
    Why Trump Won Last Night, Big (Ep 1359)

    enSeptember 30, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Donald Trump's Debate Strategy Was Not a LossDespite imperfections, Trump's aggressive style resonated with supporters and disregarding the narrative of a loss is urged.

      Contrary to popular belief, Donald Trump did not lose the recent presidential debate. Dan Bongino, the host of a podcast, believes that Trump executed a well-planned strategy during the debate, despite its imperfections. Many commentators and even some Trump supporters disagreed, but when asked why they thought Trump lost, they admitted they still intended to vote for him due to his aggressive style. Bongino urges listeners to disregard the widespread narrative that Trump lost and instead recognize his shrewd and tenacious approach. The podcast episode is sponsored by Express VPN and Personal Defense Network, emphasizing the importance of protecting one's online privacy and self-defense skills, respectively.

    • Trump's strategy to win the election: Energize the baseTrump prioritized energizing his base for victory, while Biden relied on anti-Trump sentiment.

      The 2020 U.S. Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was not a typical election where candidates try to persuade undecided voters in the middle. Instead, Trump focused on energizing his base, understanding that they would turn out in large numbers. Trump's team calculated that they could win without convincing many persuadable voters, given the strong loyalty of his supporters. This strategy, reminiscent of a lion king leading its pride, was successful in generating excitement among his base, despite media reports suggesting a loss. Conversely, Biden's supporters were primarily motivated by their dislike for Trump rather than any genuine enthusiasm for him. The debate underscored the importance of mobilizing one's base in political campaigns.

    • Trump alienates far-left Democrats from BidenTrump successfully portrayed Biden as abandoning his base during the debate, potentially suppressing far-left votes and impacting the election outcome.

      During the presidential debate, Donald Trump successfully maneuvered Joe Biden into disavowing the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, potentially suppressing their votes. Trump did this by portraying himself as the true representative of the Democratic Party and Biden as abandoning his base on various issues. This strategy was deliberate and calculated, as evidenced by Trump's repeated comments on the topic during the debate and in previous speeches. By alienating the left, Trump aimed to mobilize his own base and discourage potential Biden voters from turning out. This tactic could significantly impact the election outcome.

    • Trump Disrupts Biden's Numbers Game at DebateTrump targeted Biden's vulnerability, highlighting his perceived dishonesty and inconsistency, disrupting Biden's strategy and potentially swaying undecided voters. Media bias over debates raises concerns.

      The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden exposed Biden's struggle to appeal to both the progressive left and moderate Democrats. Trump effectively targeted Biden's vulnerability by highlighting his perceived dishonesty and inconsistency towards different voter groups. The debate strategy paid off for Trump, as he managed to disrupt Biden's numbers game and potentially sway undecided voters. The media's eagerness to cancel or postpone subsequent debates raises questions about their bias and the potential impact on the election.

    • Media's reaction to Biden's debate performanceSome media outlets downplayed Biden's poor debate performance, while Trump's aggressive style galvanized his base and exposed Biden's inconsistencies. The impact on the election outcome remains uncertain.

      The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was described by some as a disaster for Joe Biden, with Trump's aggressive style allegedly outshining Biden's performance. However, some in the media, who are known to be left-leaning, seem eager to downplay the significance of the debate and even suggest that Biden should skip the next ones. This raises questions about their motivations and potential bias. The strategy for Trump's campaign appeared to be successful in galvanizing his base and exposing what they see as Biden's inconsistencies. The debate's aftermath saw Trump's team offering a free gift with purchase to incentivize orders of Genucel's products, while Biden's team remained committed to participating in the next debates. Ultimately, the impact of the debate on the election outcome remains to be seen.

    • Biden's debate performance gave Trump opportunities to widen the gap between him and the far-leftTrump exploited Biden's inconsistent Green New Deal stance and lack of transparency during the debate, potentially damaging Biden's image as a serious contender.

