
    Why France's Pension Protests Are So Important Interview with Dr. Tomasz Michalski

    enApril 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • French President's Pension Reform Sparks ProtestsEmmanuel Macron's attempt to pass pension reform without parliamentary majority led to protests and riots, underscoring the difficulties of enacting major changes in a democratic system.

      The current political turmoil in France, specifically regarding the pension reform, can be attributed to the French president Emmanuel Macron's attempts to pass the reform without a parliamentary majority. The proposed reform aims to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 and simplify pension schemes. Macron's La République En Marche! party did not have enough votes in the lower chamber of parliament, so they resorted to passing the law via a decree, which will be reviewed by the constitutional court next week. This decision has led to widespread protests and riots, as labor unions and opposition parties strongly oppose the reform. The complex political situation highlights the challenges of implementing significant reforms in a democratic system.

    • France's Unpopular Pension ReformGovernments push for pension reforms despite public opposition due to long-term sustainability concerns, even if it means using unusual legislative procedures.

      The recent pension reform in France was passed using an unusual legislative procedure due to the government not having a majority in power. However, the public reception to the reform was largely negative, with protests and even riots occurring in some cities. The unpopularity of the reform, which aims to address the unsustainability of France's pension system, raises the question of why governments push for such changes despite the political cost. The pension system in France, which consumes over 15% of the country's GDP, is facing challenges due to an aging population and long retirement lifespans. Half of the population acknowledges the need for reform, but the question remains how to implement it in a way that is acceptable to the public. The government's determination to pass the reform, despite its unpopularity, highlights the importance of addressing the pension system's sustainability for the long-term well-being of the country.

    • Importance of open communication in pension reform debateThe French pension reform debate highlights the need for open dialogue between the government and public to address complex economic issues, as a simplistic proposal without proper discussion can lead to challenges and uncertainty.

      The current pension reform debate in France highlights the importance of open communication between the government and the public regarding complex economic issues. The government's failure to discuss the reasons for the reform with the public and instead played a political game with the Republicans led to a simplistic proposal that does not address the complexities of the issue. Several alternatives exist, such as taxing pensioners or increasing taxes, but each comes with its own challenges. The public understands the need for reform but is unsure how to achieve it. Economists can suggest solutions, but they cannot create value where there is none. The issue of brain drain, where young professionals may choose to leave France for better opportunities, could complicate further reforms that place more burden on young people. The debate underscores the need for careful consideration and open dialogue when addressing economic reforms.

    • Pension Reform in France: Addressing the Crisis and Brain DrainFrance's pension reform aims to solve the crisis while addressing the brain drain of young professionals by potentially adopting a more privately-funded system, but faces challenges in balancing the economy's burden and generosity to recipients.

      The pension reform in France is expected to pass if the constitutional court approves it, providing a solution to the pension crisis for the next 10-15 years. However, France faces a brain drain of young professionals without families due to high income taxes and a sclerotic labor market. Young professionals with children find France attractive due to well-organized childcare and schooling. A more privately-funded pension system like Australia's superannuation or US 401k plans is a potential long-term solution, but it coexists with the state-funded pay-as-you-go system in France. Young professionals are leaving France for countries with higher salaries, especially in industries like finance, IT, and research. The pension system's burden on the economy and its generosity to recipients are significant issues, making pension reform a passionate topic in France.

    • Mental and cognitive reasons prevent many in France from saving for retirementDespite various retirement savings schemes, a significant portion of the French population, particularly those earning minimum wage, lack the motivation and understanding to save for retirement due to mental and cognitive reasons, contributing to a reliance on the state for retirement and a low level of economic education.

      While France has various schemes encouraging retirement savings, a significant portion of its population, particularly those earning minimum wage or close to it, do not save for retirement due to mental and cognitive reasons. The reliance on the state for retirement and a low level of economic education contribute to this issue. France is not alone in this challenge, as it is a common problem in many countries, including those with Anglo-Saxon systems. The lack of motivation to learn about retirement savings and a lack of understanding of the link between work and retirement benefits are significant barriers. Countries with even more severe circumstances regarding aging populations and retirement funding remain a concern.

    • Different Responses to Demographic Challenges in France and South KoreaFrance's pension reform may not be necessary now but crucial in the long term due to demographic realities, while countries like South Korea face urgent need for pension reforms and savings strategies due to aging populations and longer life expectancies.

      While France and South Korea face similar demographic challenges, their responses have been vastly different. France, with a growing population and relatively younger demographic, has been able to project a better future for its pension system compared to countries like Italy, Japan, and South Korea, which have aging populations and longer life expectancies. These countries have had to implement pension reforms and savings strategies due to their demographic realities. From an accounting perspective, France's pension reform may not be necessary at the moment, but it will matter in the long term. The political calendar and the lack of a parliamentary majority were also factors in the French government's decision to implement the reform. However, the current crisis in France's parliamentary system has made it unclear what the future holds for the country's much-needed reforms.

    • Protests and strikes in France may not lead to major economic crisisHistorically, localized protests and riots have had limited impact on the French economy. Political solution needed for pension reform.

      Despite the economic challenges France faces, including a debt burden approaching 100% of GDP, the current protests and strikes may not lead to a major economic crisis. Historically, even during more severe economic shutdowns, the impact on the economy has been relatively low. The protests and riots are largely localized, affecting specific industries and areas. However, the political urgency for pension reform remains unclear, as there is no majority in the parliament and disbanding it may not lead to a solution. While pension reform is necessary, it may not be a pressing economic necessity at this moment. Instead, the focus should be on finding a political solution to pass the reforms when the time is right.

    • French Protests: Limited Economic Impact but Long-Term ConcernsDespite protests causing disruptions, high earners' ability to work remotely and ineffective protest methods limit major economic shocks. However, France's lagging productivity growth since the financial crisis remains a concern, with potential solutions being better IT adoption and significant reforms in labor, education, or public administration.

      The ongoing protests in France, while causing disruptions, are unlikely to result in major economic shocks due to the ability of high earners to work remotely and the ineffectiveness of traditional protest methods. However, the root issue is France's lagging productivity growth since the financial crisis, which has made it resemble Italy more than Germany. The potential solution is better adoption of IT technologies, but without significant reforms in labor markets, education, or public administration, productivity may not improve, leading to continued economic stagnation.

    • Riots in France: A Symptom of Deeper Economic IssuesRiots in France highlight economic struggles, experts offer insights, and podcasts like NerdWallet's Smart Money provide valuable personal finance advice.

      While the riots in France may not have a major impact on their own, they are a symptom of deeper economic issues that France must address. It's important to consider the perspectives of experts, like the speaker who provided insight into the economic implications of the protests, as well as those living through the situation firsthand. For those looking to make informed decisions about their own money, resources like NerdWallet's Smart Money podcast can provide valuable information and clarity on strategies for building wealth, investing wisely, and navigating the complex world of personal finance.

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    If you found this episode valuable, please consider leaving a rating and review on your preferred podcast platform.

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    Disclaimer: Rich Strehl was a licensed financial planner from 2007 - 2014. By design, he no longer carries this license. He is a licensed insurance agent with a lot of strategies, insight and ideas. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial, tax or legal advice. Always do your own due diligence.