
    Why you shouldn't worry about your kids screen time with Media Expert & Social Psychologist Sonia Livingstone- Ep.40

    enSeptember 08, 2020

    About this Episode

    Parents are made to worry with the abundance of screen time is bad, screen time is unhealthy and screen time should be limited to this and that amount per day....but it doesn't work into most of our digital focused family lives, work spaces and especially in this digital world and future.

    So listen to this mother and 30 years media, internet and child's rights expert that has written 20 books about these topics on how you can parent in this reality WHILE keeping your own values and your family's screen time use in harmony.


    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    • What type of digital parent are you?
    • Why there are strict guidelines for parents around the quantity of your kids screen time and why we are not using it correctly.
    • How to promote a joint-engagement in your family
    • What the research really says about your kids screen time use
    • How to identify when it's too much for your child
    • What to do about your teenagers overuse of their phones at home?  It's not what you might think....
    • A child's right in this digital world
    • Safety concerns & tips around your child's internet use
    • Screen time with relatives, in the car and in public spaces...
    • And Much More...


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    Recent Episodes from Citrus Love - Keeping Motherhood Inspired

    An athlete's mindset, overcoming fear and anxiety and how to parent a teen in a competitive sport with Rebecca Smith former gymnast and High Performance Coach - Ep.58

    An athlete's mindset, overcoming fear and anxiety and how to parent a teen in a competitive sport with Rebecca Smith former gymnast and High Performance Coach - Ep.58

    ''It's not a matter of motivating these kids, it's a matter of making them feel safe and then they can be free to succeed.'' Rebecca Smith


    How can you create consistency in your sport regardless of the pressure or anxiety that you might feel?  

    Rebecca Smith, a former gymnast, specializes in high performance sports psychology in coaching teens 10-18 years old as well as their parents to learn to overcome fear and anxiety to thrive and succeed in their sport.

    In this episode:

    - being a recovering perfectionist raising little gymnasts

    - why your brain wants to sabotage the body

    -the 4 pillars of training

    -legalizing failure and the wisdom of failure

    - visual, audio and kinesthetic learners

    - how to communicate with the coach

    - is there still a toxic culture in competitive sports? 

    - how your teen can learn to speak up

    - the DO'S and DON'T of parenting a teen in sports

    -how to lose in sports

    - And More!



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    Why some women are choosing to become single mothers by choice in Canada with Erin Collicutt - EP.57

    Why some women are choosing to become single mothers by choice in Canada with Erin Collicutt - EP.57
    Last episode we focused on why this movement of women are choosing to be single mothers, in this conversation we dive into why Erin, a single mother by choice of 1 son decided to embark on this alternative family path to single mamahood.

    In this episode we talk about:

    - what she thinks of dating and relationships

    -how she heard of women becoming single mothers by choice

    - the specifics of how she got pregnant and the process as well as other options for women

    - what are diblings and the pros and cons

    - Sperm donors 

    - her recommendations for the women thinking about it

    - ressources that may help you




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    For women who are considering becoming single mothers by choice with founder Jane Mattes - E.56

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    This conversation is releasing all of the pressure that you might have with 'finding' the right partner just in time to have a baby before your eggs run dry...sort of speaking.

    Things we talk about:
    - why some women are choosing to become single mothers by choice
    -why you will not be doing this alone
    - the 40 years evolution of the SMC organization and the type of women choosing this unconventional path to motherhood
    -what kids think about being raised in these alternative families
    - the role of fathers in these alternative families
    And More...



    Notes from this episode are HERE

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    Detox your mind & eliminate negative thoughts with EFT Tapping Technique with Practitioner Emma Ward - Ep.55

    Detox your mind & eliminate negative thoughts with EFT Tapping Technique with Practitioner Emma Ward - Ep.55

    This conversation will teach you the simple steps to having more energy and feeling better by putting an end to the thoughts that might be keeping you feeling less than what you deserve to be feeling.

    This single mama shares how this technique healed her from a painful divorce and has helped her clients and kids in schools to learn how to clean their mind starting at a young age and how you can do it too!

    In this conversation you'll learn:

    1- How to release the negative energy (or pain) in your mind.

    2- Then, how to reframe it with positive phrases. 


    Get the notes from this episode HERE


    Thank you for listening! 

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    How to break the cycle of bullying... the bully, the bullied child and the bystander with parenting expert Barbara Coloroso - EP. 54

    How to break the cycle of bullying... the bully, the bullied child and the bystander with parenting expert Barbara Coloroso - EP. 54

    ''Aim to be the brave-hearted individual.''  Barbara Coloroso


    44 years parenting expert, best selling author, mother, grandmother and educator Barbara Coloroso like back again on the podcast to help parents, mothers and educators on how to break the cycle of bullying from the kid (and sometimes adults) who bully, the targeted bullied child and what she calls the not-so-innocent-bystander watching it all happen.

    This conversation gets really specific so that you may learn and try her tried and tested and what I'm calling 'let's put an end to this bullying' tools.