      During the recent presidential debate, Joe Biden's temper loss and inconsistent statements regarding his support for the Green New Deal provided Donald Trump with opportunities to create a chasm between Biden and the far-left progressive wing. This strategy was successful in confusing voters and potentially damaging Biden's image as a serious and presidential contender. Additionally, Biden's refusal to answer questions, such as packing the courts, played into Trump's hands, highlighting Biden's lack of transparency and ability to handle tough questions. Overall, these moments showcased Biden's vulnerabilities and gave Trump ammunition to challenge his opponent's credibility.

    • Trump exposes Biden's dishonesty on Green New DealTrump challenged Biden's credibility by exposing his inconsistency on the Green New Deal during the debate, leading to concerns about future debates and highlighting Biden's dishonesty to a large audience.

      During the presidential debate, Trump's interruption of Biden over the Green New Deal issue was not an attempt to make Biden appear moderate, but rather an opportunity to expose Biden as a liar. Trump knew Biden's stance on the Green New Deal, and by making him deny it in front of a large audience, he was able to highlight Biden's inconsistency and dishonesty. The media and some commentators misinterpreted this exchange, but a poll conducted on Telemundo, a Spanish-speaking channel, showed that a majority of viewers believed Trump won the debate. This incident, along with Biden's alienation of his radical left supporters, caused a panic in the media and led to concerns about the possibility of further debates. Ultimately, Trump's actions during the debate were effective in challenging Biden's credibility and demonstrating his own determination and assertiveness.

    • The Host's Love for Omaha Steaks and a Special OfferThe host expressed his fondness for Omaha Steaks' high-quality ground beef and shared ways to enjoy it. Listeners can get extra ground beef by ordering from OmahaSteaks.com with promo code Bongino.

      During the podcast, the host expressed his love for Omaha Steaks and their high-quality ground beef, sharing various ways he enjoys it, including making burgers and meat sauce. He encouraged listeners to order from Omaha Steaks.com using the promo code Bongino to receive an additional two pounds of premium ground beef for free. The host also criticized Joe Biden for misunderstanding Antifa, referring to it as an idea rather than an organization, and sharing footage of Antifa violence. He emphasized that ideas can indeed inspire harmful actions, but it's the individuals who carry them out that ultimately cause harm.

    • Trump condemned white supremacists and militia groups during debateDespite media claims, Trump condemned white supremacists and militia groups during the debate, while Biden refused to condemn Antifa

      During the recent debate, Trump was asked multiple times to condemn white supremacists and militia groups. Despite media claims that Trump failed to do so, the transcript and video evidence show that Trump did indeed condemn these groups when specifically asked. Biden, on the other hand, refused to condemn Antifa, which is a left-wing group. The media's portrayal of Trump as a white supremacist is a hoax that has been repeated numerous times, and those who believe it should reconsider their stance. It's important to fact-check information and not fall for sensationalized narratives.

    • Media coverage and desire for clear condemnation led to controversy over Trump's stance on white supremacyTrump denounced white supremacy multiple times, but media coverage and call for clear condemnation sparked controversy. New intel reveals Russians knew of Clinton's plan to tarnish Trump with collusion allegations.

      During the recent debate, President Trump was criticized for not strongly condemning white supremacists during an exchange with Joe Biden. However, as some commentators have pointed out, Trump has repeatedly denounced white supremacy and racial discrimination. The controversy arose due to media coverage and the desire for Trump to provide a clear and unequivocal denunciation. Another significant takeaway from the discussion relates to the release of a letter by the current Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, which allegedly contains bombshell information regarding the origins of the Russian collusion hoax against Trump. The letter reportedly reveals that the Russians were aware of Hillary Clinton's plan to tarnish Trump with the collusion allegations. Furthermore, John Brennan, the former CIA director, briefed Obama about the Russians' knowledge of this plan in July 2016. These revelations could have major implications for the investigation into the origins of the collusion hoax. Finally, a commercial message was included in the discussion, promoting Helix mattresses, which offer personalized mattresses based on individual sleep preferences and body types. The company offers a two-minute sleep quiz to help customers find their perfect match and is currently offering discounts for listeners.

