
    Will easier access to gambling mean more gambling addiction? with Shane Kraus, PhD, and Lia Nower, JD, PhD

    enJuly 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Accessibility of Gambling and Potential RisksThe overturning of PAPSA law and smartphone access have expanded gambling opportunities, increasing the risk of problem gambling, especially for those with certain demographic, personality traits, and other factors. Treatment is available but access and stigma are barriers.

      The landscape of gambling has significantly changed in recent years, making it more accessible than ever before. The overturning of PAPSA law in 2018 allowed for the legalization of online sports wagering, and the ease of access through smartphones has expanded gambling opportunities for individuals. Gambling disorder, a behavioral addiction, is the only behavioral addiction recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Behavioral addictions differ from substance addictions as they involve compulsive behaviors rather than substance use. Researchers, such as Dr. Leah Nower and Dr. Shane Krause, are investigating the potential increase in problem gambling due to increased accessibility and the demographic, personality, and other factors that may put individuals at risk. Treatments are available, but barriers to access exist, and stigma plays a role. The increase in exposure to gambling, including sports betting ads and gambling in video games, also raises concerns for children.

    • Gambling and Substance Use Disorders: Similar Addictive BehaviorsGambling addiction, like substance use disorders, involves brain responses to cues and dopamine pathways, leading to significant impacts on individuals' lives. Increased gambling availability contributes to higher rates of problematic use.

      Gambling addiction shares similarities with substance use disorders, both being classified as addictive behaviors under DSM-5 TR. The brain responses to cues and the involvement of dopamine pathways are similar, making gambling an addictive behavior with profound impacts on individuals' lives. The increased availability of gambling opportunities leads to higher rates of problematic gambling, although the full impact may not be immediately apparent. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between gambling availability and problematic use.

    • Examining Risk Factors for Problem Gambling in the Expanding US MarketDemographic variables, personality traits, childhood trauma, intergenerational family modeling, trauma history, mental health issues, and online technology usage increase the risk for problem gambling. Effective screening methods and research on emerging adults are needed.

      The expansion of sports betting in the US, now in 38 states from 31 just a year ago, necessitates a closer look at the risk factors for problem gambling. These risks include demographic variables, personality traits, childhood trauma, and intergenerational family modeling. Trauma history, particularly in military personnel, is a strong risk factor. Gambling disorder often co-occurs with other addictive behaviors and mental health issues. The technology used for online gambling, which may be more popular among younger populations, requires attention to ensure safeguards against problem development. Effective screening methods for gambling disorder, such as 3-item screeners, are not widely used in primary care settings, and more research is needed on emerging adults and gambling.

    • Stigma Prevents Many from Seeking Help for Gambling AddictionStigma keeps individuals from disclosing gambling issues, leading to delayed help and potential suicide. VA pushes for standardized screening, cultural change, and free access to treatment.

      Despite effective screening tools like the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screener, the stigma surrounding gambling addiction prevents many individuals from disclosing their issues to medical and mental health providers. This results in a significant delay in seeking help, which can lead to profound issues, including suicide. The VA is making strides in standardizing gambling screening, but it's crucial to change the cultural attitude towards gambling addiction and provide free access to treatment in each state. The key is to train healthcare professionals to ask basic questions about gambling activities, which can lead to the identification of suicidal individuals and increase their investment in screening. The public's perception of gambling is currently in a "glamorized-stigmatized" stage, similar to how alcohol was viewed in the 1950s and cigarettes in the 1940s. By raising awareness and understanding the importance of screening for gambling addiction, we can save lives and reduce the hidden epidemic of this addiction.

    • Manage unwanted subscriptions and lower bills with Rocket MoneyRocket Money helps users save an average of $7.20 per year by managing unwanted subscriptions and monitoring spending. It's important to be aware of gambling disorder indicators and seek help if needed.

      Rocket Money is a personal finance app designed to help manage unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills. It's especially useful for those who have forgotten about subscriptions or are unsure of their monthly expenses. With over 3,000,000 users saving an average of $7.20 per year, Rocket Money simplifies financial management and cancels unwanted subscriptions at the touch of a button. However, it's essential to be aware of problematic gambling behaviors. Preoccupation, experiencing withdrawal, chasing losses, and losing jobs or relationships are indicators of gambling disorder. Treatment for gambling disorder is effective, with cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoeducation, and group therapies like Gamblers Anonymous being proven methods for recovery. It's crucial to remember that gambling addiction should not be stigmatized differently than other addictions. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling, seeking help is essential.

