
    About this Episode

    Welcome to the very first podcast of Fabulous and Free! 

    In this episode, Desiree introduces why focusing on emotions even matters. She explains the basics of energy and how it moves our body. And what tools she uses to create the changes we desire. 

    Recent Episodes from Fabulous and Free

    Use What You Have

    Use What You Have

    In this episode, Desiree emphasizes the importance of avoiding mindless consumption and regularly decluttering possessions. Tune in to learn:

    • The average number of items in a US home,
    • How to discern between true needs and wants,
    • Ways to declutter regularly so you don't drown in excess,
    • Understand what adds value to your life and learn to let go of what doesn't,
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/67

    Fabulous and Free
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    The Spirit of Blue Lotus Essential Oil

    The Spirit of Blue Lotus Essential Oil

    In this episode, Desiree dives into the spirit of Blue Lotus essential oil. Tune in to learn:

    • Why Blue Lotus is especially helpful for multi-passionates,
    • How Blue Lotus can help organize intensity and focus towards multiple passions,
    • Blue Lotus helps allocate energy, time, effort, and intensity towards internal desires, passions, and interests without abandoning any part of oneself,
    • Instructions on applying Blue Lotus,
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/66

    Fabulous and Free
    enDecember 19, 2023

    The Spirit of Birch Essential Oil

    The Spirit of Birch Essential Oil

    In this episode, Desiree dives into the soothing nature of Birch essential oil. Tune in to learn:

    • How Birch connects us to things we have control over, with support and structure we can see the fullest beauty
    • Examples of support and structure in nature and our body
    • Importance of identifying and sharing personal daily practices
    • A 2-week protocol with Birch to help clarify and ground in important daily practices
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/65

    Fabulous and Free
    enDecember 12, 2023

    Stop Playing Small

    Stop Playing Small

    Desiree apologizes for using the phrase "stop playing small" in the past and encourages individuals to define and design their own lives at their own pace. She questions societal programming and emphasizes the importance of listening to one's own voice.

    In this podcast episode, Desiree:

    • Unveils the truth behind motivational clichés like "stop playing small" in personal development,
    • Explains how these phrases might inadvertently trigger feelings of shame instead of empowerment,
    • Dives into her personal journey, from ego-driven motivation to a more sustainable and compassionate approach,
    • Explores a powerful perspective shift: Instead of striving for predetermined definitions of success, why not just "play"?
    • Suggests questioning societal norms and embracing your true essence for a more fulfilling and sovereign life.
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/64

    Fabulous and Free
    enAugust 22, 2023

    The Empath's Greatest Tool

    The Empath's Greatest Tool

    Being an empath can be challenging but also a beautiful gift that gives insight into others and allows for guidance and connection. Empaths can experience burnout from taking on too much emotional turmoil from others, and it's important for them to know how to unplug and detach.

    In this podcast episode, Desiree covers:

    • The qualities and characteristics of an empath
    • The difference between empathy and sympathy
    • The two types of empaths
    • The benefits of being an empath
    • The need for empaths to restore themselves to a parasympathetic mode in order to prevent exhaustion and negative implications on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
    • The tool that helps empaths detach and build boundaries
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/63

    Cleaning Your Office Is A High ROI Activity

    Cleaning Your Office Is A High ROI Activity

    In this episode, Desiree dives into the topic of cleaning your office. Tune in to learn:

    • Why cleaning your office is often underestimated as a high ROI activity
    • How external spaces significantly affect how one feels and thinks, impacting productivity
    • Why a clean and organized environment is essential for producing quality work
    • Why dismissing cleaning as unimportant for high ROI work is unreasonable, because a high-quality environment yields high-quality output
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/62

    Fabulous and Free
    enMay 24, 2023

    Pathological Qi

    Pathological Qi

    In this episode, Desiree dives into the 4 different types of Pathological Qi. Tune in to:

    • Discover how to interact with your home, live in your home, and allow your home to be a space that actually nourishes you and provides peace and restoration

    • Gain insights into the impact of the items you bring into your home and how they can impede vitality of energy and create stagnation

    • Learn how to connect with your subconscious through interacting with your home and to identify and evaluate the items in your home to create a living space that supports your well-being.

    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/61

    Fabulous and Free
    enApril 26, 2023

    The Spirit of Guaiacwood Essential Oil

    The Spirit of Guaiacwood Essential Oil

    In this episode, Desiree dives into the sacred power of Guaiacwood essential oil and its ability to predict the future. Tune in to learn:

    • How Guaiacwood helps you understand the consequences of your current patterns

    • The positive impact it can have on your confidence and decision-making

    • Why using this essential oil isn't for the faint of heart

    • When and how to apply it to make the most of its illuminating power

    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/60

    Process Over Perfection

    Process Over Perfection

    In this episode, Desiree discusses the idea of "process over perfection" and how it can lead to lasting progress without the pressure to improve. Tune in to learn:

    • Why focusing on "progress over perfection" can still leave you feeling frustrated
    • The positive impact of structure on your creative energy
    • How to find a process that is satisfying and unique to you
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/59

    Fabulous and Free
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    The Spirit of Spanish Sage Essential Oil

    The Spirit of Spanish Sage Essential Oil

    In this episode, Desiree explores one of the many amazing functions of Spanish Sage essential oil: imparting the secrets of your destiny. Tune in to learn:

    • The difference between Spanish sage and other sages
    • How the guidance it provides can help you navigate through life more easily
    • Where, when, and how to apply the essential oil to experience its benefits
    • And more!

    Grab additional resources related to this topic by visiting the show notes here: https://www.desireedelunae.com/blog/58