trying to cope with an unaffordable housing market themselves. It's essential to separate correlation from causation and understand the complex factors contributing to housing affordability issues.

    • Airbnb's Impact on Long-Term Rentals in SydneyApproximately half of Sydney's rental listings are on Airbnb, reducing long-term rental availability and increasing housing costs.

      The popularity of Airbnb has led to a significant reduction in the number of long-term rentals available in many cities, including Sydney. A study by Nicole found that approximately half of the rental listings in Sydney were permanently listed on Airbnb, which is equivalent to half of the rental vacancy rate. This means that for every two regular rental listings, there is one Airbnb listing. The US study found that about 12% of all rentals were turned into Airbnbs, leading to a 20% increase in rent during the studied period. Airbnb did not respond to requests for comment on these findings. These statistics suggest that Airbnb is contributing to a decrease in the availability of long-term rentals and an increase in housing costs.

    • Zoning regulations impact housing affordabilityZoning laws from early 20th century favor single-family homes, limiting affordable housing options and contributing to the housing crisis.

      Zoning regulations play a significant role in the affordability of housing, particularly in the construction of multi-unit buildings like apartments and townhouses. These regulations, which date back to the early 20th century, often make it easier to build single-family detached homes and more difficult to build other types of housing. As a result, a larger proportion of housing supply is taken up by single-family homes, leaving fewer options for people looking for more affordable housing solutions. This is an important factor to consider when examining the causes of the housing crisis in many cities. While other factors like developers and Airbnb have also been identified as contributing to the issue, zoning remains a significant and often overlooked player.

    • Analyzing Connecticut's zoning codesNearly all of Connecticut's zoning laws favor large, single-family homes on expansive plots, making it difficult and costly to build affordable housing. NIMBY mentality and local opposition add to the challenge.

      Zoning codes in many areas, like Connecticut, are primarily designed for single-family homes on large plots of land, making it difficult and expensive to build smaller, denser housing. During the pandemic, a group led by Sarah read and analyzed over 32,000 pages of zoning codes in Connecticut and found that 91% of the state is zoned for suburban-style housing. Rules such as minimum parking requirements and large lot sizes make it challenging to build affordable housing, leading to a scarcity of "starter homes" and larger, more expensive houses. The NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) mentality of some residents and local governments further complicates the situation by opposing the construction of apartment buildings and smaller, less expensive housing in their communities.

    • Exclusionary zoning's impact on affordable housingExclusionary zoning, driven by older residents' desire to maintain homogenous neighborhoods, restricts new affordable housing and contributes to high housing prices in cities.

      Exclusionary zoning, which restricts the building of new, affordable housing in certain areas, is a significant contributor to the housing crisis in America. Older residents, particularly those who are white, often oppose new development projects under the guise of environmental concerns or traffic issues. However, research shows that this resistance is often rooted in a desire to keep certain neighborhoods homogenous and exclude people of color and low-income individuals. This practice, known as "zoning is sexy," has been identified as a major cause of high housing prices in many cities, including major urban areas like Los Angeles and Seattle. However, there is a potential solution: some cities have experimented with rolling back restrictive zoning laws, allowing for denser housing, but the results have not consistently shown a decrease in housing prices. This suggests that the housing crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach.

    • Zoning laws and housing affordabilityBuilding more housing doesn't guarantee affordability as the financial system drives up costs, requiring political action to change the system.

      While changing zoning laws may lead to more housing units being built, it doesn't necessarily make housing more affordable. This is because the increased demand for housing, fueled by easier access to mortgages and credit, leads to higher prices. The financial system as a whole plays a significant role in driving up housing costs, with investors, including retirement funds, contributing to the demand for expensive properties. To truly address the issue of housing affordability, it may be necessary to fundamentally change the financial system. This is a complex issue that goes beyond the scope of scientific analysis and requires political action. In summary, while building more housing is a step in the right direction, it's not a complete solution to the problem of housing affordability.

    • Exploring a new hormone's role in sex drive on Science VersusThe Science Versus podcast, produced by Rose Rimmler and Wendy Zuckerman, investigates a new hormone's impact on sex drive in this week's episode with 94 citations.

      This week's episode of "Science Versus" features 94 citations, which can be found in the transcript with citations available in the show notes. Ed Rosenthal was particularly intrigued by a new hormone discovered in relation to sex drive, which will be explored in next week's episode. The podcast is produced by Rose Rimmler and Wendy Zuckerman, along with a team of editors, fact checkers, mixers, sound designers, musicians, and voice actors. Some suggested names for the podcast include "The Curious Case of the Costly Castle," "The Home of the Baskervilles," "Murder on the Homeowners Express," and "Gone House." Wendy Zuckerman has also started creating content for TikTok, in addition to her work on the podcast.

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    Science Vs
    enJune 20, 2024

    Protein: Are You Getting Enough?

