
    Why You Should Document Your Business Mistakes | Ep 731

    enJuly 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Documenting mistakesDocumenting mistakes and learning from them can help entrepreneurs make better decisions and progress faster by recognizing patterns and avoiding repeating mistakes

      Documenting your business mistakes and learning from them can be a crucial factor in achieving success and avoiding repeating the same mistakes. After experiencing significant losses in his career, the speaker started documenting his experiences through a podcast and email threads, which helped him make more informed decisions and learn valuable lessons. He suggests that documenting mistakes and successes, whether through video, podcast, or written form, can help entrepreneurs progress faster by recognizing patterns and making better decisions. Entrepreneurship can be compared to a video game, with each level representing new challenges. By documenting past experiences, entrepreneurs can develop a clearer understanding of how to navigate these challenges and ultimately succeed.

    • Documentation and reflectionDocumenting past experiences and reflecting on them is crucial for personal and business growth. Without documentation, it's easy to forget valuable lessons and repeat mistakes.

      Documenting and reflecting on past experiences is crucial for personal and business growth. The speaker shares how they learned this lesson by looking back at their own successes and failures. They explain that without documentation, it's easy to forget the reasons behind past success or mistakes, making it harder to apply those lessons to new situations. This is a common issue for business owners, who may learn the wrong lessons from their mistakes or attribute their success to external factors rather than their own actions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of viewing oneself as an asset that is constantly evolving and improving, and making sure to learn the right lessons from past experiences to move forward more effectively.

    • Learning from mistakesEffective entrepreneurs recognize mistakes, learn multiple lessons, and learn from others' experiences to avoid repeating them. Documenting past mistakes and being open to new knowledge are essential for growth.

      Learning from mistakes is crucial for personal and business growth. However, it's essential to learn the right lessons from those mistakes to avoid repeating them. People who are better at business can recognize mistakes more easily and learn multiple lessons from them. They also learn from the mistakes of others and their successes. It's important to remember that the cause of a mistake might not always be apparent, and it may require a combination of factors for a successful outcome. When starting a business, it's essential to learn from the experiences of others and be open to new knowledge and skills. In the speaker's experience, documenting past mistakes and learning from them has helped him move more efficiently through entrepreneurship. He emphasizes that it's not about the arrow or the spot but both, and only someone who has lived through both experiences can truly understand this. The speaker also mentions his third company, Allen, which he started without prior experience in software development or engineering. Despite knowing the problem and having product-market fit, he learned valuable lessons from this experience, which he now shares with aspiring business owners through his content and the School Games program.

    • Business mistakesLearning from mistakes is crucial for business success. Don't get distracted by superficial differences and underestimate the importance of having key team members on board with major decisions.

      Starting a business involves overcoming various challenges, and it's essential to learn from mistakes rather than repeating them. One common mistake is getting distracted by superficial differences, such as the appearance or background of potential partners or customers. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way with a persistent woman in a red dress who kept appearing in different forms, leading him to waste time and resources. Another mistake was underestimating the importance of having key team members on board with major business decisions. In the case of the speaker, his wife and business partner disagreed with his plan to expand, and her opposition, despite her being an experienced operator, ultimately led to missed opportunities for growth. The software industry, in particular, is competitive, and it's crucial to focus on unique aspects of the business that provide a competitive advantage rather than engaging in a costly features war with competitors. Overall, the key to success lies in recognizing and learning from mistakes, staying focused on the core business, and having a strong team on board.

    • Documenting business experiencesFailing to document valuable lessons from business experiences can lead to repeating past mistakes and not surpassing previous achievements.

      Documenting business experiences, whether through content creation or personal reflection, is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs. It allows for the capture of valuable lessons from successes and mistakes, and can serve as a source of content for building a personal brand. The entrepreneur who fails to document these lessons risks repeating past mistakes and may not surpass their previous achievements. By talking about one's own business news and experiences, entrepreneurs can provide authentic and relatable content and continue to learn and grow. The entrepreneur who had a successful e-commerce business but failed to document their lessons learned was unable to replicate that success, while those who did continue to build upon their past experiences and surpass their previous achievements.