    • Hillary Clinton and Russia's Collusion HoaxDespite evidence showing the collusion hoax was a fabrication by Hillary Clinton and Russia, the media continued to portray Trump as colluding with Russia, diverting attention from Hillary's email scandal.

      The collusion hoax, which dominated headlines for years, was a distraction created by Hillary Clinton and the Russians, as revealed by the US intel community. Hillary's campaign spread the rumor of Trump's collusion with Russia through a campaign flack, and it coincided with the release of hacked DNC emails. The Obama administration was aware of this distraction tactic, yet the media continued to portray Trump as a traitor for colluding with Russia. The Director of National Intelligence confirmed that the collusion hoax was a fabrication, but the news didn't cover it extensively. The collusion hoax was a ploy to divert attention from Hillary's email scandal. It's essential to understand that the collusion hoax was a politically motivated distraction, and the media played a significant role in perpetuating it.

    • Allegations of a collusion hoax between Clinton campaign and foreign entitiesThe Clinton campaign and foreign entities may have collaborated to create a 'collusion hoax' during the 2016 election through public accusations, obtaining a tip, and creating a dossier. Obama was informed around the same time.

      The discussion suggests that there were efforts to create a "collusion hoax" between the Clinton campaign and foreign entities during the 2016 presidential election. According to the speaker, this was done through a series of steps, including having a campaign representative publicly accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians, obtaining a tip from a foreigner about potential collusion, and creating a dossier by a former spy to support the allegations. The speaker also mentions that these actions took place around the same time that Obama was informed about the potential collusion hoax. The speaker's argument is that these events suggest that the collusion allegations were fabricated and that key figures, including Obama and the Clinton campaign, were involved in the process. However, it's important to note that this is just one perspective and that the veracity of the claims made in the discussion has not been independently verified.

    • Obama administration's alleged collusion with Russia and cover-up attemptDuring the 2016 election, suspicions of collusion between the Obama admin, Hillary Clinton, and Russian intel led to a focus on cybersecurity (PPD 41) to distract from Clinton's email scandal, but the unexpected loss to Trump raised questions about cover-up attempts

      During the 2016 presidential election, there were suspicions of a collusion hoax between the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and Russian intelligence. According to reports, a foreign spy allegedly provided evidence of collusion just two days after Obama and Clinton's team hatched their plan. This coincidence led to the creation of Presidential Policy Directive 41, which focused on cybersecurity and the alleged Russian hack of the DNC. Some believe this directive was an attempt to cover up the collusion hoax and distract from Hillary Clinton's email scandal. The Obama team seemed to have believed they could get away with this scheme, but ultimately lost the election to Donald Trump. The question remains, how did they attempt to cover their tracks after this unexpected loss? Stay tuned for more details on this intriguing story.

    • John Ferrante's Role in PPD 41 and Suspicious ActivitiesFormer NSC cyber response director John Ferrante's involvement in PPD 41 and subsequent questionable activities are under investigation. Trump's debate win overshadowed these revelations.

      John Ferrante, a former cyber incident response director at the National Security Council under President Obama, played a significant role in the development and implementation of Presidential Policy Directive 41. This directive came into existence on the same day that Obama was informed of the collusion hoax. After leaving the FBI, Ferrante was involved in activities that have managed to escape scrutiny, as discussed in detail in a chapter of a certain author's book. The author also hinted that there is a connection between Ferrante's actions and a specific date mentioned in an op-ed written by John Brennan for the Washington Post. The author plans to explain this connection in detail in a future segment. The author emphasized that Trump won the debate despite media hype and urged listeners not to fall for the media's "garbage." The author encouraged listeners to subscribe to his show on Rumble and Apple Podcasts.

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