
    Why Debt Is Never the Solution to Your Problems

    en-usApril 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the importance of becoming and staying debt-freeFocus on making minimum payments and gradually increasing the amount towards debt, even with a low income, to become debt-free and reduce anxiety and improve financial stability.

      Rachel Cruz, during her appearance on The Ramsey Show to celebrate her birthday, discussed the importance of becoming and staying debt-free. She shared her experience of having credit card debt from a previous marriage and considered debt settlement. However, she advised against it due to the high fees and potential harm it could cause. Instead, she suggested focusing on making minimum payments and gradually increasing the amount paid towards the debt to eventually become debt-free. Rachel emphasized that even with a low income, it's essential to work towards becoming debt-free to reduce anxiety and improve financial stability.

    • Debt Settlement Companies: Proceed with CautionDirect communication with creditors and increasing income are more effective methods for debt settlement than using debt settlement companies, which can lead to hidden fees, credit damage, and complicated payment plans.

      While debt settlement companies may seem like an easy solution, they can lead to hidden fees, negative impacts on credit, and a complicated payment plan that can result in a worse financial situation. Instead, it's recommended to communicate directly with creditors and explore potential settlements without the involvement of a middleman. Additionally, obtaining a second job or increasing income can provide much-needed margin during financial struggles. For those looking to improve their financial literacy and get out of debt, attending events like the Total Money Makeover Weekend can offer valuable insights and resources.

    • Discussing ways to increase income to afford living expensesTo improve their financial situation, Kyle and his fiancée plan to pursue better jobs, a side gig, and finish her undergrad degree to become a physical therapist.

      In order for Kyle and his fiancée to get out of their current living situation, they need to increase their income. They are currently making $4,000 a month combined, but their rent is taking up a quarter of that. To make ends meet, Kyle suggested getting better jobs or picking up a side gig, while his fiancée focuses on finishing her undergrad degree to become a physical therapist. They acknowledged that experience is crucial in gaining the necessary skills and knowledge for various careers, even with a degree. The conversation emphasized the importance of being proactive and serious about their financial situation while balancing their education and career goals.

    • Explore career options in personal finance through Ramsey Solutions' SmartVestor Pro programConnect with qualified financial professionals for advice and insights on potential career paths in personal finance without the pressure of starting a business from scratch. Take the Get Clear Career Assessment and secure term life insurance to protect your family's financial future.

      If you're considering a career change in personal finance but feel intimidated by the idea of starting your own business, there's an alternative. You can connect with qualified financial professionals in your area through Ramsey Solutions' SmartVestor Pro program. These individuals run their own businesses and have the expertise to help guide you. By reaching out to them for advice and learning about their experiences, you can gain valuable insights and potentially discover a new career path without the pressure of starting a business from scratch. Additionally, consider taking the Get Clear Career Assessment to help identify your unique strengths and career goals. And remember, having term life insurance is crucial for protecting your family's financial future. Don't wait any longer to secure the coverage you need.

    • Exploring options before taking out a personal loan for unexpected expensesConsider selling items, working extra hours, or finding side hustles before taking out a personal loan for unexpected expenses. Have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses to prevent the need for borrowing money.

      When faced with unexpected expenses, such as tax bills, it's important to explore all possible options before considering taking out a personal loan. The hosts suggested trying to come up with as much cash as possible through selling items, working extra hours, or finding side hustles before turning to borrowing money. They also emphasized the importance of having an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. However, if the expense cannot be covered within a reasonable timeframe, a personal loan may be a viable solution to prevent further penalties or damage to credit. The hosts also advised setting a realistic goal for paying off the loan as soon as possible to minimize interest payments.

    • Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone for Financial GainConsider unconventional methods like selling items or working temporary jobs to boost savings and reach financial goals. Be open-minded and willing to try new things.

      In order to achieve financial goals, individuals may need to step outside their comfort zones and engage in activities that might feel strange or uncomfortable at first. This could include selling unused items online or even working temporary jobs to earn extra income. Rachel Cruze encourages listeners to set aggressive but realistic goals and not shy away from unconventional methods to boost their savings. Even small actions, like selling items or driving for a ride-sharing service, can make a significant difference in reaching financial milestones. The key is to be open-minded and willing to try new things, even if they seem odd or unfamiliar.

