
    Why Seed Oils Can be Detrimental to Your Health

    enAugust 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Health Implications of Seed OilsSeed oils like safflower, sunflower, corn, and soy have raised concerns for potential negative health effects, and this podcast delves into their implications and whether they should be part of a diet.

      Seed oils, such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and soy oil, have been a topic of debate regarding their health benefits. While they are commonly used in cooking and processed foods, some concerns have been raised about potential negative health effects. The Addicted to Fitness podcast aims to explore this topic in-depth, discussing what seed oils are, their potential health implications, and whether they should be added or removed from one's diet. The podcast is a listener-supported production, and the hosts, Nick and Shannon Birch, share their personal training experiences as a reflection of their journey towards health and fitness goals. In the context of the discussion, Nick shares his progress in regaining upper body strength through push-ups, despite having nerve damage from his cheerleading days. While he may not reach his former level of strength, he aims to see how strong he can get. The podcast is available on various podcast platforms, and listeners are encouraged to provide ratings and reviews to support the production.

    • Productive weeks filled with various workouts and seed oil discussionEmphasize workout planning and consider healthier alternatives to seed oils like canola, corn, soybean, and sunflower oils for better health.

      Both individuals discussed their productive weeks filled with various workouts, including Peloton, yoga, strength training, and Jiu Jitsu. They emphasized the importance of having a well-designed workout plan, even if a personal trainer is not affordable. They transitioned into the topic of seed oils, expressing their curiosity and concern about its health implications. Seed oils, such as canola, corn, soybean, and sunflower oils, have been a subject of debate due to their potential negative effects on health. Some studies suggest that these oils may contribute to inflammation, oxidative stress, and heart disease when consumed in excess. It is essential to be aware of the potential risks and consider incorporating healthier alternatives, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil, into your diet. If you're interested in learning more about workout plans or seed oils, follow the ATF podcast for informative content and personalized workout plans through the Tampa Strength app.

    • Not all fats are equal, some are better for you than othersUnsaturated fats like seed oils provide health benefits, while saturated and trans fats can cause harm. Focus on a balanced diet with a variety of healthy fats from whole foods, and pay attention to oil quality and freshness.

      Not all fats are created equal. Some fats, like saturated and trans fats, can cause harm in the body due to their molecular structure. On the other hand, unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are easier for the body to process and provide health benefits. Seed oils, such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and soy oil, are a type of unsaturated fat. While some seed oils are more prone to oxidation than others, it's important to note that moderation is key. The health effects of seed oils have been a topic of debate, but it's essential to approach the information with a critical perspective. It's not accurate to label all seed oils as "bad" or "dangerous." Instead, focus on consuming a balanced diet with a variety of healthy fats from whole foods. Additionally, it's crucial to pay attention to the quality and freshness of the oils you use.

    • Seed oils are more susceptible to oxidationChoose the right oil for cooking to minimize oxidation and maintain health benefits, seed oils are more prone to oxidation than olive oil due to their polyunsaturated nature.

      Seed oils, which are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are more susceptible to oxidation than other types of oils due to their polyunsaturated nature. Oxidation damages these oils, making them rancid and potentially harmful when consumed. Seed oils can oxidize over time, especially after being exposed to oxygen, and they can also be easily oxidized during cooking. Some seed oils, like canola oil, are more prone to oxidation than others, such as sunflower oil, which has relatively low oxidation-prone fats. Olive oil, with its high burn point and resistance to heat, is generally considered a better choice for cooking. It's important to be aware of the specific properties of different oils and choose the right one for the cooking method and temperature to minimize oxidation and maintain their health benefits.

    • Impact of Saturated and Trans Fats on Heart HealthSaturated fat negatively impacts heart health more than unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats, while trans fats, produced from hydrogenated seed oils, increase harmful cholesterol and inflammation, leading to heart attacks.

      Saturated fat has a more detrimental effect on heart health than unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats based on current research. However, it's important to note that research on saturated fat is ongoing. Another key point is the production and consumption of trans fats, particularly from seed oils that have been hydrogenated. Trans fats, which were popularized in the early 20th century as a substitute for butter, have been linked to numerous health problems, including raising bad cholesterol levels, causing inflammation, and increasing the risk of heart attacks. The campaign against trans fats began in earnest around 2008, with many food manufacturers removing it from their ingredient lists. Trans fats are commonly found in snack foods, fried foods, commercial baked goods, and even some salad dressings and sauces. Consuming large amounts of trans fats can lead to higher levels of harmful cholesterol and inflammation, increasing the risk of heart attacks. The production of trans fats from seed oils began around 1911, when Procter & Gamble started selling partially hydrogenated oil as Crisco shortening. The shift from using beef tallow to seed oil in fast food production, such as at McDonald's, also contributed to the widespread use and consumption of trans fats.

    • Seed oils not inherently unhealthy, but moderation is keySeed oils, such as flax, sunflower, and safflower, have been unfairly demonized. While highly oxidized seed oils can be harmful, clinical trials don't definitively prove they're worse than other oils. Avoid fried foods and seek balance in your diet to minimize potential damage.