    Protein: Are You Getting Enough?
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    Science Vs
    enJune 13, 2024

    Introducing The Journal: Trillion Dollar Shot

    Introducing The Journal: Trillion Dollar Shot
    Today we’re presenting Trillion Dollar Shot, a new series that explores the business story behind the rise of Ozempic and other blockbuster drugs being used for weight loss. The first episode focuses on the Novo Nordisk scientist who invented the compound that paved the way for Ozempic. You can find every episode on The Journal’s show feed. Trillion Dollar Shot is part of The Journal, which is a co-production of Spotify and the Wall Street Journal. This episode was hosted by Jessica Mendoza, with Bradley Olson. It was produced by Matt Kwong, with help from Jeevika Verma. Additional production from Adrienne Murray Nielsen. The series is edited by Katherine Brewer. Sound design and mixing by Peter Leonard. Mixing for Science Vs by Bobby Lord. Music in this episode by Peter Leonard and Bobby Lord. Theme music by So Wylie, remixed for this series by Peter Leonard. Special thanks to Maria Byrne, Stefanie Ilgenfritz, Kate Linebaugh, Peter Loftus, Sara O’Brien, Enrique Perez De La Rosa, Sarah Platt, Sune Rasumssen, Jonathan Sanders, Nathan Singhapok, Leying Tang, Rolfe Winkler, Liz Essley Whyte, and Tatiana Zamis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Science Vs
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    Science Vs
    enJune 06, 2024

    The Great Dinosaur Smashup

    The Great Dinosaur Smashup
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    Science Vs
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Science Vs
    enMay 23, 2024

    What the Hell Is at the Edge of Space?

    What the Hell Is at the Edge of Space?
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    Science Vs
    enMay 16, 2024

    Heartbreak: Why It Feels So Achy Breaky

    Heartbreak: Why It Feels So Achy Breaky
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    Tig Notaro Shares Her Favorite Jokes

    Tig Notaro Shares Her Favorite Jokes
    Comedian Tig Notaro, who just released her fifth comedy special, "Hello Again," joins us for a chat about the science of her comedy: telling us how she builds jokes, and of course sharing a bunch of dumb and fabulous jokes. Enjoy!  Here's our Funniest Joke in the World Episode!!  Find our transcript here: https://bit.ly/ScienceVsTigNotaro In this episode, we cover: (00:00) We're interviewing Tig!  (01:22) I could be a comedian?  (02:47) How Tig creates a joke  (08:59) The element of surprise (12:27) The world's funniest joke? (13:55) Tig's favorite jokes This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman, with help from Michelle Dang, Rose Rimler and Meryl Horn. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Mix and sound design by Bobby Lord. Music written by Bobby Lord and Bumi Hidaka.  Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Funniest Joke in the World

    The Funniest Joke in the World
    If you Google "The Funniest Joke in the World," you'll be very disappointed. The internet might serve you something like, "What has many keys but can't open a single lock??” (Answer: A piano). Screw that. That's not funny. Enter Science Vs. We’re going on a romp to find out once and for all: What is the funniest joke in the world. According to science. And for this quest we've interviewed a bunch of amazing comics including Tig Notaro, Adam Conover, Dr Jason Leong, Loni Love, as well as special guest Latif Nasser of Radiolab and, of course, some scientists: Neuroscientist Professor Sophie Scott and Psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman. Which Joke Will Win???    Find our transcript here: https://bit.ly/ScienceVsFunniestJoke In this episode, we cover: (00:00) The Quest Begins (08:40) Why laughing matters (13:13) The scientific search for the world's funniest joke (17:40) Woof, quack or moo? (21:33) The comedy K (26:30) Do different cultures have different senses of humour? (28:27) The winner! (32:15) Scientific theories of humour (lol) (38:28) Why the winning joke isn't funny (40:26) How do you stop a dog from humping your leg?  (44:43) Meet the comedy gods This episode was produced by Wendy Zukerman, with help from Michelle Dang, Joel Werner, Rose Rimler and Meryl Horn. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Sarah Baum. Mix and sound design by Bobby Lord. Music written by Peter Leonard, Bumi Hidaka, Emma Munger, So Wylie, and Bobby Lord. Thanks to all the researchers we spoke to including Dr Andrew Farkas, Professor Penny MacDonald, Dr Maggie Prenger and a huge thank you to Professor Chris Westbury for sharing your amazing spreadsheet!! Thanks to all the comedians we interviewed in this episode including Tig Notaro, Adam Conover, Loni Love, Takashi Wakasugi, Urooj Ashfaq, Dr Jason Leong, Penny Greenhalgh and Mohammed Magdi. Another big thanks to Lindsay Farber, Roland Campos, Lauren LoGiudice, Andrea Jones-Rooy and the other comics at The Joke Lab; and all the comics that we spoke to and couldn't fit into the episode, we really really appreciate you and your time! Thanks to Ben Milam, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Stupid Old Studios, Paige Ransbury, the Zukerman Family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Science Vs is a Spotify Studios Original. Listen for free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow us and tap the bell for episode notifications.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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