
    About this Episode

    Kimberly discusses the ways in which Black women and mothers are systemically denied the standard of care for their white counterparts, often with deadly consequences. She shares the power of a patient advocate approach, harnessing the power of capitalism to compel the healthcare system to do better, and sheds light on the daily realities of the convergence of Blackness and medicine. 

    Recent Episodes from White Coat Warriors

    Why Are We Failing Black Mothers and Birthing Persons?

    Why Are We Failing Black Mothers and Birthing Persons?

    Kimberly discusses the ways in which Black women and mothers are systemically denied the standard of care for their white counterparts, often with deadly consequences. She shares the power of a patient advocate approach, harnessing the power of capitalism to compel the healthcare system to do better, and sheds light on the daily realities of the convergence of Blackness and medicine. 

    Why are Women More Likely to Be Ignored or Dismissed by Doctors?

    Why are Women  More Likely to Be Ignored or Dismissed  by Doctors?

    We’re joined by acclaimed author of "Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick", Maya Dusenbery. Rachel and Maya talk about the history and reasons why there’s a gap in women’s healthcare, the value of patient support and online communities when it comes to finding answers when you feel like healthcare professionals aren’t taking your concerns seriously.  

    What Does it Feel like to Have a “Shameful” Kind of Cancer?

    What Does it Feel like to Have a “Shameful” Kind of Cancer?

    We’re joined by ovarian cancer survivor Tash Crosby who shares how her personal health journey inspired her to dedicate her life’s work to work to breaking down the shame and stigma that often accompanies gynecological cancers. Rachel and Tash discuss “teal cancers” and what it means to continually deal with the physical and mental health recovery after cancer. 

    WCW Episode 7: How Do You Sift Through All the Misinformation Around PCOS and Endometriosis?

    WCW Episode 7: How Do You Sift Through All the Misinformation Around PCOS and Endometriosis?

    After getting an endometriosis and PCOS diagnosis, Taylor Devalk did what many of us do after getting a medical diagnosis: she took the internet. In the final installment of the podcast, we hear from White Coat Warrior Taylor about how much misinformation exists when it comes to endometriosis and PCOS, how they are connected, and why it’s so important for patients to look beyond single sources for medical advice.

    About White Coat Warriors:

    Have you ever felt ignored or dismissed by a healthcare professional even though you knew something was wrong? Have you ever had to take healthcare decisions into your own hands? Did you decide to trust your gut instead of taking your doctor at their word?

    Then you just might be a White Coat Warrior.

    In this limited 7-part podcast series presented by Hyivy Health, host Rachel Bartholomew invites guests to share how they took action in the face of health challenges and life-altering diagnoses even when medical professionals failed to listen.

    Rachel talks about her own battle with cervical cancer, and is joined by guests where they discuss their journeys with: Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, Crohn’s disease, endometriosis, breast cancer, Tourette's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


    Designed and created by and for patients, Hyivy Health’s mission is to provide a 3-in-1 pelvic rehabilitation device connecting patients and clinicians to improve the pelvic health journey. Learn more at hyivy.com.

    WCW Episode 6: What Can a Tourette's Syndrome Diagnosis Teach Us About Patient Advocacy?

    WCW Episode 6: What Can a Tourette's Syndrome  Diagnosis Teach Us About Patient Advocacy?

    Lucas Moffitt has been a lifelong White Coat Warrior. From a young age, he got used to explaining his condition to doctors who just weren’t equipped with the right information to treat him. In this episode we hear how Lucas made himself an expert on his condition and made it his life’s vocation – and becoming a doctor who treats Tourette's himself.

    About White Coat Warriors:

    Have you ever felt ignored or dismissed by a healthcare professional even though you knew something was wrong? Have you ever had to take healthcare decisions into your own hands? Did you decide to trust your gut instead of taking your doctor at their word?

    Then you just might be a White Coat Warrior.

    In this limited 7-part podcast series presented by Hyivy Health, host Rachel Bartholomew invites guests to share how they took action in the face of health challenges and life-altering diagnoses even when medical professionals failed to listen.

    Rachel talks about her own battle with cervical cancer, and is joined by guests where they discuss their journeys with: Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, Crohn’s disease, endometriosis, breast cancer, Tourette's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


    Designed and created by and for patients, Hyivy Health’s mission is to provide a 3-in-1 pelvic rehabilitation device connecting patients and clinicians to improve the pelvic health journey. Learn more at hyivy.com.

    WCW Episode 5: What Do You Do When Your Doctor Won’t Listen to You When Looking for a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

    WCW Episode 5: What Do You Do When Your Doctor Won’t Listen to You When Looking for a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

    After waking up to blood on her nightgown, Debbie Kerr knew something was wrong. But she would have guessed it take 5 months and an aggressive letter writing campaign to get her eventual breast cancer diagnosis. In this episode, White Coat Warrior Debbie shares her experiences of what it’s like to not feel like you’re being treated like a human being by the healthcare system, and the importance for patients to document their care and symptoms.

    About White Coat Warriors:

    Have you ever felt ignored or dismissed by a healthcare professional even though you knew something was wrong? Have you ever had to take healthcare decisions into your own hands? Did you decide to trust your gut instead of taking your doctor at their word?

    Then you just might be a White Coat Warrior.

    In this limited 7-part podcast series presented by Hyivy Health, host Rachel Bartholomew invites guests to share how they took action in the face of health challenges and life-altering diagnoses even when medical professionals failed to listen.

    Rachel talks about her own battle with cervical cancer, and is joined by guests where they discuss their journeys with: Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, Crohn’s disease, endometriosis, breast cancer, Tourette's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


    Designed and created by and for patients, Hyivy Health’s mission is to provide a 3-in-1 pelvic rehabilitation device connecting patients and clinicians to improve the pelvic health journey. Learn more at hyivy.com.