    • 62-year-old woman Deb is uncertain about investing her remaining fundsDeb, a 62-year-old mortgage-free woman, plans to invest her remaining funds but seeks advice from a financial professional to determine the best investment strategy and risk tolerance.

      , despite having sold her house and profiting $85,000, a 62-year-old woman named Deb is still unsure of what to do next with her finances. She currently lives mortgage-free on her parents' homestead and works from home for a network marketing company, making $35,000 a year. Deb plans to pay off her $15,600 car loan and build an emergency fund of $9,000, leaving her with $60 a month to invest. With low living expenses, Deb aims to invest the remaining amount and grow her money as quickly as possible. However, she recognizes that she will likely need to continue working for several more years to build a substantial nest egg. Deb was advised to consult with a financial professional to help determine the best investment strategy and to ensure her funds are allocated appropriately based on her goals and risk tolerance.

    • Consider increasing income and investing for retirementDeb, age 62, may need to work for another 15 years to retire comfortably. She could explore income-generating opportunities like selling her inherited property and investing the proceeds. Consult a financial advisor for tax advantages and other options.

      Deb should consider increasing her income and investing as soon as possible to help retire earlier. She mentioned that she's currently paying rent to her brother who lives in the house she inherited from her parents. Deb is 62 and may need to work for another 15 years to retire comfortably. The housing market presents opportunities for income growth, and Deb could explore ways to boost her income to reach her retirement goals. Additionally, Deb mentioned that her property is valued at around 2.5 million. She could consider selling the property and investing the proceeds to secure a steady income stream in retirement. Deb should consult a financial advisor to explore tax advantages and other options before making any major decisions. Overall, Deb should focus on increasing her income and investing wisely to secure a comfortable retirement.

    • Unexpected expenses and desiresCommunication and careful budgeting are essential to prevent financial misunderstandings and stress.

      Despite best intentions and budgeting, unexpected expenses and desires can put a strain on finances. In this conversation, Randall found himself in a predicament where he had charged an expensive gift on a credit card, fearing his wife's reaction to the bill. His friend Rachel, unaware of the situation, had also recently purchased a similar gift for herself, leading to a series of misunderstandings and jokes. Ultimately, Randall was able to laugh about the situation and appreciate the coincidences, but it served as a reminder for the importance of open communication and careful budgeting. Additionally, the conversation showcased the power of humor and impressions in lightening the mood and bringing people closer together.

    • The Power of Clear Communication in Personal Relationships and Financial SuccessEffective communication and understanding are crucial for personal relationships and financial success. Clarify intentions, identify work that aligns with strengths and enjoyment, and openly discuss important decisions like home buying to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Effective communication and understanding are key elements in personal relationships and financial success. In the conversation, Rachel Cruze and Ken Coleman discussed the importance of knowing what you want and expressing it clearly, as well as being attentive to others' desires. This was illustrated through a story about a man buying a purse for his girlfriend, and the importance of clarifying intentions to avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, they emphasized the significance of identifying and pursuing work that aligns with one's strengths, enjoyment, and motivation, as a means to increase income and financial freedom. The discussion also touched on the topic of purchasing a family home and the importance of open communication and agreement on a fair price to avoid conflict. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of clear communication, self-awareness, and understanding in both personal and financial contexts.

    • Obtain accurate market data from real estate professionalsConsult with at least two real estate professionals for an accurate assessment and consider legal counsel if necessary to ensure a smooth transaction

      When dealing with a family real estate transaction, it's crucial to remove emotions and opinions by obtaining accurate market data from real estate professionals. This data will provide a clear price range for the property, helping to avoid potential disputes and keep relationships intact. It's recommended to consult with at least two real estate professionals to ensure an accurate assessment. Additionally, if the transaction involves legal aspects, consulting a real estate attorney is advisable to ensure proper transfer of title and deed. Remember, the goal is to keep the transaction as smooth and non-emotional as possible.

