
    Why people don't like to fail and how to fail without losing motivation?

    enNovember 04, 2021

    About this Episode

    We often see failure as an enemy. We hate failure and don’t take a chance towards success.

    However, we have also been told that we have to face failure to get success. But how many failures do we need to face to finally see the success?

    In this podcast, we are going to talk about why don’t we like to take a chance and what to do to take a chance. Also, why do we get demotivated by failure and what to do instead?

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    Why focusing on exponential growth is wrong and what should you do instead?
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    It’s a piece of wrong advice and belief to focus on growing exponentially because it doesn’t work. It drains our energy and makes us more unhappy and frustrated

    Just think, “Did you lovingly start your business to work endlessly? 

    Do you work harder to get more free time for yourself? And even if you have more time, you still want to work harder to find more extra time. But does it ever stop?”

    Instead, there is a way to grow slowly and still exponentially. 

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    Why people don't like to fail and how to fail without losing motivation?

    Why people don't like to fail and how to fail without losing motivation?

    We often see failure as an enemy. We hate failure and don’t take a chance towards success.

    However, we have also been told that we have to face failure to get success. But how many failures do we need to face to finally see the success?

    In this podcast, we are going to talk about why don’t we like to take a chance and what to do to take a chance. Also, why do we get demotivated by failure and what to do instead?

    How To Clear Our Mind And Think Great Thoughts?

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    In this podcast, we are going to discuss how we can get great thoughts that are within ourselves.

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    Let's explore the concept of knowing yourself and how to know yourself. So that you can make better decisions without being in conflict with yourself.


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