
    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    enJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Providing value on social mediaShift focus from self-promotion to providing value to audience to succeed on social media. Understand interests and create resonating content for growth.

      To grow successfully on social media, businesses and individuals need to shift their focus from self-promotion to providing value to their audience. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary V, this perspective change is crucial because attention is the most valuable asset in today's digital world. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that the majority of businesses and people struggle to grow on social media due to their selfish mindset. They are fixated on gaining likes, followers, and making sales. However, audiences are not always interested in this self-centered approach. Instead, people want content that resonates with them, answers their questions, and provides value. Gary Vaynerchuk also discussed the "tiktokification" of social media, which refers to the shift from a content-driven approach to an interest-driven approach. Social media platforms, such as TikTok, prioritize content based on users' interests rather than the number of followers or likes a creator has. Therefore, creating valuable content that aligns with your audience's interests is essential for growth on social media. In summary, to succeed on social media, focus on providing value to your audience, understand their interests, and create content that resonates with them. Attention is the most valuable asset, and by providing value, you can build a loyal following and achieve your social media goals.

    • Interest graphAlgorithms play a major role in determining content in users' feeds based on their interests, levelling the playing field for new content creators

      Social media is no longer solely reliant on the human connection or social graph, but rather, it's more about the interest graph. This means that algorithms play a significant role in determining what content appears in users' feeds based on their interests, rather than who they follow. Even for established content creators like Gary Vaynerchuk, the playing field has levelled out, with the potential for new content to reach large audiences regardless of the creator's previous success or following. Vaynerchuk also mentioned that he writes books to address the ongoing relevance of his ideas, as many of his readers continue to find value in his earlier works, such as "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook," which was published a decade ago.

    • Social Media PlatformsGary Vaynerchuk's book offers insights into effective post-creative strategies and consumer segmentations on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's latest book provides a detailed and academic exploration of the current state of seven major social media platforms, offering a framework for understanding consumer behavior and effective post-creative strategies. Vaynerchuk covers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube, discussing their significance and providing insights into consumer segmentations and cohorts. While acknowledging the potential negative effects of excessive screen time, Vaynerchuk argues that the issue lies more with poor parenting and the need for moderation rather than the technology itself. His book is expected to be a valuable resource for those seeking to navigate the complex world of social media marketing.

    • Parenting skillsEffective parenting and teaching children accountability are crucial in mitigating negative impacts of social media on children, rather than solely relying on tech regulation.

      While there are valid concerns about the impact of social media on children and the role of tech companies, the responsibility for effective parenting and teaching children accountability cannot be overlooked. The speaker argues that instead of solely focusing on regulating tech companies, there should be a renewed emphasis on parenting skills. Additionally, content creators and users who heavily rely on TikTok for their careers should consider diversifying their online presence to mitigate potential risks of platform bans. The speaker acknowledges that social media usage, particularly among younger generations, is a significant issue, but believes that addressing the root cause lies in improving parenting skills and holding children accountable for their actions.

    • Social Media DiversificationMaintaining a presence across multiple social media platforms is crucial for content creators and businesses to avoid vulnerability and maximize opportunities for engagement and reach.

      It's crucial for content creators and businesses to build and maintain a presence across multiple platforms to avoid being vulnerable to changes or potential bans. The example given was of Tila Tequila, who dominated YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook in the early days of social media but could have had a longer and more relevant career if she had diversified her presence. Similarly, Instagram-only content creators who didn't jump on the TikTok bandwagon lost their market share. The same principle applies to platforms like Twitter, which may undergo changes or become more contentious, but still offer opportunities for engagement and reach. From a broader perspective, this principle can be applied to various aspects of life and business, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    • Social Media LandscapeEvery few years, new social media platforms have the potential to make a significant impact, while AI is more likely to create new jobs than cause mass job loss

      The social media landscape undergoes significant changes every four to seven years, and while the failure rate for new networks is high, the potential rewards make it an attractive venture. Another key point is that there's a common misconception about artificial intelligence (AI) leading to job loss, but in reality, AI is more likely to create new jobs as it evolves and transforms various industries. Regarding the potential revival of Vine, it's uncertain if it will return as a streaming service or not, but history shows that every few years, a new social media platform has the potential to make a significant impact. Despite the saturation of existing platforms like Twitter, there's always room for innovation and growth. Lastly, it's important to remember that technology, including AI, is an inevitable part of our society, and while it may bring about changes, it also creates new opportunities and jobs.

    • AI and storytellingAI and digital media present challenges and opportunities for storytellers, requiring adaptability and good storytelling skills in any medium

      While there are valid concerns about AI eliminating jobs and shorter attention spans in the digital age, it's essential to remember that new technologies also create opportunities and new forms of storytelling. The speaker emphasizes the importance of good storytelling in any medium, whether it's a three-hour film or a 10-second video. Attention spans have not necessarily shrunk; rather, people are more discerning about the content they consume. The speaker also encourages a more balanced perspective, acknowledging potential challenges while focusing on the possibilities and innovations brought about by AI and digital media. The speaker's own book is a testament to the value of mastering short-form content and adapting to new storytelling mediums.

    • Providing valueFocusing on providing value to others instead of personal gain can lead to meaningful connections, increased engagement, and growth in personal and professional contexts

      Bringing value to others is key to growth, both in personal and professional contexts. The guest on this podcast emphasized this during the conversation, expressing his own obsession with providing value when he appears on shows or engages on social media. He believes that by focusing on what benefits others instead of what we can gain, we are more likely to build meaningful connections and grow our influence. This perspective shift can lead to increased engagement, followers, and ultimately, sales. However, the guest warned that most businesses and individuals fail to adopt this approach because they are too focused on their own needs. By making the effort to bring value to others, we can create a more positive and productive online presence.

    • Authenticity vs ConnectivityAuthenticity is important, but not everyone will connect with your unique style. Understand your audience and adapt if necessary, while staying true to yourself.

      The speaker, who has gained recognition in the industry with an energetic and hyper personality, recognizes that not everyone appreciates or connects with this style. He identified his "weakest demo" as individuals who prefer a slower pace and a calmer energy. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges that he cannot change who he is and chooses to embrace his authenticity, understanding that not everyone will resonate with his approach. The speaker's experience serves as a reminder that authenticity, while often discussed, can be challenging to execute, and that not everyone will connect with every individual's unique style.

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