    • Exploring Options to Attend Graduate School Debt-FreeResearch scholarships, grants, and high LSAT scores for potential debt-free graduate school opportunities. High-yield savings accounts can help increase home buying savings while earning interest.

      While going to college debt-free is possible, it may not be as straightforward when it comes to graduate school, especially for fields like law or medicine. However, there are options to minimize debt, such as scoring high on entrance exams or researching scholarships and grants. Rachel Cruze shares an example of law schools that offer full rides based on LSAT scores. It's essential to put in the effort and do thorough research to find these opportunities. The risks associated with high levels of debt can significantly impact one's financial future, so it's worth taking the time to explore alternatives. If you're planning to buy a house, consider moving your savings to a high-yield savings account to earn interest while you save. Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to building wealth.

    • Save more money with high yield savings accountsConsider opening a high yield savings account with an online bank to save more money for a specific purchase. Online banks offer higher interest rates compared to traditional savings accounts, helping your money grow faster. Choose between high yield savings accounts and money market accounts based on your personal financial situation and saving goals.

      If you're looking to save a significant amount of money for a specific purchase, consider opening a high yield savings account with an online bank. These accounts offer higher interest rates compared to traditional savings accounts and can help your money grow faster. While there may be a slight inconvenience in transferring funds to your checking account when needed, the higher returns make it a worthwhile option. Online banks like Ally and American Express are popular choices for high yield savings accounts. Additionally, with historically low mortgage interest rates, it's essential to maximize savings wherever possible. High yield savings accounts and money market accounts are similar but offer different benefits, such as easy access to funds with a money market account through checks or a debit card. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your personal financial situation and saving goals.

    • Navigating Financial Decisions Amidst Rising RatesHaving the right real estate agent and saving wisely during high-interest rates can lead to smart financial moves. Consider long-term goals and potential income ranges when making financial and career decisions.

      While it can be challenging to navigate financial decisions amidst rising interest rates and housing prices, having the right real estate agent and saving wisely can lead to smart financial moves. Rachel Cruze and Ken Coleman discussed the benefits of saving during high-interest rates and the distinction between money market accounts and CD hikes. When it comes to career choices, John called in seeking advice on whether to pursue nursing or marine biology based on financial considerations. After discussing potential roles and income ranges, it was determined that marine biology could potentially offer higher earning potential in the long run, but would require further education and may not pay well initially. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of considering long-term goals and potential income ranges when making financial and career decisions.

    • Considering the high cost and long wait for a well-paying job in marine biology, exploring alternative options could be more practical.Instead of pursuing a Bachelor's in marine biology for the sole purpose of making $22 an hour, consider alternative options with lower upfront costs and higher earning potential.

      Pursuing a Bachelor's degree in marine biology for the sole purpose of making $22 an hour may not be the most financially sensible decision, especially when considering the high cost of obtaining a Master's and PhD. Additionally, not having the necessary funds saved up and the potential long wait for a well-paying job in marine biology could make it a 7 to 10 year play. Instead, exploring alternative options such as trades or technology jobs with lower upfront costs and higher earning potential could be a more practical solution for increasing income and stabilizing one's financial situation. Furthermore, there may be ways to pursue passions related to marine biology without requiring a formal degree, such as assisting in a related field or exploring different sectors within marine biology.

    • Understanding the differences in dispute resolution for debit and credit cardsDebit and credit cards share the same 0 liability policy for unauthorized transactions, but credit cards may offer more efficient resolution for unsatisfactory or incorrect transactions through the chargeback process.

      While both debit and credit cards offer similar fraud protection, the process for resolving disputes or returns may differ. When it comes to unauthorized transactions, both types of cards are protected under the same 0 liability policy. However, in cases where the transaction was authorized but turned out to be unsatisfactory or incorrect, a credit card may provide more straightforward and efficient resolution through the chargeback process. It's essential to understand these differences and consider your specific needs when choosing between a debit and credit card. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of increasing income, removing debt, and saving for future goals, such as pursuing a dream career like marine biology.