    • Focus and resourcesSuccess requires focus and adequate resources. Learning from past mistakes and repeating successful actions is crucial. Prioritize and say no to distractions to achieve success.

      Successful launches require careful planning, preparation, and execution. The speaker's most successful supplement launch for Prestige Labs was a result of having a well-trained team, thorough training, a phased approach, and adequate resources. This experience taught him the importance of learning from past mistakes and repeating successful actions. It also highlighted the importance of understanding the resources required to achieve success and the need to say no to distractions in order to focus on what truly matters. Steve Jobs famously emphasized the importance of focus by asking his team what they had said no to lately. The speaker's experience reinforces this idea, emphasizing that the focus is not just on what you choose to do, but also on what you choose to turn away from. Success takes time, effort, and resources, and learning to prioritize and focus is crucial for achieving it.

    • Documenting Lessons LearnedDocumenting business mistakes and successes publicly can help crystallize lessons, hold documenters accountable, and generate revenue. Understanding the difference between maker and manager time and maximizing both is essential for productivity. Sharing experiences and mistakes openly can lead to learning, growth, and building a community.

      Documenting business mistakes and successes publicly brings several benefits. First, it helps crystallize the lesson by providing context and making it relatable to similar situations in the future. Second, it holds the documenter accountable to the lessons they claim to have learned. Third, it can generate revenue by attracting customers who identify with the documenter's values and beliefs. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the difference between maker and manager time and maximizing both to be productive. He also highlighted the significance of documenting lessons learned as one of the most impactful things he's done in his career. By sharing experiences and mistakes openly, individuals can learn, grow, and build a community of like-minded individuals.

    • Multitasking in entrepreneurshipFocusing on multiple ventures or projects at once can hinder success. Entrepreneurs should fully commit to one venture and optimize life to support it, treating it as a single-player game with real stakes.

      Focusing on multiple ventures or projects at the same time can hinder success. Using the analogy of video games, trying to play two games at once is an impossible task, and entrepreneurs often fall into this trap. Instead, it's more effective to fully commit to one venture and optimize every aspect of life to support it. Successful businesspeople view their endeavors as a game with real stakes, and they prioritize their resources and energy accordingly. By treating business like a single-player game with no option for failure, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of winning.

    • Documenting experiencesDocumenting experiences, including successes and failures, can lead to personal and professional growth through increased income, improved communication skills, and valuable insights from future or imagined versions of yourself.

      Documenting your successes and failures is crucial for personal and professional growth. The speaker shares how he started documenting his experiences and noticed an increase in income and improvement in communication skills. He also emphasizes the importance of having a partner or guide who genuinely wants you to succeed. Furthermore, the speaker suggests that listening to your own advice can provide valuable insights and clarity in difficult situations. By documenting mistakes and seeking guidance from future or imagined versions of yourself, you can learn invaluable lessons and gain a fresh perspective. Overall, the act of documenting and reflecting on experiences can lead to growth, clarity, and better decision-making.

    • Patience in BusinessSuccessful business strategies should be allowed to run their course before making changes, as this saves time, resources, and allows for compounding growth and learning from past mistakes.

      Sometimes, the best approach in business is to let things run their course and resist the urge to constantly tinker or make changes, especially when the current model is working well. This not only saves time and resources, but also allows for compounding growth and learning from past mistakes. The speaker shares his personal experience of this, revealing that he only began documenting his mistakes and achieving significant wealth growth after experiencing major losses. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the "why" behind successful strategies to be able to replicate them and progress in business.

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    (13:25) How this helps with Content

    (17:39) Biggest Meta-Lesson

    (20:03)Document Everything Publicly

    (26:24) Bonus Q&A

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    (42:07) - Kill For Sport (#14)

    (44:47) - Track Data (#15)

    (49:23) - Never Blame Circumstances (#16)

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    (11:54) - Going above and beyond

    (16:41) - Empowering employees to fix mistakes

    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

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