    • Gambling Addiction: Effective Treatment and PreventionEarly intervention, mindfulness-based relapse prevention, matching treatments to severity, identifying risk factors, and checking local resources are key to preventing and treating gambling addiction. Effective treatment options vary by state, with some offering free resources.

      Relapse is common in gambling addiction, but treatment is effective. Early intervention is crucial to prevent long-term consequences. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention and matching treatments to severity are important approaches. Identifying underlying risk factors is essential to prevent shifting addictions. Effective treatment varies by state, with some offering free resources for individuals and their families. For those unsure where to start, checking local resources and the National Center for Problem Gambling's website is recommended. New Jersey and Nevada are leading the way with robust free treatment programs.

    • Gambling Addiction: Prevention, Treatment, and EducationUniversal standard of free treatment for gambling addicts and their families, funding exists in gambling industry, address impact of loot boxes on young people, ensure certified counselors for treatment.

      States that legalize gambling should provide free treatment for individuals, their families, and spouses due to the devastating impact gambling can have on them. This is currently practiced in some states like Nevada, New Jersey, and California, but it should be a universal standard. The funding for these programs exists, as the gambling industry generates billions of dollars annually. Additionally, children and teens are increasingly exposed to gambling through video game loot boxes, which can lead to problematic behaviors in adulthood. It's crucial to have longitudinal research to understand the impact of loot boxes on young people. Lastly, it's essential to ensure that anyone receiving gambling treatment is working with certified counselors, as the field requires specific knowledge. Overall, addressing gambling addiction through prevention, treatment, and education is a moral responsibility for individuals and governments alike.

    • Issue of problem gambling among military veteransResearch shows veterans, with higher rates of trauma and mental health issues, are more susceptible to gambling problems. Allocating a portion of gambling revenue on military bases towards prevention, education, and treatment programs could help mitigate harms and protect veterans.

      There is a significant issue with problem gambling among military veterans, which is often linked to trauma and other mental health disorders. Research shows that veterans, who have higher rates of trauma and mental health issues, are more susceptible to developing gambling problems. The presence of gambling on military bases, which generates approximately $100, million annually, exacerbates the issue, as none of the revenue goes towards treatment or prevention. A policy change that could help mitigate harms and protect veterans from developing gambling disorders is allocating a portion of the revenue generated from gambling on military bases towards prevention, education, and treatment programs. This would go a long way in addressing the issue and ensuring that veterans receive the necessary support.

    • Federal regulation of gambling-related issues is lackingThe absence of federal regulations for gambling can leave individuals vulnerable to negative consequences of gambling disorders, including financial, emotional, and social harm. Research and prevention efforts are needed to address this issue.

      The lack of a federal presence in regulating and addressing gambling-related issues in the United States, despite the significant revenue generated from legalized gambling, is a cause for concern. The absence of uniform regulations, research funding, and prevention efforts leaves many individuals vulnerable to the negative consequences of gambling disorders. With the expansion of gambling, particularly sports betting, and the substantial revenue it generates, it is increasingly irresponsible not to invest in prevention and regulation. The long-term consequences of this neglect could be severe, as individuals with gambling disorders often go undiagnosed for years, leading to devastating consequences. The speakers emphasized the need for a federal agency or regulatory body to address these issues and prevent unnecessary suffering. They are currently conducting research on gambling trends, patterns, problematic play, and harm reduction strategies, as well as studying the genetic and ideological risk factors for gambling disorders among emerging adults.

    • Exploring new approaches to address gambling and substance use disordersResearchers investigate psychopharmacology, mindfulness-based relapse prevention, community-based work, and longitudinal studies to understand and treat gambling and substance use disorders, particularly in understudied populations and communities

      Researchers are exploring various approaches to address gambling and substance use disorders, particularly in understudied populations and communities. For instance, they are examining the effectiveness of psychopharmacology, such as VIVITROL or naltrexone, in treating co-occurring substance use and gambling. Additionally, mindfulness-based relapse prevention is being investigated for its potential in addressing gambling issues, including those with substance use. Researchers are also focusing on community-based work to understand barriers to care and increase access to services, especially for Spanish-speaking populations. Furthermore, longitudinal studies are being conducted to understand the prevalence and risk factors for sports betting, as this area has seen significant growth but lacks comprehensive research. Overall, these efforts aim to provide accurate data and effective interventions to help individuals and communities affected by gambling and substance use disorders.

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