      Seed oils, such as those derived from flax, sunflower, and safflower, are not inherently unhealthy, despite some claims. While highly oxidized seed oils used in cooking can be detrimental, the gold standard of research, including clinical trials, does not definitively suggest they are worse than non-seed oils. However, it's important to note that fried food, regardless of the oil used, is not beneficial for health, especially when consumed in excess. Additionally, seed oils, particularly those high in linoleic acid, can stay in the body longer and potentially cause damage, even if consumption has been reduced. These oils are prevalent in many processed foods, making it challenging to avoid them entirely. The key is to be aware of their presence and strive for moderation and balance in your diet.

    • Beware of excessive seed oil consumptionLimit seed oils like peanut and canola oil for better health, opt for olive oil instead, and choose fresh or unpackaged foods to minimize intake.

      Seed oils, which are prolific in processed and packaged foods, can pose a health risk due to their inflammatory properties and high consumption levels. Seed oils, including peanut oil and canola oil, are used in various foods such as pasta sauces, salad dressings, roasted nuts, and even some non-dairy milks. The issue lies in the fact that many people may not be aware of the amount of seed oils they are consuming daily. These oils, while not detrimental in small amounts, can accumulate in the body and potentially lead to health concerns. It is recommended to be mindful of the sources of these oils in your diet and consider avoiding or limiting them where possible. For instance, opt for olive oil instead of canola oil when possible, and choose fresh or unpackaged foods whenever feasible. Additionally, being aware of the sources of these oils in your diet and making informed choices can help mitigate potential health risks.

    • Not all seed oils are inflammatoryChoose healthier alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee, and avocado oil to reduce intake of inflammatory seed oils in processed foods.

      While some seed oils can be inflammatory and detrimental to health, not all seed oils are created equal. The quality and storage of seed oils are crucial factors. It's important to note that many processed foods contain seed oils like canola, corn, and soy, leading to a higher intake than intended. Inflammatory foods, including these oils, contribute to inflammation in the body, which can lead to various health issues. However, transitioning to healthier alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee, and avocado oil can help reduce the intake of inflammatory seed oils. It's essential to be mindful of the foods we consume and their ingredients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    • Seed Oils vs High-Quality Oils: Understanding the DifferenceBe aware of seed oils in processed foods, check nutrition labels, and opt for healthier oils like olive, coconut, and avocado oil when possible.

      While seed oils like canola, soybean, and vegetable oils may be cheaper alternatives to high-quality oils like olive, coconut, and avocado oil, they can do significant harm when consumed in large quantities due to their high refinement levels. These oils are commonly used in processed foods, making it difficult to avoid them entirely. However, being conscious of your consumption and checking nutrition labels can help reduce your intake. The quality of your oils is crucial, and investing in healthier options is worth the cost. The affordability of seed oils is a result of their ease of production and widespread use in food production. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of what's in your food and make informed choices. Do a pantry assessment, and consider getting rid of any old, unused seed oils.

    • Limit consumption of seed oils for inflammationAvoid or minimize seed oils like sunflower oil for inflammation, opt for olive oil instead, and consult healthcare professional for personalized advice.

      Seed oils, such as sunflower oil, can contribute to inflammation and should be minimized in your diet. While it may not be feasible to avoid them completely when eating out, being aware of their presence and limiting your consumption is a good idea. For those with existing health issues, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Olive oil remains a healthy alternative for cooking and dressing, and personal preferences and health concerns should be considered when making dietary choices. The speakers also shared their excitement about upcoming topics in the podcast, including a new purchase for one of them.

    • Functional wedding rings and the things we loveFind what works best for you in life, whether it's a functional rubber ring or the joy of sunflowers, and embrace the happiness they bring.

      People have different preferences when it comes to functional wedding rings. The speaker shared his experience with a rubber wedding ring from a company called Quelow, which has a motto of "nothing should come between you and the things you love." He appreciated the functionality and durability of the ring, but wasn't fully satisfied with the look and size. In contrast, the speaker's wife was excited about their sunflower garden and how the sunflowers bring happiness and positivity. Both the rubber ring and sunflowers serve as reminders of the things people love and value in their lives. The speaker's experience with the ring and his love for sunflowers highlight the importance of finding what works best for individuals and embracing the joy that comes from it.

    • Discovering Joy in Growing SunflowersSunflowers bring joy, can be grown inexpensively, and are a simple summer pleasure. Follow the Addicton Fitness Podcast, engage on social media, and share with friends. Find them on various platforms and leave a review on iTunes.

      Sunflowers, despite taking two months to grow, bring immense joy and can be grown inexpensively. Sunflowers are a simple pleasure that can be found in the middle of summer, even in challenging climates like Florida. Although sunflower seeds and sunflower seed oil were previously mentioned negatively, the speakers are fans of them. They encourage listeners to follow the Addicton Fitness Podcast, engage with them on social media, and share the podcast with friends. They will be posting pictures of seed oils and sunflowers on their Instagram account. The Addicton Fitness Podcast is available on various platforms, and they invite listeners to leave a rating and review on iTunes. For more information, visit their website, AddictedToFitnesspodcast.com, and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.


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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App

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    This episode is also sponsored by the Heal Supplement from The Amino Company. The Heal supplement is 3x more efficient at triggering muscle growth and repair than any other protein source, helps maintain healthy inflammation levels, helps preserve muscle mass during periods of complete inactivity, and improves physical strength and function. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App