    • Disputing credit card charges and refundsFrom Ramsey Solutions, learn that disputing credit card charges is similar to disputing refunds, but be cautious of potential debt from credit cards, prenups may not be necessary for most, and trust and communication are vital in marriage. Use Ramsey events and EveryDollar for financial growth.

      From a merchant's perspective, disputing a credit or debit card charge is similar to disputing a refund. Both parties would need to follow their respective policies. However, Ramsey Solutions advises against getting caught up in the perceived safety of credit cards, as they can lead to unnecessary debt. Regarding prenups, they may be considered in situations with significant wealth disparities, but for most people, they are not necessary. Trust and communication are key in a successful marriage, and age gaps can work if both parties are committed. The Ramsey Show encourages listeners to attend Ramsey events for motivation and financial education, and offers a discount code for standard level tickets. EveryDollar, Ramsey's budgeting app, is also recommended for managing money effectively.

    • Consider additional savings beyond pension and annuity contributionsEvaluate pension and annuity separately, invest more in controlled retirement accounts, and consider increasing retirement savings to provide more control and transparency.

      While saving for retirement through a pension and annuity, it's essential to consider additional savings outside of those contributions. The 25% guideline for housing expenses should be based on take-home pay, excluding retirement savings. Pension and annuity contributions should be evaluated separately, and individuals may want to invest more in retirement accounts they can control, such as a Roth IRA. Cole, who is saving for a house and already debt-free, was advised to consider increasing retirement savings beyond his pension and annuity contributions. This can provide more control and transparency over retirement investments. Cole, who makes around $170,000 a year with overtime and $100,000 without, was encouraged to start contributing to a Roth IRA while continuing to save for a house down payment.

    • Saving for emergencies and a down paymentFocus on saving for emergencies and a down payment, even if it means making sacrifices. Prioritize following a budget and sticking to a financial plan.

      Having a solid emergency fund and saving for a down payment on a house are important financial goals. Cole, a caller on the show, had already saved enough for an emergency fund and was well on his way to saving for a down payment. Rachel Cruze, the show's host, encouraged him to continue saving and focus on paying off his house before starting to invest. For others, especially those who may be struggling financially, the key takeaway is to prioritize saving for an emergency fund and a down payment, even if it means making sacrifices in the short term. Rachel emphasized the importance of following the baby steps and sticking to a plan, as demonstrated by Cole's progress. She also encouraged Stephanie, a single mother and business owner who was struggling financially, to focus on creating a budget and cutting expenses to save for her emergency fund and down payment. Overall, the importance of having a solid financial foundation through savings and budgeting was a recurring theme in the conversation.

    • Unexpected life events can lead to debt accumulationHaving a financial safety net and being prepared for the unexpected can help prevent debt accumulation from unforeseen circumstances

      Unexpected life events, such as a custody battle and a family member's health issues, can significantly impact one's financial situation, even for those who are budget-conscious. Stephanie shared her personal experience of accumulating debt due to unforeseen circumstances and the struggle to make ends meet. She currently owes money on an EIDL loan, a business credit card, a personal credit card, and back taxes. Despite her best efforts, her income from her full-time job and organizing business isn't enough to cover her expenses and debt payments. A suggested first step to gaining financial traction is to sell her car and replace it with a cheaper one, eliminating a significant portion of her debt. Additionally, she should prioritize paying off smaller debts before larger ones and consider taking out a personal loan to pay off back taxes rather than owing the IRS. Overall, Stephanie's story highlights the importance of having a financial safety net and being prepared for the unexpected.

    • Single mom Stephanie shares her struggle with managing business expensesExplore financial resources like Financial Peace University, Every Dollar Premium, and a financial coach to manage expenses. Set boundaries and communicate concerns to loved ones for support.

      Stephanie, a single mom working hard to get out of debt, expressed her struggle with managing her business expenses, particularly her car payment and employee payroll. She considered selling her car to alleviate some financial burden and was advised to explore financial resources like Financial Peace University, Every Dollar Premium, and a financial coach. The discussion also touched on the importance of setting boundaries, especially when unexpected expenses or invitations arise, such as a family vacation. It was suggested that Stephanie communicate her concerns to her father and consider the impact on her progress towards debt freedom. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of careful financial planning and seeking support when needed.

