
    Why is data and research on disability so important?

    enSeptember 01, 2021

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Carine Weiss talks to Hannah Kuper about the current gaps in data and research on disability, and the evidence of the link between health and disability. We talk about COVID-19 mortality and disability and about the link between poverty, disability and adverse health outcomes. We also talk about why Hannah got involved in this area of work and how the International Centre for Evidence in Disability came about. Hannah Kuper is the Director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, a research group at LSHTM that works to expand the research and teaching activities of LSHTM in the field of global disability. She is also the co-research director of the FCDO-funded PENDA grant, which will undertake 10 impact evaluation of disability inclusive development programmes in resource poor settings. This podcast season has been developed by CBM Switzerland in collaboration with Medicus Mundi Switzerland.

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    Why is data and research on disability so important?

    Why is data and research on disability so important?
    In this episode, Carine Weiss talks to Hannah Kuper about the current gaps in data and research on disability, and the evidence of the link between health and disability. We talk about COVID-19 mortality and disability and about the link between poverty, disability and adverse health outcomes. We also talk about why Hannah got involved in this area of work and how the International Centre for Evidence in Disability came about. Hannah Kuper is the Director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, a research group at LSHTM that works to expand the research and teaching activities of LSHTM in the field of global disability. She is also the co-research director of the FCDO-funded PENDA grant, which will undertake 10 impact evaluation of disability inclusive development programmes in resource poor settings. This podcast season has been developed by CBM Switzerland in collaboration with Medicus Mundi Switzerland.