
    Why ADHD Makes You Feel Broken

    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Dungeons and Dragons resourcesPodcasts like Dungeon Cast and immersive worlds like Dungeons & Randomness offer valuable insights and entertainment for D&D players, while recognizing and embracing personal strengths and weaknesses can lead to success in the game and beyond

      There are valuable resources available for those interested in Dungeons and Dragons, whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out. The Dungeon Cast podcast is an excellent place to learn about the game's rich lore and gain tips for playing or DMing. Meanwhile, Dungeons & Randomness offers hundreds of hours of immersive storytelling through their homebrew world of Tharia. For those struggling with focus and self-doubt, it's essential to remember that these thoughts are not necessarily a reflection of reality. People with ADHD are often conditioned to view their struggles through a lens of deficiency, but the truth is that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws, it's essential to celebrate your accomplishments and find strategies that work best for you. Whether it's through podcasts, podcasts, or engaging in creative projects like storytelling, there are countless opportunities to grow and learn.

    • ADHD and DepressionADHD is a legitimate condition that increases the risk for depression, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood. It's important to challenge self-blame and acknowledge the condition's impacts on mental health.

      While some individuals may question whether they truly have ADHD or if their struggles are simply a result of personal flaws, research suggests that this mindset is not based on fact. A common experience among people with ADHD is to internalize blame for their failures, rather than attributing them to their condition. However, it's important to note that ADHD does increase the risk for depression, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood. A review paper examining cognitive mechanisms underlying depressive disorders in ADHD sheds light on how ADHD contributes to depression. Yet, individuals with ADHD often don't recognize their condition due to societal conditioning that emphasizes self-blame. It's crucial to challenge this thought process and acknowledge that ADHD is a legitimate condition with valid impacts on mental health.

    • ADHD and Mental HealthADHD can lead to depression and other mental health issues in adulthood if left undiagnosed and untreated, but it is both under-diagnosed and over-diagnosed, particularly in girls

      While we may be able to estimate someone's intelligence as children, academic performance can be a misleading indicator, particularly for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Studies suggest that there is a significant correlation between ADHD in childhood and depression in adulthood. Unfortunately, ADHD is both under-diagnosed and over-diagnosed, with girls being diagnosed at a much lower rate than boys. This means that many individuals with ADHD go undiagnosed, while others may receive unnecessary diagnoses. The impact of undiagnosed ADHD can lead to depression and other mental health issues in adulthood. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the signs of ADHD and ensure proper diagnosis and treatment for those affected.

    • Gender differences in brain developmentFaster brain development in girls, particularly in the frontal lobe, can lead to misdiagnoses and misunderstandings, especially during puberty, potentially impacting academic and social success and shaping self-perception

      Girls' brains develop at a faster rate than boys', particularly in the frontal lobe, which can lead to misunderstandings and misdiagnoses, especially for conditions like ADHD. This difference becomes more pronounced during puberty when increased estrogen alters dopaminergic circuitry in women, leading to impulsivity and other dopamine-seeking behaviors. When girls go undiagnosed, they may struggle academically and socially, despite being intellectually equal to their peers. The situation can be further compounded when they are labeled as having an "effort problem" instead of receiving the appropriate diagnosis and support. This misinformation can be damaging and even shape a person's self-perception for life. The most detrimental experience, according to the speaker, is when someone is doing something correctly but is told that they are doing it incorrectly. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and long-term consequences. It is crucial to recognize the importance of accurate diagnoses and proper support for children, regardless of their gender.

    • Confusion between right and wrongConstant confusion between right and wrong, caused by external manipulation or internal struggles, can lead to learned helplessness and difficulty determining correct answers

      Constantly being told that the right thing is wrong can have detrimental effects on a person's psychology and ability to navigate life. This concept is illustrated in the example of someone with abusive parents who are drunk and blame them for things they didn't do. This confusion between right and wrong can lead to learned helplessness and make it difficult to determine the correct answer in various situations. A famous example of this can be found in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where Captain Picard is tortured into believing there are five lights instead of four. However, it's important to note that individuals with strong internal resolve, like Captain Picard, can resist such manipulation. Unfortunately, people with ADHD face the opposite challenge, as their minds are easily influenced and can struggle to stay focused on reality.

    • ADHD self-blameIndividuals with ADHD may develop self-blame and shame due to perceived lack of results despite effort, fueled by external pressures and comparisons, leading to negative self-worth and depression. Instead, focusing on diagnosis, education, and support can lead to a more positive outlook.

      Individuals with ADHD may develop a deep-rooted belief of shame and self-blame due to the perception that they are putting in significant effort but not achieving commensurate results. This belief, fueled by external pressures and comparisons, can lead to a conclusion that there is something fundamentally broken within them, contributing to feelings of depression and low self-worth. This vicious cycle of self-doubt and perceived failure is a common experience for those with ADHD. It's essential to recognize that these beliefs are often not grounded in reality and can be detrimental to mental health. Instead, focusing on understanding and managing ADHD through proper diagnosis, education, and support can lead to a more positive and productive outlook on life.

    • Perception of struggles in childrenThe way we perceive and label children's struggles can significantly impact their understanding and resolution. Blaming or pressuring children without proper investigation can lead to harmful beliefs and hindered diagnosis and support, particularly for neurodiverse individuals.

      The way we perceive and label our struggles, particularly in children, can have a significant impact on how we understand and address them. When children express feelings of not knowing what's wrong with them, and instead receive blame or pressure to live up to their potential without proper investigation, it can lead to a cycle of self-blame and misunderstanding. This is particularly true for neurodiverse individuals trying to succeed in a neurotypical world. The stress diathesis model of illness suggests that illness is not solely due to genetics but also environmental factors. Therefore, it's essential to consider the role of the environment in the manifestation of conditions like ADHD. The lack of serious investigation into children's concerns and the emphasis on personal flaws instead of potential underlying conditions can perpetuate harmful beliefs and hinder proper diagnosis and support.

    • ADHD shame complexThe shame complex surrounding ADHD can hinder individuals from acknowledging and addressing their condition, leading to potential mental health issues. It's essential to remember that ADHD is a neurological condition and seek professional help.

      The shame complex surrounding ADHD can prevent individuals from acknowledging and addressing their condition, leading to relatable experiences of depression and other related issues. Despite the stigma, it's important to remember that ADHD is a neurological condition, and self-diagnosis should not replace professional evaluation. Medication can be effective for some individuals, but not a miracle solution for everyone. The comorbidity between ADHD and depression is significant, but there are still a large number of people who do not develop depression, indicating that factors beyond ADHD are at play. Ultimately, understanding and accepting the reality of ADHD, rather than internalizing shame and self-blame, is crucial for seeking help and improving overall well-being.

    • ADHD medications and genderADHD medications, particularly stimulants, are primarily focused on reducing hyperactivity, which can lead to varying experiences and effectiveness for women and girls. Atomoxetine may be a more promising option due to potential benefits beyond hyperactivity management.

      The development and efficacy of ADHD medications, particularly stimulants, are primarily focused on reducing hyperactivity, which is more common in boys than girls. This means that the experience and effectiveness of these medications can vary greatly for women and girls with ADHD. A review of pharmacotherapy for ADHD highlights this difference, suggesting that atomoxetine may be a more promising option for girls and women due to its potential benefits beyond hyperactivity management. Additionally, the euphoric effects of stimulants can contribute to individual variability in response. Overall, it's essential to consider these factors when discussing ADHD treatments and understanding the unique needs of individuals with ADHD.

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