    • Balancing Family and FinancesWhen deciding whether to attend a family event despite financial strain, consider personal priorities, emotional significance, and potential impact on budget. Weigh costs against benefits and make a decision based on what feels right for you.

      The decision to attend a family reunion despite the financial strain should be based on personal priorities and circumstances. The cost of the trip, including missed income and debt considerations, should be weighed against the emotional significance of the event and the potential impact on overall budget. The couple in question, working long hours to pay off debt, had initially expressed apprehension about the expense but ultimately decided to go based on the unique nature of the opportunity and the importance of family connections. The discussion revealed that their budget could sustain the loss, and the extra income from overtime was helping them pay off their debt faster. Therefore, the $1100 expense would only slow down their debt snowball, but not make their budget unsustainable. The final decision was left up to Thomas, but the group agreed that the emotional value of the reunion could outweigh the financial cost in this specific situation.

    • The Importance of Taking Breaks for Personal ExperiencesEven with financial goals, prioritize personal experiences and create memories, as their value can't be replaced by monetary cost.

      Even with financial goals, it's important to prioritize and take breaks for personal and family experiences. Thomas, a hardworking individual, was advised by Rachel Cruz to take a paid vacation with his family despite having ongoing financial obligations. Rachel emphasized the significance of creating memories and the value of the experience, which would not be replaced by the monetary cost. She also mentioned her enjoyment of vacationing with Thomas and offered to contribute to the food expenses. Thomas agreed and planned to discuss the matter with his wife, recognizing the need for a mental pause before resuming his financial focus. Rachel and George then promoted their new podcast, Smart Money Happy Hour, where they discuss various financial and lifestyle topics.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Don’t Believe the Lies – YOU Are the Hero of Your Story!
    Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "I have a baby on the way with no money," Prioritizing expenses when you're broke, "Should I finance boat and live in it?" "Should I change careers in Baby Step 2?" "How can we cash flow a new build?" "How do we have a wedding in Baby Step 2?" "Cash out my retirement to pay off debt?" "Invest for retirement or pay off the house?" "Should I invest as a stay-at-home mom?" "Should I make my kids pay off their own student loans?" "How do you plan for retirement at a young age?" "Should I buy my ex-wife out of the house?" "Should we sell our home to pay off debt?" "Should we take over a local business?" "Confronting a controlling mother-in-law," "Relocate our family for better school options?" Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage Balance of Nature DreamCloud Zander Insurance BetterHelp Neighborly Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    Ep #113: Exploring the Best Credit Cards and Banks for ER Docs

    Ep #113: Exploring the Best Credit Cards and Banks for ER Docs

    How many credit cards should you be carrying on your person? What expenses should be charged to what cards? How often should you get a new credit card and how does that impact your credit score? There’s a lot that goes into choosing the right partners for your money. It’s sort of like the operating system for your cash flow: all money flows through the accounts and cards you select.

    We find ER Docs tend to have very different banking setups. That’s why we felt today’s episode would be a good way to help navigate the balancing act of credit card rewards, convenience, and practicality.

    Financial Literacy and Financial Distractions, With Lauryn Williams

    Financial Literacy and Financial Distractions, With Lauryn Williams

    Today podcast host, financial coach and Certified Financial Planner Lauryn Williams deep dives into talking about financial literacy and the distractions that stop people from taking control of their finances the right way. 

    While society tends to think that financial literacy is only a problem for low-income earners, it’s not true. Financial distractions get in the way of financial literacy for people on all ends of the earnings spectrum. If you’re not reaching your financial goals and aren’t on the path to get there, this is the episode for you!

    In this episode, Lauryn talks about:

    • How financial distractions get in the way of financial literacy
    • The importance of being able to admit what you don’t know about finances
    • The importance of understanding what your financial goals are to identify financial distractions when they come along
    • Common examples of financial distractions that negatively impact financial literacy
    • Why you need to know the difference between the “right thing to do” and the “right thing for you to do”
    • Accidental success vs intentional success
    • The negative impact that skepticism can have on finances
    • How distraction impacts people on both sides of the earning spectrum
    • Why you need to get your financial basics in place before
    • The importance of watching out for those that are trying to hold you back

    If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:

    • Instagram: @worthwinning
    • Twitter: @worth_winning
    • Facebook: @worthwinningfp
    • LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams

    Welcome to Wealth

    Interested in learning more about the Welcome to Wealth retreats or online program?

