
    Whosoever Will May Come

    enAugust 27, 2024
    What does 'whosoever' mean in context of God's call?
    How can individuals respond to God's call?
    What role does daily devotional play in personal growth?
    Why is financial support important for ICR's ministry?
    How does the podcast contribute to spreading biblical truth?

    Podcast Summary

    • God's call to all peopleGod's call and salvation are available to everyone, regardless of nationality or location, and individuals must acknowledge and respond to His call.

      God's call and salvation are available to all people, regardless of their nationality or location. However, it is acknowledged that the question of how people come to hear about God and respond to His call has puzzled theologians throughout history. In the biblical text from Joel and as quoted in the New Testament by Peter and Paul, the concept of "whosoever" refers to those who have been called by God and respond by calling upon Him. Jesus further emphasizes this in the book of Revelation, inviting all who will to come and receive the water of life. Ultimately, the first step is for individuals to acknowledge God's call and respond by coming to Him.

    • Daily devotional engagementEngaging with the daily devotional from ICR contributes to personal spiritual growth and helps spread biblical truth to others through subscriptions, ratings, and reviews. Financial support enables the ministry to continue producing and sharing these resources.

      Engaging with the daily devotional from ICR not only provides personal spiritual growth but also helps spread the message of biblical truth and encouragement to others. By subscribing, rating, and reviewing the podcast, you're contributing to its reach and allowing more people to benefit from it. Additionally, your financial support enables ICR's ministry to continue producing and sharing these valuable resources. So, starting your day with the devotional not only sets a positive tone for your day but also plays a part in uplifting and educating others.

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