    Some Things We Talk About:

    • The Circle of Bullying
    • Passive Supporters
    • Telling VS Tattling
    • How to raise a brave-hearted child
    • Mean vs. Kind ...and why being nice is not so nice
    • How do you start standing up for yourself against bullies
    • She explains the importance of not fighting back
    • How to stand strong and why it matters against bullying
    • Conflict Resolution
    • What to Do & What Not to Do as a parent
    • The 4 antidotes to Bullying
    • And Much More!


    Notes from this episode HERE

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    Giving mothers a voice & being a force for change with mothers without borders founder kathy headlee - EP. 53

    Giving mothers a voice & being a force for change with mothers without borders founder kathy headlee - EP. 53

    Do Good This Season...

    Love is The Only Thing That Works.  Kathy Headlee


    This conversation will open your hearts to the good, the possibilities and a mother's love that changed so many lives on the world over the last 31 years!


    Some things we talk about:

    • A mother's love
    • The power of your curiosity
    • It's okay to feel what you feel
    • Being caring individuals 
    • Raising global citizens
    • Expand your vision
    • Be that girl!
    • Being a stay at home mom
    • Making a difference
    • Condition Bias
    • And Much More...


    Get the BEST notes from this episode HERE

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    Thank you for listening! 

    See you next episode...


    The benefits of having negative emotions with psychologist & author Todd Kashdan - EP. 52

    The benefits of having negative emotions with psychologist & author Todd Kashdan - EP. 52

    ''Abandon the notion of labeling emotions as exclusively positive or negative and instead, target what is healthy or unhealthy in a situation.''  Excerpt from Todd's latest book 'The Upside of Your Dark Side'


    Psychologist & Researcher Todd Kashdan is saying is boldly how you can raise children to learn to embrace the spectrum of emotions the 'good' and the 'darker' ones and as adults.

    He's got a lot of stories to share that illustrates many examples of how we can better teach and guide our kids not to fear or avoid when necessary these negative emotions. 

    From parenting to adulting, if you don't enjoy negative emotions or dealing with people using negative emotions then listen to this conversation!


     Notes from this episode HERE

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    No one told me this... relationship advice from a 40 years married couples therapist on how you can have a lasting and loving relationship with almost no help from your spouse with Winifred Reilly - EP. 51

    ''Be curious about each other instead of furious about each other.''  Winifred Reilly

    She's been told that her way is unconventional yet she clearly states today that she is happily married to the same man for 40 years...although it wasn't that way in the beginning of their married life.

    Don't miss this conversation with a 40 years specialized couples therapist insights and advice for you.


    Some Things we talk about in this conversation:

    • How to know if you should leave or if you should stay?
    • What couples therapists really think about couples in therapy will shock you 
    • What to do when your partner isn't interested in going to therapy or changing anything in your relationship
    • How to stop complaining or arguing in your relationship
    • Myths of marriage
    • What needs to change in your relationship
    • How to handle being with a partner that's different from you
    • The 5 steps that a loving and lasting relationship
    • And much more!


    Click Here to access the notes about this episode 

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    How to get your kids to become brave learners at home and in life, homeschooling and more with julie bogart - EP.50

    How to get your kids to become brave learners at home and in life, homeschooling and more with julie bogart - EP.50

    '' The gift we can give ourselves is permission to experiment with education''  Julie Bogart

    After homeschooling her 5 kids for 17 years, Julie Bogart, author of 'the brave learner: finding everyday magic in homeschool, learning and life' shares specific examples and tips for us parents on how our kids can best learn to love learning at home.


    Things we talked about in this episode:

    • why she decided to homeschool her 5 kids
    • How children learn best 
    • 4 forces of enchantment learning
    • BHAG, what it is and how you and your child can benefit greatly from doing it
    • How education has changed parents, kids and schools
    • Her thoughts on teachers
    • Why she says that homeschooling your child is not that difficult, here's why
    • AND MORE...


    Click Here to access the ressources & notes about this episode 

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    How she did it, CEO of Baby Gourmet and mama Jennifer Carlson shares it all - EP. 49

    How she did it, CEO of Baby Gourmet and mama Jennifer Carlson shares it all - EP. 49

    ''I wanted to make recipes that moms wouldn't make themselves''

    ''Every baby deserves to eat delicious wholesome food''

    Jennifer Carlson, CEO & the creative mind behind Baby Gourmet Inc.


    Some things we talk about in this episode:

    • Raised as a creative and entrepreneurial child
    • When you're in a job that only pays the bills
    • How her mom group inspired her business idea
    • Finding her passion
    • The motivation to keep going while being a young mom
    • Finding Success
    • Having a vision, dreaming bigger 
    • Tips for mothers on feeding your babies baby purees
    • Some of her go-to easy baby purees recipes
    • Her cookbook
    • Life now with her kids and their eating habits
    • Giving back to mothers and infants
    • And more...!


    Notes about this episode HERE

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