    College and Student Loan Planning with Guest Nannette Kamien, With Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore

    College and Student Loan Planning with Guest Nannette Kamien, With Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore

    This is the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They want to help you gain financial confidence and clarity to control your destiny.

    This week Lauryn and Chloé invite fellow CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and author, Nannette Kamien, to the podcast to talk about planning for college and repaying student loans. 

    Nannette is a financial planner at Cultivating Wealth. She previously owned her own firm and wrote the book Crazy College Money. She enjoys educating families about how to make smart financial decisions to pay for college.

    In addition to working with clients through her financial planning firm, Worth Winning, Lauryn is a Certified Student Loan Professional (CSLP) working with Student Loan Planner to help student loan borrowers navigate their repayment options.

    In this episode, Chloé interviews Lauryn and Nannette to find out what parents and students need to know about planning for college and repaying student loans. There are a lot of misconceptions out there around student loans and burying your head in the sand isn’t going to help.

    In part this episode Lauryn, Chloé, and Nannette talk about:

    • Balancing saving for your children’s education while paying off your own student loans and saving for retirement
    • Types of accounts to use for college savings
    • When to start having conversations about paying for college with your kids and what you should share with them
    • The importance of educating yourself on the student loan process and financing options before your child is enrolled in college (Spoiler alert: It’s not the same as when you were in college.)
    • Common mistakes made in college planning
    • How the financial aid system is broken and why you can’t bury your head in the sand instead of planning for it
    • The types of student loans available and the pros and cons of the different options
    • Student loan forgiveness 
    • How income driven repayment plans work and what you need to know about the options including planning on paying taxes on the amount that’s forgiven
    • Consolidating vs refinancing your student loans
    • What you should consider if you want to go to grad school
    • Parent+ loans


    Worth Listening Podcast Episode # 115: Renting vs Homeownership

    If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams:

    If you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:

    Shared quote: It's not burn baby burn, but learn, baby, learn, so that you can earn, baby, earn.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Types of Giving & How Millennials Are Changing It, With Phuong Luong

    Types of Giving & How Millennials Are Changing It, With Phuong Luong

    Today’s guest is Phuong Luong. Phuong is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and founder of Just Wealth, a virtual, fee-only financial planning practice. She understands personal finance across income and wealth spectrums and provides accessible and objective financial planning, coaching, and education. She consults with organizations and companies on how to build effective and culturally relevant programs and financial technology. 

    Phuong also provides training and workshops to the public on practical personal finance, financial history, structural racism, and racial and gender wealth divides. Phuong is the Chair of the CFP Board's Council on Education.

    Today Phuong will share with us more about the different types of giving that exist. She’ll also share a little of her financial background as a first-generation Vietnamese American and how her hustle for side jobs eventually led her down the path of becoming a CFP. 

    In This Episode We Discuss:

    • How giving cash can be one of the best ways to help others and why we shouldn’t think we know someone’s situation better than they do.
    • The difference between not having enough money and not knowing how to manage the money you have. 
    • The types of giving and how they tend to change as income increases
    • The importance of exposure to different financial levels and lifestyles
    • How millennials are changing “giving” 
    • What young inheritors are doing and the generational wealth transfer that’s happening
    • How you can use “emergency fund giving” to help those you care about without breaking your budget

    Learn more about Phuong Luong:

    Phuong’s business website: https://www.justwealthplanning.com/

    Twitter: @pt_luong

    Mentioned Resources:

    Give Directly: Give Directly runs large-scale direct cash transfer projects around the world, including the U.S. 

    Economic Security Project: The Economic Security Project has channeled over $10 million through direct, aligned and in-kind support to groundbreaking research and projects - including the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) and Magnolia Mother's Trust 

    Asset Funders Network webinar about cash giving on July 28, 2020